The Spirit In Me

Chapter 54: Chapter 13. The Eruption (V)

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Lin laid on her bed and thought about her life. About the case of the young man with the purple diamond stone in his chest. About her mom. About meeting Loy. Suddenly, she noticed that the bad feeling she felt disappeared.

"It disappeared after I talked to Loy.. Once again it has to do with Loy..." Lin said to herself. "We are in the same town. Everything here is close. Could it be...?" she asked herself as she sat on her bed, trying to concentrate on the sensations around her. She made an intense effort to focus. More and more as she held her breath from the struggle. Her pinkish Energia began to glow around her body.

She couldn't see much, mostly bits of dust floating in the dim fog of her imagination. Everything is so vague and dark. But suddenly, she was able to detect something.

Abruptly, she felt another sensation. A warm feeling. "It's him." She asserted to herself with closed eyes, struggling not to break focus as she thought she can feel him a few blocks away.

She tried to focus harder, as the tension felt like being suffocated underwater.

"One last push!" she shouted in her head as her mind began to tense up and the vision became clearer.

Just for a fraction of a second.

She grasped for air, breathing heavily as she tried to catch her breath. "It's not my imagination... I can feel him!" she exclaimed happily. "There's no way he'll believe me!" she said as she caught her head in surprise that quickly turned into anger. "It's always like this! It's always when I'm trying to prove it to him that it doesn't work! But, it doesn't matter. Even if he isn't aware of it. I know it's true. This feeling. It never happened with anyone else before. Not even with mom..." She understood with mixed feelings.


The next day, Loy got up to school. He threw the blanket over his bed quickly with a huge smile on his face and sprinted to put on his shoes.

"Good morning, mom!" He called out as he picked up some snacks that were on the table while trying to put the other shoe, skipping in place. Barely a minute passed, and he was already running out like a jet plane. His mother, Kali, looked at the spectacle with curious head scratching.

"Uncharacteristic excitement." she thought to herself with a surprised look, that shortly changed to a happy smile as she looked out the window in the direction he was running.

"Hey!" Loy exclaimed excitedly on the street outside Lin's house.

"Hey." Lin replied with a smile. "Did you wait for me here or did you just pass through here again?" she asked.

"I waited! A little...about half an hour..." he answered embarrassed.  

"It's a long time." Lin giggled.

"Yeah..." he said blushing, "Do you want to go to school together?" he asked with a big, enthusiastic smile.

"You should stop asking that. I thought it was obvious enough already." she said laughing.

"By foot?" he asked.

"So, on the shuttle?" she asked a rhetorically, "Let's save the trouble for now. I just woke up." she added cheerfully.

"You seem happier than usual." she said on their way.

"Yeah..." Loy replied timidly.

"Is it because of me?" she asked playfully. He instantly reddened.

"Probably...could be..." he answered scratching his head as he blushes.

"Your honesty is something I have yet to meet." Lin smiled. "I love it." she added.

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"Honestly huh?" The voice inside of him asked him, but Loy gracefully ignored him.

"Ah! I forgot to tell you! I told myself last night that this was the first thing I would tell you as soon as I saw you!" she shouted excited.

"What is it?" Loy asked in wonder.

"I noticed that after last night the sad feeling disappeared. It made me think, it must have something to do with you. So, I sat on the bed. I tried to remember your feeling, imagine you... and I succeeded! I was able to feel you from far away!” she shouted with immense excitement in her eyes.

"That's impossible." Loy laughed. "You can't feel people from a distance. And, even if somehow, you could feel the Energia of others from a distance. I already told you, I have no Energia. You have nothing to feel." Loy replied.

"I know.. and yet... I'm sure I did feel it!" she insisted with her hands on her hips.

"How do you know it's from me then?" Loy asked suspiciously. "Because... because once I thought about you and concentrated, I was able to feel the feeling I felt from you for the first time. That unique feeling..." Lin whispered nostalgically.

"But, you don't know exactly where I live, so how did you knew it was coming from me? Maybe you felt someone else? Besides, it's probably because you thought of me, that you imagined it," Loy replied, "maybe because the first time you thought you felt a certain sensation, your head remembers the same feeling, even if there was no feeling at all in the first place.” Loy said.

"But there was a feeling!" Lin quickly argued.

"You're the only one saying that." he laughed.

"I didn't imagine it…" she muttered hesitantly, "You, didn't you feel something too?" she asked with an expectant look.

Loy tensed. He didn't know how to answer that. He already swore to him that he wouldn't lie.

"No!" he quickly replied under pressure as Lin's gaze turned offended.

"Oh..." she whispered disappointed. "Then never mind...forget it..." she answered gloomily.

"Wait!" Loy cried stressed, "I didn't mean it that way!" he added quickly.

"I did feel something. I also felt a sensation that I had never felt before. But, it wasn't your Energia. It wasn't a feeling that told me where you were." Loy analyzed with a careful narrowing of his eyes. Lin looked at him with interest.

"I felt for a moment, like I could feel everything. All that exists.

It's hard for me to explain it... and it must sound strange to you... but, for a moment, I felt like I could see all of reality and what it contains. Everything that was and could be, in you.

For a moment I felt like I wasn't in class. That I am in an empty but complete space.

A different world, that despite everything that exists in it, it's only you and I.” Loy answered as he picked carefully his words.

"So you felt it too!" Lin jumped excitedly as she grabbed Loy's hand in front of him, looking closely into each other's eyes. Immediately, they both blushed as they looked away.

"It was very nice of you… what you said earlier..." she said as she blushed.

"Ah... yeah..." Loy replied as he rubbed his head in embarrassment.

 "Shall we go in?" Lin asked as she looked at the entrance gates to the school yard. Loy nodded as they stepped together inside.

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