The Survival of an Inferior

Chapter 2: 2. Survival

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The first problem right now is the environment. In Elvis Arcane, I've died more to the environment than to monsters. 

"Body status," I say.


Overall body status: Fine

Hunger: Fine

Thirst: Fine


Forearms sore muscle(-10% atk)

Status Ailment:

Cold(-10% dex)


That's right...debuffs.

The state of my character is very important or I will get countless annoying debuffs. Some of them can even kill me. 

Beneath the breastplate, there is some fur padding to mitigate the cold. I throw a glance at the corpses.


"I'm sorry, brothers," I say and loot their bodies, taking their armour fur for myself.


+8 bloody fur


Next... I need the crafting system.

A panel pops up:


Available crafting options: 1

(Fur-filled armour)

-8 bloody fur

-1 fur armour

Estimated Crafting Time: 10 seconds



I press craft and an arrow materializes in the air, pointing at the fur and then to the armour.

I follow the instructions and stuff the fur in my armour, evenly spreading them out.


Crafting Successful!

+1 Fur-filled armour

+10 cold resistance


"Phew...that feels better."

The crafting system in Elvis Arcane requires the player to do everything manually and the player is vulnerable to attacks when crafting. 

Now, I need to know where I am.

There isn't such a convenient feature as a minimap. The player needs to have a good sense of direction or bring a map.

On my waist is a small pouch, acting as my inventory.

Open inventory.


Inventory Space: 10/10

-1 rock 

-1 dagger

-1 flint

-1 small steel


Great! Flint and steel can help me start a fire but why was I carrying a rock??

I throw the rock out and check the bodies of my comrades. After 10 minutes, I finally find a map from a corpse wearing golden armour. 

"This must be the commander," I mumble.



I heard something...

Shit, something is here! 

I don't have time to run! I'm too slow and weak to fight too!

As last resort, I dig in the snow and attempt to bury myself with corpses again.



Blood drips down my middle finger, part of my fingernails broke off. 


-5 hp

Status Ailment "Bleeding" is applied.


I dig myself a hole under the corpse and roll up into a ball before slightly kicking the snow, forcing the area to cave in and burying me below the corpse.

1 minute later, footsteps and muffled growling can be heard.

It's probably Snow Wolves, a fast and ferocious beast. At my current level, even one of them can instantly kill me. 


To wait, I rest for a while and close my eyes.


"Ngh..." I groan. 

Loud howling rings in my ears.


You have rested for 1 hour. 

You are reading story The Survival of an Inferior at

+5 hp

Hunger: Fine -> Mild Hunger

Thirst: Fine -> Thirsty

"Bleeding" Status Ailment removed.

"Cold" Status Ailment added. 

-10% dex

Body Status:

Mild Lumbago


Lumbago? Ah right, it's back pain because of my sleeping position.

I push the corpses aside and stretch my body. 

"Haachew!!" I sneeze.

Damn it. It's a blizzard.

I can barely see the surroundings but the wolves left. I should too. 

I take more fur and wrap it around my face before leaving. 

Although foggy, I can see some mountains near. 

"Please let there be a cave," I pray as I venture closer.

20 minutes later, my prayers were answered but not to my advantage. The cave is too small only a rabbit can fit in. 


As I quickly rack my brain for solutions, a familiar silhouette came into sight. 

I follow it and found a rocky statue carved as a dwarf with his right arm transforming into a tentacle-like monster.


I remember this! This statue is related to the main mission of the protagonist, the first campaign quest for the main story starts with finding this statue. 

And near the statue...

I go around to the back and find a map.

Yes! That's right, this is the pathway to the abandoned dwarf kingdom, an ancient city within the mountain overtaken by monsters.

Although it is dangerous, it should be fine if I set up a camp at the entrance. 

Since I memorized the map and landmarks, I quickly left and found the cave easily.

An eerie atmosphere ejects from the cave.


The atmosphere tears at your soul.

-2% overall stats.


Right, there's this debuff too.

Regardless I'm only going to stay at the entrance. As a start, I use my dagger to gather wood for a campfire. 

Let's see... I need to manually gather tinder, kindling and also the fuel wood. Dead wood should be a good dry source of wood.

It took me 3 hours collecting before I finally settle down and make my fire, striking the flint against the steel and lighting the tinder. The fire slowly spreads as I lightly fan some air into the spark.

"Finally..." I say and sit on the rock, breathless. The fire burns wildly.



It's tiring...but the warmth rewards my hard work.

Exhaustion gives a massive debuff of 20% stats reduction. I should sleep...

Unable to contain myself, I doze off into a deep sleep.


The next morning, the blizzard passed by and so did my fire. I am greeted by a loud growl from my stomach.


You have rested for 7 hours.

Hunger: Mild Hunger -> Hungry

-10% overall stats. 

Thirst: Thirsty

-5% overall stats.


Yeah yeah, I know. I push the panel aside.

Since this is the first campaign mission, the protagonist should pass through here soon with backup. I have to survive until then.


A Main Mission has been created!

Survive until the protagonist Rena reaches the cave. 

Reward: 5000 exp, 1 free stat.

Failure: Death



I have a bad feeling. 

Whenever the game gives out missions, some bad things usually happen. 

"Whatever, I will just deal with it when it comes," I say and stand up.

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