The Strongest Player Who Descended From the Wilderness

Chapter 992: 992: Insidious Dongming Saint King

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The Holy King of Dongming had already thought Ye Chen was awesome, but in the end, what Ye Chen showed was more awesome than he thought. The two fireballs in particular made a fire cover, and the whole Silla was destroyed. The capital city was covered.

Of course, this is not the key. The most important thing is that the temperature of the fire that covers the Silla National Capital is terribly high. This can be easily felt from the rapidly rising temperature of the city wall.

"Dahan Youwang, Ye Chen!"

Ye Chen sneered coldly after hearing the enquiry of Saint King Dongming, and then shouted through a voice transmission.

Dongming Saint King is the "god" of Silla Kingdom. People in Silla Kingdom respect him, but Ye Chen only regards him as a barbarian, nothing but rubbish. Naturally, it is impossible to talk to him in a good voice.

As for Ye Chen's direct use of the real fire of the sun and the red lotus industry fire, one is to prevent the natives of the Silla Kingdom who have become zombies and the players leaving the capital in the capital city of Silla, and the other is to prevent other players from running here. Take advantage.

Of course, the most important thing is to prevent the zombie plague from spreading from the capital of Silla.

Ye Chen didn't want his army to be infected by the zombie plague and become zombies.

Of course, at the moment, there is no such strange blood fog in the capital of Silla Kingdom, but there are still players in Silla Kingdom who have eaten the violent pill of Dongming Shengwang's hands and feet.

Even though they have become zombies now, even Ye Chen cannot be sure whether they will explode after they are killed, and then the zombie plague will appear again.

Therefore, Ye Chen directly used the raging fire to besiege the city. In this way, everything was solved, and there was no worries.

"Good, good!... Ye Chen, you wait for me!" Dongming Saint King was frustrated, flashed, and walked directly down the city wall, and then once again entered the underground secret realm of the ruins of the imperial palace.

The Dongming Saint King, who had been frustrated, had just returned to the secret realm, his face immediately turned into a sulking look.

"Ye Chen, Ye Chen, it's your hands and eyes that reach the sky. In the end, it's not a calculation to hit me! When I summon the Nether Gorefiend, you will definitely be beautiful!"

Obviously, part of the performance of the Dongming Sage King just now on the wall is acting.

As for his purpose, it was to let Ye Chen slack off and not directly attack him to kill him.

But what Dongming Saint King didn't know was that no matter whether he wanted Ye Chen to relax or not, Ye Chen would not do it directly.

You know, Ye Chen is still waiting for his Dongming Saint King to summon some powerful existence, and then slaughter it, making a fortune.

After Dongming Shengwang finished speaking, he walked to an altar in the center of the secret realm.

At this moment, above the blood-red altar, a whirlpool had appeared. In the center of the whirlpool, blood-red mist was swallowed by it, and then swallowed.

If Ye Chen were here and saw the blood-red mist, he would be able to react immediately. It was completely different from the blood mist that ravaged the capital of Silla Kingdom and turned all the natives and players of Silla Kingdom into zombies.

To be more precise, the blood-red mist here is the aura of blood evil, formed by the fusion of killing intent and various evil thoughts, and the chance of appearing is very low, because this is the sun, not the nether world.

But this is not important. The important thing is that the blood evil spirit can hurt the soul and hurt the mind.

And within the spiral nest above the blood-red altar, what was swallowed was obviously the blood evil spirit.

The combination of these two is obviously to summon the existence of the Netherworld, and it is a demon who specializes in blood evil spirit.

The fact is also true, Dongming Saint King used to summon the altar, and the summoned was the Nether Gorefiend.

It's just that Dongming Saint King summoned the Nether Gorefiend not to control him, but to swallow him, and then turned into the Nether Gorefiend.

This is the biggest hole card of the Dongming Saint King, and it is also the reason why he hesitated and struggled on the wall.

At this moment, surrounded by a huge amount of blood evil spirit, the eerie and terrifying scene, like **** descending!

In order to summon the Nether Gorefiend, the Dongming Saint King has even made a desperate move. For this reason, he does not hesitate to mutilate his compatriots and turn the entire Bangzi City into a ghost domain!

The degree of cruelty can be seen to be average!

At this time, the huge vortex on the altar was madly absorbing the blood evil spirit from King City of Silla. A deep black hole with no bottom is gradually forming in the center of the vortex!

Sage King Dongming saw this scene, his eyes were red, his breathing was short, and his body trembled with excitement.

He looked up at the top and howled loudly:

"Kill it quickly, when you kill all the zombies, it will be your death date! Ahahahahaha..."

The underground secret realm is filled with the crazy bloodthirsty laugh of the Dongming Saint King...


The capital of Silla Kingdom, outside the city.

Generals such as Guan Yu, Zhao Yun, Zhang Fei, Dianwei, and Huang Zhong led the army. After they came outside the city, they glanced at the Silla Capital City, which was enveloped by fire, and then raised their right-hand weapons together and shouted:



The long horn sounded in an instant, and at this moment, the flag in the hands of the messenger was dancing back and forth.

In the next second, 2.41 million soldiers in the reincarnation of Xiancheng changed their bows and arrows together, and then drew their bows and arrows, aiming at the capital of Silla Kingdom.

At this moment, Ye Chen of Samsara Xiancheng City Lord's Mansion lifted his right hand, and then swiped it back.

But in the blink of an eye, a huge and incomparable evil-breaking rune illuminates the long dark night.


The rune burst suddenly, and then turned into millions of tiny evil-breaking runes, which instantly attached to the bows and arrows of the soldiers of the reincarnation fairy city.

"Zheng Zheng Zheng..."

The 2.41 million arrows left the string immediately, and then flew straight to the capital of Silla Kingdom with a sharp sound of breaking through the air.

At this moment, the arrows shining with the golden light of the evil rune illuminate the dark night again, and then you see them, such as shooting into the capital, the natives who have become zombies and the players.

"Puff, puff, puff..."

The sound of the extremely dense arrows shooting through the body instantly sounded in patches, and then I saw the Silla Kingdom natives and players shot through by the arrows exploding in patches.

"Boom boom boom..."

At this moment, all the zombies shot were blown into pieces.

After the natives and players of the Silla Kingdom became zombies, their combat power soared, and their strength had reached the state of escape.

But facing the army of the reincarnation fairy city, still can't change the destiny of being crushed...

Reincarnation Xiancheng, the city lord's mansion.

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Ye Chen, whose divine consciousness enveloped the capital of Silla, frowned when he saw the players in the capital of Silla and the natives. This time he was killed. After the blood fog of the zombie plague reappeared as before, he frowned.

The Xinluo Kingdom became a zombie player, swallowing the violent pill that moved his hands and feet. After death, there was no blood fog with zombie plague...

Not only that, even their darkened blood did not spill out because of their bodies exploding...

Thinking of this, Ye Chen's eyes suddenly opened, and his supernatural powers, fiery eyes and golden eyes were instantly used by Ye Chen.

At this moment, Ye Chen's eyes directly burst into two groups of flames, and at the same time, two golden lights directly emerged from Ye Chen's eyes.

In the next second, heading towards the underground city of Silla Kingdom, the huge blood evil spirit surged wildly into Ye Chen's eyes.

Oh, I said that after these zombies exploded, they even had blood, but they turned into blood evil spirit...

With that said, this Dongming Saint King is going to summon a monster related to the Qi of Blood Fiend...

It is estimated that it is a young man under the ancestors of the Styx River, or it may be a warrior...

As for strength...

It is estimated that the highest is Tianxian, or Jinxian...

Yes, yes, the harvest will not be small this time...

Thinking of this, Ye Chen couldn't help but tilt his mouth, then looked at Zhao Yun, Dian Wei, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei and others, and shouted:

"Siege! Be careful! Don't get hurt by zombies!"

The zombie plague will no longer appear after the death of players in the Silla Kingdom, and the threat to the army of the reincarnation fairy city will naturally be greatly reduced.

In such a situation, it stands to reason that a long-range attack is the most cost-effective, but in this way, it can make the army of Samsara Xiancheng lose the experience of fighting the "strong man".

This is not because of self-humility or raising the Silla Kingdom, but because the natives and players in the capital of Silla Kingdom have reached the Transcendence Realm after becoming zombies, and the number far exceeds the reincarnation fairy city army.

Of course, the reincarnation fairy city army is not weak, and their super-luxury equipment alone is enough to make up for the gap in quantity and realm.

"Yes! Lord!" Zhao Yun, Dianwei, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei and other generals heard this, bowed and said loudly. After speaking, they led the reincarnation fairy city army and broke through the gates of the capital city of Xinluo. Entered the capital of Silla Kingdom.

As for the fire cover covering the capital city of Silla Kingdom, it did not hurt the army of the reincarnation fairy city, because it was Ye Chen who used it, and he could completely control who to burn and who not to burn.

"Everyone prepares! Assault!"

Zhao Yun sent out an offensive order full of anger, resounding through the entire Bangzi City battlefield.

After hearing Zhao Yun's command, Shiwan Bai Ma Yicong pulled the tight bowstring to full circle in a uniform motion!

"500 meters straight ahead, all free throws!!!"

Then I saw 100,000 bows and arrows raised at the same time, the cold light of the metal arrows, like dense stars, made people shudder!

Weng! ! ! ——

As soon as Zhao Yun gave his order, he saw a dark cloud suddenly flying from the ground, covering the sky and obscuring the sun, and went straight to the Silla Kingdom zombies on the opposite side to fly down at an extremely fast speed!

And the Silla Kingdom zombies directly opposite them also found the Samsara Xiancheng troops rushing into the city at this moment!

As soon as they saw living people, these zombies who had lost their minds roared frantically one by one, and their instinct to eat prompted them to roar and rush towards the army of the reincarnation fairy city!

All of them have bloodthirsty eyes, and the smell of human flesh stimulates them to be even more crazy at this time. They desperately rushed towards the army of the reincarnation city, the scene is very horrible!

But even these zombies are extremely cruel, they still can't stop the concentrated fire attack of the spirit weapon class bow and arrow of 100,000 White Horse Yicong!

The zombie group of the Silla Kingdom had just launched an attack and was ruthlessly baptized by Arrow Rain!

The first wave of 100,000 spirit weapon-level feather arrows, like a large black cloud of extinction, has fallen straight down since nine days!

Directly crush a large swarm of zombies in the Silla Kingdom that are rushing forward!

Puff puff puff puff...

The sound of arrows digging into the muscles continued, and the group of zombies rushing into the front suddenly turned into a porcupine, and then "bang bang bang..." exploded into pieces, and the dead can't die again...

The zombies didn't feel pain, only bloodthirsty longing. Although they saw their companions fall one after another, they still couldn't shake their progress.

But what greeted them was still a cold and ruthless rain of arrows!

After the first wave of volleys, one hundred thousand white horse Yicong, led by Zhao Yun, started free shooting.

With the momentum of their horses rushing forward, they kept pulling their bows and shooting arrows, shooting arrows with death into the vital points of the zombies in Silla Kingdom accurately!

Whoosh whoosh...

White lines shot out from the hands of Bai Ma Yi Cong, traversing hundreds of meters in front, and shot into the heads of zombies at extremely fast speed!

In the next moment, the zombies exploded directly under the strong power of the spirit weapon class bows and arrows!

Broken pieces of meat and brains are directly splashed out, splashing everywhere!

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh...

Dense clusters of arrows are flying in the air, like a violent swarm of locusts, constantly covering the blue sky ahead...

Draw beautiful arcs in the air, with a sharp whistling sound, penetrating and smashing the bloodthirsty zombies one by one...

"All charge! Advance at full speed!"

Putting down the spirit weapon class crossbow in his hand, Zhao Yun's command resounded throughout the battlefield!

The spear in his hand was raised high, and a dazzling light trace was drawn in the air!

With the sound of the wind, the agile war horse rushed past a giant zombie!

At a moment before the zombie hadn't reacted, the sharp spear lightly slashed through the air, and effortlessly split the head of the five-story giant zombie in front of him!

When the giant zombie's head flew into the air, there was still a look of stunned expression on its face, and the gray brains immediately sprayed out of its headless chest...

Zhao Yun sat down on the galloping horse and whizzed past like a gust of wind. The huge corpse of the giant zombie was instantly swept in and rushed from behind. The white horse Yi from under the countless horses hooves, instantly shattered...

Just when Zhao Yun led Bai Ma Yi from the mass killing, at the same time the 51 million reincarnation army as the forward also moved!

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