The Strongest Player Who Descended From the Wilderness

Chapter 899: 899: Battle of Broken City

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Although Ye Chen attacked the discount bank for the first time, he also made a careful plan.

The three hundred thousand naval forces led by Cheng Pu, Han Dang, and Gan Ning controlled all the sea areas of Zhanpan, preventing Zhanpan players and soldiers and royal families from escaping by boat.

As for the hundreds of millions of Eastern players, they joined the battle in a free and chaotic manner. Ye Chen naturally didn't care what he did.

Facing the half-million defenders of the Zhepan City, Ye Chen mobilized a million troops to surround him. In addition, the players from the east were constantly pouring in from all directions. In just a few hours, Reached tens of millions.

In this way, even the players and soldiers in the capital cannot fly out even if they put their wings on.

In Ye Chen in Reincarnation Fairy City, his divine consciousness swept across the capital and found that Xu Fu was no longer in the city. Standing on the tower, it was the current Emperor Zhepan who commanded the battle. The corner of his mouth suddenly evoked a sneer.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Chen communicated to Li Yuanba, who was in charge of the siege combat mission, through his divine sense:


Decisively, with a sound.


Li Yuanba led the way, his eyes swept across the tower, he waved the hammer with his right hand, and said loudly: "The former army archer is ready to—"

As soon as this remark came out, 300,000 archers all held their arrows and bowed together, aiming at the towers tens of feet high.


Li Yuanba ordered.

Whoosh whoosh...

Whoosh whoosh...

In an instant, thousands of arrows were fired, and countless feather arrows shot toward the tower, falling like raindrops.


As the arrow rain fell, countless warriors from above and below the tower screamed and fell to the ground. The voices of fright and despair echoed above and below the tower, making the scalp numb.

Even the emperor, who was standing on top of the tower and being heavily protected, was so frightened that he lost his armor and fled after hitting a feather arrow in his arm. He plunged into the palace and would resist the army of the reincarnation immortal island. The task was handed over to his subordinates, and he dared not show up again.

After the arrow rain, the corpses up and down the castle tower were like mountains, blood ran into rivers, and wailing, the soldiers' horror and screams echoed in the city, like a **** on earth.

"Kill, don't keep one!"

Li Yuanba yelled, with a healthy footstep, carrying two 800-jin hammers and rushed towards the city gate.

After a breath, Li Yuanba suddenly jumped up into the air, his hammers raised, and he rushed towards the city gate vigorously.


Under the impact of these eight hundred jin of double hammers, the city's disciples burst in vain, and then turned into sky debris, splashing back.


Li Yuanba's gaze fell on the enemy in the city, two shots of substantive killing intent were shot from his eyes, and then he took the lead and rushed into the city.

Although Li Yuanba's double hammers weighed eight hundred jin, he was as agile as a monkey, and his body resembled an arrow. He saw a fierce man rushing into the enemy army. With a wave of the double hammers, he smashed the surrounding enemy forces. The head of the soldier named Zhepan exploded, and the red and white sap instantly swayed, scaring the enemy troops back again and again.

I've seen fierce land, where have these thieves seen such fierce?

Immediately after Li Yuanba's body shook, his muscles suddenly exerted force, because of the friction between the bones, there were bursts of crackling sounds.

At the same time, Li Yuanba’s double hammers flew flexibly in his hands. With each swing, dozens of people fell. In just a few breaths, hundreds of soldiers were crushed by Li Yuanba. Then he was killed on the spot.

In the next second, Zhao Yunzheng, Dianxiong, Guan Er, Zhang San, Gao Shun, and other generals rushed into Zhepan Capital with the army of Samsara Xiancheng, and began to harvest all the living people in Zhepan Capital.

Ye Chen's order was that if one didn't stay, the army of Samsara Xiancheng would naturally not keep it.

A little bit of time passed, and the city of Zhepan became a **** on earth. For a while, smoke and dust billowed, corpses were everywhere, and blood flowed into rivers.

The strong **** aura began to spread and explode in the city of Zhepan. How could it be a "miserable" word!

During this period, the Zhepan soldiers went from panic to collapse, to despair. Some screamed, some howled miserably, some begged for mercy, and some turned and fled.

However, no matter how they cried, screamed, howled miserably, or escaped, it was useless. Eventually, they would be killed by the reincarnation fairy city army mercilessly on the spot.

Among the beheaded, there were Zipan NPCs and Zipan players, both men and women, but without exception, they were all beheaded on the spot.

Just when the army of the reincarnation fairy city recklessly reaped the lives of the thieves, the World Channel suddenly began to refresh its screen.

"Warriors of the empire that the sun never sets, rush, **** yellow pigs, kill them back!"

"For the glory of the empire, give it to me! No one can go back!"

"Resist, must resist! Killed, hurry up to resurrect, and then drive these **** Eastern demons out of our motherland!"

"Eight Yalu! Give them all to me, don't be afraid! We are the players! Kill them! Charge! Don't let the devil of the East break the capital of our empire that never sets in the sun!"

"Kill them, kill them, don't be afraid! As long as we drive them out, we will find allies and attack the East together! Kill them all! Grab them all! Burn them all!"

Most of the players in Zhepan were at sea just now, and they were destroyed once by the reincarnation fairy city navy. Now, they are resurrected. Seeing the miserable situation of Zhepan Capital, they were instantly mad with anger, and then you said to me. In one word, shouting various slogans, the madman rushed to the army of the reincarnation fairy city like a madman.

They didn't want the city to be broken, and they didn't want the country to be destroyed, so they attacked the army of the reincarnation immortal city frantically.

However, it's useless! No matter how crazy they were, no matter how they sealed the demons, once they met the army of the reincarnation fairy city, they were slaughtered all the way.

Yes, it was slaughtered.

The powerful armor of the soldiers of the reincarnation fairy city, no matter how the players attacked, they couldn't break the defense.

Samsara Xiancheng soldiers’ weapons with explosive attack power, no matter how the player defends, the result will be destroyed in one blow.

Suddenly, the sound of shouting and killing, howling, the roar of a madman, the sound of weapons colliding, the body being pierced, exploded, and being knocked into flight, the sound resounded throughout the entire town.

More and more Zhanpan players began to behead and kill again, and the corpses piled up layer after layer, with stumps and arms, which can be seen everywhere, and blood can directly pass the calf.

A little bit of time passed, the players in Zhepan were killed again and again, resurrected again and again, and then killed again, starting to repeat and repeat, until the players in Zhepan were killed one after another. After at least six times, the players at Zipan finally collapsed.

"No! Damn it! Who can tell me why this **** Ye Chen is so strong, we are so desperate, but we can't kill him a soldier!"

"King Ye You, we surrendered! Really surrender, let us go!"

"Damn! You are a traitor to my empire that never sets! I will kill you!"

"Shut up! Don't look at how powerful Ye You's army is. We are not opponents at all!"

"We are really not opponents. If you don't want to let the level fall to the end, and don't want to be killed by monsters in the real world, we should scream with me and surrender!"

"Yes, don't think about glory, what we have to do now is to surrender quickly, otherwise, we all have to die!"

"Master Youwang! We surrendered, please stop attacking us!"

"Master Youwang, we are all players and people in the real world. You can't drive us to death. In this way, you will let us bend and disappear in the world. This is a great crime against humanity, Lord Youwang, you must Know this."

"Master Youwang, as long as you stop, we are willing to offer thousands of beautiful women, and they are all virgins, young and beautiful!"

"I wipe, the bandits are surrendering? King Ye You, don't agree, you must kill them all. This is a perverted nation, a perverted country, and they want to destroy our East from the bottom of their hearts."

"Yeah, King Ye You, don’t believe in the falsehood of the thief. If you want beautiful women, we have many oriental beauties. As long as you don’t agree to stop, I’m willing to let my sister be your concubine or a maid. what."

"Brother Ye Chen, don't listen to the bullshit. As long as you don't listen, I will warm your bed without any payment. Don't you like to take the kid? I can warm your bed for free. Anytime, afterwards , I will go by myself!"

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"I'm going, you think pretty beautiful. If Ye You agrees, you can live in Samsara City. But, having said that, Ye You, the thief, absolutely can't believe it. If you think about their intrusion in the real world, When we were in the East, what did we do, massacre, his group of dog-like beasts."

"That's right, King Ye You, you must think about this, think about the sufferings of our compatriots in the past, they don't treat our compatriots in the East as human beings."

"King Ye You, absolutely can't promise thieves, they must be killed, and none of them will be let go!"

The World Channel was full of enthusiasm, Ye Chen in Samsara Immortal Valley, after taking a look, his eyebrows raised involuntarily.

Lao Tzu went abroad to fight for his luck, so how could he be merciful...

Thinking of this, the corner of Ye Chen's mouth couldn't help but a thought, and a word appeared on the World Channel instantly.

"You let go and kill, this king will kill the Zhanpan royal family, and as for the Zhanpan players who are close to this king, without exception, kill without exception!"

At this moment, the Zhanpan player was killed at least six times by Ye Chen's army of Reincarnation Xiancheng, and all of them fell below level 40. Such strength can no longer provide much experience to the soldiers of Reincarnation Xiancheng.

Of course, this is not the key. The most important thing is that this kind of strength can no longer guarantee the safety of the broken bandits in the real world.

To be more precise, even if Ye Chen doesn't do anything now, these fold-up players cannot escape death in the real world.

After all, there is no place in the real world without monsters on the entire earth.

If you don't lose much strength, you can still compete with monsters, monsters and the like.

But right now, the overall strength of the Zhanpan players is greatly reduced, and it is impossible to resist attacks from monsters or monsters.

Therefore, the outcome of the discount player is already doomed, that is, it is completely dead, but it is a matter of time.

Of course, even if it is late, it will not exceed three days.

After all, the monsters and monsters in the real world don't stand still every day.

It was for this reason that Ye Chen didn't want to continue to waste time on Zippan players.

After all, they are destined to die, and killing them is inexperienced, and continuing to kill them is just a waste of time.

As for what Ye Chen said on the World Channel, in addition to telling Eastern players that they will start to kill wantonly now, it is to warn Zhanpan players that they don't want to continue to be killed, so get out.

As soon as Ye Chen's words on the World Channel landed, they instantly detonated the entire World Channel.

"Master Youwang, can you help me fight the capital of the empire where the sun never sets? We are willing to offer war indemnities and beauties. No matter what, as long as you bring it up, we will agree!"

"Yes, Lord Youwang, we are very sincere!"

"Hahaha, let me just say it, it is impossible for the boss of Ye Chen to agree to the request of the thief!"

"Brothers, what are you waiting for, kill, kill all the thieves!"

"Yes, kill and kill!"

The World Channel swept the screen again. After taking a look, Ye Chen curled his lips in disdain, and then stopped paying attention.

Zhepan players didn't want to continue to be killed, and some didn't want Zhepan Capital to be destroyed, but they thought so well that Ye Chen couldn't be soft-hearted at all, let alone be merciful.

Not to mention that Ye Chen had to do something to grab the luck of the world, even if it was to avenge the blood feud decades ago, Ye Chen could not soften up and give up attacking the discount bank.

Zhepan Metropolis.

The army of the reincarnation fairy city, under the leadership of Zhao Yunzheng, Dianxiong, and Guan Er, stepped on a corpse and rushed into the Zhepan Palace.

The fastest to enter the palace hall was Li Yuanba, who naturally took the lead in breaking the city.

Originally, Li Yuanba thought that no one would dare to block him. Who would have thought. Just entering the second door of the main hall, he saw a man with a samurai sword on his waist standing by the door.

The man is two feet tall, full of muscles, and looks fierce.

"If you want to go in, you need to ask me if I agree."

The man raised his eyes and suddenly let out his murderous aura.

This person is no one else, but the first guard, Aso Kita, who protects the emperor day and night.

With its powerful strength, even the Emperor was afraid of three points.

"The defeat is determined, so what's the use of blocking?"

Li Yuanba's face was cold, and his voice said coldly.

Next second.


With a kick, Li Yuanba jumped out suddenly. The extremely fast speed came in front of Aso Kita in a blink of an eye.

I saw his right leg lifted, like an iron whip swiftly drawn to Aso Beidao's head.


Aso Beidao squinted his eyes slightly, and his figure shook. The strange posture that ordinary people could hardly do escaped Li Yuanba's whip leg attack, and then his right paw fisted. Before Li Yuanba could retract his leg, he slammed into Li Yuanba’s knee joints. The moves are fierce and sinister.

Anyone with a discerning eye would see that if Li Yuanba was hit by a knee joint, he would definitely be hit hard and lose his combat effectiveness in a short time.

However, how can Li Yuanba, who is famous in the Sui and Tang Dynasties, be defeated so easily? It's ridiculous!

Seeing Li Yuanba lifted his right leg, his toes touched the ground, he leaped into the air with the help of the counter-shock force, and easily escaped the attack of Aso North Sword.


When he landed, the masonry under Li Yuanba's feet split a few cracks. Then Li Yuanba waved his fists and slammed the Aso Beidao's waist swiftly. The whole movement was done in one go, like running clouds and flowing water.


Undoubtedly, only thinking about the attack, did not expect that Li Yuanba would be able to strike back like lightning after avoiding his own attack. Aso Beidao was suddenly hit in the waist, shaking out dozens of steps, and a mouthful of old blood spurted out.

"Will you kill you while you are sick!"

Li Yuanba's eyes flashed, cold light bloomed. Taking off the double hammer from his waist, he leaped towards Aso North Sword like a cheetah.

call! call!

The two hammers smashed up, and the tiger was in the wind. Only when Li Yuanba shouted, the two hammers suddenly slammed into the Aso North Sword.

"I am the first secret guard in the palace hall, just rely on your two broken hammers to kill me?"

Aso Beidao snorted coldly and drew out the samurai sword from his waist like lightning and slashed towards Li Yuanba's double hammers.

In an instant, the sword light bloomed, and murderous aura raged!

But in the next second, Aso Beidao's face suddenly changed.


The sword and hammer collided, and with a flash of fire, the samurai sword broke in two at the waist and fell to the ground with a bang.

Although the Aso North Sword and the Samurai Sword smashed at the waist, it did not stop Li Yuanba's double-hammer offensive, and it hit Aso's head with great force. The latter's head burst directly, and the red and white liquid splashed all over the ground.

And most of his body was smashed into the ground by Li Yuanba abruptly and sank into the mud.

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