The Stargazing Witch & The Dungeon Planet

Chapter 18: Chapter 4: Reunion

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Chapter 4: Reunion

For the longest time I didn’t know how I survived. Luck? That was pushing it. My body was healed to the base level. Something my body didn’t have the capabilities to actively do. The ship didn’t crush me or exploded upon landing. No monster reached my body until I awoke.

A one-time save from an entity I never expected. Never to be helped again… For free anyway.

I won’t go back…

My mind would often recall the events that led up to my predicament and all the events that happened after. My memory had been weirdly good during my time on the planet, easier to remember the painful times I speculated. Later I learned one remembers events surrounding level-ups extremely easily.

I already said goodbye to the crew earlier and was currently being transported to the nearby land-to-space spaceport. It was closed today but there were many exceptions to that rule. I had many things to do. Get a hunting licence. Get a phone, internet and all the other essential licences.

Reunite with friends, getting into contact with work friends first. Contacting Beatrice… Attempt Rosa and Bernard–just in unlikely case either made it out. Then old homeworld friends.

But before all that. Family. I needed to see them.

I had no idea how they would react. The authorities probably didn’t inform them of my arrival but spoke in stupid gibberish about how it was required for them to be here. Do they want my parents to die of shock!?

Tyell might understand though. He was always interested in hearing about stupid stuff relating to my work and outer space. But he could’ve stopped. I didn’t know.

Walking through the empty hallway, two guards followed a decent distance behind. My only company in my lifeless port.

Finally, I reached the door which led to the lobby entrance.

I stood there for one minute. Frightened, nervous and excited.

*Breath in*, “fewwwoooohaaaaaaa.” I pushed the open button.

Entering the large quiet open lobby, three familiar faces waited. Surprise and shock simultaneously appeared across their faces. 

For ten seconds the world felt frozen. Thankfully time began to move again, and tears followed soon after by all three.

Mother appeared more aged, not physically, but the atmosphere she emitted felt more exhausted

Mella had surpassed mother in height by a good couple of centimetres. Looking a little more mature than her younger self, but still possessed that semblances of childness. Hopefully, no one made fun of her for that. Otherwise, I needed to organise a visit.

Tyell was a millimetre shorter than Mella. Possessing mother’s black hair and dad's golden eyes. Truly he became a handsome boy. Hopefully, he didn’t have too much trouble with his love life.

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I… didn’t know what to do. Beating like an active super volcano my heart was about to break out of my chest but still, I couldn’t move…

Mother slowly walked towards me, hands covering her mouth. Before stopping close enough to touch my face.

“M–y little girl had another growth spurt,” tears engulfed her face as it dyed red and waterfalls formed, “You look so much more like your father.” I did grow a little taller, now 1.86 metres–I couldn’t tell her most of that was from the last year.

Mella wobbled forward, hesitating, “Sister!” Before going into full spring jumping into my arms. I swung her around twice and embraced her in my arms.

Soon I let go, followed by pinching her cheeks, “These haven’t changed much” I laughed.

“S–Sis..ter! You-R! Ba–ck! You’re really back!” 

“I…am.” I returned a sorrowful happy smile.

“Don–t LEAVE–...EVER AGAIN!!!” Mella yelled.

Tyell slowly walked up soon after, before tilting his head down. “Ella… I missed you… So much…” It was hard for him to speak as his words got lodged in his throat. But I just brought him closer for a hug. His hands constantly tried to wipe the water away.

“Missed you too. Missed all of you. More than I can ever say.”

I brought mother and Mella back in and enjoyed the moment. Staying together for ten minutes surrounded by silent tears.

Their warmth, this feeling, I missed it so much! Life was finally getting better!


Still I was ignoring the obvious missing elephant in the room.

“Mum… Where’s dad?”

Unable to speak for a brief couple of seconds, her lips shaking. “...No longer among any of us dear.”

*Shatter* the sound of my heart breaking echoed throughout my body.

…Why after everything I been through…

No tears fell from my face as I stood there silently cracking further apart.

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