The Story of a Girl & a Goddess Whose Souls Became Interconnected

Chapter 4: Book One – Prologue One – Part Four – A Melancholy Beginning

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While Aluan was busy relieving his stress and Jamey was reading, the Lord, the mysterious figure that led this group of people, talked to the girl Aluan and Jamey had recovered. The Lord had on a full-body black robe with a plague doctor mask. On his hands, he wore black gloves with red-tipped fingers, which gripped the handle of a wooden cane. Bending down, he taunted the poor girl.  

He had her chained down and tied in a wheelchair in the middle of a white-tiled room. He menacingly walked in circles while speaking with a voice a jester would use when performing in front of a king.

“Finally, we have another sacrifice for the Coffin. I do wonder if you would be the one to survive. Hmm?” he said cryptic words and observed the girl’s reaction closely. Panic flooded her face, but she never made a sound. She tried her best to remember the events that led to this moment, but nothing. She couldn't remember anything.

“Ah, that’s right. When the mines went off, the heat produced by the explosion incinerated your vocal cords. I suppose that is for the best. If I had to hear another harlot shriek, well, let’s say it would not be good. Although if I wanted to heal you, I could do it as easily as breathing. However, I believe this way is better. Wait, did I already say that? Ah, that’s right. I had the Doctor heal both you and that other one, but I guess he didn’t fix your voice. Or maybe he did. I haven’t given you the chance to speak.  I guess that’s a good thing. Do you wish to thank me now? Anyway, how is your hand? It was just oozing blood when you were brought in. Well, I guess it was completely gone. But look! It’s as good as new.” 

“Hmm!” the girl shook her head and tried to break away from the chains, but it was futile. The Lord slowly shook his head in disappointment.

“Just so you know, those chains are something that I enchanted and made for myself,” the Lord raised his gloved hand to the sky, chanted something, and a black rocking chair appeared floating in the sky. He grabbed it, put it down, sat in it, and crossed his legs. The cane disappeared.  

He leaned in a bit further until the nose of his mask touched the girl’s face. After moving his head down, the mask's nose left a slight scratch on the girl’s face. Blood trickled down. He shuttered for a moment before leaning back in his chair.  

“Ah, the sight of fresh blood always relaxes and puts me in a good mood. Now, should I take the time to tell you about me? Of course, there is a high chance you aren’t going to be around much longer. Out of the thousand or so subjects, not a single one survived the Coffin. It really is that horrendous, you know?” the Lord raised his hand and snapped, causing a glass of water to appear. For a woman of the desert, the girl knew how hard and valuable clean water is.  

“You want this, yes? If you listen to me ramble on and on and stay quiet, perhaps I’ll give this to you. A last meal, you could consider it? Can you call a glass of water a meal?” he snapped his fingers again, and the cup of water floated high in the air.

“Now, where should I start? I suppose the question isn’t ‘where’ but ‘how.’ How should I start?  To be frank, if I ever allow you to speak again, you must call me Lord. I am the Lord that will guide this miserable planet and its inhabitants to salvation. Perhaps by leading, I may find someone who I consider to be an equal. Imagine having these godly powers that have no equal but knowing that you’re the first and only one of your kind. It’s sad. Pretty pathetic, huh?” the Lord’s voice started loud and confident but grew quieter and less composed.  

He stood up and raised both hands to the sky.  

“That is why I created this place! The Coffin is the device that will evaluate and test all those who enter. If you are worthy of being an equal, then perhaps we may have a future together. If you’re not worthy, well, I don’t really want to spoil it. Though if I’m being quite honest, even I don’t know how the Coffin functions.” 

From what the girl saw, this so-called ‘Lord’ wasn’t the sanest one around. His words and actions were a bit contradictory and exaggerated to the point where it was almost comical.

The girl sat there and listened to the Lord talk and preach. She tried to think of a way to escape and looked around the room for inspiration, but she only spotted while tile and nothing else. The girl took too long, and the Lord noticed that she wasn’t listening. The eyes on the mask turn from black to red as he exploded in anger.  

“I TOLD YOU TO LISTEN! ALL YOU HAD TO WAS LISTEN TO ME!” he re-summoned the glass of water and poured it on the floor in front of the girl. Then taking the cup, he slammed it in the side of her head, sending shards of glass raining down to the floor. It felt like the poor girl was hit with a wooden log. Her sight went blurry as she felt something sticking out the side of her head. The Lord took out a piece of glass that pierced her skin and showed it to her. Blood dripped down the shard, pooling into a crimson puddle that starkly stood out from the pure white floor.

“That’s what people get when they don’t listen to me. You really want to go in the Coffin, don’t you? Someone is using it, but between you and me,” he leaned in closer. “Their compatibility score is lower than yours.  Well, it should be if my feelings are accurate.  You may very well be the one I've been looking for.  However, I do concede that there is always a chance she can pull through and surprise me. Wait, have I even told you what the Coffin is about? I honestly can’t remember,” the Lord lifted his cane and scratched his head.  

“The Coffin will test you. That is all. Wait, but didn’t the Coffin do more? I really can’t remember. Anyway, have I told you about the Cof—” the Lord was on the verge of repeating himself for the third or fourth time when a knock at the door distracted him.

“It’s time,” the Lord spoke with a sinister voice as he walked behind the girl. He grabbed hold of the wheelchair and started pushing her towards the door. It slid open. Standing in front of the door was the same old man Jamey and Aluan gave their report to.  

He gave a salute to the Lord and spoke.  

“My Lord, Is this the new subject?” he pointed to the wheelchair-bounded and gagged girl.  

“Yes! I am quite hopeful about this one. Now, my good Captain Ahsu, please lead the way,” the Lord said. Ahsu saluted once more and led the Lord, along with the new subject, to the giant room where the Coffin was held.  

The actual walk through the various hallways and twists and turns was silent. The gagged girl was unable to speak. Neither the Lord nor Ahsu spoke at all. The three eventually came upon a towering black door that looked out of place among these white walls and floors.  

To the left and right stood identical devices that had two functions. The first was an eye scan, and the second was a DNA test. The Lord went over to a device on the left and pushed his head against the scanner. A red laser shot directly into the left eye of his mask. After a small amount of time, the red light turned green, and a small bell chimed out. Ahsu did the same on the right side. After a second bell chimed, a small portion of the wall underneath the device slid open and produced a funnel-like object, along with a needle. Both Ahsu and the Lord picked the needle up and pierced their hands, allowing crimson to drip down into the funnels. Another bell sounded, apparently signaling that the two had confirmed their identities.  

A low growling sound happened along with the ground rumbling as the massive iron doors slid open, revealing an enormous room with a  red Coffin standing right in the middle. It was gigantic, standing at least ten meters high. Countless tubes of countless colors were in the Coffin, like pins in a pincushion. Wires surrounded the colored pipes and occasionally gave off a spark of lighting, but in different colors. The red lightning looked like the sun's glow during an autumn evening, and the white lightning looked like a fluffy cloud.  The walls and ceilings of this room were the same white as before. The only color to be found was the terrifying object known as the Coffin.  

Ahsu adjusted his suit before walking through the threshold. He walked in and stopped. His back flat as a board, he gave off an intimidating aura of authority and pressure. After all, he was the second in command of this group of people, and only the Lord ranked above him.  

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Taking in a deep breath, he shouted.  

“Men and women! Stand at attention! Our Lord has graced us with his presence, and he brought along another subject! Salute him!” 

As if having their motions controlled by a single entity, all the scientists and workers immediately stopped what they were doing and saluted. For the girl, who was still in a daze from being struck, she watched this unfold with frightened eyes. Again, she tried to struggle and moved to break free of her restraints, but she didn’t have the strength. Though she may have been healed by the Doctor, the blood she lost was still gone.  

“Very good! Now get back to work!” Ahsu ordered.  

Unfortunately, since everyone turned and saluted, any vital tasks that may have been going on were ignored.

The moment Ahsu told them to get back to work, it was too late. Warning sounds and lights blared throughout the tremendously large room. The white walls glowed with an ominous red as many different people tried to get things under control, but it was too late.  

“Someone give me a report, right now!”

A frightened young man ran up to Ahsu and the Lord.  

“Sir, the oxygen levels in the Coffin dropped to dangerous levels, and we were in the process of fixing it when we were forced to salute you. Sir, I am deeply sorry for this mistake. Please forgive me,” the young scientist named Cale dropped to his knees and put his head to the ground.  

Ahsu told the boy to get up.  

“Now then, Cale, am I right?” the Lord reached out his cane and lightly tapped Cale on the shoulder.  

“Yes, my Lord?” Cale spoke with a frightened tone as he looked up. One of the unspoken rules in this place was that one must never anger or upset the Lord. But Cale believed that he just did so, and he was terrified of the punishment he would receive.

“I am fine with a subject dying. Believe me, the chances of finding the right person in this shit hole of a country are close to none. However, there is one thing I cannot tolerate above all else. How dare you blame me for this! It was your fault in the first place that allowed this to happen! Now, you must pay with your life! Oh, might I add that this is my favorite part?” the Lord spoke so fast that Ahsu and Cale were unable to properly understand him.  

“Sir, wha—” Cale tried to say something, but it was too late. The Lord took a step back and held his cane by his side. Then, in an unnoticeable instant, he thrusted his wooden walking stick towards Cale’s chest, causing his upper body to instantly burst into thousands of tiny meat chunks. However, to the people around, who didn’t make a noise, or a scene, this was a daily occurrence. If someone upset the Lord, then this was the price they had to pay.

“Hahaha! What a jolly good blood shower, wouldn’t you agree?” The Lord laughed as he twirled in a circle under the falling crimson.

“My Lord, what should we do with the current subject?” Ahsu, whose white hair and beard were now red, came up to his side and asked.  

“It depends. What state is her body in?” 

“It’s intact, sir. She died because she couldn’t breathe,” he explained.  

“Ah, very good. Take the failed subject to the Doctor and have her cleaned up. Once that is done, drop her off at Stress Relief. Some people do love a stiff body.” 

“Of course, sir,” Ahsu turned to face the room and shouted out an order. At once, two men wearing a white lab coat stained with red rushed up the giant Coffin. They first began to unhook various tubes and wires. After each one, a large panel filled with red lights slowly began to turn green.

After unhooking numerous tubes and wires, a robotic voice echoed a warning throughout the room as smoke filled the front of the Coffin. A small section in front slowly slid open to reveal a girl with tubes deep inside her body. Parts of her arms, chest, stomach, and legs were corrupted by black circles where the skin had died, leaving behind patches of rotting meat.

Her once sought-after ebony skin was nothing of its former self. It was now a sickly pale white, and flakes of skin dissolved to the touch as the two men lifted her onto a nearby stretcher. Her magnificent black hair disappeared, and a bald head was all that remained. At her healthiest, this woman weighed around 55 kilograms, now? She was barely above 20. Her time in the Coffin had been far from peaceful and blissful. Now she was nothing but an ugly corpse who would be unable to find peace, even in death.  

The two men strolled her body out of the room as the Lord and Ahsu walked closer to where two new men were waiting. Their only task was to prepare the new subject for the Coffin. Black robes and black shoes were their outfits of choice. After leaving the wheelchair behind, the Lord went to take a stroll around the room. It would be some time before the Coffin was properly reset to its default state and even longer for the new subject to be prepped for entry.

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