The System Administrator for Another World

Chapter 30: Ch. 29 – John Alkaolno

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The sounds of metal striking metal resounded in the open fields. A fairly humble home sat upon a hill, two people could be seen swinging long swords at each other on the field. A fairly young woman in leather armor was sparring against an older man who dressed casually. The two of them held the same sword, a long sword plain and simple. 

Unbefitting of the image of a noble. The type of swords that commoners would use. Although barons are a type of nobles most don't consider them truly nobles. When one can climb the ladder from barons can they truly call themselves a true noble. Baron Alkaolno one who gained this title and land through his efforts and achievements to further the prosperity of the kingdom.

A noble is not a position of strength but of achievement. To know how he got in this position we have to go back in time to the event long ago.

A sprouting youth sat on a tree branch, laying his back to the tree with his hat over covering his face from the sun. Relaxing on the branch he pulled a round fruit from his pocket. Taking a bite of the sour juicy fruit with a faint smile on his face. Finishing the fruit he threw it down to the ground, tilting his hat to fully cover his face he leaned back relaxing on the large branch.

Just as he was about to take his midday nap.

*Woosh *Woosh *Woosh

A few fruits flew in the air. Before a fruit struck the intended target.


"John! Stop sleeping!" A young girl shouted, pouting her face disappointed with how he lazed around all day. The sprouting youth on the branch rubbed his head in pain. Adjusting his hat he looked down to see the annoying girl. "Ugh, it's Rosalina." Turning around he ignored her covering his face before laying back on the branch.

"JOHN! John I will give you a warning!" Seeing him not budge she started to count down. "3!... 2!... 1!... 0!" John didn't acknowledge Rosalina ignoring her. Her face twisted into anger bending down to the ground she picked up a fallen fruit. She arched her back holding the fruit in her right hand. Aiming to John she threw the fruit with all her might.


He didn't move despite getting hit by the fruit. "Was that not hard enough?" Rosalina unsure if he felt it or not decided that today was enough. Tired of having John skip all the chores everyday she looked down a found a mysterious round rock. "John I am for real this time! You better come down from there! Otherwise, don't blame me what I am about to do!"


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Rosalina's mind snapped in anger. No longer did she want to be patient with John anymore. Lifting the rock she threw it with all her strength to John. As it sailed in the air the color in Rosalina's face drained. The rock sailed straight to John's head. "JOHN DODGE!" Screaming in fear she closed her eyes.

John sitting up turned towards Rosalina. Flying through the air a round rock headed straight to his face. What happened next is self-explanatory. John struck dead center in the forehead with the rock fell off the branch onto the hard ground. Rosalina running over to his side with tears running down the side of her face. Kneeling down she brushed away his hair looking at the injury.

Blood ran down from the impact. Rosalina knowing that she must save him ran towards the village screamed for help, shouting that John fell from the tree. A group of adults ran following her finding John sitting up dazed with blood running down his forehead. The village doctor took a look at his forehead before chanting a spell.

Rosalina sat under the tree sniffling rubbed her eyes. She kept hiccuping watching as the adults healed John. The old man then turned to speak to Rosalina. "The kid will be fine. Don't worry it is not a severe injury. John will be okay." Patting her back he headed back to the village. The other adults left knowing that the situation is fine.

Rosalina looked at John in guilt. "I promise that I will take responsibility." In this world as it is much different from Earth. The body is very important. It's an untold tradition that those who accidentally cripple another person will compensate them. A saying that came from the followers of the Goddess Nihiltilatil. The followers of Nihiltilatil greatly believes in the good of people is shown through their actions to own up to their mistakes.

One of the oldest followed Goddesses that teaches morality. Nearly all children know about her teachings. Having been taught of goodwill to be a good person. Rosalina knowing that she could've caused John's death decided to take responsibility for his body. Sitting next to John with red eyes blinking away the tears she placed her hand on his forehead. Anxious why John isn't responding to her.

The adults in a rush did not notice John's abnormal state. Rosalina worried looked anxiously to John in a quiet voice. "John~" Seeing him stare past her face in a daze. "John!~" Shouting in a quiet whisper. To her side the mysterious round rock cracked no longer holding the colorful purple mana inside. Dissipating into sand the rock blew away in the wind.


Waking up he felt someone shaking him. Opening his eyes he looked over to see a girl shaking him calling him John. In a daze he spoke in a soft voice. "Rosalina? What are you doing here?"

"Don't you remember what happened?" She asked curiously before turning her head in shame.

"No? What happened all I know is you waking me up."

"Ah, you fell off the tree and I brought the adults to heal your forehead."

John brought his arm to his forehead feeling a small bump that gave him pain. He looked over seeing Rosalina avoid his eyes, she would never do this always glaring at him making him look away to avoid her. He moved to stare at her face, but she kept moving her head avoiding his sight. A smile came on John's face. "Heh! I win this time!"

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