The Strongest Player Who Descended From the Wilderness

Chapter 1125: 1125: War in the rain

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One hundred bounty coins for killing the enemy!

Kill ten enemies and reward a low-grade spirit stone! And was promoted to the head of ten!

Kill 20 enemies to reward a middle-grade spirit stone, and be promoted to the leader of a hundred!

Kill 50 enemies, reward 10 middle-grade spirit stones, and be promoted to the commander of a thousand! Reward a hundred hectares of fertile fields! Title the warrior!

Kill a hundred enemies, reward a high-grade spirit stone, and be promoted to ten thousand chief! Reward thousands of hectares of fertile fields, a mansion in the city, and 100 male and female slaves! Received by the emperor personally, and bestowed the title of hero!


The voice of "inspiration" from the messenger of the Southeast Continent Empire continued to echo in the army of the Southeast Continent Empire.

The soldiers of the Southeast Continent Empire, who had been inexplicably excited by the "must-victorious battle", involuntarily showed their zealous eyes as the Herald's "Inspiring Voice" landed.

There is no possibility of losing in a war where a **** is sitting. This is a fact "recognized" by all the indigenous soldiers of the Southeast Continent Empire.

Since it is a war that must be won, the reward after the war is also inevitable.

No one dislikes this result, no one is excited.

It can be said that the indigenous soldiers and the players in the Southeast Continent Empire Army have only one thing in mind.

That is, what level of rewards they can get.

And this is also the source of the excitement of the indigenous soldiers and players in the Southeast Continent Empire.

Blame the war award this time, it is so rich, so rich that it makes them feel that it is not real.

But this kind of reward came from the emperor of the Southeast Continent Empire, the indigenous soldiers of the Southeast Continent Empire and the players, no one thought it was false.

After all, that is the emperor, Jinkouyuyan said, what is said is what, there can be no false elements.

Therefore, the indigenous soldiers and players of the Southeast Continent Empire Army thought this reward was real.

Otherwise, they would not be so excited, so excited.

In fact, no matter whether it is the indigenous soldiers of the Southeast Continent Empire or the players of the Southeast Continent Empire, no one knows that at this moment, the Southeast Continent Empire's emperor is already extremely poor.

To be more precise, all the materials in the Imperial Palace of the Southeast Continent have all disappeared because of the summoning of the gods of the Southeast Continent Empire.

Even if the Southeast Continent Empire had defeated, they wouldn't even want to get a Tongzi reward.

It is a pity that only the emperor of the Southeast Continent Empire and senior officials are aware of this matter, and everyone else is kept in the dark.

Otherwise, the natives of the Southeast Continent Empire still have players, it is impossible to be as excited as they are now.

Of course, this is not important. What is important is that they are already in a state of fanaticism, thinking that victory is right in front of them, and the army of the Southeast Continent Empire, whose military exploits are at hand, does not know that what awaits them is a road to death that falls into the abyss!


A bitter wind swept across the battlefield, blew across Zagusos' cheeks, and lifted up his long curly hair.

The sudden gust of wind blew the sparse trees on the ground, and also blew dark clouds in the sky.

Zagusos looked up at the sky with great ambition. At this moment, a drop of water fell from the sky and hit Zagusos' forehead.


The dull thunder sound suddenly remembered from the clouds, and then exploded the sky full of depressive atmosphere.

Zagusos raised his hand to wipe off the drops of water on his forehead, frowning slightly.

Rain is not conducive to marching, nor is it conducive to combat, otherwise, Zagusos would not frown.


The dull and numbing thunder sounded again.

At the same time, a thick lightning flashed directly from the dark clouds in the sky, and then illuminated the sky and the earth.

At this moment, the army of Samsara Xiancheng suddenly appeared in the distance under the radiance of lightning, and then came quickly!

Seeing the army of the reincarnation immortal city suddenly appeared, Zagusos was taken aback for a moment, and then his eyes suddenly opened.

In the next second, Zagusos raised his right hand, and then shouted:

"The First Cavalry Regiment, the Thirteenth Cavalry Regiment, the Eighth Cavalry Regiment, the 28th Cavalry Regiment, the Thirty-Ninth Cavalry Regiment, as the first assault echelon, now strike immediately!"

Ooh! ...

The deep and long horn sounded instantly following Zagusos' orders, but in the blink of an eye, it spread throughout the battlefield.

At this moment, all the indigenous soldiers and players of the Southeast Continent Empire directly exploded with a surge of fighting spirit in their hearts.


A blast of thunder that resounded across the sky, making the air buzzing, suddenly sounded.

Wow! ...

The heavy rain poured down in an instant, and the dense rain line instantly hit the armor of the cavalry of the Southeast Continent Empire.

"Boom boom boom..."

The war drums of marching followed immediately.

In the next second, the indigenous generals of the Southeast Continent Empire pulled out their weapons at their waists, and then shouted loudly:


"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Furious shouts followed, and then I saw the cavalry army of the Southeast Continent Empire, like a ferocious wolf pack, rushing towards the army of Samsara Immortal City that appeared here.

"Boom, boom..."

Thousand horses gallop, the earth roars.

At this moment, the morale of the Southeast Continent Empire cavalry army, whose morale was already "high", skyrocketed again.

The seat of the army of the reincarnation fairy city.

Zhao Yun, Dian Wei, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Huang Zhong, Li Yuanba and other generals, after seeing the unexpectedly high morale of the Southeast Continent Empire army, one by one was taken aback. After regaining consciousness, the generals glanced at each other.

In the next second, Zhang Fei, who had the most explosive temper, directly shouted:

"Who will come first?"

As soon as Zhang Fei's words landed, Zhao Yun, Dian Wei, Guan Yu, Huang Zhong, Li Yuanba and others laughed together, and then shouted:


"Okay! Kill these arrogant barbarians!" Zhang Fei heard this, waved Zhang Ba Snake Spear in his right hand, and then shouted loudly.

"Kill them all!" Li Yuanba's double hammers touched, and after a muffled "boom", he shouted.


Zhao Yun, Dian Wei, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Huang Zhong, Li Yuanba, and other generals raised their weapons together, then shouted loudly.

In the next second, a loud shout that shook the world and rushed into the sky followed.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

2. Four hundred and forty thousand reincarnations of the Xiancheng army, raised their weapons together, let out a long roar.

At this moment, the killing intent was so strong that it was suffocating and the tyrannical aura that was **** and cold to the soul, erupted directly from the army of the reincarnation fairy city.

At the same time, the dark clouds above the army of Samsara Xiancheng suddenly turned red, and then turned scarlet.

At this time, the killing intent is so strong that it will happen.

For the army of the reincarnation fairy city, in the human world, it has never lost or will not lose when competing with any defense organization.

Because the army of the reincarnation fairy city is an invincible army that has emerged from the flesh and bones.

At the moment when the army of the reincarnation fairy city was released, the army of the Southeast Continent, which was originally full of morale, stunned one by one.

At this moment, the morale of the Southeast Continent Empire's army directly dropped.

"That... is that a blood cloud?"

"Ok... so terrible killing intent... Ye Chen's defense organization, why... how could there be such a terrifying killing intent... They... how many people did they kill..."

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"Damn, why do I feel extremely dangerous..."

"I... I am so special..."

The generals of the cavalry army of the Southeast Continent, you said what you were scared of.

Although they knew that there were gods sitting behind them, but even so, their hearts had changed from what they had before, and they were panicked.

As for the reason, it is very simple. The killing intent of the Samsara Xiancheng army is really terrifying.

In fact, the generals and soldiers of the Southeast Continent Empire’s cavalry army did not know about the Samsara Xiancheng Army, the Blue Dragon Battle Array, the Vermillion Bird’s Battle Array, and the White Tiger Battle Array, not to mention the equipment of the Samsara Xiancheng Army and its all spirit. Qi level, and Zhao Yun, Dian Wei and other generals have magic weapons close to them.

If they knew, even if they knew that the gods of the Southeastern Continent stood behind them, they would be terrified.

Because if the gods don't make a move, they will have only one ending, and they will all be killed.

Of course, the cavalry army of the Southeast Continent Empire didn't know this, but even so, they were shocked by the extremely terrifying killing intent of the Samsara Xiancheng army.


Thousand horses galloping, the earth roaring, the reincarnation fairy city army, followed by Zhao Yun, Dian Wei, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Huang Zhong, Li Yuanba and other generals, opened the charge mode, and the speed rose again.

Surge like wind, Xu Rulin, aggression like fire, motionless like a mountain, hard to know like yin, and moving like thunder.

The top legion skills of the mortal world are followed by blessings on the army of the reincarnation fairy city.

At this moment, the momentum of the Samsara Xiancheng army skyrocketed in an instant.

Realizing that the army of the reincarnation fairy city has been blessed by the top legion skills, Zhao Yun, Dianwei, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Huang Zhong, Li Yuanba and other generals, with weapons in their hands, pointed towards the cavalry army of the Southeast Continent, and then shouted:

"Extremely kill, no one left!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The loud shouts that shook the world and murdered into the sky once again resounded from the army of the reincarnation fairy city.

At this moment, the soldiers of the Southeast Continent Imperial Cavalry Army, who were also charging towards the Samsara Xiancheng Army, throbbed violently for no reason.

Panic and fearful emotions involuntarily appeared in the hearts of all the soldiers of the Imperial Cavalry Army in Southeastern Continent.

After a few breaths, Zhao Yun, Dian Wei, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Huang Zhong, Li Yuanba and other generals took the lead to meet the cavalry army of the Southeast Continent Empire.

At this moment, the weapons in the hands of the generals such as Zhao Yun, Dian Wei, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Huang Zhong, Li Yuanba, all lit up with dazzling blue light, and then they swung out fiercely.


A violent air explosion sounded instantly, and then tens of thousands of cyan sword lights appeared, and then they mercilessly slashed towards the Southeast Continent's imperial cavalry army.

"This... is this his sword light? Why, they are not using long swords!" An indigenous general from the Southeast Continent Empire saw this place, his eyes shrank sharply, and then shouted sharply.

Just as the indigenous generals of the Southeast Continent Empire said, the cyan light is the sword light that should be emitted with a long sword.

At first glance, it is difficult to make people immediately, but don't forget that Zhao Yun, Dian Wei, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Huang Zhong and other generals have all cultivated Chaos-level techniques and Qinglian Sword Art.

With the Qinglian Sword Art in his body, there is no limitation on weapons at all.

To be more precise, no matter what weapon Zhao Yun, Dian Wei, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei and other generals use, with the blessing of Qinglian Sword Art, they can release the sword energy, sword light, or sword domain that Qinglian Sword Art should have. , Sword World.

Of course, it is undeniable that if you do this, the power of the Qinglian Sword Art will be somewhat discounted accordingly.

But this, for the moment, is nothing to do with it.

Because, even so, the attacks of Zhao Yun, Dianwei, Guan Yu and other generals can instantly kill all the indigenous cavalry of the Southeast Continent that is blocking their attack.

As soon as the words of the indigenous generals of the Southeastern Continent Empire landed, the sound of their bodies being cut off instantly sounded incomparably dense.

"Hey, yell, yell..."

I saw thousands of indigenous cavalry from the Southeast Continent Empire and they sat on their horses, and in the blink of an eye, they were cut into pieces.

At this moment, the scarlet blood surged wildly, and then spread the entire sky.

And the Southeast Continent Empire's indigenous cavalry army that charged towards the Samsara Xiancheng army was directly torn open, a huge hole.

The cavalry charge is courage, strength, and skill. Of course, they also have equipment and the strength of their horses.

In addition to these, the most important thing is to see who can "cut out" the other side's army.

What Zhao Yun, Dianwei, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei and other Wu did at this moment was to "cut out" this flaw, so that the army of the reincarnation fairy city could charge more easily, and then behead the indigenous cavalry of the Southeast Continent Empire.

The attacks of Zhao Yun, Dianwei, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei and other generals were brutal and terrifying. The indigenous cavalry of the Southeast Continent Empire had not recovered from their fear. The rain of arrows that covered the sky suddenly rose from the army of the reincarnation fairy city. , And then quickly fell to the southeast continent imperial cavalry army.

"Swish swish..."

After the extremely dense sound of arrows breaking through the air, the sound of arrows shooting through the body followed.

"Puff, puff, puff..."

I saw the imperial cavalry army of Southeast Continent, and it was shot down in the blink of an eye, and the entire Southeast Continent's imperial cavalry army was empty in an instant.

In the next second, a terrible howl suddenly sounded from the battlefield!

These indigenous legions of the Southeast Continent Empire had never experienced the methods of reincarnation of the Xiancheng army before.

And now, they have learned it, but this result makes them unacceptable at the moment.

Of course, apart from being unacceptable, it was filled with panic.

A round of arrow rain caused such heavy casualties. How many more times?

Just when the indigenous cavalry of the Southeast Continent Empire were panicking, and even longed for the gods behind them to take action, the arrow rain of the Samsara Immortal City Army rose again, and then quickly shot towards the Southeast Continent Empire's indigenous cavalry army.

"Puff, puff, puff..."

The sound of the extremely dense body being shot through again sounded, and then it was seen that the indigenous cavalry of the Southeast Continent Empire was once again emptied.

The stern and miserable howl resounded through the battlefield again.

Unbelievable, unbelievable, and even more panic, are the thoughts in the hearts of the remaining Southeast Asian cavalry at this moment.

The rain was pouring and blood was splashing.

The blood and rain mixed together in the mud, dyeing the whole land red...

"Give me speed up and rush over!"

The cavalry generals of the Southeast Continent Empire glanced palely at the army of the reincarnation fairy city that was getting closer, and then shouted sharply.

They must get in close contact with the army of the reincarnation fairy city as soon as possible, only in this way can they avoid being shot directly by the army of the reincarnation fairy city.

Of course, they also thought about using bows and arrows to fight back. Unfortunately, none of them were equipped with bows and arrows, so how about using bows and arrows to fight back.


Thousand horses gallop, the earth roars.

Even if the army of Samsara Xiancheng used arrows, it did not slow down the speed of its charge. Therefore, the distance between the two defense organizations was rapidly shortening.

After a few breaths, the army of the reincarnation fairy city collided with the remaining army of indigenous cavalry in the Southeast Continent Empire!

"Boom boom boom..."

After the extremely dense and violent collisions, the indigenous cavalry army of the Southeast Continent Empire was knocked off in pieces, and then pierced on the spot by rows of shining long spears in the air.

At this moment, blood was splashing across the sky, and the horses and the horrible howling of the indigenous cavalry gates of Southeast Continent added a "gorgeous and bloody" soundtrack to this poignant and **** picture.

Fighting, beating, bumping, and bumping, the cavalry units of the Southeast Continent Empire turned over for a while and suffered heavy losses.


Thousand horses gallop, the earth roars.

The assault of the army of the reincarnation fairy city continued, and the indigenous cavalry of the Southeastern Empire, who was hit and stabbed to death at the beginning, were directly seated on their horses by the soldiers of the reincarnation fairy city and stepped on them. exception.

Rumble! ——

The lightning in the air kept blasting, and the flickering electric light made the entire battlefield even more terrifying.

The wind was howling and the rain was pouring down.

The killing continues, non-stop...


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