The Strongest Player Who Descended From the Wilderness

Chapter 621: 621: Bai Yujing Dragon Palace

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Thinking of this, Ye Chen couldn't help but curled his mouth, and then accelerated to "fly" toward the direction from the seabed light source.

After a few breaths, a huge crystal palace covering an area of ​​ten kilometers with a mask on the top appeared in front of Ye Chen's eyes grandiosely.

The magnificence was the first feeling that the Crystal Palace in front of him gave Ye Chen.

And stealing it was Ye Chen's second feeling.

Oh, where did this dragon get so many fairy-level materials...

What's so special here is the real world, how could immortal materials appear now? It's unscientific...

No wonder Ye Chen thinks so. You know, Ye Chen thought that the Dragon Palace here was the dragon here. He specially collected crystals and built a "pseudo" Dragon Palace.

In Ye Chen's previous life, fairy-level materials formally appeared in the real world, one year after the meteor fell.

Ye Chen's guess about the Dragon Palace here might be the Dragon Palace in myths and legends. After Ye Chen saw the Dragon Palace with his own eyes, he denied it.

The Dragon Palace in the myths and legends could not be so simple, at least, the Dragon Palace in the myths and legends, it is impossible for Ye Chen to touch the door so easily.

You know Ye Chen is only a few hundred meters away from the Dragon Palace at this moment.

If the Dragon Palace here is the one in myths and legends, not to mention that Ye Chen is close to several hundred meters, even several kilometers, he would be discovered in advance and then attacked.

After all, the buildings in myths and legends are protected by formations, and it is impossible for outsiders to approach them.

Of course, this is not important, what is important is the Dragon Palace in front of Ye Chen's eyes, which is made of immortal grade materials, white jade crystal.

Although Ye Chen had never obtained this in his previous life, he had seen a city gate built by Bai Yujing in a fairy city of a great human race.

Ye Chen vaguely remembered that in the previous life, the fairy city with the white jade crystal gate had intruded into three earthly immortal-level strong human races. They were not strong enough. They rushed and even molested the concubine of that powerful leader. The war broke out.

Then the three earth immortals, lost in the end, were ready to flee, but due to the restrictions of the forbidden air formation in the city, they could not fly away and could only forcibly attack the gate built by Bai Yujing.

Unfortunately, no matter how they attacked the city gate, they failed to destroy the city gate at all. Then three earth immortals were caught, and then they were skinned and lighted on a sky lantern to show the world for a full year.

In that year, the three immortals directly became a unique landscape of the great power Xiancheng.

It is precisely because of the three earth immortals that the players know the importance of such immortal materials as Bai Yujing.

Sturdy, not afraid of immortality, not afraid of immortal artifacts, it's a hard mess.

It can be said that Bai Yujing, which can be used as a building material, is the top material in the fairy-level materials.

The Dragon Palace, which covers an area of ​​ten kilometers, was built by Bai Yujing.

And this is also the root cause of Ye Chen's mind of robbery directly after recognizing the construction materials of the Dragon Palace in front of him.

You know, Ye Chen's Reincarnation City has already advanced to the Reincarnation Fairy City, which is a big immortal-level material devourer.

If there were not enough immortal grade materials, the reincarnation immortal city would not be able to meet the needs of Ye Chen's ascent.

To be precise, the ascent of Ye Chen Jianguo was to bring all the people of the Han Empire who surrendered to Ye Chen to ascend the prehistoric land together.

And to be able to do this, there must be a huge amount of immortal-level materials, swallowed by the reincarnation immortal city.

Looking at the huge Dragon Palace in front of him, the light in Ye Chen's eyes became more and more prosperous.

Yes, grab it!

Thinking of this, Ye Chen rushed straight towards the Dragon Palace, but in the blink of an eye, he contacted the mask outside the Dragon Palace, and then flashed in.

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The light shield is not a defensive spell, nor is it an array shield. Its function is only to isolate the sea.

Ye Chen confirmed this the moment he saw the mask, otherwise Ye Chen wouldn't rush over so recklessly.

As soon as Ye Chen entered the Dragon Palace, he was stunned, and then looked at the ground with a thick fog layer of one meter.

In the next second, Ye Chen's eyes suddenly opened.

Damn it! Reiki atomization!

Just as Ye Chen thought, the one-meter mist layer in the Dragon Palace was all misted spiritual energy.

Really, there are either hundreds of high-grade spiritual veins or a few top-grade spiritual veins in this dragon palace, otherwise this situation won't happen...

Thinking of this, Ye Chen's mind moved, and his divine consciousness directly covered the entire Dragon Palace. Whoever realized that, Ye Chen just started to explore, and suddenly he heard a long sigh.

"No need to explore, this Dragon Palace will belong to you in the future."

When Ye Chen heard this, he was slightly taken aback, and then looked directly at the main hall in the center of the Dragon Palace.

Does this dragon want to trust the loneliness, compromise, or conspiracy...

No wonder Ye Chen thought this way. Before Ye Chen entered the sea, his divine sense detected the female dragon in the Dragon Palace, but the female dragon was surrounded by lifelessness, and it was the rhythm of death.

But now, the mother dragon hadn’t seen Ye Chen, so she told Ye Chen directly that the Dragon Palace would belong to Ye Chen. He had clearly sensed Ye Chen’s arrival, and she had sensed Ye Chen’s strength, otherwise it would be impossible to say that.

You know, dragons have the characteristics of greedy for money, and they are born, unless they threaten their lives, otherwise it is impossible to surrender the treasures they have.

In addition, there were a few dragon eggs not far from the mother dragon, and Ye Chen's speculation followed.

No matter what the reason, this Dragon Palace, the last name is Ye...

Thinking of this, Ye Chen's eyes flashed brightly, and then with a move with his right hand, the dark and thick Gunkiller appeared instantly.

In the next second, Ye Chen covered the dragon palace's divine sense, and without hesitation, he probed the dragon palace back and forth three times. After confirming that there were no traps such as formations, Ye Chen flew towards the main hall in the center of the dragon palace.

There is no killing intent in the mother dragon's words, which is true, but Ye Chen would not choose to believe in the mother dragon just because of a word.

Because the strong man’s yin man’s methods are more than ordinary people, and they are hard to guard against.

Although the female dragon here is about to die, the aura she exudes vaguely reveals the coercion of the great demon. Naturally, Ye Chen will not blindly believe that one who has never seen each other and has the cultivation of the great demon. Mother dragon, what was said.

Even if she was a female dragon about to die, Ye Chen would not let down her guard.

And this is also the life-saving ability that Ye Chen learned in his previous life.

At any time, facing anyone, whether the opponent is strong or weak, one must take it seriously and not take it lightly, otherwise, the end will be miserable.

After a few breaths, Ye Chen came to the door of a hall that gleamed with crystal light and was extremely decorated.

At the same time, a female dragon lying on the ground, ulcerated all over, with black air all over, appeared in front of Ye Chen's eyes.

"Let's make a deal." The female dragon in the main hall glanced at Ye Chen who appeared here, and then said weakly.

Ye Chen, who was looking at the female dragon, suddenly opened his eyes after seeing the black lines in the eyes of the two dragons that the female dragon opened.

The dragons parasitized by puppet worms...

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