The Spirit In Me

Chapter 42: Chapter 11. Dot’s memory (III)

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The vortex spun faster with each passing second as it grew at a rapid rate. The wind that emanated from it was suddenly felt throughout the building. "What's going on here? Did someone turn on the air conditioning?" Wondered one of the adults in confusion.

Suddenly, the children's screams grew louder.

Loud as children their age may be, the adults recognized that these were not playful shouts.

"What's that?!" shouted one of the adults as he saw the huge vortex of Energia at the beginning of the building raging. It knocked and broke everything in its path.

The noise it made was terrifying. The sound of the wood hits the surrounding concrete walls and iron pillars as they crash into pieces.

Games, books, chairs, tables, and everything that was around was destroyed in the winds of the green vortex.

The surprised voices quickly revealed that everyone in the building was paying attention to what was happening, but their tone made it clear that they were not ready to deal with the situation.

Suddenly, out of the debris, a large object flew towards them as it landed with a powerful thump, hitting the plastic chairs that were around. Confused, they looked apprehensively at it.

The large amount of blood on the floor revealed that it was one of the children who lost consciousness as a result of the blow.

A bloodcurdling scream from one of the mothers was heard when she recognized it.

The cries and screams deafened the internals of the building as the crowd of confused people tried to figure out how to act when the Energia vortex blocked the only exit from the hall to the outside.

In chaos and confusion, stressed parents flipped through lost children as each searched for their own in stress and panic.

Comat and Dot managed to escape just in time as Comat held Dot's hand and ran to their father with tears in his eyes.

Irem who trembled in his place, suddenly recognized them. He spread his arms around them as he's bending down. His look was startled and scared.

"Dad! We didn't mean to do that! Really!" cried Comat unable to hold back his tears.

His anxious gaze chilled every bone in Comat's body, who had never seen his father look at him with such eyes.

Eyes full of terror.

"Comat...!" he exclaimed in shock and disbelief. "What did you do?! What did you do?!?!" His father forcefully grabbed him by the shoulders as he shook him wildly. Looking deep into his eyes, not hiding the rage and fear that reigned inside of them.

"We were just playing with him!" Comat cried bitterly as he dealt with the pain from his father's powerful grip. "It was just a game!" he said with a trembling cry.

Loy's Energia grew even larger and spread almost to the adult's area in front of the building, with a diameter exceeding 20 meters.

"What could it be?!" one of the residents of the building thought in panic as he looked at the vortex. "Some humans don't have enough Energia to surround their entire body for a flash of a moment! So, what could create such a thing?!".

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Soon, everyone present in the building was pushed to the inner wall of it, the wall furthest away from the vortex. Objects were stilled tossed around them and in every direction.

Held by his father, Dot watched the vortex demolish everything around him as screams of horror froze his breathing.

With inquisitive and frightened eyes, he looked around.

Shell-shocked, he saw people and children crying as they hugged each other in enormous fear. One even screamed in panic until she lost consciousness.

There was chaos as people broke the windows of the hall and climbed over each other in order to escape first.

Suddenly, Dot recognized that he was crying too. The feelings of fear and terror filled him until they left no room for anything else besides them.

At the peak of the panic and with surprising suddenness, Loy's Energia vortex rapidly diminished, until within a few seconds, it disappeared completely.

In its center, Loy laid on his knees.

His eyes shone with such a strong green light that stood out even in the bright daylight.

Crouched on the floor, the stunned crowd stared at him and his glowing eyes in complete silence.

Dot looked at him as terror gripped his body, threatening to tear every piece of who he was.

But immediately, he remembered his father's phrase.

"You have to face your fears, and fight against them bravely."

With a heart full of hope and pride he looked at his father and brother. He looked and them as his admired look turned into consternation.

Frozen in place, they were terrified to the core.

He had never seen them like this before.

All the words he had been told up until then, about being brave, about facing your fears, were instantly erased in the face of the monster they watched together in pure terror.

This monster overcame the courage of his father, his brother and himself.

This monster, overcame everyone.

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