The Strongest Player Who Descended From the Wilderness

Chapter 906: 906: The Cruel Army of Reincarnation Xiancheng

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Zhang San glanced at Damu who was rushing crazily with disdain, stepped back slightly, and dodged Damu's attack lightly, then lifted his right foot and slammed on Damu's lower abdomen.

Under the huge inertia, Damu fell to the ground with a flop and rolled out more than ten meters away.


Before Damu got up, Zhang San had already arrived in front of Damu, and then hit Damu’s throat with a kick, accompanied by a stream of blood spouting from Damu’s mouth, Damu’s neck crooked, on the spot. death.

"Wan Sheng!"

"Wan Sheng!"

"Wan Sheng!"

Deafening cheers, instantly resounded from the army position of Samsara Xiancheng.

However, the millions of War Elephant Corps were in a state of bewilderment, watching the corpse of their own general on the ground without responding for a while.


Zhang San drew out his spear, flew on his horse, clamped his legs to the belly of the horse, and then rushed towards the war elephant legion.

Zhao Yunzheng, Dianxiong, Guan Er, Gao Shun, Zhang Liao, Zhang Chi, Gao Lan, Yu Yi, when the generals saw this, they all smiled at each other, and then raised their weapons together and shouted:


"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The sky-shaking sound of killing instantly resounded from the army of the reincarnation fairy city.

In the next second, Zhang San, Zhao Yunzheng, Dianxiong, Guan Er, Li Yuanba, Gao Shun, Zhang Liao and other generals took the lead in rushing to the War Elephant Legion, while the Samsara Xiancheng Army followed without hesitation and launched a charge.


Thousand horses gallop, the earth roars.

The army of the two million four hundred and one million reincarnations of Xiancheng, with an indomitable momentum, rushed violently, the Army of War Elephants.

Not far away, the Eastern players who saw this scene all stayed together.

"I...I rely on! The horse charges against the elephant? Isn't this looking for abuse?"

"Yeah, I didn't understand it either. In the past, I couldn't fight the elephant at all. Isn't it good? Maybe he was chopped and kicked with the legs of the elephant. It's not a heavyweight at all.

"I feel that it should not be that simple. With such a clear truth, it is impossible for Ye You's generals to not know. Since they dare to charge, they must be sure of it."

"I feel so too."

At Tianzhu State's position, because the lord was killed, the war elephant army, which was in chaos just now, saw the reincarnation immortal city army charging towards one's own side, and they all stunned.

At this moment, the lieutenant of the War Elephant Legion flashed his eyes suddenly, then raised his weapon and shouted:

"War elephant is invincible! Kill!"

As soon as the lieutenant of the War Elephant Corps had said something, the soldiers of the War Elephant Corps all reflected one thing.

What are you afraid of? Lao Tzu rides a war elephant, and he specializes in restraining war horses.

After regaining their consciousness, the soldiers of the War Elephant Legion regained their courage, and then raised up their weapons one by one and shouted:

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

In the next second, the soldiers of the War Elephant Legion, one by one controlling the War Elephants, rushed towards the army of the reincarnation fairy city, violently.

Vientiane is galloping and the earth roars.

The extremely violent War Elephant Legion, as soon as they charged, the players behind the Samsara Xiancheng Army opened their eyes one by one.

"Fuck! Ye Chen's army is in danger!"

"Yeah, the War Elephant Legion didn't charge just now. It's nothing. Now it charges. Whoever stands in the front will be trampled to death. No way, it's trampled into the flesh!"

"Extraordinarily, what Ye Chen is going to do. If he is defeated, we Dongfang, really can't hold this War Elephant Legion, right? This thing is a big killer on the battlefield, and the siege will be a mess... …"

Just when the players said something to you and me, the forefront of the Samsara Xiancheng army, Zhang San, Zhao Yunzheng, Dian Xiong, Guan Er and other generals, all made a move with their right hands, and the magic weapon level sword instantly appeared in their respective hands.

In the next second, Zhang San, Zhao Yunzheng, Dianxiong, Guan Er, waiting for the generals, their eyes suddenly opened, and then he shouted:

"Ride and shoot!"

As soon as their words landed, the reincarnation fairy city army behind them, without exception, replaced them with bows and arrows, and then drew their bows and arrows, and shot at the elephant army without hesitation.

"Swish swish"

The extremely dense sound of breaking through the air instantly sounded, and then two and four hundred and one hundred thousand arrows were seen, soaring into the sky in an instant, and then covering the sky and the sun and falling towards the Elephant Corps.

At the same time, Zhao Yunzheng, Dianxiong, Zhang San, Guan Erqi raised up the magic weapon class long sword, and then shouted:

"Qinglian Sword Art!"

When the sound fell, dozens of cyan lotus appeared out of thin air, and then saw a large number of cyan sword energy hundreds of meters long, directly erupting from the cyan lotus, and then hurriedly shot towards the elephant army, and disappeared in a flash.

In the next second, the sound of the body being cut suddenly sounded incomparably dense.

"Hey, yell, yell..."

Then I saw the battle elephant charging towards the army of the reincarnation fairy city, sliced ​​into pieces, cut into dozens of pieces, and then died on the spot.

"Boom boom boom!"

After a series of explosions, the war elephants that had just died, without exception, were all exploded into pieces of flesh and blood in the sky.

In the distance, the Eastern players who saw this scene were all dumbfounded, and then their eyes widened involuntarily.

"Let me go, what kind of exercise is this? Why is it so perverted?"

"How do I know, but now I understand why Ye Chen's army dare to use war horses to charge the elephant..."

"The subordinates of King Ye You are really abnormal..."

"Look! That arrow is wrong!"

Just as the players' gazes once again looked at the elephant army that fell to the Tianzhu Kingdom, the arrows shot by the Samsara Xiancheng army fell overwhelmingly in the center of the assaulting elephant army.

"Puff, puff, puff, puff..."

The sound of arrows penetrating the body sounded in an instant, and then I saw that the soldiers of the war elephant legion were still sitting down on the war elephant. Without exception, the arrows shot by the army of the reincarnation fairy city penetrated. He lost his body, and then stopped the charge.

At this moment, millions of soldiers from the Kingdom of Tianzhu were shot directly on the spot, and they sat down on the elephant, without exception, they were shot out of dozens of bowl-sized holes, and they were of the kind that penetrated.

The blood spurted wildly, the intestines flowed out, and the war elephants wailed. They instantly appeared in the war elephant army of the Tianzhu Kingdom, and then saw the charge mode of the war elephant army of the Tianzhu Kingdom, and soon stopped.

It is also difficult to think of not stopping. Many of the war elephants on the battlefield have been directly killed, but they have been directly crippled, and many more.

On the battlefield where there are corpses of war elephants or dying war elephants everywhere, the surviving war elephants cannot continue to charge.

"Boom boom boom..."

After a series of crashing sounds, the charge of the War Elephant Corps was completely interrupted.

"Why... why is this..."

" me...I don't want to die..."

"They are the devil! The devil!"

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Soldiers of Tianzhu Kingdom, you talked with each other, and then it collapsed.

It's hard not to collapse, you know, the war elephant they are proud of, in front of the Samsara Xiancheng army, is just as vulnerable as a paper, and it has been directly maimed for nearly half.

And what caused this scene was only a wave of attacks from the reincarnation fairy city army.

Faced with such a cruel reality, how could the soldiers of the Tianzhu Kingdom not be afraid, how could they not be afraid.


Thousand horses gallop, the earth roars.

The army of Samsara Xiancheng who was still charging, once again drew bows and arrows, releasing a wave of arrows that made the soldiers of the Kingdom of Tianzhu desperate.

"Swish swish..."

The arrows pierced the air and exploded densely.

"Puff, puff, puff..."

The arrow penetrated the body, ruthless and cruel.

Another wave of arrow rain attacks once again took away the lives of millions of soldiers from the Kingdom of Tianzhu and crippled millions of war elephants.

A strong **** aura erupted from the battlefield immediately, and then spread directly, like hell.


Thousand horses gallop, the earth roars.

The army of Samsara Xiancheng came into contact with the Tianzhu Kingdom War Elephant Legion. Although all the corpses of the war elephants were poured out, the army of Samsara Xiancheng was not affected at all. The charge was the same, and the speed was not reduced.

Because the ones who opened the way in the front were Zhao Yunzheng, Zhang San, Dian Xiong, Guan Er, and other historical masters who learned the Chaos-level exercises, Qinglian Sword Art, and so on!

The army of the reincarnation fairy city is galloping all the way, killing people when they encounter them, and they go and stop with one shot.

Half an hour later, the army of the reincarnation fairy city smashed through the battlefield, and then left the dead bodies all over the ground, and the blood-red land that was constantly flowing through the river of blood.

The strong wind blew, the strong **** breath surging directly, and then blowing towards the inside of Tianzhu Kingdom.

At this moment, the world announcement suddenly sounded:

"Ding! Hussar General Ye Chen of the Han Dynasty defeated the Tianzhu Kingdom War Elephant Corps and broke through the border of the Tianzhu Kingdom..."

The World Announcement was repeated three times in a row, detonating the entire World Channel in an instant.

"Let me take it! King Ye You is so awesome that he even wiped out the war elephant army of the Tianzhu Kingdom, what a great man!"

"My King Ye You is mighty, do anyone who praised King Ye You like me? One praise me for picking medicine for an hour."

"As soon as King Ye You shot, I knew if there were any. The Elephant Legion of Tianzhu Kingdom was nothing more than an ant-like existence in the eyes of King Ye You. Come on, I will give you 10,000 likes, and let you collect medicines. dead!"

"No matter how powerful and clamoring Tianzhu is, it is not destroyed by King Ye You. It seems that it will not be long before the cavalry of King Ye You will be able to rush into the capital of Tianzhu and destroy the entire Kingdom of Tianzhu!"

"Is there anyone who praises the Yeyou King? All of them are 18cm, and they can last for three hours at night."

"King Ye You is mighty! Fighting thieves, stepping on Tianzhu Kingdom, really a role model for my players, worth learning! Not to say, Tianzhu Kingdom is still waiting for me to destroy, I will rush to Tianzhu Kingdom, help me Ye Youwang has a helping hand!"

In the reincarnation of Xiancheng, Ye Chen glanced at the constantly refreshing World Channel and smiled faintly. At this moment, the system prompt sounded suddenly.

"Ding! Congratulations to player Ye Chen, for winning the Kingdom of Tianzhu, 20% luck!"

Ye Chen couldn't help but raise his eyebrows as soon as the system's prompt sound ended.

Sure enough, just like the offensive, as long as the enemy can be eliminated and the country occupied, one can gradually gain the luck of the enemy country...

Thinking of this, Ye Chen directly spoke to the generals:

"Go! Yucun and destroy village! Yuzhen and town! Yucheng and city!"

"Yes! Lord!"

Zhao Yunzheng, Dianxiong, Guan Er, Zhang San, and other generals heard the words, bowed all together, worshiped loudly, and then led the army of 2.41 million reincarnation Xiancheng towards the interior of Tianzhu Kingdom.

Jianglongcheng, the first city that also serves as an offensive and defensive city in the hinterland of Tianzhu Kingdom. The terrain is extremely dangerous. It is fan-shaped. Except for a narrow road in the valley, which can pass people, there are high cliffs on both sides. The trend of opening.

Coupled with the 600,000 elite soldiers stationed in Jianglongcheng, it is definitely not an easy task to attack.

Moreover, the defender of Jianglongcheng is the first general of the Tianzhu Kingdom Beiliumu. Both his resourcefulness and reputation are higher than that of Damu, and it is even more difficult to break the city with his station here.


A spy quickly came to the Beiliu curtain standing on the city wall and knelt down, and reported: "General, the entire army of the war elephant army in front is destroyed, and no one is surviving."

"What? The entire army of the War Elephant Legion was destroyed?"

When Beiliu Mu heard the words, his face changed in shock.


The spy nodded heavily and said, "Even General Damu was killed on the spot!"

"Damn, Damu this waste!"

After Beiliu Mu was shocked, he couldn't help but yelled. After calming down, he asked, "Where is the big man's army now?"

"The big man's army is marching here, I'm... I'm afraid..."

The spy paused slightly and whispered, "I'll be here soon."

Before the words fell, Beiliu raised his eyes and found that a large number of Han cavalry appeared densely in the valley outside Jianglong City. If it were not for the limited area of ​​the valley, he could fully imagine the scene of a million troops approaching the city.

Bei Liumu looked at the cavalry in the valley, with a faint sadness on his face, and then rushed to the men behind him and said:

"According to the order, the whole army is preparing to fight. It must guard the only entrance into the hinterland of our country. In addition, the leader is notified that our department requests the deployment of troops and reinforcements!"


Hearing the words, the confidant left.

Ye Chen, who was sitting in the reincarnation city of Xiancheng, swept through the city of Jianglong through his spiritual sense, his eyes narrowed slightly.

Compared with the wide area on the border just now, this dragon city has a dangerous terrain and is obviously easy to defend and difficult to attack.

Of course, the most important thing is that there is only a one-foot wide road from the gate of Jianglong City to the valley.

With such a width, it is impossible for the soldiers of the reincarnation fairy city to rush in in a big way.

If it is hard to come by, the soldiers of the reincarnation fairy city, even if they have spirit weapon-level armor and protection, it is difficult to guarantee that they will not be shot in the eyes, face doors and other important parts.

Thinking of this, Ye Chen communicated to Zhang San through divine sense, and said:

"Yide, are you confident to take this city?"

"Lord, although the terrain of Jianglong City is dangerous, the valley leading to the gate of the city is only three feet away, but flying, you have the confidence to break the city!"


Ye Chen laughed when he heard this, and then said through a voice transmission:

"In that case, it's up to you to break the city!"

"Yes! Lord!" Zhang San was immediately overjoyed when he heard this, and then hurriedly directed at the Samsara Immortal Island, bowed and said loudly.

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