The Strongest Player Who Descended From the Wilderness

Chapter 1031: 1031: Lunar Rabbit with Red Thread

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As soon as the prompt sound of the system ended, Ye Chen immediately looked at the lunar rabbit who had successfully recognized the master by dripping blood, and said:

"Now, swear to Dadao and be loyal to me forever."

Lunar Rabbit is a prehistoric animal and an immortal cultivation base. If Ye Chen simply allows Lunar Rabbit to recognize the Lord, instead of letting her swear in the name of Daoyin, Lunar Rabbit wants to leave Ye Chen and will no longer hold Ye Chen. As a master, it is very easy.

Naturally, Ye Chen, who was reborn, could not have known this.

And Ye Chen asked the Lunar Rabbit to swear to the Dao, just to restrict Lunar Rabbit and get out of his control.

To be more precise, no matter how good what Lunar Rabbit said just now, and if he shows no hostility towards Ye Chen, Ye Chen would not believe Lunar Rabbit 100%.

Because Lunar Rabbit just recognized the Lord, and because she is the rabbit of Lunar Star.

Her identity is destined, and there is an inseparable connection between her, Xihe and Chang Xi.

Of course, the most important thing is that the demon emperor Jun of the prehistoric world will marry Chang Xi in six thousand years.

Once the demon emperor Junzhen really marries Chang Xi, will Lunar Rabbit betray Ye Chen because of Chang Xi, and then tell Chang Xi all the information of Ye Chen, and then through Chang Xi’s mouth. Di Jun, no one can be sure.

Ye Chen didn't want to leave such a disaster because of carelessness.

It’s no wonder that Ye Chen is so cautious. You know, there are strong people in the prehistoric world, and Ye Chen is now awesome, but after flying into the predominant, he is not so powerful, and can abuse Ye Chen a lot of time. .

Therefore, before Ye Chen has completely risen, he must do everything he can to avoid future troubles.

Of course, Ye Chen's approach is also related to the fact that Ye Chen has too many good things on his body now.

Innate Lingbao, a bunch of innate treasures, and a small world formed by the seeds of the world tree, the most powerful jade seal of the country, the most powerful imperial edict, and so on.

It can be said that Ye Chen is now a mobile treasure house, and Lian Hongjun, Sanqing, Western Second Sage, Demon Emperor Jun, and Eastern Emperor Taiyi will all be jealous.

Ye Chen didn't want to be remembered by this group of people after he soared.

Of course, this is not to say that Ye Chen is timid and fearful.

If Ye Chen was timid, he wouldn't accept it after hearing the mythical historical plot about facing Hongjun, Yangmei Daxian, Yuanshi, Luohuo and others.

Therefore, Ye Chen was not afraid of anything, and had the courage to break through the sky.

The reason why Ye Chen is so cautious is also because Ye Chen is bold but not arrogant, and knows how to judge the situation.

As soon as Ye Chen's words fell, the Lunar Rabbit who had just recognized the Lord was taken aback.

But she didn't expect that after acknowledging the master Ye Chen, she would swear to Dadao and be loyal to Ye Chen forever.

After returning to God, Lunar Rabbit smiled bitterly, then looked up to the sky, raised three fingers, and then shouted loudly:

"I, Lunar Rabbit, swear to the Dao Dao, always loyal to my master, Ye Chen, always follow him, and never betray. If you break this oath, your soul will die!"

As soon as the words of the Lunar Rabbit landed, the fierce thunder that shook the heavens and the earth instantly sounded.


After dozens of thunders sounded one after another, Ye Chen chuckled a few times, then looked at the Lunar Rabbit and said:

"Don't blame me, I also want to be on the safe side. After all, you are a Lunar Rabbit. If Chang Xi marries Dijun, at that time, how would you choose? I can't judge."

Although the cultivation base of the Lunar Rabbit is not as good as the Sky Dog, it is also an upright god, an upright prehistoric beast, for Ye Chen, who will soon rise to the prehistoric world, is a powerful subordinate.

Ye Chen didn't want to let the Lunar Rabbit. There was something in his heart. Even if Lunar Rabbit had already sworn to the Dadao, there would be no "betraying Ye Chen, or the Yin and Yang violation". Ye Chen did not want to see such a thing. Happening.

It is precisely for this reason that Ye Chen will directly explain the reason to the Lunar Rabbit after the Lunar Rabbit swears.

As soon as Ye Chen's words fell, Lunar Rabbit was taken aback, then looked at Ye Chen, and asked in astonishment:

"Master, you probably haven't been to the prehistoric world, how do you know that Di Jun is going to marry Sister Chang Xi?"

"Dijun was born on the Sun Star, and Chang Xi was born on the Lunar Star. One yin and one yang coincides with the principle of the great path, so Dijun will definitely marry Chang Xi. This is good for his status and the future. "Ye Chen smiled slightly after hearing Lunar Rabbit's question, and then said.

Ye Chen knew that Emperor Jun would marry Chang Xi. Actually, it was not the "reason" Ye Chen told Lunar Rabbit at this moment, but because that was the fact, or that this was the fate of Ye Chen's former World Demon Emperor Jun.

But Ye Chen couldn't tell Lunar Rabbit about this "truth".

Even if Lunar Rabbit has recognized Ye Chen as its master, and swears to Dadao to be loyal to Ye Chen forever, this is the same.

After all, Ye Chen's rebirth is Ye Chen's greatest secret, and he can't tell it at all. Otherwise, as long as Ye Chen ascends to the prehistoric world, he will directly confront the heavenly realm of the prehistoric world.

Ye Chen didn't want to see such a situation happen.

When Lunar Rabbit heard Ye Chen's explanation, he was taken aback again, and then he smiled and said:

"Master, Sister Chang Xi can't see God Jun, even Xi and Sister are like this."

"How do you say?" Ye Chen couldn't help being stunned when he heard this, then looked at the Lunar Rabbit in surprise and asked.

In Ye Chen's previous life, Chang Xi did indeed marry Di Jun. Ye Chen knew this very well.

The most important thing is that Ye Chen also saw the whole process with his own eyes. At that time, Chang Xi's appearance, no matter how he looked at it, was very happy.

But now, Lunar Rabbit said that Chang Xi didn't like Dijun, so how could Ye Chen not be surprised.

After hearing Ye Chen's question, Lunar Rabbit looked up at the sky, and then said:

"Yin and Yang are in harmony, and everything grows together. It is true that it is in harmony with the great principle, but Dijun is not the real Yang."

When Lunar Rabbit said this, he paused for a moment, then looked straight at Ye Chen, and then said:

"Even though Di Jun was born in the Sun Star, he did not refine the Sun Real Fire. The real Sun Fire he can use is only the power of the Sun Star.

Moreover, Dijun's body is a three-legged golden crow, while sister Chang Xi has been in human form since birth.

Therefore, no matter what aspects Chang Xi considers, it is impossible for Sister Chang Xi to like Dijun.

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Moreover, Sister Chang Xi often tells me and Sister Xi and Sister Xi that one thing is to practice quickly, otherwise, never want to break free from the shackles of fate. "

Ye Chen was stunned when he heard this.

Damn it! Di Jun Taiyang's superb use of real fire turned out to be manipulation, not refining?

Lunar Rabbit has already sworn to Dadao, what she said can't be fake...

In other words, Di Jun deceived many people, including Lao Tzu...

But having said that, Di Jun can control the real fire of the sun, and he is not afraid of the real fire of the sun, and it is not much different from refining the real fire of the sun...

Wait, no, there is still a big difference...

Di Jun uses the real fire of the sun by relying on the power of the sun and stars...

In other words, if this **** stays away from the Sun Star, or cuts off his connection with the Sun Star, then his ability to control the real fire of the Sun will be abolished...

Thinking of this, Ye Chen's eyes suddenly brightened.

Really, when confronted with Emperor Demon Emperor Jun in the future, you can start from this aspect and abolish their ability to control the real fire of the sun...

What's so special, fortunately, I have subdued the Taiyin Rabbit, otherwise I don't know Demon Emperor Jun, such a big weakness...

By the way, this is also the weakness of Donghuang Taiyi...

Thinking of this, Ye Chen's eyes flashed instantly, and at this moment, Lunar Rabbit's red eyes were suddenly occupied by anger.

Perceiving this, Ye Chen couldn't help but stunned. When Ye Chen was puzzled and wanted to ask the reason, Lunar Rabbit continued:

"At that time, I was ignorant and ignorant. I knew how to play every day and didn't think about cultivation.

Not long afterwards, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi took the Chaos Clock and came to Lunar Star.

In just three rounds, she defeated Sister Chang Xi and Sister Xi and Sister.

Later, Eastern Emperor Taiyi directly told Sister Chang Xi that after six thousand years, Dijun would officially marry Sister Chang Xi.

If Sister Chang Xi didn't agree, she would directly destroy Taiyin Star, killing Xi, Sister Xi and me.

It was also because of this that I secretly left the Lunar Star to investigate the treasures left by the demon ancestor Luo Hu. I wanted to find the Killing Spear and the Twelfth-Rank Black Lotus.

Only by finding the Killing Spear and the Twelfth-Rank Destroying Black Lotus, can he fight the Chaos Clock of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi.

Only by finding the Killing Spear, the Twelfth-Rank Black Lotus, Sister Chang Xi, Sister Xi and Sister, and Taiyin Star and I, can we be free. "

As soon as Lunar Rabbit's words landed, Ye Chen was taken aback.

Damn it! There was a mistake. Chang Xi married Dijun because of the persecution of Donghuang Taiyi...

This is really a secret, if it weren't for the Lunar Rabbit to say it, I would think that Chang Xi and Di Jun are a very loving pair...

It's no wonder that Ye Chen thinks this way. You know, in Ye Chen's previous life, Chang Xi and Dijun showed to the outside world that they were more affectionate.

Ye Chen just thought of this. The Lunar Rabbit who had just explained to Ye Chen looked straight at Ye Chen, and then said:

"Master, Sister Chang Xi, Sister Xi and Sister Xi have all refined the real fire of Taiyin, and the master is the only one who has refined the real fire of Taiyin.

So the master, sister Chang Xi, and sister Xi and Dadao are the true companions destined to be.

The servant girl begged the master to take action to marry sister Chang Xi and sister Xi and sister. "

When Lunar Rabbit said this, he directly gave Ye Chen a very solemn gift.

Ye Chen was stunned when he heard this.

I rub, I really want to marry, but if Chang Xi still has Xihe, what should I do...

Chang Xi and Xihe, although their cultivation bases are not very strong, they are the "super goddesses" of the prehistoric world, at least in the realm of heavenly immortals, this is actually true.

For such an existence, Ye Chen naturally didn't want to let it go.

Because, the Tongquetai in the reincarnation fairy city needs a large number of beauties recognized by the system to play all its characteristics.

But the problem is that Chang Xi and Xihe are different from the historical beauties of the Three Kingdoms Novice District. They are the "indigenous people" of the prehistoric world.

If Ye Chen didn't get their hearts and acted hard, it would very likely trigger a fight.

If Ye Chen is strong enough to directly seal these two women, or the goddesses, it will be fine.

If Ye Chen wasn't that strong, he wouldn't be able to seal Chang Xi and Xi together.

If it is forced to control, chances are that Chang Xi will play with Xihe directly and blew himself up.

This is not what Ye Chen wanted to see.

It can be said that the "super first-class beauties" of the prehistoric world are far more difficult to collect than the historical beauties of the novice area of ​​the Three Kingdoms.

Therefore, Ye Chen's original plan was to make a big fishing in the Novice Zone of the Three Kingdoms, and then after soaring into the prehistoric world, first pursue the "super-class beauties" in the prehistoric world.

If the pursuit fails, use the "grab" one.

Of course, the premise of this is that women in the prehistoric world must be beautiful women recognized by the system, and they must be pure, otherwise Ye Chen would be too lazy to deal with it.

In a word, even in the prehistoric world, Ye Chen will not end his plan to collect "beauties".

Thinking of this, Ye Chen glanced at the Lunar Rabbit who had given himself a big gift, and then asked:

"Are you sure, Chang Xi and Xihe will like me?"

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