The System Administrator for Another World

Chapter 11: Ch. 10 – World of Gaia

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Gaia is a massive world.

Legendary beings that once roamed the land. No longer existing after the Great Shattering where all powerful beings disappeared from the world. No, more like they entered another space. Separate from the main world, in fact, the people here still have no idea why it happened. Thinking that it was due to the Great War of Gods and Demons.

Through this shattering came the birth of low class gods and demons. Now this is the Age of Serenity.

=== Gaia Timeline ===

  • Sol & Lunar (Age of the Planet)
  • Gaia (Age of the World)
  • God & Demon (Age of the Divine, Age of the Demonic)
  • Mythical (Age of the Legends)
  • Ancient (Age of the Immortals)
  • Existence (Creation Era)
  • Races (Great War Era)
  • Conquest (The Dark Ages)
  • Humanity (The Golden Age)
  • Vanish (Great Shattering)
  • Monsters (Low Class Divinity & Demonic Age)
  • Current Day (Age of Serenity)

This is the timeline of the world. Age of the Planet, is the birth of this solar system. Age of the World is the birth of the planet Gaia.

Age of the Divine and Age of the Demonic is during the birth of these 'True' gods and demons.  Age of the Legends this is when those powerful living beings were born like first spider, first dragon, first fire bird, etc. Age of the Immortals these are the first generation of humans, elves, dwarves, giants, and so on.

Creation Era this is when the animals, plants, and other wildlife flourished, spawning millions of new species. Great War Era when the humans, elves, dwarves, giants, devils, monsters, and legends all fought in a great war over the entire world for control of the land. The Dark Ages, when humans were still weak, looked down by each race for not being strong in anything but being the most populous race of the world. Nicknamed Gaia's children.

The Golden Age when the first humans shown how strong they were capable of slaying dragons, gods, and demons. Bringing them as a powerhouse, a group capable of innovation and survivability. The Great Shattering called this as all those powerful, divine, or demonic beings vanished, disappearing off the world.

After the shattering many low class gods and demons formed, no longer extremely powerful, requiring a form of power to become stronger. They called this faith to gain powers from the followers, many churches built all around the world in each faction to pray to their god. Now it is the Age of Serenity of calmness and stillness.


This shows how powerful the Kingdom of Everich is, to survive four ages. Started as a small village now it's a flourishing massive Kingdom full of rich history. Just by walking alone, it will take around one entire week to reach from one end to the other.

The Kingdom of Everich is located on a giant hill mountain. The surrounding hills are smaller, a total of four hills for the four dukes in each cardinal direction. A large forest surrounds the entire north-east side of the kingdom, to the south-east stretches the desert. South-west is the continent's border, reaching the sea.

Finally, north-west is the grasslands and further in that direction exists the tundra.

Each duke has their own mini-kingdom that they are in charge of, but the main kingdom is the center hill under the Royal Family's rule. The Kingdom of Everich consists of many parts, the place that I am within is the main capital, Saffron. The royal family and upper class is situated on top of the massive hill, the Academy Metanoia is also located there.

At the base of the hills is where the middle class, lower class, and the slums are located all together. The slums naturally being in the corner far away from the center and any sort of roads that leads to the other hills. Only the middle class will be next to the roads that the dukes use to travel from the capital city and back.

Academy Metanoia is where Braxton Spade is at, working as a teacher to help students become "good" warlocks, as he is. Warlock is a name given to male who practice witchcraft or sorcery, Witches are just the female counterpart. Despite its evil sounding name, the nature they are given is because of their weird magic.

When a normal mage would go into elements, summoning, barrier, detection, those that are linear or "defined". Warlocks and Witches do the opposite, they take special materials that hold the resentment or feelings introducing their magic to have a certain effect happen. Curses to be exact, as how a witch would turn a person into a frog or how a warlock would curse the man to turn into the thing he despises.

It's hard to understand how it works, there isn't any road to follow. They are known for creating love potions, hexes, curses, vexes, and spells with weird properties that follow no natural law of the world. The magic of witches and warlocks is about their deepest desire to be realized. 

Braxton Spade is a famous warlock, and a teacher at the Academy Metanoia.


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"That ends today's lesson." Closing the thick book, he leaves the room.

"Wait teacher!" A young female student's voice rang out in the hallway.

Turning around, he spots Chance Vilvilon an aspiring witch, one of the students who wanted to learn from his lectures.

"Yes, Chance?"

"Teacher why is it that most of the classes is self-study and about the will. Isn't magic rules that cannot be changed?"

"Chance, as a witch, you must understand that our magic is not normal. We influence the effects of our magic with our wills. For example, take me, I have the ability to transform all forms of magic into plants." Holding out his hand, a sprouting tree forms above his palm. "To be a witch and a warlock, we must go against the rules of magic and to place our wills into our magic."

"Do you understand Chance?"

Pausing a bit, she nods her head at the explanation that professor Spade gave. "Thank you professor!"

"No worries, Chance, it's great that you are so excited to learn about becoming a witch."

  Objective Quest - [Academy Metanoia]  


Warlocks and Witches are a new form of magic in the Academy of Metanoia, as a professor teaching about Warlocks and Witches you must aspire new fledglings to become powerful spellcasters.

{D} Rank

Have one student become a Witch/Warlock [0 / 1]

[Death Detection Orb]

5 months



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