The Strongest Player Who Descended From the Wilderness

Chapter 1128: 1128: Three Gods Qizhi

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Taking a look at the lottery dice in his hand, Ye Chen couldn't help but tilt his mouth.

This thing is more valuable in the later stage, and it is 100% of the kind...

The items that can be drawn on the lottery dice are related to the user's realm.

To be more precise, the higher the user's realm, the higher the level of prizes drawn, and it will not happen at all, and the usual lottery may draw low-level items.

At first glance, there are some tasteless ribs, so there is no need to value it so much.

After all, if you want to get good things, you must have a high enough level, and the time required to reach a high enough level is not a matter of hundreds or thousands of years.

Although the fact is the same, don't forget what kind of world Ye Chen is going to ascend.

In the prehistoric world, what grade is the top item, without a doubt, it is the treasure of chaos.

For example, Pan Gu Axe is the treasure of chaos.

Although the Pan Gu Axe has been broken, its Chaos Supreme Treasure's grade is real.

If Ye Chen can draw the Pangu Axe, needless to say, it will be the most powerful killer in the empire, and even if Hongjun confronts Ye Chen, he will be shocked.

You know, when Pangu broke the chaos, he used Pangu axe.

If Ye Chen really got the Pangu axe and gave Hongjun an axe, Hongjun would have to be disabled if he died.

This is why Ye Chen wanted Pan Gu Axe.

Of course, the Pangu Axe is not the only chaos treasure in the prehistoric world. In addition to the Pangu Axe, there are also Chaos Green Lotus, Good Fortune Jade Butterfly, and Chaos Bead.

Although the first three are all broken, the rank of their Chaos Supreme Treasure is real, and there is no false element in the slightest.

As for whether there are other Chaos Supreme Treasures besides these four Chaos Supreme Treasures, Ye Chen didn't know.

However, this is not important, the important thing is that any Chaos Treasure must not be obtained by normal means.

In order to get it, except for Ye Chen's previous kind of constantly accumulating lottery times, and then waiting enough for a "big lottery", there is only one method of relying on lottery dice.

Of course, even Ye Chen wasn't sure if he could finally get these things.

After all, both of these are lotteries, and lottery means unknown.

But if you want to get the Chaos Supreme Treasure like Pangu Axe and Chaos Qinglian, there are only these two methods at present.

The former requires Ye Chen to accumulate the number of lottery draws, while the latter requires Ye Chen to prove.

Regardless of which kind, the result is unknown, but even if the result is unknown, the chances that can be drawn still exist.

It is for this reason that Ye Chen values ​​the lottery dice so much.

After all, that was Ye Chen's chance to get the Chaos Treasure.

In terms of odds, the chance that the lottery dice gave Ye Chen the treasure of Chaos was even greater.

Even though Ye Chen needs to prove Dao to do this, and after Ye Chen proves Dao, he will not be afraid of Hongjun 100%, and he will not be afraid of Tian Dao, but the problem is that Tian Dao will not harass Ye Chen either.

Because in Ye Chen's hands, there is no chaos treasure that can threaten the Dao of Heaven.

Otherwise, how could Ye Chen accumulate the number of draws again and again, and then conduct the "big draw", and how could he be so excited after seeing the lottery dice.

I hope that when the time comes, I can get the Pangu Axe, a big killer, if I really get it in my hands, tusk...

Just as Ye Chen thought of this, the world announcement suddenly sounded.

"Ding! Player Ye Chen hits two deities outside of the Murdering Wonderland, and he will be rewarded with innate attribute points X50000 points! Heaven and earth qi luck X** points! Supreme spirit stones X100000! Innate merit X** points!"


The world announcement was repeated three times in a row. At the same time, the system prompt sounded in Ye Chen's ear.

"Ding! The number of invading gods currently eliminated: 7. The final reward of the gods invasion mission will be based on the number and level of the killed gods. Please continue to work hard and make persistent efforts!"

As soon as the system's prompt sound ended, the already boiling World Channel fryed the pot again.

"Fuck! Fuck! This is too fast, how long has it been before another invading **** was killed by Ye Chen?"

"It's more than fast, it's just a pervert, it's, I am getting more and more incomprehensible now, this shit-like **** of the Southeast Continent, is it so papery? Why did it get into Ye Chen's hands and die? One after another, it's just a bunch of trash, shit!"

"Fak, the **** **** of the Southeast Continent Empire, might as well kill us, so that we can still recite him."

"Monkey Lichette, if your words are heard by the gods of the Southeast Continent Empire, you will be killed."

"What you are afraid of is a group of waste gods. If they dare to attack us, God will let them know what is judgment and what is judgment!"

"Damn it, I just want to know now, how can I stop Ye Chen from getting benefits!"


Foreign players, because Ye Chen once again easily killed the gods of the Southeast Continent Empire, and you talked fiercely with each other, but they were immediately suppressed by the shouts of the Eastern players.

"Stupid foreign devils, tell you one thing, your God, God of Light, was swallowed a hand by our King Ye You!"

"What god, in front of King Ye You, it's just ordinary dishes, screaming!"

"Want to stop King Ye You from gaining further benefits? You haven't woken up yet? Just give you 10,000 more opportunities, and you don't want to successfully block King Ye You once!"

"Yes, King Ye You is the most powerful, there is no one!"

"Hey, take care of what these foreign devils do, it won't take long before Ye Chen's boss will march into Xizhou, and then sweep the whole Xizhou, when the time comes, these fools will cry."

"You are wrong, these fools can cry, but it's useless to cry, because King Ye You will kill them all!"


The World Channel was full of rumors, constantly refreshing the screen, and on the Southeast Continent Empire Battlefield, the Southeast Continent Empire players who had been watching the battle saw this situation, all of them were stunned...

They had hoped that the Great God Totina could avenge themselves, and vent their anger, and then wiped out Ye Chen to relieve the hatred in their hearts.

But no one thought that their Totina God could be so vulnerable? !

Due to the sudden change, Totina's death was a bit too simple...

For a while, the players of the Southeast Continent Empire were dumbfounded, and the commander general Zagusos' face was directly and completely occupied by unbelievable!

The Great God Totina is his last support. It can be said that the biggest reason why he dared to be the vanguard this time is that the Great God Totina was backed.

But now even she has been killed...

Zagusos was completely in despair at this time...

"My God! Is God really going to destroy my Great Southeast Continent Empire?"

Zagusos roared sorrowfully to the sky!

At this time, he was angry, hated, fearful, and desperate.

For him, having lived at such a young age, he has long been accustomed to seeing life and death.

But he didn't want to watch his country just perish like this!

He could not accept the cruel reality in front of him...

"Who can come to save us? Save the Southeast Continent Empire?!"

At this moment, it seemed that God heard his request and suddenly a thunderous sound came from the horizon!

"Where is the evildoer, dare to come to my Southeast Continent Empire to run wild?"

As soon as this sound came out, I saw three people flying in from a distant sky!

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The speed of the three of them was very fast, and they arrived in front of Ye Chen almost instantly!

As soon as they appeared, the players of the Southeast Continent Empire who had been desperate were all stunned, and their eyes suddenly brightened.

In the next second, all players from the Southeast Continent empire directly knelt on their knees, and then worshipped in excitement and inexplicably toward the sky.

"Look! Those are Gods Tutia, Gigulas, and Bangina! We are saved this time!"

"Yeah, the three great gods are here, even if Ye Chen's hands and eyes reach the sky, he will definitely die today!"

"Wow hahaha, pigs, have you seen it? Today is Ye Chen's death date!"

"Humph! Without Ye Chen, how can I see you pigs be so rampant? Shiver, ** pigs, the revenge of the Great Southeast Continent Empire is about to begin! Hahaha..."


The shouts of the players from the Southeast Continent Empire were full of excitement and excitement, but in the ears of the Eastern players, they were so ridiculous and stupid...

"Fuck, these idiots in Southeast Continent, their brains are disabled to this point, they are really hopeless..."

"Hey, I can't blame them, the frog at the bottom of the well has too little knowledge..."

"What's the matter, what if there are three more, isn't it the bird **** who gives food?"

"Hey, King Ye You is going to post again this time..."

"Yeah, in this mission, King Ye You killed so many extraterritorial gods, how many good things have to be dropped? I look greedy..."

"King Ye You, come on! Kill these southeast continent hair gods!..."

"King Ye You, I love you...Always support you..."


Eastern players, because of the excitement of the players from the Southeast Continent Empire, and you are discussing with each other, but the grief and unlovable commander General Zagusus, the whole person is trapped. Madness.

At this moment, he knelt on his knees and kept kowtow in the direction of the three gods.

Along with his kowtow movement, he also appeared with his pious shouts full of excitement.

"Thank God, thank the three great gods for their timely rescue, the sky will never destroy my Southeast Continent..."


In the sky, the three so-called gods who had just appeared. After hearing the shouts of the players from the Southeast Continent Empire and the natives, they clicked on the spirits with great satisfaction, and then they all looked at Ye Chen.

In the next second, a male **** pointed at Ye Chen with one hand, and then shouted in a deep voice:

"Monster, don't you come to die soon?!"

It was God Dutia who was speaking. Among the three, he had the most grumpy temper and the most cruel methods.

There are countless enemies or believers who died in his hands. Everyone killed by him is still skinned and soul drawn.

After hearing what Du Tiya said, Ye Chen glanced at Du Tiya, then curled his lips in disdain.

"Idiot, who gave you the courage?"

As soon as Ye Chen's words fell, the imperial aura that dominated the world rose instantly.

At this moment, the sound of the dragon chant that shook for nine days rang directly from behind Ye Chen, and then tens of thousands of golden lights lit up behind Ye Chen.

"Qiyunhualong!" Seeing this, the gods of the three Southeast Continent empires narrowed their eyes, and then cried out in shock.

The change in Ye Chen's body is a sign of Qi Yun transforming into a dragon, and to achieve this, either he is the lord of a country, or he possesses massive amounts of Qi Yun.

But now Ye Chen is naturally not the master of the big man, so, the result is self-evident, Ye Chen himself has a huge amount of heaven and earth luck.

If it's someone else, maybe you won't feel that much, but the gods of the three Southeastern empires know what it means to have a huge amount of heaven and earth luck.

To be precise, Ye Chen, who possesses a huge amount of heaven and earth luck, is the "darling" of this world, the son of luck.

If you want to kill such an existence, even if they are gods, it's useless.

Because the whole world will bless all kinds of opportunities and all kinds of luck on Ye Chen.

With this alone, it would be difficult for them to kill Ye Chen, and in addition to the fact that Ye Chen himself was still the Great Perfection during the Tribulation Period, they wanted to kill Ye Chen, basically, it was impossible.

This is why the gods of the three Southeast Continents suddenly became shocked when they noticed Ye Chen's identity as the "son of luck".

After all, to be right with the "child of luck" is to be right with the world in which the "child of luck" is located.

And this is the last thing to see for the three Southeast Continent empire gods who have been summoned.

You know, they are immortals, but they are low-level immortals. They just want to fight against a world based on such a realm. They don't have that ability yet.

When the three people were shocked and inexplicable, Ye Chen smiled coldly, and then shouted:

"When you see this king, why don't you kneel down!"

"Kneel down?" The three Southeast Continent empire gods who were shocked just now by the abnormal changes in Ye Chen's body suddenly changed their expressions when they heard this!

They were shocked because Ye Chen was not the emperor, but they were able to transform the dragon by luck, but they would not really be afraid of Ye Chen because of this.

After a short daze, Du Tia was furious.

"Damn mortals, they are still stubborn when they die! I will let you know how to write death words today!"

As soon as Du Tiya's words landed, his right hand was slapped towards Ye Chen Void.

"Cover the palm of the sky!"

In the next second, a huge palm suddenly appeared in the sky, and then shot straight towards Ye Chen.

At this moment, the clouds surged and the air surged.

Ye Chen smiled coldly when he saw this, and then asked:

"Just this ability?"

After Ye Chen finished speaking, with a flick of his left hand, a larger and clearer giant palm suddenly appeared, and then quickly patted the giant palm released by Du Tia.

At this moment, Leiyin rolled and the wind was blowing.

In the next second, the two palms met and then exploded directly.

After the loud noise of "Boom!", Du Tia's palm of the sky burst instantly, and then disappeared in the hurricane that appeared when the two palms collided.

Seeing this, Du Tia's eyes shrank sharply, and then shouted in surprise:

"This is impossible!"

Covering the palm of the sky is his master's skill, and he has tried repeatedly to fight against and kill the enemy.

And just now, in order to quickly kill Ye Chen, he had already done his best!

But as a result, his housekeeping skills were blown away by what he thought of as a mortal with a random wave.

What is the situation? ? ?

Thinking of this, Du Tia looked straight at the two equally shocked and inexplicable companions beside him, and then said:

"Two, this kid is not easy to deal with. The three of us should take the shot together and take him down quickly!"

Upon hearing this, Jigulas and Bangina felt very satisfied, and immediately nodded in response:

"Okay! Let's do it together!"

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