The Story of a Mad Spearman

Chapter 1: Chapter 0

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This is an experimental story, and not much thought was put into it. My only wish is to just write something, anything really. So do not expect something that is completely logical or has zero plot holes, because this story was made just to show what I believe human drive and madness can accomplish.

As the content warning already showed you, this story will have gore and strong language, mainly because of the protagonist. The gore will come from fights, and I will make those very graphic, and as realistic as a fantasy setting will allow. If you don't like graphic and nasty fights, then don't read this, there are plenty of good stories out there. If you decided to continue, I hope you will have a good time reading this.

Alurin. A world of magic and gods, where even the lowest insect can devour their way toward the top of the world. Power, fame, and glory could be acquired by any that had the luck and the drive to either conquer or unite the competition. 

In this world infested with magic, hopes, and schemes, a terrible evil slowly grew in its ocean. There was a random point, on the surface of the ocean, where all souls gravitated towards it for no apparent reason. All the grievances, hatred, and bitterness of the dead fused together and created an object that represented the hardships of the defeated.

The souls that were stomped, abandoned, betrayed, tortured, humiliated, and more, bleed until a phantasmagorical island was formed from their remains. That island after devouring souls for thousands of years, finally turned corporeal when the first divine soul, the soul of a god, entered its domain and was devoured.

As more magic entered the world, the more powerful mortals and gods alike could become. It reached a point where a god or transcendent mortal dying every year became the norm. In such a brutal and competitive world, the red island was found and it was called by two names. The Island of Riches, and the Island of the Deceased. 

The first name came from the fact that for each soul it devoured, the island would create items based on the things the original soul has seen before its death and the knowledge the soul had stored. The second name came from the most common enemy type you would encounter, that being the undead. A never seen type of enemy, that shocked the entire world. 

With the island quickly becoming the focal point of conflict, it became the symbol of the world. Various kingdoms and empires fought for the privilege of having it in their territory. And soon wars happened just for the localization of the island. This only made the world usher in a new age of conflict and bloodshed.

This new age, called the Age of Wrath by historians, lasted for 3451 years. New technology appeared, and with it, new forms of weapons were created. As the magic increased, the more mass the world accrued, and as such, more new and old resources were created. War increased and more souls were devoured. 

With the advent of the undead, the existence of souls was soon found by a scientist. As she discovered the real identity of the island and its purpose. She fought tooth and nail so that this information could be spread, and after a struggle that lasted decades, she finally managed to convince and spread the truth to the world. 

As many people discovered that they not only were fighting against the souls of comrades and family but also were being used as food for the island to nourish itself. Frightened, the strongest beings in the world forcefully blocked the island from the rest of the world, and they attempted to decrease the number of wars to nil.

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While many people were used to the rapid rhythm of battle after the scientist showed the painful process a recently deceased soul was forced to go through to become an undead, many people were unwilling to become mindless rotten, or decrypt walking corpses. And with a gloomy atmosphere, all the governments of the world united to tackle the issue.

After various sleepless nights of research and inhuman experiments, a way to block the influx of souls to the island and a way to use souls as energy were achieved. With the "good" news, the world celebrated for a few days, and bitter conflict once again resumed.

Ths island, deprived of its food for decades, entered into a berserker state and started to forcefully absorb the vitality of its surroundings. It took a few years for the world to notice what the now-named Cursed Island was doing.

The entire world, once again, engulfed in chaos, barely created crusades to destroy the island. And with this, a new beginning of a new age was born. But the Age of Desperation proved itself to be short-lived because everyone underestimated how many souls the island accumulated. All the eaten souls made up an army composed of millions of gods and transcendental mortals.

As suddenly as the Greatest War started, it suddenly ended. For every soldier that entered the island, a new pocket dimension was made. So an army composed of billions was completely separated, and then quickly eaten. New crusades were made, but each one was quickly destroyed by the divide-and-conquer tactics the Cursed Island used.

Stricken by pessimism, all people decided to abandon themselves and battle, so the rest of the ruined world lived their counted days away from the island, drowning their sorrows. A nameless spearman was among them, but different from them, he was always drowning his sorrows away, or rather in his own words, keeping his mind sane.

This nameless spearman noticed that the level of mana of the world was decreasing, and attributed this occurrence to the Cursed Island. It had the reputation of absorbing everyone and everything, so the island absorbing the mana of the world made sense. With most of the world in its stomach already, it had to search for another source of food. 

With this revelation, he was completely elated. So he started walking towards the island, carrying a bottle of neverending alcohol in one hand, and his trusty spear in the other. For he was the only that knew of an evil that plagued the world long before the Cursed Island, and he saw hope in knowing that one evil would kill the other.

Full of hope, and madness in the eyes of others, he forced his exhausted body to move towards the object of fear of the entire world.

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