The Stargazing Witch & The Dungeon Planet

Chapter 6: Prologue: Beneath the Stars

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Prologue: Beneath the Stars

In the far corners of the Minate galaxy existed a planet that had long been designated off-limits. Living upon this dangerous exotic planet, were creatures and plants of all shapes and sizes, and one sole human.

Not there by any choice of her own. 

Trapped on the planet which resided in a low-populated area of an already low-populated galaxy. Rescue and more importantly survival seemed out of reach. Three emotions constantly swirling within her heart kept her going. An immense fear of death, a wishing for vengeance, and a strong desire to see her family again. 


Over two thousand years had passed since humanity survived a near-apocalyptic event.

With over 90% of the world population dying and the planet itself becoming their enemy, it was a fight many believed they wouldn’t win. Those forty-five years of suffering, hardship and eventually triumph. The ‘Lost Years’ of humanity. More commonly referred to as The Shift. Predicated by Albert Reed and Saachi Zero, the ReedZero Event was the day when the world was forever changed.

Newly discovered energies filled the universe. Along with new dangers, many of them risked the destruction of the human race. With monsters appearing and the planet itself slowly becoming their enemy, humanity was pushed to the brink.

However, there was still a small amount of hope though. Humanity gained new blessings. Awakening them to the power of manipulating their own mana and the use of Vocation to strengthen them and their soul.

Initially, only a few gained the blessing and became Awakeners. But now? Everyone had access. Less of a blessing and more a natural fact of the human race. Then with humanity's advancements, utilising mana, and powers gained from Vocations. People were able to rebuild and then explore further beyond the stars.

Colonising new planets, inventing new technology, and bringing about a new age of peace. Earth was nearly completely revitalised after destroying the hostile force encroaching on it and enough resources bloomed to support everyone. Now two thousand years later great changes had occurred. Technology advanced, expanding to new frontiers, and more than enough resources to support all of humanity. The last two thousand years had been mostly peaceful. Of course, it wasn’t all easy. Society structure changed as new leaders came and went; fear of the unknown was ever present; and the average citizen's strength greatly increased. Lots of work had to be done.

Still even with peace and an overabundant amount of resources for everyone. Some chose to walk the path of trouble. Danger exists. By their very nature, it's impossible to completely remove. From the simple act of tripping, to those who wish to cause harm. 

Hidden threats lie deep within the cracks of sight in the deep beyond of space.
The existence of Dungeons that bring about monsters.
People choosing to become criminals, most notoriously space pirates.  
Companies and individuals whose greed overtakes them.
Uprising tyrants who try to have others submit by force.

For the average person, it was very unlikely that they would run into any one of these dangers. But times change. Hidden ambitions and greed clashed. Becoming more disastrous after each confrontation.

Ceella Stella's life had changed during what seemed to be an ordinary transport job.

Caught in the crossfire, her workplace vessel got attacked. Due to her company secretly transporting a dangerous collection of items onboard unbeknownst to the majority of the crew.

On the verge of death. Her soul wounded. Stranded on a Dungeon Planet where all forms of life were her enemies.

Barely managing to survive for five years…


…The objects of my hatred changed many times while being trapped on Espoiramissa.

The company that had the ‘great!’ idea of secretly transporting dangerous goods without informing the crew. The bastards that attacked and destroyed the ship, and the one extra ugly stupid piece of shit who decided to stab me, destroying my biggest factor of survival just to test out his new little toy!!!

My very justifiable anger was directed at all those involved. The planet wasn’t exempt either, no matter how dangerously beautiful it was. The monster that swarmed me, the sky that laughed, even myself. I hated them all at least once. 

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However opinions do change, and I tried keeping my deep seeded anger for those that need it. I already had enough trouble surviving and didn’t need another near-death experience cause my anger took the reigns.

The morning sun had long begun to rise, lightening up the valley I currently was located in. The flowers hid back underground and rock pillars lit up. As the last changes between night and morning occurred, I nearly completed what I set out to do, while constantly checking the memorised sky in case something new would appear.

My normal routine for the last three years on Espoiramissa was very simple. Making small homes, moving around as monster habitats change, scavenging for food–I’ve long learnt which were editable through trial and error. I did do little bits of exploring new locals–trying to find safer locations–but I’ve not done it much recently. Some very dangerous creatures exist on this planet and the last thing one would want to happen was to encounter them unprepared.

For my normal routine, I hunted monsters–even when most were uneditable without proper treatment which I couldn’t provided. Long adapting to the ecosystem, I knew what I needed to kill to keep myself safer and not be overrun, and when to stop killing to ensure no unneeded chaos or conflict broke out. 

My eyes watched the stars burn colourfully bright, as a new object entered my view. Unnatural, manmade, something that shouldn’t have ever come this close.

“Looks like the information was correct," I watched as the foreign object a way out from the outer atmosphere. It seemed to be heading towards the surface near where I was located. 

“Better finish off these stalkers.” The last thing I needed was the craft to be scared off before landing. This was my one chance, and I couldn’t afford anything going wrong.

Arrows of sparkling purple light ploughed through the pathetic bipedal six-armed lion creature and its disgusting entourage of stitched-together corpses. 

Burn! I commanded as a wave of fire removed the foul stench-filled zombie army from my sight.

Wooden antlers and horns retracted back into my head as I looked down upon the calm magnificent open field of rainbow flowers and razor grass. Surround by the dense forest of red and blue-leaved trees, and right in the middle a shiny foggy orange river.

Why does it have to be so beautiful? I planned to do my best to never return.

Just out of sight. Hidden away or incinerated were the corpses of thousands of monsters. 

Haaaaaaaaaaa, finally time to rest.


(Sometime in the Near Distant Future)

“Objective A1 complete proceeding wit–”


“Unidentified hostile variable, requesting bac–arGH!” 

Cinder and ash rose into the air as the fire had englued the surroundings. Cries of pain and sorrow echoed throughout the hundreds of halls. As people tried running or laid dying. Standing in the middle of this mayhem, on the centre stage, a demon or a witch. Antlers of bone and wood, eyes of fury and strength of a monster. Bathed in fire, her rage directed at those who wronged her and created disaster.

Corpses of robbed figures and the innocent littered the floor. Too late to save, but early enough to get revenge. 

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