The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 66: 66

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66 – forever your older brother


Because it was easy for Xiao Zuiji to be taunted or treated poorly while on the streets, Jun Changxiao asked him to stay in the inn to rest. 

Lu Qianqian and the others also did not leave the inn, choosing to cultivate in their rooms to adjust their conditions and prepare for the next few days. 

Jun Changxiao was bored sitting around all day and went to the market in search of medicinal herbs. In the end, he found a lot for the Basic Healing Pill, but nothing for the others. 

“Ah… Mass production is a bit difficult.”

He had hoped to refine enough Qi Gathering Pills, Body Reconstructing Pills, and Qi Revolving Pills for he and his disciples. 

“He’s the Ironbone Sect Head!”

“Looks very young. What a pity his brain has some problems, bringing his disciples to attend the competition.”

“There has to be cannon fodder, nothing unusual.”

“Many of the participants are Tenth Stage Meridian Opening or above. His ninth-grade sect, I fear it will be eliminated in the first round.”

Now that Xiao Zuiji was not here, Jun Changxiao became the topic of all conversation. 

A loser, a ninth-grade sect. If they walked on the street and the people were filled with envy, that would be truly weird. 

Jun Changxiao did not pay attention to them. After spending some time at the market, he returned to the inn. The next day, he led his disciples out. 

At this moment, although it was just barely dawn, the streets were crowded with people. 

This biannual Sect Martial Arts Competition was a grand occasion in Qingyang Commandery. Many outside cultivators had arrived in the area during the past three or five days. 

“The Ironbone Sect’s people came out!”

“Tsk tsk. They’re dressed pretty nicely. Wait until the competition starts, I hope they can keep up the elegant demeanor.”

“Xiao Zuiji doesn’t even have spiritual power. Going on the stage with other disciples is just asking to be beaten.”

“That girl too, she also doesn’t seem to have spiritual power. Sending such a disciple onstage, this has to be a joke.”

“Just a ninth-grade sect, sending out Li Qingyang is good enough. Why count on the other disciples at all?”

The other people whispered all around. 

Jun Changxiao pretended like he couldn’t hear, striding towards the arena. 

Although he looked serene, his heart was filled with anger. He really wished he had an AK, giving all of these shit-mouthed fellows a good du-du-du.

Li Qingyang, Su Xiaomo, and Tian Qi were also filled with rage, but could only wait until the competition to vent it out. 

Southern side of the city, martial arts competition arena. 

When Jun Changxiao was here for registration, it was still a spacious training area. Now there was a dueling ring built, similar to a Roman gladiator’s arena. 

At the venue’s entrance was a large gathering of various sects and cultivators. The middle-aged registrar was also there, verifying each person’s bamboo slate. 

When Jun Changxiao walked by, the man’s eyes brightened and he smiled fakely. “Aiya, Ironbone’s Sect Head Jun is here?”

It was seemingly just a greeting, but it had actually alerted all the cultivators.

And it worked. 

As soon as the man announced it, the various cultivators all looked in Jun Changxiao’s direction. 

Although many of them were smiling, they were disdainful and contemptuous. 

Which one of them did not belong to an eighth-grade sect? Naturally, they would not hold the ninth-grade Ironbone Sect in their eyes. 

Jun Changxiao couldn’t care less, leading the disciples to the entrance and handing the bamboo slates over. 

The other higher-grade sects deliberately maintained a certain distance, as if fearing some poisonous aura. 

“Senior brother, isn’t the Ironbone Sect a ninth-grade? Why are they here?”

“Maybe they’re thrill-seekers.”

“Puhaha! In my opinion, it’s more like courting death.”

Various disciples also heard the commotion and looked over. 

There was nothing they could do with their grade so low. If they were a seventh-grade sect or above, all the people would be kneeling to lick their feet. 

After the bamboo slates were verified, Jun Changxiao said, “Let’s go.”

Xiao Zuiji did not leave, standing at the venue entrance with his fists clenched tightly, nails digging into his palms. His eyes blazed with anger, staring at another venue entrance. 

Jun Changxiao and the other noticed this and followed his gaze, where a slender youth in blue clothes was walking over. 

“Cousin Zuiji.”

The youth said a hello, but his smile was obviously fake, especially since his eyes glowed with arrogance. 

“It’s Xiao Linye!”

“The most outstanding talent from the Xiao Family’s young generation!”

“I heard that in the past few months, he was accepted as a direct disciple of the sixth-grade Sound Valley Sect’s Great Elder!”

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“Did Sound Valley also send disciples this time?”

The crown murmured. 

Xiao Linye? Jun Changxiao’s mouth could not help but pull into a smile. If you add the character ‘Long’, then the strongest four surnames in the popular novels would all be occupied by this boy. [1]

Xiao Zuiji said, “I am no longer a person of the Xiao family, so you should not call me ‘cousin’.”

Xiao Linye smiled. “If it wasn’t for Cousin Zuiji opening up my first meridian, then this Cousin would not have been seen by Sound Valley nor reached his current achievements. So even if you have been expelled, you will forever be a cousin in this Younger Brother’s heart.”

Jun Changxiao could tell that the guy was not half a bit grateful, instead saying all of this to further mock. 

“Sect Head, let’s go.” Xiao Zuiji did not want to interact with the people of the Xiao Family, turning around to leave.

Xiao Linye blocked the way. “Cousin, reality has proved that the clan fully supporting you in the past was a mistake. I, Xiao Linye, am the Xiao Family’s future.”

Xiao Zuiji lowered his head, these words like a knife to the heart.

He, Xiao Linye. 

He had once protected and doted on this younger cousin, not hesitating to help the boy open his first meridian — their relationship was closer than blood-related brothers. 

However, after his spiritual roots disappeared and cultivation degraded, the boy was the one to ridicule and humiliate him the most.

“Cousin,” Xiao Linye continued, still smiling. “Do you remember that I said I would one day surpass you and become stronger? This goal has already been fulfilled. What about you?”

His face was all smiles, a sneer stretched from ear to ear, looking quite like a lunatic. 

Jun Changxiao wrinkled his brow. Believe it or not, I’ll shoot your brains out. 

He had brought back Xiao Zuiji’s self-confidence with so much effort, was this boy fucking kidding? 

At this moment, Xiao Zuiji smiled, his shoulders trembling with suppressed laughter.

“Why does Cousin laugh?” asked Xiao Linye. 

Xiao Zuiji lifted his head, a smile plastered on his face. “I am laughing at your childishness, at how you take yourself so seriously.”

Xiao Linye’s eyes filled with anger. 

Xiao Zuiji patted his shoulder and said with pride, “Linye, remember, your older brother is forever your older brother. Even without a spiritual root, even without cultivation, you are unable to surpass me.”

Saying that, he stepped into the venue. 

Jun Changxiao brought his disciples inside, intentionally stopping by Xiao Linye to say with a smile, “Did you hear that? Your older brother said that you will live a lifetime underneath his shadow.”

“Hateful!” Xiao Linye’s expression was fierce as he shouted, “Xiao Zuiji, in this competition I will let you, the Xiao Family, and everyone know that I, Xiao Linye, will not yield before others!”

“Dream on,” came Xiao Zuiji’s response. 

Jun Changxiao smiled with satisfaction. 

He had been very worried in the beginning, that Xiao Zuiji’s newfound confidence would be shaken, but he had worried too much. 

The venue was built like an amphitheater. The central region had many dueling stages, which was surrounded by observation stands, accommodating about 200,000 people. 

Various sects entered the venue one after another. The stands were filled to the brim, all waiting for the event to begin. 

After Jun Changxiao and company entered, they were placed in the waiting area. Inside, there were at least a hundred other people. 

Naturally, this was not a miscount.

This was only one of the waiting areas, there were three others. 

“May the various high level members please go to the stands. The participating disciples should stay here and wait for the first round.”

A middle-aged man walked by and shouted.

Jun Changxiao looked at his disciples and encouraged, “Do not be distrubed by others and show your best selves. Do not easily give up!”


The disciples nodded. 

Jun Changxiao left the waiting area and was led to the stands, where he could take in the whole arena below. 

“Sect Head Jun.” Just as he sat down, a nearby elder called out to him and smiled amicably. “If my disciple meets with yours on the first round, please excuse them for being heavy-handed.”


Jun Changxiao made a noise of agreement. 

The surrounding elders and officials murmured. 

All of them hoped to meet an Ironbone Sect disciple, as it would guarantee them victory in the first round. 

In conclusion, the various big shots on the scene viewed the Ironbone Sect as a stepping stone for their own disciples. 

Jun Changxiao leaned back in his seat, locking his fingers together. He treated the others as air. 

A good show was about to begin…

[1] Xiao, Lin, Ye, and Long. Not entirely sure which characters/novels he’s talking about, but there’s probably Xiao Yan from BTTH and Lin Dong from WDQK

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