The Strongest Player Who Descended From the Wilderness

Chapter 1053: 1053: piece

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It's no wonder that Ye Chen is so excited. You know, what Ye Chen originally wanted was to hand over the invincible jade slip with the powerful props of "Never Divide the Enemy or Us" to his soldiers for use.

In this way, Ye Chen's soldiers would directly gain the "mass killing" ability, and after that, Ye Chen's enemies should be unlucky.

After all, the powerful props that "regardless of the enemy and us", such as the geomagnetic mine bomb, once used, in addition to the huge range, the power is also very powerful.

To be more precise, even if Tianxian is hit by a geomagnetic mine blast, don't want to survive.

Once Ye Chen's soldiers were equipped with invincible jade slips, they could use geomagnetic mine explosive bombs unscrupulously on the battlefield.

In this way, all the enemy forces that Ye Chen's army encountered, which were not in the realm of heavenly immortals, would be bombed to collapse.

Originally, Ye Chen thought that invincible jade slips would cost a few thousand, tens of thousands of dollars, whoever would have thought, at least one hundred thousand!

What does this show?

Very simple, Ye Chen's soldiers will directly get at least one hundred thousand "mass killing" opportunities because of these at least one hundred thousand invincible jade slips!

What is this concept?

Quite simply, the army of the reincarnation fairy city will directly rise strongly because of this.

You know, the soldiers in the reincarnation fairy city can also gain "experience" through "killing monsters", and then continue to become stronger.

After 100,000 group kills in a row, how much experience can I gain?

Undoubtedly, it has reached the sky.

Of course, Ye Chen himself would keep some of the Invincible Jade Slips, and it was impossible to give them all to his subordinates.

You must know that in the prehistoric world, gods are like dogs, and golden gods walk all over the land, which is extremely dangerous.

Ye Chen didn't get the invincible jade slip, so forget it. Now that he has it, he will naturally leave some invincible jade slips to deal with the powers that are temporarily unable to resist.

Of course, Ye Chen would definitely not deliberately provoke those great abilities because of the invincible jade slip.

Otherwise, Ye Chen will definitely be chased by Da Neng.

After that, Ye Chen and Ye Chen's dynasty of Qi Luck will all be affected by this.

Such a result was not what Ye Chen wanted to see.

I don’t know the number of Invincible Jade Slips, how many are they...

No matter how many, it's more than 100,000...

Thinking of this, the corner of Ye Chen's mouth couldn't help but lifted his right hand, and the void was a shot.

"Swish swish..."

An extremely dense burst of air sounded instantly, and then I saw the invincible jade slips in the hall, as well as various other props, flying to Ye Chen densely, and then disappeared.

After all the jade slips were put away by Ye Chen, Ye Chen's spiritual consciousness went straight to the small world.

Invincible jade slips, total, 136,823 pieces...

Not bad……

Thinking of this, Ye Chen looked straight at Sun Wei and asked:

"Apart from the Sun clan, what good things do you take out? Or secret realm?"

"Enlighten Master, in addition to these jade slips in my hand, the Sun clan also has a Lingquan, but the grade is not high. Around the Lingquan, there are elixir collected by the Sun clan, totaling one hundred and twenty-one. Strain." When Sun Wei heard this, he hurriedly bowed and said loudly.

Sun Wei has signed a slave contract with Ye Chen and became Ye Chen’s slave. No matter what Ye Chen asks, he must answer honestly without any concealment. Otherwise, the power of the contract will punish him directly. Let him die.

Otherwise, Sun Wei would not be so honest and respectful.

When Ye Chen heard this, he glanced at Sun Wei, and then with a move with his right hand, ten invincible jade slips appeared instantly, and they were thrown to Sun Wei by Ye Chen.

When Sun Wei saw this, his eyes lit up, and then he hurriedly reached out to catch the invincible jade slip that Ye Chen had thrown over.

"Thank you master for the reward!"

Sun Wei is a member of the Sun clan and also the host of the parasitic soul body. No matter which identity he is, he likes the life-saving props like "I have invincible jade slips in my hands".

Otherwise, Sun Wei would not be so happy.

Ye Chen nodded when he heard this, and then said:

"The other members of the Sun family are going to be destroyed, and you call them to come over. As for this Shenlong City and the Spirit Spring, I will leave it for you."

Ye Chen took Sun Wei into a slave with the book of ancient contracts, in order to parasitize his parasitic soul body, while leaving the spirit spring and the elixir, also in order to parasite Sun Wei's parasitic soul body as soon as possible.

Only when Sun Wei's parasitic soul body was finally advanced to the crystal clan, could it be used by Ye Chen in the plan of "Swallowing the Starry Sky".

Otherwise, Ye Chen would definitely not leave to Sun Wei the spirit springs of the Sun clan and the elixir planted around them.

As for Ye Chen Mingming to take Sun Wei into a slave, and to destroy other members of the Sun family, the reason is not complicated.

The Sun family calculated Ye Chen.

Of course, this is not the key. The most important thing is that people in the Sun clan except Sun Wei are completely useless to Ye Chen.

Since it's useless, what are there to do? Is it possible to give them a chance to rise, and then let them seek revenge from Ye Chen?

Just kidding, Ye Chen wouldn't do such a stupid thing.

To be more precise, Ye Chen would not let go of any enemy.

At first glance, it is unreasonable, and Sun Wei is also an enemy.

But the fact is, it is, and it is not.

Yes, because Sun Wei is indeed Ye Chen's enemy.

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And not, because Sun Wei is the host of the parasitic soul body.

As long as the parasitic soul body advances to the spirit race, Sun Wei will completely disappear, and the person who replaces him is the parasitic soul body advanced spiritual race.

It can be said that Sun Wei has belonged to a dead person from the moment he was parasitized by the parasitic soul body.

With this kind of existence, Ye Chen didn't need to get rid of it.

What's more, destroying him will also affect Ye Chen's "Engulf the Stars" plan.

As soon as Ye Chen's words fell, Sun Wei bowed and said without hesitation:

"Yes! Master!"

After Sun Wei finished speaking, he left the hall neatly.

If Ye Chen said this before signing the slave contract, Sun Wei might have some worries, but now, Sun Wei would not have the slightest worries, or could not bear it.

Because he didn't dare and couldn't.

Otherwise, the slave contract will directly teach him one thing, that is, what will happen if you violate the order.

Before long, Sun Wei brought a group of men and women to the hall.

When the members of the Sun clan saw the patriarch of the Sun clan lying in a pool of blood in the hall, they all froze in place.

In the next second, the members of the Sun clan burst into an uproar.

"The clan... the patriarch was killed!"

"Bold thief, who are you! How dare to assassinate the patriarch of my Sun clan!"

"Kill him! Never let him go!"


When the members of the Sun clan saw the corpse of the patriarch of the Sun clan, and the group was angry and yelled, a middle-aged man observing Ye Chen suddenly froze, and then his eyes shrank suddenly.

"Ye... Ye Chen! He is Ye Chen!"

This middle-aged man saw Ye Chen's sharp spear, saw what Ye Chen looked like, and then recalled the legend about Ye Chen.

In the end, he was horrified and inexplicably discovered a fact that made his heart almost stop hearing.

That is, in the lobby, the young man standing next to the patriarch of the Sun clan is the number one player in the east and the number one player on earth, Ye Chen!

As soon as the middle-aged man's words fell, the noisy curses just stopped abruptly.


The gazes of the members of the Sun clan, without exception, all looked at Ye Chen, and then they saw the members of the Sun clan swallowing heavy saliva.

Ye Chen glanced at the members of the Sun clan who was still noisy just now, then looked at Sun Wei who was standing at the back, and asked:

"Are all here?"

Ye Chen didn't know how many people there were in the Sun clan, or who they were. Otherwise, Ye Chen wouldn't let Sun Wei call someone, let alone ask Sun Wei.

"Enlighten the master, there are some people in the game, and the villain directly killed them." Sun Wei heard this and hurriedly bowed in prayer.

When Ye Chen heard this, he nodded in satisfaction, while the members of the Sun clan stared at each other.

They were shocked because Sun Wei called Ye Chen, and because Sun Wei killed a member of the Sun clan with his own hands.

However, just when they were shocked, Ye Chen lifted his left hand, and then towards the members of the Sun clan, the void was a point.

"Master You King! The villain is willing to be a slave! Forgive me!" The middle-aged man who first discovered Ye Chen's identity suddenly shrank his eyes when he saw Ye Chen's movements, and then knelt on the ground with a "puff". Shouted loudly.

As soon as his words landed, the thunder that shook the heavens and the earth instantly sounded.

"Boom! Boom!"

At the same time, dozens of thick-armed lightning pierced the dark long night in an instant, and then blasted directly at the members of the Sun clan in the front yard of the Shenlong City City Lord's Mansion.

"Boom boom boom!"

An extremely dense explosion sounded instantly, and then the bodies of the remaining members of the Sun clan were seen, directly exploding, and then splashed with charred flesh.

Taking a look at the scorched meat on the ground, Ye Chen immediately looked at Sun Wei, who was extremely calm, and said:

"Practice well. If you hear about other families' plans for me, please inform me in time."

There are many hidden forces in the real world, and Ye Chen knows only part of it. Of course, this is not important. The important thing is that most hidden forces are hostile to Ye Chen.

It was for this reason that Ye Chen told Sun Wei to let him pay attention to this aspect.

As for such a thing, what would Ye Chen do if it really happened.

It's very simple. If one doesn't fall, all will be killed.

It can be said that Sun Wei, the host of the parasitic soul body, in addition to contributing to Ye Chen's "Swallowing the Stars" plan, is also Ye Chenan's chess piece inserted among hidden forces.

Just like the two that Ye Chen conquered before, they were also members of the hidden forces of the host of the parasitic soul body, so they could listen to the plans of the hidden forces for Ye Chen, and collect all kinds of information circulating among the hidden forces for Ye Chen.

Of course, as pawns, they are not omnipotent. It is not that you can hear any news or know any plan.

Otherwise, this time the Sun clan calculated Ye Chen's affairs, how could they not know the two hidden force members who were harvested as slaves by Ye Chen.

Of course, this is not important. What's important is that with them, Ye Chen will definitely not be "kept in the dark" by the hidden forces like before. He doesn't know the plans of the hidden forces or the calculations of the hidden forces.

Although Ye Chen would not know all the plans and calculations of the hidden forces because of these three "slaves", the plans or calculations that were known by the three "slaves" could not be hidden in front of Ye Chen.

"Yes! Master!" When Sun Wei heard this, he hurriedly bowed and said loudly.

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