The Survival of an Inferior

Chapter 32: Important Notice

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Hello, I am the author of the story. 

The main purpose of this notice is to explain things in the story and open up a comment section for discussions.

The secondary purpose is to announce my hiatus and reasons for such.

Many people have complained about the interactions of the world with the mc, saying that it doesn't make sense, etc. 

However, those are my opinions, views, research, and discussion with many people about human behaviour. (You are free to talk about this in the comments.)

Although it may not be a hundred per cent accurate since many people have different personalities, I am trying to integrate general social psychology. 

The protagonist is a person with a very bad reputation. I have yet to reveal what Arsto did but many people detest Arsto and their view of the protagonist will not easily change as they are distrustful of him.

Why did a bad person suddenly decide to do good things? People will be sceptical. 

In addition, we don't know much about Samuel's past life yet. It indeed is surprising that Samuel can master shooting in a few days but that is because of his past. That's why in the early chapters, I paint him as a normal person before revealing the plot twist. Apparently people do not like this and view it as a plot hole.

Just like @adrad555 one star review states, it took him two months to shoot a target 20 meters away. However, the flashback of Samuel's aunt's death goes back six years. There are also indications of Samuel being the main culprit. So Samuel may be a killer that knows how to use a gun since young. Who knows?

Also, addressing the one-star review, I did not say that all knowledge of the game becomes useless, in fact, it seems more plausible for butterfly effects to happen when the protagonist does something different so different events will occur. But that doesn't mean knowledge about monsters, locations, races, battles styles, spells, etc. is useless. For the final part, he said that the stats are useless. The protagonist shows his boost of speed and strength in the latest chapter but the review says this? Samuel will explain how each stat works in the future but I do agree that I should have explained it fully in earlier chapters, I just want to avoid an information dump.

People in this world do not know about Samuel's split personality, they view him as the young master who suddenly had a change of heart but might be pretending. You can't easily trust a traitor just because he tried to do good.

Also, Samuel used environmental strategies to annihilate the beasts army. Not purely relying on firearms which the review stated. 

Overall, my story requires patience.(A good thing or a bad thing?)

If you find any errors ( broken links, non-standard content, etc.. ), Please let us know < report chapter > so we can fix it as soon as possible.
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