The Strongest Player Who Descended From the Wilderness

Chapter 1136: 1136: Collective advancement

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"Fortunately, all of you have read sage books and claim to be gentlemen? This is simply outrageous!"

"Do you still have any shame? Don't you blush for your actions?"

As soon as Zhang Rang finished speaking, the civil and military ministers who had smashed with Zhang Rang in the past were suddenly dumbfounded.

They can't help but do not, you know, Zhang Rang's words, they have no power to refute, and there is no refutation.

Refuting is equivalent to admitting their incompetence, and not refuting is equivalent to tacitly acquiescing to Ye Chen's "correctness".

This is the real situation faced by officials who want to use Liu Hong to suppress Ye Chen at this moment.

As for these officials, I didn't dare to talk about Ye Chen before, because Ye Chen's battle speed was too fast, and his military exploits were so great.

Once what they say is spread out, it will inevitably attract the scolding of the common people, and it will be marked down in history books.

But now, they can't help but mention that Ye Chen's sweeping behavior across the world is really terrifying.

If they continue to be afraid of this and that, do not say it, and then let Liu Hong suppress Ye Chen, then the Han Empire, which was originally a thousand holes and precarious, will collapse if it is really missing.

And the Han Empire will not fall, will not decline, so how can they profit from it, how can they accomplish their deep ambitions?

There is no way at all, okay.

Therefore, they must stop Ye Chen's sweeping behavior, and they must calculate Ye Chen severely.

Otherwise, as long as Ye Chen is here, the Han Empire will not be destroyed. After that, Ye Chen will inevitably become the No. 1 powerful man under one person and over ten thousand people.

All clans, with high ownership, must be subject to Ye Chen's restraint, and it depends on Ye Chen's expression to act.

Such results are not what they want to see.

Unfortunately, their ideas were very good, but the result was cruel. Zhang Rang's few words blocked their way to death.

Can't advance, can't retreat, can only choose silence.

After Liu Hong sitting on the dragon chair heard what Zhang Rang said, the fear of Ye Chen just because of Baiguan's words in his heart disappeared without a trace.

In the next second, Liu Hong smiled and stroked the beard on his chin, and then said:

"Let my father say it right, you really have to reflect on it."

"Yes! Your Majesty!" The officials who didn't know how to descend the steps, heard this and hurriedly bowed to Liu Hong and bowed loudly.

When Liu Hong heard this, he nodded in satisfaction, and then said:

"I will add another piece to the territory of my big man, to celebrate the whole world, pass the decree, and celebrate the whole country for three days!"

"Yes! Your Majesty!" Zhang Rang beside Liu Hong heard this and hurriedly bowed and said loudly.


The southeastern continent empire, over the capital city, reincarnation Xiancheng City Lord Mansion.

Glancing at the huge Jingguan surrounding the southeast empire capital city, Ye Chen nodded with satisfaction, and then looked straight at Zhao Yun, Dian Wei, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Huang Zhong, Li Yuanba and other generals, and shouted. :

"Return to the city, rest for a while, and continue on the expedition later!"

"Yes! Lord!" Zhao Yun, Dian Wei, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Huang Zhong, Li Yuanba and other generals heard this, and bowed and bowed loudly to the location of the reincarnation fairy city.

When Ye Chen heard this, his mind moved, and the space near the army of the reincarnation fairy city instantly began to twist.

Zhao Yun, Dian Wei, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Huang Zhong, Li Yuanba and other generals, seeing this, they all shouted:

"Back to the city!"

At the command of a group of generals, the army of Samsara Xiancheng immediately lined up to enter the twisted space, and then disappeared.

On the ground, the players who came to the Southeast Continent Empire because of the special plot task "Invasion of the Gods" were shrouded by the transmitted light, and then disappeared without a trace.

And the Eastern players who saw the reincarnation of the immortal city army began to evacuate, one by one rushed to the southeast empire capital with excitement.

Here, there are countless equipment, exercises, and other items that the reincarnation fairy city army does not want. They don't want to miss it casually.

Reincarnation Xiancheng, the school field.

Guan Yu, who had just passed through the distorted space and directly transmitted to the reincarnation city, suddenly burst into a powerful and incomparable coercion.

At this moment, the aura of heaven and earth in the reincarnation fairy island madly poured towards Guan Yu.

Ye Chen, who noticed the aura of Samsara Xiancheng Heaven and Earth, was taken aback for a moment, and then his consciousness was released instantly.

In the next second, Ye Chen's eyes suddenly brightened.

Guan Yu is about to advance to the Purple Mansion Realm...

Ye Chen just thought of this, Zhao Yun, Dianwei, Zhang Fei, Li Yuanba, Zhang Liao, Gao Shun, Zhang Jaw, Nv Yi, Gan Ning, Han Dang, Cheng Pu, Zhao Meng, Huang Zhong, Huang Xu, and other generals, one by one. An advanced breath came out.

Seeing this, Ye Chen couldn't help but curl up his mouth.

This time I went out to fight, although most of the soldiers killed were ordinary soldiers, and the experience was not high, but there were a lot of them...

Not bad……

Thinking of this, Ye Chen waved his right hand, and tens of thousands of the best spirit stones appeared instantly, and then flew straight to the sky above the school field.

In the next second, Ye Chen shook his right hand in the void.

"Boom boom boom..."

An extremely dense explosion sounded instantly, and then tens of thousands of the best spiritual stones were directly broken, and then turned into a strong and extremely spiritual aura.

In the next second, the heaven and earth auras transformed into tens of thousands of the best spiritual stones were divided into dozens of parts, and then rushed towards the generals such as Zhao Yun, Dian Wei, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, and Huang Zhong.

The Purple Mansion Realm is a critical period for monks. If you don't get enough support from Heaven and Earth Spiritual Energy when you advance, then the level of the golden core that should be born is definitely not much higher.

Although the reincarnation of Xiancheng Tiandi was full of aura, enough to meet the needs of generals such as Zhao Yun, Dianwei, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Huang Zhong, and Li Yuanba, the problem was that it took a certain amount of time.

Of course, this is not the key. The most important thing is that Zhao Yun, Dian Wei, Guan Yu and other generals are all on the school grounds now, but they are breaking through together. This will inevitably lead to a "competition for spiritual energy".

If Ye Chen didn't make a move, Zhao Yun, Dianwei, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei and other generals' advancement would inevitably have some bad results.

Ye Chen didn't want to see such a situation happen.

To be more precise, Ye Chen wanted Zhao Yun, Dian Wei, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei and other generals to condense the golden cores to reach the highest level they could achieve.

Jin Dan is divided into nine levels, with one star being the weakest and nine stars being the strongest.

Ye Chen didn't know what level of golden core Zhao Yun, Dianwei, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei and other generals would condense, but this did not hinder Ye Chen's decision to keep them in the best advanced state at all times.

After all, they are all Ye Chen's subordinates, and they are all loyal to Ye Chen. If the Gold Core grade they can produce is high enough, the help to Ye Chen will naturally be greater.

As time passed, Zhao Yun, Dian Wei, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Huang Zhong, Li Yuanba and other generals became more and more advanced and stronger.

And they absorbed more and more aura from heaven and earth, and heavier and heavier.

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As soon as the half-zhuxiang time passed, over the top of Guan Yu, the most advanced stage, suddenly nine gold stars condensed and manifested from heaven and earth aura.

When Ye Chen saw this, his eyes suddenly opened.

Jiuxing Jindan!

Jin Dan has nine ranks, and there are legendary Jin Dan above the nine ranks, such as Ye Chen's Chaos Jin Dan, which is the top Jin Dan.

Of course, this is not important. What is important is that the nine-star golden core among the normal golden cores is the highest grade among the normal golden cores.

Once the Nine Star Golden Pill is formed, it will inevitably have a great future.

To be precise, if the Nine-Star Golden Pill is formed, then after the Tribulation of the Flying Immortal, there is a high chance of directly advancing to the Celestial Immortal.

This is the horror and strength of the Nine-Star Golden Pill, and it is also the reason why Ye Chen's eyes shine after seeing Guan Yu forming the Nine-Star Golden Pill.

After all, such a Guan Yu might become a celestial immortal as soon as he survived the ascension catastrophe, and although celestial celestial being could not be ranked in the prehistoric world, it was not something that cats and dogs could fight against.

In this way, there are even more things Guan Yu can do for Ye Chen.

Of course, Guan Yu's ability to produce the Nine Star Golden Pill was also related to Ye Chen's deliberate improvement of the roots of all his subordinates, and even the teaching of top-level techniques.

But this is not all, because the nine-star golden core is not something that can be formed with these, otherwise, the natives of the prehistoric world are all nine-star golden cores.

Not bad……

Just as Ye Chen thought of this, the advanced aura of Zhao Yun, Dianwei, Zhang Fei, Huang Zhong, Li Yuanba and other generals suddenly condensed, and then they saw the sky above their heads, one by one, nine stars condensed from heaven and earth and then manifested. Of Venus.

Seeing this, Ye Chen's eyes condensed fiercely, and then he couldn't help but laugh.


What's more, the super-first-class historical generals, the first-class historical generals, really have great potential, and gave them the opportunity. As a result, they all produced the nine-star golden pill!

This is all right, the reincarnation empire that Lao Tzu will soon establish, as soon as it soars into the wild, it will directly obtain a group of super-potential generals...


Just as Ye Chen thought of this, Zhao Yun, Dianwei, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Huang Zhong, Li Yuanba and other generals opened their eyes together, and then one by one directly rose into the air.

In the next second, Zhao Yun, Dian Wei, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Huang Zhong, Li Yuanba and other generals flew directly to the gate of the reincarnation fairy city city main mansion, and then entered the city main mansion one after another.

After everyone entered the door, Qi Qi faced Ye Chen in the reincarnation fairy city city lord's mansion, knelt on one knee, then clasped his fists with both hands, raised the top, and said loudly:

"Thank you for the Lord’s cultivation. We swear to follow the Lord to the death and never betray. If we swear to this, the soul will die, and the world will punish it!"

Zhao Yun, Dianwei, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Huang Zhong, Li Yuanba and other generals have different backgrounds and experiences, but they have one thing in common. They are all cultivated by Ye Chen and obtained Ye Chen’s techniques. It has been strengthened by Ye Chen, and even possessed the equipment gifted by Ye Chen and wealth.

For them, Ye Chen is not only their lord, but also their reborn parents and teachers.

It can be said that they can have today because of Ye Chen.

Now that they have so many advanced nine-star golden cores, how could they not be grateful to Ye Chen.

After hearing the words from his subordinates, Ye Chen nodded with a smile, and then said:

"You have just advanced to the Purple Mansion realm. I will be familiar with one or two for the time being, and stabilize the lower realm. Later, I will send troops to Xizhou!"

"Yes! Lord!" Zhao Yun, Dian Wei, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Huang Zhong, Li Yuanba and other generals heard this, their faces were all serious, and then they all bowed to Ye Chen and said in a loud voice. One after another left the City Lord's Mansion.


Proud Empire Yancheng, Laya City, palace meeting room.

Kings from all over Xizhou gathered here. At this moment, they were sitting around a huge conference table, seeming to be discussing something...

"Everyone, the current situation is not optimistic. Ye Chen has already destroyed five countries in a row. If we don't take action, then the next country to be destroyed will probably be one of us!" King Louis William of Faguo said worriedly. .

The current situation is imminent, especially after Ye Chen killed the Emperor of Southeast Continent, panic has spread rapidly among the royal families of all countries in the world.

"But he won't necessarily come to attack us? Ye Chen didn't seem to show up after destroying the Southeast Continent Empire..." Jasonte said uncertainly, the king of the Proud Empire.

"You are too naive, do you want to use the security of the country to gamble on Ye Chen's idea? He hasn't attacked now, doesn't mean he doesn't have this idea. When he does come, it will be too late to regret it!"

The king of the country said fiercely that he felt very speechless about Jasonte's ignorance.

"But Ye Chen is too strong, how do we fight against him?" Eagle Kingdom King Schneider said helplessly.

To be honest, he didn't want to be swallowed by Ye Chen, but Ye Chen's strength lies there. At this moment, a deep sense of powerlessness in his heart arises spontaneously...

King Louis William of Faguo suddenly got up and said in public:

"That's why we have to unite together so that we can have a chance of winning. Otherwise, we can only be defeated by him and follow the footsteps of the Southeast Continent Empire!"

Seeing no one answer, his face suddenly sank, and then he said angrily:

"You don't want to be beheaded in public, do you? You don't want to become a member of Jingguan, do you? Only if we are united now can we get through this crisis!"

As soon as Louis William's words fell, the faces of the others changed drastically.

In the next second, after the kings of various countries looked at each other one by one, they expressed their opinions one after another.

"I agree that we can only have a chance to live if we are together!"

"That's right, I also agree to establish an alliance!"

"I agree!"

"I agree!"


In this way, the Great Western Union composed of dozens of countries in Xizhou was established.

The kings agreed that as long as Ye Chen attacked any country in the Great Western Continent Alliance, other countries would immediately send troops and make all-out efforts to rescue them, so that Ye Chen would not be given a chance.


Reincarnation Xiancheng.

After returning, the army of Samsara Xiancheng who had rested for a while, assembled the school ground again.

No one was killed in the previous battle, only a few unlucky ones who suffered minor injuries, but they recovered directly under the medical treatment of Nanhua Lao Xian and Hua Tuo.

School field.

After Ye Chen came here, he took a look, and the subordinates who were still intent on fighting nodded in satisfaction, and after a while with his right hand, more than a dozen distorted spaces appeared instantly.

Taking a look at the distorted space that appeared near the school grounds, Ye Chen looked straight at Zhao Yun, Dianwei, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei and other generals who had already advanced into the Purple Mansion realm, and shouted:

"Send troops, proud and fierce empire!"

"Yes! Lord!" Zhao Yun, Dianwei, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Huang Zhong, Li Yuanba and other generals, when they heard this, all bowed and said loudly. After speaking, they led the army of 2.41 million reincarnation immortal city. , Go towards more than a dozen spatial channels.

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