The Stargazing Witch & The Dungeon Planet

Chapter 15: Chapter 6: Family Bonding

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Chapter 6: Family Bonding

“You three have fun today!” Mother said her goodbyes as she left the house. It was 8 am in the morning and she had work to do.

“Enjoy yourself as well,” I waved her off. “Slap any annoying bastards that come your way.”

“Hm Hm!” Mella agreed while stuffing her mouth with golden strawberry yoghurt.

Today was the start of Mella's birthday, I tried to keep what I heard to the back of my mind for now at least. I didn’t want any hostile feelings to ruin this moment. Maybe after a day or three, I’ll tell the two idiots to shut up and how big of a mistake it was supporting those filth.

Whoever is in charge of Dominous Hood’s PR team, they are now on the TBEB List for corrupting my cute little siblings!

Mother took the week off work after tomorrow, and Tyell had fewer shifts next, so the four of us can spend time together again. I can ruin people's moods after we reconnect.

I hadn’t done much since yesterday. Mom brought me new clothes–that I chose. Currently wearing some blue jeans and a purple long-sleeve shirt with some matching gloves.

For shoes, I’ve been wearing thongs if I had to, but I’ve been going barefoot when I could. Five years without proper shoes–I did make some basic ones–made my feet feel stiff in my old shoes.

I received a bank account with decent donations provided by the government. My old account had stealthily vanished after being declared dead. This one basically had the same amount so it wasn’t a loss, but I could’ve had a massive net positive if it didn’t vanish. 

Besides that, I did one more relevant thing. I contacted Beatrice.
“Hi, Beatrice. Long time no see!... Ah, fuck I have no idea how I was supposed to start this…

I’m alive… somehow… Just got home, using my mom’s phone right now. Should be getting my licences and account in a max of a month's time.

You don’t need to reply right away… I have a lot going on myself at the moment. But if you can, reply if your alive… please…”"

Short but it was the best I could do for the moment. Once my life is sorted–which should hopefully happen by next fortnight–I could have a proper discussion… If she’s alive.

The day began and no time for sorrow! It's my sister’s b-day!

“Mum’s working so it will just be the three of us,” sister grabbed her backpack off the couch–containing snacks and drinks–, “So we just need to have even more fun! To make up for the loss of a person.”

She wore a blue hoody with a dark blue phoenix on the front and white baggy tracksuit pants.

Tyell walked into the lounge room from the staircase, “Yeah, yeah. Whatever you say, birthday girl.” He chuckled. Wearing black jeans and a matching jumper–Mella definitely forced him to wear that.

“Okay.” Mella reached the door before turning around a full 180, raising her fist into the air, “First stop, morning ice cream!”


“This taste different…” I mentioned after taking a few bites from crystal chocolate ice cream.

“They haven’t changed the flavour in over twenty years Ceella…” Tyell offhandedly replied.

“But it’s so different.”

“Did you burn off your taste buds in space?” Mella asked.


“...Just saying, I’m beating on whoever the winner is.”

“This is a no-betting arcade,” Tyell said.

“Come on sis your playing too!” while Mella pulled my hand.

“...I haven’t touched VR in five years…”

“Oh right… but don’t worry! You will be a natural, all those muscle memories will come back in an instant.”

“...Good luck Ceella, I’ll try to go easy” Tyell smugly said.

“Okay… That’s IT!” I ran to a machine, pulling out my temporary access card. “I’m putting both of you in your place!”

“Why me!” Mella yelled.

“Cause, I’m a kind, just and fair elder sister,” I returned a closed-eyed smile, before entering the both.


“Good job Tyell, Mella your really good at this.”

“It's a two vs one, and somehow we are barreling winning…”

“What can I say,” I shrugged. “My reaction speed has improved.”

“...Yeah, just your reaction speed.” Tyell sighed.
“That’s so cool!” Mella yelled.

Ice cream, VR arcade, tennis–where I had to hold back quite a bit–and now finally bowling. It had been a busy day so far. Good thing everyone seemly is having fun.

“And strikeeeeeee!” Mella bowled. As the ball flew down the alley it took a hard turn straight into the far left pin, creating a perfect symmetry.

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“Nooooo…” Mella collapsed onto her knees, “My moment of truth…”

“...I have a great idea Mella.” Tyell prepared his great advice, “Don’t choose activities your shit at for your birthday.”

“Hrm!” Mella’s face scrunched up, “You're supposed to say practice! Or better luck next time!” 

“Sorry but I’m a little bit more realistic than you.” 

I laughed, Mella really hasn’t changed much.

“Hey sis! Stop being on the sidelines and help me.”

“Okay, okay.” I decided to try and help, “How about this, maybe the problem is that you’re low on fuel.”

Mella's internal light bulb flashed, “Genius! I’m going get something.” Running to the venue’s food area she briefly paused, “Do you guys want anything?”

“Sure, but I don’t care what.” I replied.

“Get a group meal, so chips and a couple of drinks would be the easiest.” said Tyell.

“O–kay!” And there she went.

“Well, let’s finish our turns before she gets back,” Tyell stood up, walking to and picking up a different ball again.

“Course,” I replied.

However, now that Tyell and I were alone together, I took the opportunity to do a little prodding.

As Tyell ball rocketed down the alley, I call out “You should just cancel all your shifts Tyell.” The ball smashes into all ten pins, “So we can hang out, while I have the time.”

He turned around, rolling his eyes before ignoring contact “Great idea sis, but someone does need to work.”

Flicking his shoulders as I go for my bowl,  “Let me deal with the bills, with my ‘sorry we made a mistake’ money.”

“...That’s yours… Don’t use it on others.”  

… Okay then, I still need to push him further.

“I got the chippies!”

But before I could Mella came back, ah too fast Melly. I guessed this was fine, I didn’t want bad feelings to be prevalent today.

“Smells good,” Tyell said.

“Thanks Melly, I send some money later.” I stood up and threw a couple of hot chips into my mouth. The potato felt in weird in my mouth. 

“Don’t worry it’s my birthday!”

“Exactly… That’s why I should pay for it.”

“My birthday, my rules, and my turn to bowl. Come on babyyy! Strike time!” Mella said before dashing and grabbing her ball on the way.

“What’s the bet it is going straight into the gutter,” I asked my brother, just out of audible range of Mella.

“Oh, a hundred percent.”

“Come on!” Mella cry for help was heard by no one, as she dragged herself back for her second attempt.

I wanted to cheer her on but she was making it really hard. We spent another hour in the bowling alley.

Winning by a small margin was Tyell. I had a few crap attempts, to begin with, but back into the groove of things. While Mella was behind me by a margin so large that a staff member ask if she wanted the bumpers up while playing.

“Okay that’s everything planned off the list,” Mella said as she interacted with her phone in a slight depression. “Want to do some archery later, they opened up a new sports arena for ranged activities.”

“... No thanks.” I replied. “Think we’ve done enough sports today.”

“Tyell how about you?” Mella asked.

“I’m going straight to bed once we get back home, got an early shift tomorrow.”

“I’m taking that as a no.” Mella shook her head, “Okay then let’s hang around the lake until four.”

Hours later we now sat ourselves on a bench in the park near the lake. Tyell had been kicked off by Mella, saying she wanted sister time. Which he didn’t mind, Mella wanted him to come back after she got her Vocation but Tyell needed to start sleeping at 6 pm–so he went straight home. So now it was just us two, and Mella's appointment to get her Vocation was in an hour.

“Everything good Mella?”

Mella had her eyes closed and was leaning back in the chair resting. She opened one eye “...I should be asking you that.”

“Why’s that birthday girl?” 

“I…know not everything been easy for you…” She looked up, probably waiting for some signal if I wanted her to stop. I stayed silent, letting her continue. “You haven’t talked about your time missing… I saw the scares when you had a shower… And everything about you… is a little different…!”

“But, I need to say this,” Mella rolled over towards me, embracing me in another hug. “Thank you for returning,” Mella hugged tighter and tears began falling “This has the best present I’ve ever gotten.”

“Hmmm,” I smiled, “you sure cry a lot more than I remembered.”

“I guess I have enough for the both of us!” She shone a tear-covered smile.

“...Thanks,” I tried wiping them away with my shirt. Then after we cleaned up we made our way to the next destination.

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