The story of how a Cultivation Universe was Conquered by an Interstellar Weapons Platform

Chapter 57: Update on the Rewrite, Annocement for Beta chapters, and Patreon preview!

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Hey all! Its your Favorite Osa getting back to you with News about the upcoming Rewrite, like I promised!

I was planning on doing this at the end of the month, but a few of you have been chomping at the bit, so I thought a week early would be good.

This has the added benefit of Letting me tell you guys I'm looking for Beta Readers for the first 10 chapters of the Story! I'm taking any volunteers who are interested, though like last time, if there are to many, I might have to turn some down.

You'll get a Link to Google Drive with Commenting and Editing powers, allowing you and your fellow Beta Readers to give your input on things like Characters, plot and flow. Help shape the story before it even starts! All Beta Readers will get a Special tag in the Discord once its up and running (;;>.> No idea what I'm doing with that, still...).


As for news about the Rewrite, I've got good news and bad! (OH NOOOOOOO!)

Good news First. Its going Great! I've gotten about 40,000 words done so far, and a LOT more notes (seriously, my Notes document needs reorganizing. Send Help). Personally, I also feel like its a lot better quality, too.

Now the Bad news. I'm pushing release back to the end of March. QAQ OSA NOOOOO! Yep. This is partly to give those Beta Readers time to really pick the story apart, and partly because the beginning of the new Story is radically different than the old one. Its not totally being written from scratch, but enough is different that I ended up turning the first 9 chapters of the old story into its own Arc.

Don't you worry, this isn't one of those " 3 episodes and 40 fillers" things. There is plenty of action, thrills and excitement all the way to the end. I just feel Alpha left the Grassy Sea far to quickly before, and we never really got to explore to learn about it. Now we finally get the chance to not only see what Alpha can really do, but explore a part of the world I had major plans for, but never really got to use. 


Finally, since some of you were asking, I've got news about the Patreon tiers and Benefits. Keep in mind these are all rough drafts and subject to change. Both prices and Benefits are roughly based on my Subscribed novels, and suggestions from various people. Now that I have something to show, I thought It best to ask you, the readers, what you think about what's being offered and what you'd like to see changed. Feel Free to leave Suggestions! And tell me what you think!

FEF Recruit (AkA Fresh Meat)

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