The Stargazing Witch & The Dungeon Planet

Chapter 13: Side Chapter Planet 3: Hostile Planet

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Side Chapter Planet 3: Hostile Planet

“I–m.. alive?”

My eyes tried to stay close, but fighting to see I eventually won.

What I saw could only be described as a disaster. Left alone in the crater of metal and mud, the only guess was that I crashed onto a planet. My uniform was only slightly ripped, thankfully they never skimped on the material for these. Still, it was open enough in certain areas that I could see the lack of damage to my body.

Scars lay where my wounds were and dried blood painted my skin.

I’m al–ive… I’m alive!

I patted my body, touching the scars and making sure they were real.

This sho–uldn’t be possible… The thoughts about how I survived were quickly pushed to the back of my mind for the time being. 

I had no doubt my survival wasn’t due to luck. Luck doesn’t make one's wounds magically healed. Someone must have done something, but for the time being, I needed to live.

Exhaustion still rang strong through my muscles.

“Er–hh, wait! M…y Soul P–age”. The vivid memory of everything leaving pulsed painfully. 

Name: Ceella Stella | Race: [Human] 
Level 0 | Awakened | Broken
Mana: 100%
Vocation: [None]

Soul Page itself was a mental conjuration of the user's Soul and how it appeared was up to an individual’s subconscious preference. It was quite common for people to visualise it as some sort of screen in front of them–due to most kids playing Full VR video games at least a couple of times–but personally, I never like seeing floating screens. One of the reasons I never got into interactive glasses or contacts. 

So for me, it always appeared in my mind as a dot-pointed list. However, I did learn the tick to consciously change it–this was usually done for the reverse, so people wouldn’t get distracted during high-tense activities. 

“My V...oca–tion’s gone…” As I spoke while looking at the Soul Page. The Soul Page morphed in my mind. 

Changing into a form I’d never seen before. Now I could perfectly ‘see’ a new list of Vocations to choose from.


“S..o few…” I tried to pull myself up into a sitting position off the floor. Resting against a bent plate of the engine. The tiredness tried dragging me down but I couldn’t collapse now. It wasn’t sorted in alphabet order like when I did it at the Access Terminal… Or looked anything like it.

There are only twenty… [Fire Mage] is still there, good.

After getting over the initial wave of shock, a thought blurted out. “I–s this th–e natural way?”

By law one wasn’t allowed to enter space until they possessed a Vocation and to get a Vocation it required one to visit an Access Terminal.

The Access Terminals, these locations existed across the planet and allowed anyone to choose their Vocation. What Vocation could they choose? Any! Besides the banned ones that were deemed unsafe for mostly good reasons. 

Choosing through an Access Terminal had nothing but benefits. You were giving the full selection of Vocation and provided a space to test any initial skills provided.

However, it was also the only way for any person on a planet to gain a Vocation.

Sixteen was the legal age when one could choose a Vocation but truly one could choose a Vocation when one achieved their Awakening. This naturally happened by at least age eight and had zero spectacle involved. Then after that one could choose their Vocation. Well that was what people used to do.  

Someone somewhere created a technology that surprised all individuals who didn’t possed a Vocation. This was then spread to every planet and a few large space centres preventing anyone from choosing a Vocation until the legal age was met. 

This was done for a wide variety of reasons. Most could be surmised as kids with superpowers were kind of dangerous. But the end result was as long as you were born on a planet, there was no possible way to unlock one’s Vocation until sixteen.

Honestly, I was too tired to look over all of them at the moment. [Fire Mage] was the fifth one down so I decided to read the ones above it first.

[Fated Vengeance]
Powerful feelings of hatred originating thanks to the harm done by another. Greats immense power to fulfil the user's desire. Enhances the user’s own feelings and drives them to complete their goal. However, once no feelings of revenge and vengeance is completed this Vocation will gradually weaken.

An individual whose passion is staring at the stars. By staring at them long enough they’ve gained power and guidance. Never be lost and continually rest underneath the night sky.

[Wilderness Explorer]
An individual who has trained to live in unclaimed lands far from civilization. Navigating through and avoiding danger with ease, finding opportunities around every corner.

[The Helpless]
What are you going to do? You're Helpless. One who has no way to survive by themself, grants skills that improve impressions from others. Enhances ‘good’ luck, and decreases the individual’s presence from ones that could mean you harm.

[Wildness Explore] the first sentence doesn’t sound like me but the second is probably what the skills focus on?

The descriptions found the Access Terminal Vocations were a lot more analytical. Those were clearly written by a person and designed to help people choose however, these descriptions were a lot vaguer.

[Fated Vengeance] Just by reading the description a dark fester of emotions began blooming. Thos–“e… bas–tar-ds!! AR–H!” The delay shook and realisation came crashing down all at once.

I–’ll .K.ILL those bastards. Thomas!!

“C-Lm do…n” Focus!!! I wanted to let this anger loose but I needed to survive first.

[Stargazer] sou–nds amazing… I sho-uld picked that long ago. There were thousands of Vocations to choose from so I only ever looked at the common and recommend options.

[The Helpless]??? What the hell even is that?

Done with the first four, I glanced over the descriptions of the other fifteen trying to come to a sort of conclusion. 

Why were they in that order? Was the order when I meet the requirements? Strongest to weakest? Something else? Strongest the weakest made the most sense but a few within my list [Gaia Mage] and [Healer] were much lower than I expected. Especially [Gaia Mage], my memory could’ve been incorrect but I thought it was a Vocation of one the heroes who conquered Metous.

Strongest to Weakest must be a factor. But there must be others… Arghh! Why couldn’t they have talked about this in Vocations & Dungeons History class?

“I–D nee..d to pick one no–w!” 

If my theory of ‘strongest’ to ‘weakest’ is even only partially right, then any in the top four should be good to pick.

For a moment picking [Fated Vengeance] seemed like the obvious choice. 

But deep within my heart screamed another. ‘Just let your passion empower…’ honestly couldn’t even remember my old quote. I will get out of this… with my power

“Ar-hgh, [Stargazer]”

Name: Ceella Stella | Race: [Human]
Level 0 | Awakened | Broken
Mana: 100%
Vocation: [Stargazer]
- [Fire (0)]
- [Gazing Upon The Stars]
- [Star Mapping]

Three skills!? Wait level 0 is possible for skills?!

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Certain skills had levels, these went up to ten starting from one. Each tier was hard to increase requiring skill, higher level and talent. Even more, was trying to increase it past tier V. But I’d never heard of a skill being level zero. 

There are no Magic Sub Skills for it either.

I tried funnelling the energy of fire through like I had done many times. Er–h  “P–ai..n.”

I could do it but would be more difficult, cost more and hurt when I tried.

[Star Mapping] and [Gazing Upon The Stars] both needed me to be under the sky to be useful. 

I had an intrinsic understanding of all my newly gained skills. Didn’t mean there was nothing new to learn but my current level of instinctual understanding was fine. 

Broken couldn’t mean anything good. I noticed it earlier but for the moment I had no way to ‘fix’ it or know what exactly was the damage.

Finally finding the strength to stand, I limped out of the wreckage. Only to discover a beauty that granted me endless amounts of fear.

Upon leaving the wreckage, as the light reflected onto me I had an understanding of where the stars were placed in the sky. Even though I wasn’t familiar with this section of space. I knew the skill could do more, need to find to test after I recovered. 

The sky was shades of blue, green and orange. The trees were drastically different shapes from anything I’d seen, flowers, mushrooms, everything about was so foreign. Too fantastically.

“I…m—oonn a Dungeo-plane–t.” My nerves fried themselves. I stumbled back a couple of metres. 

Oh no no no no no no no. 

Feeling the chance of survival suffocating away right before my hands was horrific. Tears began to fall as my uncontrollable emotions went wild. 

The situation couldn’t get worse.

“Arooaaaa, Arooaaaa.” Sniffing around the wreckage a new creature emerged into view.

What tt–thee fuck is that?!!!

If a scientist somehow combined a bear body with a stretched-out teeth-filled dolphin’s head, that would be close to what appeared. Its fur stood on end as it noticed me. 

It move slightly forward before I swear it smiled.

“Arhehe ARheh.” It laughed and then chased after me.

I used all the energy my body had left to run. But a few moments it already nearly reached me. In a vain attempt try to run by using [Quick Step] as a boost. But all that came from that was the realisation that death was approaching.

CANT DIE, I CANT DIE, I CANT DIE, CANT DIE, I CANT DIE, CANT DIE, CANT DIE, CANT DIE, DIE, DIE, DIE, DIE “DIE, DIE, DIE, NO!”  The hands of death only made me move faster but it wasn’t enough.

The beast swipes at my body sending me flying as blood pours from my back. Crashing on the grass further into the forest. My body wanted to stop but couldn’t. I stand up, with my hands and feet learning the pleasure of the piercing sharp grass. 

My sense of direction not failing me I turn to face the beast. Fear filled my existence, as the smiling creature open its mouth at its no longer running prey–ready to bite my head clean off. My life was nearing its end and I HATED that.


Harmful fire engulfed my arms as I sent a beam of it right into the beast's jaw as was only a brief moment from removing my head from my body.

“Arooaghhhhh!” It screamed in pain but clearly still alive.

Heavily breathing in and out, “Frmm haa, Frmm Haaa.” Trying to hold back the pain as I was unable to turn off [Fire].  

Mana: 47% 

I lost most of my mana with that, and now I’m dying from my own [Fire]... Hehe–“heehe–”

I unknowingly started to laugh. Everything was going to shit, in ways I never thought possible.

This needs to be all or nothing.

Blood trickled from the monster’s face, as it stuffed out the fire by smashing its face into the razor grass. It looked up with a new emotion within its eyes–rage.

Over half my mana into its face didn’t kill the beast and I wasn’t going to win in a race or endurance match. 

I needed to focus all my mana into a point, one attack to end it. Or it will be my death 

Letting my fear and anger control the pain. I visualise the easiest object to focus my fire into. A single arrow. Torturously dragging the fire off my right arm and pouring the majority of my strength into it. The crimson arrow was born. It hovered slightly to my left as the last dregs of my mana drained away keeping it steady. 

Stuck in a standoff, I made the first move. Punching forward, a bright fire from my arm flew towards it. Easily dodging but mistaking the source, it prepared to jump forward. My vision faded but I watched the direction creature’s body move to dodge and launch my true attack.

Howling in pain as the arrow launched straight through its squishy neck. The sizzling and popping of its blood were the only noises I could hear.

My survival continued for the briefest of moments, I needed to rest. I wanted to run and hide but I knew neither was possible in my body's current state. I used the remaining whispers of my strength to climb a nearby tree. Resting on its large mangled branches, with gaps in the leaves providing a glimpse of the starlight.

I didn’t know how to survive but I knew I wasn’t going to die. I wouldn’t let that happen.



Enjoying the show would be the incorrect term, as for the moment it didn’t care for the spectacle of this human’s life burning away. However, it was intrigued by how she would develop.

It had been too long since human life set foot on it’s surface after all. And some extra spice added to the chaos of its ecosystem might bring it some entertainment.

Six hundred years since the last illegal attempt to conquer and the last time alien intelligent life showed itself. Intelligent life did exist on Espoiramissa but it was few and far between. Usually just a few extremely strong monsters that slept the majority of their time. 

A rogue aircraft aimed directly for the planet, within the brief moment it entered its range–which far extended outside the planet's atmosphere–it knew there was only one life left onboard.

Willing the just leave it. An idea appeared, helping the human with its last lucky day. Controlling the crash landing of the craft and healing the female just to give it one chance. No help would ever come again for free, no life would go out of its way to support her, and the likelihood of humans coming back to save her was zero.

(“ Ceella Stella let’s see how long you last ”)

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