The Starcraft System in the Far Future

Chapter 4: Chapter 4: Athena’s Decision

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After a period that was way too long for her comfort, Athena finally started hearing the voices from her teammates in the comms once again. Due to the lack of communications satellites and cell towers, squads sent on missions had to use radio to communicate with each other. She couldn’t contact the others previously due to distance. Now, that was no longer a problem. After all, they were still on the same radio frequency. 

“Corporal!” Athena greeted the others as she emerged from behind the vehicle. Despite not being the same person as the zealot soldier, Athena received all the memories of her predecessor. She knew exactly how the old Athena would act in a situation like this. “Corporal Huo!”

“Athena? You…you’re alive! You made it back!” 

Corporal Huo, the squad leader, was a veteran NCO Athena had served with for two years. He was a middle-aged man who had neither a wife nor any kids. He mostly kept his personal affairs a secret, but rumors between the squad said that he came from a wealthy family who hoped he could become a general or an admiral and bring pride to his family. After he failed to get into a military or naval academy, his family gave up on him and instead focused on his younger brother. The man later joined the Imperial Army as a volunteer for reasons Athena never found out about.

Athena didn't know if these rumors were authentic, but she did know unlike her former self, Corporal Huo had zero intention of sacrificing his life for the Imperial cause. Honestly, that was only fair enough. As of a few hours ago, neither did she. 

The old Athena wasn’t a fan of the corporal though. She still obeyed his every command because it was her duty, but she had no respect for him. 

“Yes sir. I was able to follow the protocols and find my way back here. My apologies for not being able to help with the mission.” She explained before glancing at the soldiers that returned. Some of them had the cover for their helmets down and Athena couldn’t see their faces, but she could still see the serial numbers engraved on their armors. “Michael? Ren?”

Each squad had 12 soldiers, including the corporal serving as the battlefield commander of the squad. Athena’s own squad was a full strength one as they embarked on the mission. Now two of the men were missing. Given the dangerousness of the mission, what happened to the two was obvious.

Corporal Huo shook his head behind the transparent helmet. “They didn't make it.”

Athena sighed. Michael and Ren were two soldiers in the squad who were the closest to Athena. Michael was the squad machine gunner and Ren was the sharpshooter. The three of them were perhaps the best soldiers in the entire squad. They have survived countless firefights through the years. 

Although…in that case, what were the odds both of them died in a single battle? And if things got so dangerous, then how did everyone else in the squad emerge unscathed? Even some of the fresh recruits who were much more likely to make a mistake in the heat of the firefight? It wasn’t like the local animals were specifically picking on certain troops, right?

Athena suddenly froze as her mind reached a terrifying possibility. Her eyes landed on the other members of the squad once again. This time, she was paying attention, and she quickly realized the hands of her comrades never strayed far from the safety and trigger of their rifles. The entire time, their rifles were distinctly aimed in her general direction. 

That might be reasonable when Athena first showed herself from behind the vehicle, but now that she had proved her identity, there was no reason for them to be concerned about an ally. 

As she was talking to the Corporal, three of the troops in her squad had advanced into a position such that they formed an L shape with the others. Athena knew this setup all too well. These men were cutting off her retreat. 

These soldiers, her own squad leader and comrades, wanted to kill her! The same people who she spent so much time getting back to wanted her dead! They have likely killed Michael and Ren as well. Why? Did they know she was controlling the zerg? No, that was impossible! But then…why? None of this made any sense! 

Athena snapped back to Corporal Huo, who had activated the second layer of face shield in his helmet. Now, instead of seeing his face, Athena could only see the reflection of her own. 

“What the hell is going on here?” She snapped, her fear quickly overcome by anger. What did she ever do to them? From the memories she received from the old Athena, she didn't get along too well with everyone, but it was nothing that could make them want to shoot her! If her teammates wanted her dead, the least they could do was tell her why! 

Corporal Huo paused there for a second before letting out a sigh and dropping his facade. 

“Sorry, kid. It’s nothing personal. You…you never should have waited for us. You should’ve returned to the base by yourself. That might have made things better for you.”

He didn't draw his weapon. Athena was standing in front of one of the Blackbuck-class MSVs. If he tried to shoot her, his bullet could hit the vehicle. It would be difficult to explain how a bullet hole ended up in a MSV while the only enemies the squad had on the planet were local predators. To save himself and his team some trouble, the Corporal preferred to let the three troops beside Athena to do the job. 

He gestured at one of the riflemen, Private Dubois. The private, with a cold scoff on his cheeks, raised his Defender automatic rifle and took aim at Athena’s side. Unlike the Corporal, Private Dubois didn't feel bad about what he was about to do. If anything, he was going to enjoy it. 

Ever since he was transferred to this unit before this mission, Athena had always been a thorn in his side. She would constantly lecture them about the importance of making sacrifices for the Imperium and for the Leviathan. She was infamous for reporting her comrades who were slacking off on their posts to their superiors, as she believed it was ridiculous for the defenders of the Imperium to not give their duty their fullest dedication. Private Dubois was among the many soldiers who hated her and soldiers like her, but Athena was one of the toughest fighters in the squad. She might be smaller than him, but she had the ferocity of a lioness. 

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There was little the Private could do. Until now.

Now, Athena was completely surrounded and exposed. She had no way out. Her melee skills were rendered meaningless with so many rifles aimed at her. Yes, she was a better shot than him, but so what? The moment she reached for her weapon was the moment she got blasted into pieces. She was a dead woman walking, and Dubois would happily make sure this was the end of the line for her.

“Don’t be such a prick in the next life…if there is a next life.” 

The private whispered into the comms. It has always been a habit of his to talk trash while in combat. It made battles a lot more entertaining for him. 

What the rifleman didn't know was that this would be the last mistake he would ever make. 

As she realized the full extent of the betrayal, for a second, Athena wasn’t too sure what she should do, so she did what she was getting used to doing whenever she ran into trouble. She opened the game screen and stopped time in the outside world. 

As she stared at the screen that displayed the game, Athena finally had as much time as she would like to think about the twist that she just witnessed and what in the world she could do.

“They…they wanted to shoot me. Why? Why?” Athena whispered. Despite the game, she was still the same college student who was randomly brought into this cruel world. She had the old Athena’s memories and instincts but not her cruelty and zeal. It was one thing going against the local predators who wanted to eat her alive. This time, she wasn’t the only one who was armed, and the rest of her squad completely had her outgunned. The understanding that one mistake could get her shot terrified the young woman to her guts.

“Why they want to kill you doesn’t matter, commander.” Nova said quietly. She was far more than just a consultant when it came to the game. She was aware of what was happening around Athena, which meant she could also provide guidance for Athena in the outside world. “They want you dead. There is only one way for you to make it out of this alive.”

“Maybe…maybe I can talk to them? Tell them I’m not who I used to be…” Athena’s voice trailed off. Even if she could miraculously convince her squad she was different, that would open her to a lot more issues. 

Her eyes landed on the 10 zerglings, 5 drones, and 1 queen in the game. She could call upon them to defend her, but she knew all too well how that would end. Zerg units weren’t known for taking down enemies with non-lethal methods. Even if they tried, all it would take was a breach in the power armor of the Imperials soldiers to lead to a painful death.

She might have just come into this world a few hours ago, but she knew every single one of these soldiers by name. She knew their looks. Their hobbies. Even their family backgrounds and their aspirations. Could she bring herself to kill them? The old Athena would happily dispose of these traitors, but the new Athena, the student from Earth who had never hurt anyone before, didn't know. 

“There is no need to feel sympathy for those men out there, commander. These people, for whatever reason, made the decision to take your life. If you don’t have the game and the units to protect you, then you will die here just like two of your comrades. Your families will never know what happened to you. They never let your comradery with them stop them, so why should you let it stop you?” 

Athena remained silent as she stared blankly at the screen displaying the game, and Nova continued. 

“Of course, commander. The final decision is yours. It will always be yours. If you choose to do nothing and allow them to kill you, then it will be done. But…is that what you want? Is it your plan to be taken to this marvelous new world so many years into the future, only to die so meaninglessly and at the hands of these traitors?” 

“Think of all your potential, commander. You have seen what the most basic zerg units are capable of. Think of all the things you can accomplish with more units from all three races unlocked. Think of all the changes you can bring to the Venya Imperium and the wider galaxy. All the injustices you can punish. All the people you can save. Is it really worth it to give all that up…for these traitors who have decided to turn on you without a second thought?”

Athena bit her lips. Nova was right. She didn't want to die here. She didn't want to die at all. She didn't go through all the process of understanding this new world and the starcraft game just so she could be executed here. 

These soldiers didn't care about her. While she was held back by the idea that they were all on the same team, these soldiers weren’t. Perhaps they were coerced. Perhaps they were lied to. Maybe they were even blackmailed. It didn't matter. For whatever reason they were doing this, they have made the decision to come for her life. 

They had families. They didn't deserve to die here. But did that mean she deserved to die here? Ultimately, they decided to come for her life, and there was no reason for her to feel guilty about defending herself with whatever it took. 

Private Dubois was right. Athena couldn’t reach her rifle before the others shot her first, but she had another weapon, one far more dangerous than the Defender-class automatic rifle. 

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