The Strongest Player Who Descended From the Wilderness

Chapter 844: 844: Oversized Starry Stegosaurus Egg

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As soon as the system's prompt sound ended, the space was suddenly distorted one meter in front of Ye Chen, and then a black channel with a height of three meters and a width of two meters was quickly formed.

At this moment, the temperature of the surrounding air dropped more than ten degrees, and at the same time, a cold breath that made the creatures feel depressed, broke out in an instant.

Taking a look at the dark passage, Ye Chen couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

In the previous life, Lao Tzu did not even have the qualifications to enter the passage formed by this Netherworld Pass. In this life, the Netherworld Pass was directly searched by Lao Tzu...

Thinking of this, Ye Chen couldn't help but curled his mouth, then looked at Po Meng and said:

"Mengpo, take Lucifer back to the Nether Realm. When you get there, it's up to you to decide how to start grabbing the territory. However, remember one thing, everything, safety first, don't ignore your own safety in order to fulfill my orders. "

"My son, Po Meng remembered it." Po Meng nodded heavily when she heard this, and then responded. After speaking, she took a deep look at Ye Chen, and then walked straight to the dark Nether Realm passage.

Lucifer on the side saw this and hurriedly bowed to Ye Chen, then followed Po Meng towards the dark passage of the Netherworld.

But within a few breaths, Po Meng and Lucifer disappeared without a trace.

Looking at the empty passage in the Netherworld, Ye Chen exhaled long.

The plan to lay out the Netherworld in advance has officially started. This start is much better than I expected...

Now, it is up to the princes to start the hegemony...

At that time, I can directly sweep the world, and then Jianguo soars...

Thinking of this, Ye Chen opened his eyes sharply, and the light flashed instantly.

It's time to go back, but before going back, you have to get rid of the Starry Sky Stegosaurus Egg...

I just don’t know, can the starry sword dragon pill in the volcanic magma give me a little surprise...

Thinking of this, Ye Chen moved his feet and instantly rose into the air, and then flew straight towards the highest volcano on the island.

After a few breaths, Ye Chen came to the sky above the crater.

Here, the heat waves are rolling, but below, there is hot and red, constantly rolling and roaring lava.

Glancing at the lava inside the volcano, Ye Chen immediately looked at the stegosaurus eggs in the starry sky that were tumbling on top of the magma.

At the moment when he saw hundreds of starry sword dragon pills floating above the magma, Ye Chen's eyes suddenly opened.

What a strong breath of life!

Compared with the starry sky sword dragon eggs that Xiaoyu brought back, the life aura contained in it is dozens of times stronger...

It seems that the Starry Sky Stegosaurus family really has a royal family, even a royal family, and they all have special talents...

Otherwise, the starry sword dragon pill in the magma would have been cooked by the magma...

Thinking of this, Ye Chen couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, and then raised his right hand, facing the hundreds of "big" starry stegosaurus eggs in the volcanic lava, the void was a shot.

At this moment, the starry stegosaurus eggs in the volcanic lava flew up one by one, and then flew straight to Ye Chen.

When all the "big guy" starry sword dragon eggs arrived in front of Ye Chen as many as possible, Ye Chen waved his right hand and instantly received all the starry sword dragon eggs into the small world.

Taking a look at the empty volcanic magma, Ye Chen's consciousness moved, and then he went straight to the magma.

Ye Chen did this naturally to avoid omissions.

After all, Ye Chen had missed the Netherworld Pass before.

At that time, had it not been for Ye Chen to go to the extinct Li family's lair again because he planned to train a refiner, and encounter a large group of players who snatched the Nether Pass, he might have missed the Nether Pass.

Of course, the result was the opposite. Ye Chen encountered it, and got all the Nether Passing Orders in his hands.

It was also because of the previous incident that Ye Chen would check it carefully every time he searched for something good, and the purpose was naturally not to omit something again.

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After a few breaths, Ye Chen's spiritual consciousness had penetrated into the volcanic magma for a kilometer.

It's just a pity that Ye Chen's divine consciousness still didn't find anything unusual.

Ye Chen, who sensed this, couldn't help but sigh.

Maybe I think too much...

In the magma at the bottom of the crater, there are hundreds of "big" starry stegosaurus eggs floating, but in Ye Chen's eyes, the "kings" of the starry stegosaurus clan are not worthy of being called "emperors".

It was precisely because of Ye Chen's point of view that Ye Chen released his divine consciousness and carefully investigated to avoid omissions. At the same time, he came to a "high intensity" investigation.

Unfortunately, Ye Chen was a little disappointed in the end.

Forget it, if you don’t have it, there are hundreds of "king-level" sword dragon eggs in the starry sky, Zhao Yunzheng, Dian Xiong, Guo Yi, Guan Er, Zhang San, Zhang Jai, Zhang Liao, Gao Shun, and others. The mount is shot...

Thinking of this, Ye Chen's mind moved, and he was ready to take back the exuded spirits.

However, at this moment, a faint breath of life hidden in the scorching heat suddenly appeared from the magma that was as deep as one thousand meters, and then directly collided with the divine consciousness that Ye Chen was about to withdraw.

When Ye Chen noticed this, he was taken aback for a moment, and then his eyes suddenly opened.

Damn it! Really!

Thinking of this, Ye Chen didn't even think about it, the soul moved instantly.

At the same time, the divine consciousness that Ye Chen was about to withdraw just became hundreds of times stronger, and then rushed straight towards the deeper part of the magma.

However, in the blink of an eye, Ye Chen's incomparably tyrannical divine sense at that moment went deep into the magma again for a kilometer, and then stopped.

Because here, there is a starry stegosaurus egg that is the size of a bathtub, but the breath of life is so strong that it is suffocating.

The moment Ye Chen saw it, his eyes suddenly opened.

Damn it! This piece is too big...

A normal starry sky sword dragon egg is about the size of a grain of rice. The "king-level" starry sky sword dragon egg is big but the size of a teacup. The one that Ye Chen just found was the size of a bathtub.

It was precisely because of this that Ye Chen was so shocked.

After returning to his senses, Ye Chen couldn't help but curl up his mouth.

What a special thing, this is only suitable for Laozi...

Thinking of this, Ye Chen thought, and the space in front of him instantly twisted.

Taking a look at the distorted space, Ye Chen pierced in with his right hand, and then disappeared.

At the same time, two kilometers inside the volcanic magma, the space was suddenly distorted, and then Ye Chen's right hand was directly protruding out, and he instantly touched the starry stegosaurus egg the size of a bathtub.

At this moment, the extremely hot high temperature rushed to Ye Chen's right hand in an instant, and then it burned indiscriminately.

However, the high temperature that could burn humans into **** instantly did not damage Ye Chen's right hand at all.

If someone saw this scene, 100% would exclaim "abnormal".

Is it possible to be invariable? This is magma, and the hand is in, but there is no such thing as a metamorphosis.

Of course, this is just an assumption. In fact, no one has seen this scene, but it is not important. What is important is that Ye Chen's right hand touched the shell of a starry stegosaurus egg that also has the size of a hot tub.

When Ye Chen noticed this, the corner of his mouth couldn't help but he yelled:


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