The Starcraft System in the Far Future

Chapter 8: Chapter 8: The Loyalist

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Morgo IV. Research Outpost Delta. Section C. 

Corporal Kendrick made his way down the corridor leading to the dining hall. The soldiers of the 432nd Company who encountered him immediately stopped and saluted with their backs straighter than ever. All of them did their best to conceal their fears and present themselves as the fearless and stoic warriors they were supposed to be, but only some were good at it. 

In the corporal’s eyes, most of these men were sorry excuses for soldiers of the Imperium, but what could he do? These men belonged to an average company in an average infantry division from an average Imperial planet. Many of them were unwilling conscripts who were here because the alternative was execution. 

Plus, it wasn’t really their fault that they were afraid of him. After all, he and the symbol on his uniform represented a deadly threat to every single person in this facility, from the lowest private to Captain Hanson himself. They were supposed to be intimidated. Hopefully, they were so intimidated that the idea of betraying the Imperium would never cross their mind. 

The Venya Imperium was a brutal regime that was also surprisingly meritocratic. On one hand, the Imperium was oppressive. Civilians were basically slaves to the Lords and Ladies who ruled the sectors they were in. When there were wars, the civilians would serve as soldiers and be marched to wars they never cared about. When there was peace, most people would be forced to work in factories or on farmlands and give their blood, sweat, and lives for their masters.

On the other hand, the Imperium offered influence, power, wealth, and respect alike for those who have proved themselves. As long as you have the power and the ambition, the sky is the limit. Many of the current Lords and Ladies in the Imperium started out as lower or middle classes and worked their way up. Whether they used brute force or deception or even economic warfare didn't matter. They lived while their enemies fell. That was the only thing the Imperium cared about. 

The Leviathan’s own son in law, Duke Killian, was the son of a pair of factory workers. He joined the Imperial Navy, had his talents noticed by the captain of the ship he was stationed in, and gradually worked his way up until he became the Lord of two sectors and the master of trillions. When one of the Leviathan’s daughters fell in love with him, no one mocked his background or his bloodline. 

He has proved his worth, and everyone gave him and his new wife their fullest blessings. Of course, the fact that he held command over two of the strongest battle fleets in the galaxy might be a contributing factor as well. 

In an environment where ambition was so encouraged, it should be no surprise that many Lords and Ladies have eyed the position of the Leviathan. As a result, it should be no surprise that the Leviathan had to hold the strongest force in the entire Imperium to keep his subjects in check. 

Apart from controlling five sectors and the associated forces, the Leviathan also had four branches that reported to him and him alone. Four branches that were the true foundation of his power. 

First, there was the Imperial Security Corps, with its officers commonly referred to as the Wolves. The Wolves were the overseers and executioners of the Leviathan. They were chosen from elite veterans who have shown unquestionable loyalty and indisputable skills alike. These candidates, after going through rigorous background checks, would be put through an additional training program for three years. 

After graduation, the Wolves would be deployed in small squads. Their tasks mainly revolved around purging the Imperial ranks of internal threats. Some squads were sent to hunt down deserters and rebels and brutally torture and execute them as an example. Other squads were stationed in military units across the Imperium as commissars who would keep an eye on the loyalty of the unit commanders. Finally, some squads were instructed to bodyguard key figures and ensure their loyalty and safety.

Corporal Kendrick and his squad of Wolves was given the last of the three duties. They were assigned to Doctor Payton with the orders of keeping him alive at all costs.

The second branch was Battlefleet Lions of Vindication. The Lions was perhaps the largest and most powerful armada in the Imperium, if not the entire galaxy. Built and funded with the full wealth of the Leviathan himself and the annual tributes from all his feudal lords, the Lions of Vindication had four division fleets, with each allegedly twice the size of an average Imperial battle fleet. Even without taking into consideration the hidden assets that it no doubt had, the Lions of Vindication could take on the warships of at least eight battle fleets at once. 

Apart from garrisoning the Leviathan’s capital sector and attacking the enemies of the Imperium on the personal orders of the Leviathan, the Lions of Vindication were also deployed to carry out extermination missions on treasonous Lords and Ladies. They were known for subjugating rogue Imperial battle fleets with a deadly combination of brutality and efficiency.

And then there was the Imperial Security Agency, the ISA. The ISA and the ISC had more similarities than just their names. Their duties often overlapped, with both tasked with terminating internal and external threats against the Venya Imperium and the Leviathan with any means necessary. Their difference mainly resided in how this objective was achieved.

The ISA had its own elite strike teams as enforcers, but it was mostly known for its vast network of spies embedded in every component of the Imperium. Anyone could be an informant of the ISA. A Lord’s servant. A Lady’s handmaiden. A beggar on the street. An owner of a shop. A sergeant in the Imperial Army. A bridge officer in the Imperial Navy. 

It was fitting that the ISA was also named as the Vipers. One could usually see the Wolves coming at them and try to do something. Whether something could be done is another matter. With the venomous Vipers, by the time the victims saw them coming, it was usually too late.

Finally, there was the Imperial Research Academy. As an academy, one might doubt how it could be considered as peer to the ruthless ISC, the efficient Battlefleet Lions of Vindication, and the covert ISA. However, a look at the numerous atrocities and scientific advancements the IRA was responsible for was enough to put these doubts to rest. The IRA frequently deployed their lab products as the academy’s enforcers. Given their tendency to harm as many friendly units as enemies, these enforcers were often shunned by Imperial commanders and allies. 

All four branches answered to the Leviathan and the Leviathan only. At the same time, they were constantly competing for funding and influence, with the grudges between the ISA and the ISC being the most serious. 

Ignoring the salutes of the troopers, Corporal Kendrick made his way into the cafeteria. Most of the officers in the Imperium found it insulting to sit and eat alongside their men. They instead preferred to sit with their fellow officers and enjoy wine and steaks in the comfort of their private lounges. Of course, if there were a few strippers or dances, things would just be perfect. 

Corporal Kendrick had no such entitled opinions. For one thing, there weren't the resources in this base for such enjoyment. Plus, he had been a member of the Imperial Army for nearly a decade before being chosen as a candidate for the Wolves. He was more used to being a soldier than an officer. 

He made his way up to the counter and picked up a plate. The cook, recognizing him, served him with a piece of delicious pork chop usually only reserved for sergeants and captains. Corporal Kendrick nodded at the smiling cook before finding a seat in the hallway. 

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As he started working on the pork chop, the corporal was listening to the various conversations going on all around him. He was still a Wolf, after all. Part of his obligation was keeping an eye on suspicious actions and conversations. 

As a veteran soldier, Kendrick knew most soldiers would feel more relaxed while eating in the loud dining hall with their peers. If they had things they would likely complain about or opinions they wanted to express, now was it. 

“When do you think we will get off this god-forsaken rock? I can’t wait to make another visit to the 34th Station. The girls there are the best quality! I mean…they’re not as cheap as the ones from 191st, but what else are we gonna spend our money on?”

“What do you think the scientist is working on? Yes…I know this is none of my business, but aren’t you even a little curious? Just look at all the specimens we deliver to his lab every day!”

“Who’s that on the cover? Vanessa Gray? Is she the actress in that movie about the Federation? What was it called? What? Oh she’s a porn star? Nevermind…”

“Who knows if Sasha will still be waiting for me when I get back? What if she ran away with my money? That’s what happened to my pal Daniel. When he got home after losing a leg, his wife was with their neighbor and spending his money! And what did they do after he confronted them? They beat him and tossed him out of his own house!”

Kendrick chuckled, all too familiar with these conversations. One thing many officers and generals oversaw was that Imperial soldiers were still human beings. They were people with their own emotions and feelings and problems. Then again, most of the generals knew this. They just considered these petty things to be beneath them. For these generals, ruthlessness was a compliment. Being cold-blooded was a noble traitor. 

Did he like this? Not at all, but he didn't have a say in this. Unless these generals and officers betrayed the Imperium, there was little he could do.

That was when he caught onto another conversation.

“If you ask me, that girl Athena is really out of luck. Deserter? Has the Captain ever seen her in fights? She’s one of the most stuck-up people I’ve ever seen! And she’s one of the people who volunteered for service! When was the last time you saw a girl who volunteered for front-line combat roles?”

“Well, there’s Adrianna from the 2nd Platoon. Daisy from the 3rd…wait no she was blown up a couple of months ago. Ok I get your point.”

“So why did Captain Hanson order her to be locked up? I mean…she lost her entire squad and still brought the specimens back. What more does he want?”

“Wait, Kyle…do you have a thing on her? Is that why you’re so pissed off about this?”


“Come on, we are all adults here. How many people have you killed? Five? Ten? Don’t act like you’re some teenager who has never seen a girl naked. Would you be so worried if it’s one of the guys locked up?”

“OK…maybe I think she’s hot, but we both know dating girls in our units is a bad idea. Some of these ladies are crazier than we are…anyways, I just don’t think it’s something she would do. Ah well…what do I know? Maybe Captain Hanson knows things we don’t.”

“Maybe. Either way, it’s best not to question the Captain…”

The pair of troopers shifted onto a different topic, but Corporal Kendrick found himself a little intrigued. The captain locking up someone who sounded like a loyal trooper for an unbelievable reason? Was it some type of power trip? Maybe the Captain wanted sexual favors from the female soldier?

The man sat there and thought about this for a few minutes. He knew corruption was common within the ranks. As a simple corporal of the Wolves, he had a lot more power than the common officers, but he still couldn’t do much in terms of systematic changes. All he could do was do his assigned duties and hope others who were in positions of change could do something. 

Still, if Captain Hanson really locked a female soldier up after her entire squad died during a mission just so he could get something from her, then he really crossed a line. He couldn’t change the system, but he was more than capable of challenging a single corrupt officer. 

It seemed like he had to pay both Captain Hanson and this trooper, Athena, a visit.

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