The Story Of The Banished Side After Banishing The Party. The Party Was Weakened, But We Aim To Be The Best In The World

Chapter 28: 28

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Chapter 28: Athena (Part 2)


TL: Scaramochi




[Athena's POV]


"Hey Athena, how long does it take you to defeat just one of them!" 


"How many times have I told you, Frey? You need to be more cooperative!" 


As is customary by now, Frey and I were arguing over what to do and what not to do. 


Dale and Mirialia also take a break in a stunned manner, saying, "Not again......" as soon as our quarrel starts. 


A month had passed since the absence of the enchant magic, and I had been able to correct the discrepancy in my image a little. 


However, I am not getting stronger just because my body is getting used to it. 


My ability has dropped dramatically from the time of the enchanted magic, and moreover, I wasn't far behind Frey. 


After all, Frey is a great person. After competing with her for the past month, I realize once again that she's great. 


Attack power, speed, and defense. There is no way I can match her in any of them. 


Her attacks are rough, but she is so strong that I can manage to push her around. 


My evasion ability is also lower than before, but my defense is so high that I don't mind being hit by bullets. 


It was all I could do just to keep up with Frey. 


Perhaps Est also had this feeling of inferiority toward me. 


It was only when I was in the position of chasing her that I became aware of his feelings. 


But that can be a good thing. I have nothing more to lose. All I have to do is look up. 


By gamely following Frey's fight, I could feel myself growing more and more. 


I have never compromised on getting stronger, but there has never been a situation where I had a high wall right in front of me and I was chasing after it desperately. 


That muddiness accelerated my rate of growth. 


Well, I still can't beat the Frey's though. 


But to be honest, I wanted Frey to grow as well. 


She doesn't understand that her body is the best material and wants only to fight. 


It's a shame, because she could have become stronger if she had honed her skills. 


However, I was feeling regretful because nothing I said, which was weaker than her, would resonate in her heart. 


That's when it happened. 


Dale, who had always been watching over us, suddenly proposed a match to Frey. 


A tag-team time attack between Frey and I and Dale and Mirialia. 


I thought it sounded a little interesting, but I hurried to stop him when Frey offered the bet. 


As the leader of the party, I didn't want to disrupt the circle any further. 


But Dale got on board, and the match went ahead. 


I didn't want to do it, but once the game started, it was a different story. 


Since I was going to do it, I was going to do my best to win. 


First of all, Frey and I were able to set a pretty good time. 


I thought that Dale and the others wouldn't be able to beat us, but they kicked me out of my naive mindset. 


It was a moment. 


Mirialia dealt a heavy blow to the enemy with her wide-range magic, and Dale took care of the rest of the weakened monsters. 


It was a perfect battle, with the warrior and the mage working in tandem. 


The two didn't do much. 


It was just a "normal" fight. 


I had been competing with Frey so much recently that I had forgotten how to fight normally. 


The match was a complete loss for us. 


But Frey, as expected, wasn't satisfied. To her, Dale offered Frey a one-on-one match. 


And not with swords, but with fighting, which is Frey's forte. 


Even Dale thought it was too much to ask. 


All three of us must have thought so, except for Dale.


But that expectation was overturned, and Dale defeated Frey. 


Frey, who had suffered a crushing defeat, admitted defeat with tears of regret. 


To be honest, I was surprised. I thought Dale was hiding his power, but I never imagined he was this strong. 


In any case, thanks to Dale, Frey became somewhat more mature. 


I praised myself for being so glad that I had forcefully brought Dale into the party at that time. 


That day, the labyrinthine attack would be closed because of Dale's suggestion. 


Frey took Mirialia to the labyrinth. I accompanied Dale to town to buy supplies. 


There was a lot to buy and I quickly tire of what I am not used to. 


Until now, Est had done it for me without my knowledge, so I didn't realize how hard it was. 


I reflect deeply on how much I really depended on Est. 


While I was taking a break, I saw Est in the distance. 


Est was with two beastmen girls and they were having a great time. 


I was relieved to see him. 


I must thank the two beastmen girls. They saved Est's heart, and I felt a little stuck in my chest. 


After that, for some reason, Dale took me to a clothing store. 


Things went on like that, and I was turned into a dress-up doll by the female clerk. 


Then, Dale showed me the clothes that suited me best. 


I was kind of irresistibly embarrassed....... 


I had never worn these girly clothes before, so I wasn't used to seeing myself in them. 


But Dale complimented me on how good they looked on me and asked me to buy a whole set more. 


I refused, saying I didn't want them, but the female clerk pushed me into buying them. 


I thanked Dale and went back to the party house with the outfit. 


Frey, whom I bumped into, gave me a belly laugh, and Mirialia hugged me and wouldn't leave me. 


I was a little interested in the girly clothes, but I decided not to wear them. 


The next day, when we dove into the labyrinth, Frey was unusually quiet. 


However, I was annoyed by her refraining from coming into my sight. 


"What am I supposed to do!" Frey was ranting, and Dale made a suggestion. 


Frey and Dale suggested that they would fight alone against the blue ogre. 


The blue ogre is one of the top monsters in the intermediate level labyrinth. I don't know if I can beat it now. I warned him that it was dangerous for the two of them to fight alone, but Dale said it would be fine, so I let them do it. 


Dale was right, just the two of them could overpower that blue ogre.


It was Dale, not Frey, who should be surprised. 


It was clear to see from the back. Dale had destroyed every one of the blue ogre's moves ahead of him. That's why it looked like Frey was beating him all by himself. 


Then Dale's class opened. 


It seems easy enough to listen to, but it's apparent that it's an advanced fighting technique. 


After all, this man was no ordinary man. 


The next day, Dale had some business to attend to, so the three of us went to the labyrinth alone. 


At that time, I couldn't understand why Dale asked Mirialia to take care of the party. 


I was the leader of the party, so why was he asking Mirialia to take care of the party? 


Well, I may be unreliable these days, but it makes sense to leave it to me as a formality. 


I'm...... childishly jealous of her, which is out of character. 


We entered the labyrinth and were fighting monsters, conscious of yesterday's battle with Dale.


We don't do well, but still Frey and I keep trying. Sometimes we exchanged ideas, and sometimes magic with Mirialia. 


Somehow, I think it's going well. 


At last, the party was united, and just when I thought we could aim higher from now on. 


Then disaster befell us. 


"Help me!" 


An adventurer comes running from the end of the passageway, screaming. 


He said, "A demon god has appeared. A demon god had appeared." 


Demon gods. 


I have only heard the name, but I've only heard that they are terrifying monsters created by the labyrinth. 


The reason for their creation had never been explained, but he knew that a single demon god was powerful enough to destroy a city. 


And adventurers who were able to identify the demons had to report to the guild at all costs. 


We ran with the adventurers toward the exit. 


But they caught up with us just a few steps behind. 


We had never seen a demon god before, and the mere sight of him was enough to make our entire bodies flush with fearful magical power. 


We made the decision to let the adventurers go ahead and buy ourselves some time. 


But my body was so overcome with fear that I couldn't move. 


If we fought, we would die. Reason and instinct refused to fight. 


While I was too frightened to do anything, Mirialia was alone to deal with the demons. 


Mirialia was pushing the demon god with a series of powerful magic moves that I had never seen before. 


You are reading story The Story Of The Banished Side After Banishing The Party. The Party Was Weakened, But We Aim To Be The Best In The World at

"I can do it! We can win with this!" 


She checks the damage to the demon god and holds out hope, but it is instantly replaced by despair. 


The damaged body was instantly regenerated and Mirialia was burned to a crisp. 




Is she dead......? Is Mirialia dead? 




While I was upset, Frey angrily jumped into the demon god. 


Frey's onslaught hits the demon god. However, it was by no means damaging. 


The demon god strikes her, and she is blown away. 


But she went up against the demon god again and again. 


(Why...... are you able to fight ...... why are you not afraid to die?)


I am afraid. I am afraid of dying. 


I was so afraid of the demons that I was standing there, even though Frey was fighting alone. 


Then Frey comes kicking in front of me. 


As she tries to get up, I try to help her, but she slaps my hand away. 


"What a coward chicken, you're still standing there like a blabbermouth. If you're not going to do anything, get the hell out of here. You're an eyesore." 


"Frey, I...... I too......." 


-- I want to fight. 


That one word wasn't followed by another. 


I am afraid. 


The horrifying magic overflowing from the demon god, the incomprehensible expressions, words, and actions, and the powerful force. 


The fear of being killed, the fear of having one of my friends killed. 


The chains of fear were wrapped around my body and wouldn't let go. 


I am at a loss for words, and Frey spits out a mouthful of blood and says, "Don't think you're the only one who's afraid. Even the damn elf fought hard to protect us. I don't want to lose to him, so I'll fight him to the death. Then, what are you fighting for?" 


"What I'm fighting for......?" 


While I was searching for a reason, Frey stood up and tried to move forward on unsteady legs. 


As she looked at the demon god, she said to me, scared and weak. 


"The Athena woman I knew wasn't some boring girl who couldn't move a bull." 




Thank you, Frey. 


I seem to have forgotten the most important thing. 


The reason I fight. It's... 


"I will become the best adventurer in the world!" 


To fulfill my dream of becoming the world's greatest adventurer. 


To do that, I cannot die in a place like this. 










With a yell from the depths of my stomach, I shook off my fear, thawed my frozen heart, and broke the chains that bound me. 


With the same momentum, I start running furiously toward the demon god. 


Forgive me, Frey. 


I was a fool. I was a fool. 


If you don't mind me being this weak, let me fight with you! 


I slit the wrist of the demon god who tried to put the finishing touches on Frey. 


My sword, which had tamed his fear, reached him. 


"Damn chicken, you finally woke up!" 


"I'm sorry, and thank you. Thanks to Frey, I was able to get back on my feet." 


"Oh, really? But what are you going to do? You can't beat him anyway." 


"I don't think I can't win. I don't think I can't beat him, but I can't handle him by myself either. So, Frey, after you get some rest, lend me a hand." 


"Ha...... our leader is a rough one. "


Oh, yes. 


I'm a terrible leader. I'm a coward who can't move her body when her friends are hurt. 


But I won't run anymore. Even if I die, I will defeat the demon god and save them. 


I attacked the demon god. 


The demon god's attack was crappy, but not that fast. 


But with my defense, even a single blow would be fatal. 


I ducked. I was just trying to avoid, avoid, avoid, avoid, avoid. 


At this point, my concentration was at its maximum. 


"It won't hit me, it won't hit me, mama?" 




I don't think about anything. 


I only concentrated on avoiding the attack and hitting the attack. 


I thought only of killing the demon god. 


And then, Frey, who had recovered, joined in. 


Up until now, Frey and I would have clashed with each other because we were out of breath. 


But now, it was as if we were one and the same, as if we could grasp each other's thoughts. 


We are not conscious of it. 


All I and Frey could think about was defeating the demon. 


But, without a doubt, this was the best cooperation we could have had. 


I can do this, I'm going to push through! 


I thought so when I saw the bloody demon god, but suddenly the atmosphere of the demon god changed completely. 


Frey defended me and was hit by the demon god's advanced magic. 


I immediately get up and jump at the demon god. 


But the demon god is much faster than before, and my slash is avoided, punched in the stomach, and strangled. 




I'm in pain, I'm in pain. I can't breathe. 


I desperately tried to resist to escape this agony, but I couldn't resist because I didn't have the strength. 


"Ahahaha! Suffer, suffer! Die, die!" 


The hand strangling my neck gradually became stronger. 


(You're going to die.......)


I didn't want to die. I didn't want to end up in this place. 


Finally, the party was going in the right direction. 


It was just the beginning. 




As my consciousness faded, for some reason, Dale's face suddenly came to mind. 




I am not killed, and the demon god is screaming. 


Puzzled, I saw a familiar face in front of me. 




"You did your best, Athena. Leave the rest to me." 


It was Dale who saved me. 


Why...... why are you here......? 


In my confusion, Dale gently lowered me to the ground in his arms and patted my head. 


"I'll be done soon. Just give me a minute." 


He tells me. 


Can he win this alone? Doesn't he have any other friends? He was up against a demon god, after all. 


These questions came to mind, but they were soon blown away. 


Because Dale's face was appealing to me to be at ease. 


That's why I said, "Oh, I'll be waiting." 


Dale turns on his heel and looks at the demon god with sharp eyes. 


The moment he brushes back his shaggy hair and removes his bracelet, an enormous torrent of magical power begins to rage. 


The amount of magic power was overwhelming the magical power of the demon god. 


But that magic power was a very warm magic power, unlike that of the demigods. 


"Ah...... Dale, it was you after all." 


At that moment, I realized. 


That cool young man who saved me from the monsters that attacked the village. 


It was Dale.


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