The Supreme Anime Sect System

Chapter 3: Chapter > 3: Past & First Disciple!

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" Isn't this too odd?"

Looking at the young man who fainted in front of his Sect, Han Xue was confused.

He was gonna walk down the mountain and see if he can find anyone suitable enough to be his First Disciple.


One came to him instead!

" How about that Harem?"

Han Xue stared upward toward the Heavens and gave a award-winning smile.


Alas, it seems the Heavens helped him enough already.

Nothing happened again.

Struggling, he went back to staring at the young man.

The poison inside it was easy to deal with.

The past owner, knowing he couldn't be a Cultivator, started to study plants and such, wanting to be a Physician, which is basically a Doctor in this world.

After some help from his Master Qin Xie - he was tutored by many Physicians all around the Azure Kingdom, which they are located in.

And fortunately for once in his life, Han Xue was great at it. He was praised time and time again. He was like fish in the water, being able to grasp the new concepts quickly and utilize them.

Because of this, many Physicians tried to take him with them, but Qin Xie had none of that, so they could only curse him for being shameless and left with their heads down.

Just like that - he became the Physician of Heavenly Crossover, helping many and saving numerous. He wasn't rich, but he was better off than probably all normal families.

Due to his countless savings, many people outside the Sect also came to him for help, with most of them being old and fat Nobles.

[ Divine Physician ] - this was the title he gained.

And yet, despite all his fame and fortune, he was still miserable inside.

On the outside, he may seem like a friendly and helpful person, however, the inside of him was a different story.


He hated himself. He hated his nonexistent parents for being useless.

At least they could have given him something, but no. No, he got nothing but coldness from those unless sacks of flesh.

The original Han Xue even considered ending himself many times a day.

And at last... He did follow through. He killed himself by taking the black pill, which his late Master told him to do not to take.

However, he took that pill and passed away with a smile on his face.

Only could death release him from the cold and boring clutches of reality.

' Well, that got dark fast.'

Han Xue bitterly chuckled at his passing thoughts.

' I guess I'll wait for this guy to wake up.'

Pushing those dark thoughts away, Han Xue soon lost himself in a fantasy of his own making quite easily.

When Long Xiao regained consciousness.

He was alive.

It seems his Father was right about those Experts and their odd lifestyles.

As his vision returned to him, an unfamiliar wooden ceiling greeted him.

" Ah, it seems your awake."

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A soft and smooth young voice blessed his ears.

When he turned over to see the owner of that beautiful voice, he was shocked.

It's a man!

A young man to be more precise.

Drinking some green tea next to him is an extremely handsome young man. He has shiny midnight black long hair, that he has tied up with a woolen rope to his butt, and brilliant golden eyes that seemed to hold the very sun in them that are simply breathtakingly beautiful. He can be described as slim and tall with smooth and milky skin pale white jade skin far better than women's. It can be mentioned that his features are on par with or better than most females. If it was not for his flat chest and adam's apple, anyone would have mistaken him for a beautiful Immortal Fairy in disguise. Even though he was wearing simple white robes, he made them look like Immortal clothing of the finest quality.

' A Expert! A real-life Expert is in front of me!'

Thinking to this extent, Long Xiao wanted to get up and bow to him, but a soft and warm hand on his shoulder gently pushed him down.

" Nuh-Nuh." The Immortal man shook his head and hummed something that made Long Xiao blush bright red and feel a type of way.

' I like women! Women!'

Long Xiao had to remain himself, over and over again, like it was some sort of legendary technique.

But, alas, the Immortal's appearance was too much. Especially, after smelling that intoxicating addicting fragrant waffling off of him, which made him blush even harder.

' Okay... Maybe just for him.'

The smart part of his brain eventually caved in.

' Only him though!'

It told himself, which he nodded to.

Only the pleasantly surprised voice of the Immortal woke him up.

" Really? You want to be my First Disciple!'

Long Xiao,' Huh???'

The once silk pants Young Master was confused.

When did they talk about that?

" You don't wanna?"

Long Xiao gulped down something hearing the Immortal's seemingly sad voice.

' Bad, Long Xiao!'

The once silk pants Young Master wanted to hit himself till he went to the afterlife. Once in the afterlife, he will continue hitting himself.

' Don't make the Immortal sad! You can't do that!'

The smart part of his brain once again spoke up, and he hurriedly nodded.

" So you do?"

He went pale and kept on nodding.

" I do! I do! I do!"

He doesn't why he must have said it three times, but he had to. It was that important to him.

" Good!"

As for his reward, the Immortal smiled and patted his head.

Immediately, blood dropped from Long Xiao's nose as he felt at peace with everything.

Soon afterward, he fell back unconscious.

" He must have been happy."


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