The Story of Otherworld’s Conquest

Chapter 6: Chapter 2 -The Day in the Life of an Explorer- 1-3

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I heard some bizarre rattling noises.

Four silhouettes were illuminated by the light.

...This is dangerous.

I couldn’t handle four of them at once.

Thus, I decided to go back.

At that moment—

“—You’re lying...”

From the way I came from, I could hear the same noises.

The Araneas were approaching from both sides.

No way, even though the road is supposed to be empty!

Moreover, as far as I could confirm, there were five of them.

This is not good.

I’m going to die.

Why, just why did I decide to go this way?

The Araneas were encroaching.

What the hell am I supposed to do!?

What do I do, what do I do...?

It was impossible to expect the other explorers to come to my rescue.

No hero would save me, who was in a pinch. Such was the cruel reality.

Most of the time, heroes would only show up after the damage had already been done.

If so, the only way to get out of that sudden disastrous peril was to do it myself.

By doing nothing, I’d only be making it worse for myself.

There were 9 in total.

There was a group of four on one side, and a group of five on the other—but it didn’t matter.

Sooner or later, I’d have to deal with all of them.

What should I do?

Should I aim for the smaller group and escape when the opportunity arises?

But that won’t do.

There was no guarantee that there were only four of them. After all, some might be lurking in the shadow. If so, the other group—no, that also won’t do.

As I thought, I couldn’t keep track of the number of enemies.

All I could do was to take my chance.

There was no time to hesitate.

I shouldn’t waste even a second.

I suppressed all my hesitation. Regardless of how bad it seemed, I mustn’t falter.

Just as there was no certain future, it wasn’t certain that I’d die here.

As such, I gradually drew my blade and clasped it.

In the uneven cave, I fixed my stance.

I could hear the beating of my heart. To quell the tension, I took a deep breath.

Soon, my breathing grew calmer. I waited until I regained the sensation in my hands.

This is it...!

I started running.

I could see four of them in front of me. In turn, they also saw me.

Immediately, two of them sprang forward.

However, instead of running straight forward, I ducked and made a sharp turn to the left.

As a result, the two missed their attacks. Since I knew that they were aiming for me, evading them was an easy feat. I just didn’t expect that they’d leap at the same time.

Still, there’s no problem.

Furthermore, the two remaining Araneas began to ready themselves.

They were about to jump.

As if I’d let you...!

One of the two dribbled forward, and I proceeded to slam my sword into it, to no avail.

It was the other’s turn to pounce. In a hurry, I tried to evade it, but I couldn’t make it in time.


It was painful as hell, but I couldn’t even afford to scream.

I immediately turned around.

The other group of Araneas mercilessly started their onslaught. I was able to deflect some of them, but one managed to land a hit on my belly.

I was blown away and rolled on the hard ground.


I groaned in pain.

However, it seemed that I managed to incapacitate one. Because I had struck its legs, it couldn’t stand up.

Using my sword as a crutch, I stood up and turned to glare at the group of Araneas.

However, my field of vision was wavering. I was on the verge of losing my consciousness.

What do I do? I want to run away...

But I had to face the cruel reality—the reality that I was ruthlessly cornered by the enemy.

In addition to them, three new Araneas appeared.

Things are steadily getting worse...!

I started panicking. No, I was panicking. I didn’t know what to do.

Ignoring my plea, the Araneas began their onslaught once again. They lunged towards me. While I managed to avoid them, my clothes weren’t as fortunate.

I wanted to stand and fight, but my buckling feet betrayed me.

Why can’t I stand up against them?

At that moment, something inside me snapped.

Before I knew it, I had slashed one of them, which darted towards me at the time.

As it collapsed, green fluid scattered everywhere.

“I, I did it...!?”

It was actually a disgusting sight. I was grossed out. But that didn’t matter.

I tried using the opponent’s momentum to my advantage. The strain on my arm had increased—but that also didn’t matter.

The other two leaped towards me.

Take this—!”

I pierced through one of them, but the other one managed to connect its blow to my chest. I was thrown away.

I’m not done yet...!!!”

I wondered if it was because of the adrenaline surge.

My field of view was narrowed, while my body was hot.

Shortly after, the group of 5 Araneas leaped towards me.

Three of them were charging at me at the same time. Strangely, I wasn’t afraid in the slightest. While my situation was certainly not good, I felt that I could manage.

I couldn’t focus on just one. Instead, I had to focus on three at the same time.

The three harmoniously flew in line with each other.

I can do this—!

I brandished my sword sideway. Although I couldn’t slash through them, I managed to deal a critical blow on one of them. It immediately sprayed green fluid everywhere. As for the other two, they got slammed by the one I had cut down.


But I had overlooked the rest of the Araneas.

One after another, the Araneas crashed into my back. I was sent flying forward. Even when I was still floating mid-air, I was struck by an Aranea.

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They began to rain attacks on me—

—over and over and over.

My arms, my hips, my legs, my back—they were attacked one after another.

—Hurts, it hurts—!

I could see blood. Instead of green, it was red.

It was my blood.

Am I going to die, in such a place...?

At a beginner level? How pathetic I was. Even though various people could pass through the levels with ease. But instead, I died after being beaten mercilessly by some low-level monsters.

I was sure the person who’d find my body would laugh at me.

Even after I showed no signs of resisting, the Araneas continued to assail me.

Even when I tried to resist, I was struck before I could lift my sword.

Whenever I tried to stand up, the Araneas would strike me down.

There were three more.

Three new Araneas had emerged.

When I noticed it, there were already 8 of them.

Then, I was struck on the head. My field of vision shook.

It was at that time.

How to swing a sword. How to wield a sword—

—Suddenly, it was as if I had remembered how to properly use a sword.

“W, what is...?”

A flashback?

Or more like, a déjà vu?

Somehow, I felt certain that I had held a sword before. Even though that should be impossible.

I had no other choice.

I forced my worn-out body to stand.

...Everything hurts.

I straightened my posture and poured more strength into my stance. As I tightened my grasp around my sword, I looked straight ahead.

Soon, the Araneas charged towards me once again.

However, it was slow—painfully so.

Then, I slashed forward.

Unlike in the past, something had changed within me.

I unleashed a powerful strike towards the Aranea.

I couldn’t believe what I was seeing—

—the Aranea was cut in two.

From its severed torso, green fluid burst out.

Another Aranea tried to attack me, but I parried it. Unlike before, I didn’t get blown away.

Instead, I had managed to execute a perfect parry. My posture was unchanged the whole time.

I took it as an opportunity to cut the Aranea down.

“That’s four!”

It was as if I had become a veteran.

It was sort of distasteful, because I couldn’t confidently say that I could block the next few hits.

Still, I crouched down while delivering yet another blow.

Unexpectedly, it was a clean hit. I skewered an Aranea to the ground. Afterwards, I defeated the fifth, the sixth, and the seventh Aranea.

I was out of breath. My entire body hurt.

There should only be 5 left...

...But for some reason, they were increasing.

Not like it mattered.

Before I could gauge the situation, the new wave of Araneas rushed towards me.

However, I noticed that the one at the farthest back wasn’t quite in tune with the others.

Thus, I focused on that one, and swung my sword backwards. The momentum from my sword was enough to send it flying. But it didn’t cut through.

...I wonder why?

It went well a while ago.

Perhaps, it was because I concentrated all the strength on the tip of my sword. Then, I had to focus on that sensation.

“One more time!”

I attacked the fallen Aranea with all my might.

I swung my sword down with the intention of piercing through the Aranea.

My heart was noisy.

Although I managed to land a hit, it was but a shallow one. As a result, I failed to severe the Aranea in half.

“...Not quite right.”

Then, I swung my sword once again. This time, I focused the trajectory of the force applied to the sword into a single slash.

Don’t be too hasty. Also, do not stiffen your body.

With a calm breathing, I delivered a downward slash.

‘It’s akin to gently holding the delicate palm of a baby. Concentrate on this feeling.’


How do I know all this...?

I didn’t know. I didn’t know why I suddenly knew a lot about swordsmanship. For some reason, I started to feel nostalgic.

Instead of technique. Instead of resolve. Instead of desperation.

My hands deftly moved based on memories. It was as if I had done something like this every day for a long time.

My back hurt.

The Aranea had hit me again. As I got distracted by the impact on my back, another blow came from my side.

However, I managed to deflect the attack. Unfortunately, while I was able to hit the Aranea, it still had the strength to get up.

I was scared.

Does this monster know fear?

Why would it stand up again?

Despite witnessing how I’d massacred its kin, why does it still attack me?

The monster’s relentless attacks slowly but surely drained my strength.

My people were struggling to stay alive. My people witnessed their kin being ruthlessly massacred by the monsters, as well. Therefore, regardless of the fear, they chose to stand up against them.

To us fledglings, the Araneas were described as a bunch of small fries. As such, they became the prime target for beginners.

But the truth wasn’t so.

They were magnificent creatures that were trying their best to live in the present and adapt to the world.

Therefore, regardless of the fear, the creatures put their lives on the line.

I concentrated.

My strength flowed into the tip of my sword.

Inside my chest, the feeling of respect was born. I began to admire the life that was now coming towards me with all its might.

Thus, I responded with my entire heart and soul—

—then, I saw the light.



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