The System Administrator for Another World

Chapter 3: Ch. 2 – Meeting my first user

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What users am I looking for?

To be honest, I have no clue at all. That is why I decided to select ten different users from all different places. Some from the upper class, some middle class, some lower class, and maybe one from the royal family itself. So here are my choices after deep consideration.

Below me is the Kingdom of Everich the word meaning everyone a place filled with the majority of humans. This kingdom was founded thousands of years before by the first king, who was a famous warrior known for bringing humans out from the dark ages into the golden age. To where humans were no longer the race to hide away.

Now, this is a well-developed in certain sections of the kingdom, not including the lower class nor the slums. From my time researching, this has a royal family that leads this kingdom. Their nobility ranking is: King/Queen, Prince/Princess, Duke/Duchess, Marquess/Marquise, Earl/Countess, Viscount/Viscountess, Baron/Baroness.

Although it gets weird for the rankings below king/queen. If there is one female member and no other leader of that nobility family, for example, only a female baron. Instead of being called a Baroness, which you would assume, they are instead called a Baron. Another weird thing is that is the same for princesses. You still call them prince unless they are wedded to another nobility of another kingdom, basically it's super weird.

The royal family lives in a massive well-built castle they own the largest lands, next are the other nobles they are appointed to their lands from the royal family and the dukes are sent to the far corners of the kingdom in the cardinal coordinates (North, East, South, West). Inside the massive kingdom, the upper class, consisting of many rich merchants/nobles.

In the middle class, there was the adventurer's things. Buildings like blacksmiths, tailors, butchers, bars, foods, hotels, adventurer's guild, merchant guild, temple of so-and-so, etc. The lower class was more like a housing area of workers, they collected materials did jobs or became guards.

The slums are where people who cannot get themselves out main people in debt who cannot have a decent pay or monetary stable income. These are your gamblers, drunks, people who have given up on themselves and no longer look to the future, only believe in the now.


I composed a list of users for myself

=== List of Potential Users ===
1 - [Leo Vattloa] {9th Prince of Royal Family, Age: 8}
2 - [Silva Aft] {D-Rank Adventurer, Age: 23}
3 - [Anne Lilium] {Apprentice Mage, Age: 13}
4 - [Coal Ralso] {Slum Resident, Age: 15}
5 - [Marcus Boulder] {Bronze Merchant, Age: 38}
6 - [Fia Alkaolno] {Knight of the Silver Moon, Age: 27}
7 - [Aster Vila] {Travelling Bard, Age: 19}
8 - [Steve Molt] {Farmer, Age: 72}
9 - [Luke Strade] {Blacksmith, Age: 16}
10 - [Braxton Spade] {Warlock, Age: 35}
11 - [Hilda Rosa] {Witch, Age: 146} (Risky)
12 - [Julian Ilvato] {Paladin, Age: 52} (Risky)

This list goes on, but these top few are the ones I am going after. All my chosen targets are people who are not inherently evil, after all I cannot be seen as a growing cult. They know how to defend themselves, but are not in a position they are currently happy with. They also have a good heart, but I cannot think of choosing some due to their probable outside influence and risk.

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Having my game plan written down, I fly over to my first target. The 9th prince of the royal family Leo Vattloa, he is the youngest prince of the Everich Kingdom.

Leo Vattloa, the son of the Sixth Queen Sophia. Dubbed the incompetent prince for having no skills compared to his brother and sisters. He has no talents to speak of, and most all prince have at least one talent by his age. Even his younger sister 13th prince is talented in painting wondrous artistic sceneries.

He was scared of riding horses crying and running away from them, he proved mediocre in: swordplay, magic, singing, drawing, horse-riding, parties, and education. He always wanted to become a Dragon Knight, a hero who saved the kidnapped princess, protecting the kingdom and his family. Despite being mediocre in swordplay, he still trained with his wooden sword with his trainers.

This world had a very real fear of dangerous creatures. And this kingdom has merchant connections to other races in a peace-treaty where they each respect each other boundaries and trade goods. But there still exists many despised professions that make the other races wary of working with humans.

Entering the royal palace, I head to the sixth palace. Each queen gets their own palace, those who are not as fortunate are sent to the royal harem, a grouped enclosure for the king's women.  Leo Vattloa having his mother favored by the king lives with his mother in their palace named 'Palace of Rose'. This place is filled with roses of all colors, mainly red. Living here, he has retainers and people who serve and protect him.

There he was in the backyard exercising with the sword, following his mentor's actions. Swinging downward, horizontally, diagonally, thrusting, each requiring lots of energy and strength. Leo has a golden hair color that shined with royalty, those who give up their royalty lose this color as it's ancient magic symbol of royalty.

His eyes shined in the color of green, with a light colored skin tone, a bowl cut hairstyle, wearing white shirt and an overall strap with his green shorts. Holding a well-used wooden sword, swinging it, matching his mentor's actions. His mentor showed fluidity and his strikes were mesmerizing to watch with how perfect of an arc they swung at.

As Leo collapsed onto the soft grass from exhaustion, his mentor stopped. "Then, Prince Leo, we will stop for today." The mentor waved over the butler to come over. Speaking softly into his ear, the butler gave a bow before preparing the bath that Leo uses after completing his morning training.

Leo having been cleaned up and well-fed sits in his studies with another teacher. Hired to teach him manners, history, and other subjects. After finishing his studies, he lays in his bed, resting from his exhausting daily activities. Usually he would read a book, but he felt more tired than usual.

"I have been watching him for the whole day, first impressions a hard worker and a good first choice." Descending from the sky, I enter inside his room before sending out an aura towards the boy.

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