The System’s Era

Chapter 2: Chapter 2: The Dawn of Ascension 2

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Chapter 1.02: The Dawn of Ascension (II)

Universe U869, in a distant corner, far from the bustle of the universe, a small but beautiful blue jewel floated in the void. 

The planet, called Terra by its inhabitants, was one of the few yet innumerable life planets in the immensity of the universe. And though not so rare, with its countless and beautiful milieu that could sustain various forms of life, even one as weak as humans, and allow them to develop without that much of a danger, this planet could still be considered one of the most suitable for life. 

Still, in the grand scheme of things, this planet that was devoid of mana and not connected to the system wasn’t worth much more than a mere tourist’s destination. No matter how beautiful, it was yet another worthless rock in the immensity of the universe. One that anyone with enough power could destroy as long as they wanted.

Though this was bound to change as after countless years of accumulation, Terra was finally able to get the recognition of the universe’s laws and step onto a bigger stage. Still, whether it could rise and prove itself worthy of standing on such a stage remains to be seen.


Aurora College, Cardano Arena, O1:41 P.M

‘Urgh, what the heck happened?’ Jay thought as he woke up and found himself lying on the ground. 

‘Umm, I was talking with Oliver then a weird voice sounded through my head and after that everything went dark,’ he mumbled as he recalled the things that happened just before he fainted. 

Once that was done, he quickly scanned his surroundings and started to move only after making sure he was still in the gymnasium and there was no danger in his immediate vicinity.

‘So, I’m still at the place where I was before and I’m perfectly fine,’ he thought as he couldn’t help but get more confused about the whole situation. He wasn’t sure about what was happening, but he wouldn’t have been surprised if he found himself in a more awkward situation after waking up.

‘Forget it,’ he shook his head as he put those thoughts aside and once again focused on his surroundings. During this time, more and more people were waking up and the gymnasium got noisier as they talked among themselves trying to understand the situation they were in.

“What happened? Why did I faint?” 

“Hey, what was that voice? Did anyone else hear it? What did it mean by ascension?” 

“Is this a terrorist attack?” 

“It is over, the apocalypse is upon us.” 

“Shit, why isn’t my phone working?” 

“Does anyone know how long we stayed unconscious?” 

“Dad wakes up, please. Someone help me.” 

In an instant, the previously silent gymnasium got incredibly noisy as the people, filled with confusion and panic, asked various kinds of questions to those around them. Unfortunately, none could answer those questions and the confusion only grew as time went on. 

‘Look like everyone is as clueless as I am,’ Jay concluded as he listened to the rowdy bunch for a while. Seeing that he couldn’t get any useful information out of them, he stopped paying them any heeds and moved toward Oliver.

Almost a minute has passed since Jay woke up and almost half of the people present already woke up too. However, the remaining half was still not showing any signs of waking up.

‘What’s wrong with him?’ Jay pondered as he crouched and started checking up on the big guy who was still lying on the ground, a peaceful expression on his face. If they were in any other situation, it would have seemed as if he was taking a nap. However, Jay was sure that things weren’t that simple.

‘No breath, no pulse, and that coldness.’ Jay mumbled his face darkening as he understood that his teammate with whom he was talking a few moments ago was dead like that. The worst was that just like Oliver more than half of those present here were still unconscious.

Just the thought that all of them could be dead was enough to send shivers running down Jay’s spine. Who could be behind such a massacre? Why would they cause it?

All kinds of questions assaulted his mind as he stood and moved to check another person not too far.

However, Jay barely took a few steps before he stopped when the voice that started it all once again sounded through his mind.







Just like before the message transmitted by the voice was short and with little concrete information. However, it was filled with many important keywords, and for Jay, those were enough to understand many things. After all, the current chain of events wasn’t something he was completely foreign to.

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‘If we believe that voice, whatever is happening is affecting the whole planet. It isn’t man-made and it shouldn’t necessarily be considered as something bad,’ he quickly summarized. 

‘However, if it is asking us to survive, it means there is an imminent threat we are going to face. Where can such a threat originate from?’ he muttered as he unconsciously looked toward Oliver. However, he was taken aback as his teammate who he assumed to be dead was now up and was staring at him with two pupilless black eyes filled with madness and bloodlust.

‘Was I wrong?’ That thought flashed through, as he tried to understand what was happening. Though, Oliver wasn’t going to give him such a luxury. 

The moment their gazes crossed he’d already sprung toward him like a famished dog seeing a tasty bone, his mouth wide open as if he was trying to swallow him whole. Was it anyone else, they would have probably panicked and wildly scrambled to escape the grasp of the beast about to unleash its rage upon them.

However, Jay knew that panicking in such a situation would only get him killed faster. 

Anyway, he wasn’t feeling any fear to begin with and while the situation was a little unexpected, his face remained completely unmoving. However, his body wasn’t and at the same time as his mind registered the danger he was in, a punch was already sent flying toward Oliver.

Crack... With a loud cracking sound, he landed a powerful and beautiful uppercut that closed his foe’s mouth and stopped his mindless charge.

Was it the previous Oliver, Jay was sure that the punch he just landed would have been enough to knock him out cold. However, it was clear that it wasn’t true for the current Oliver or whatever he had turned into. Far from getting knocked out, he didn’t even seem to feel any pain at all, and after taking a single step back, he once again charged toward Jay with complete abandon.

‘As expected,’ Jay grumbled, somehow disappointed but not too surprised by this outcome. After all, he would be lying if he said he had no idea about the nature of the creature he was facing. Whether it was the behavior shown by Oliver or the context they were in, everything was pointing toward one particular kind of creature. 

‘Assuming it’s a zombie or anything of that sort, trying to fight with it without a proper weapon is a waste of time. The best way is to render it immobile or just run away,’ he thought as he quickly came up with a way to deal with the fast-approaching Oliver.

This time, as the zombie closed in on him, he didn’t punch it. Instead, he calmly sidestepped and sent a fully-powered kick flying toward Oliver’s knee.

With Jay’s strength such a kick was more than enough to shatter Oliver’s knee and this time there was no surprise. The moment his kick landed, Oliver’s knee immediately gave in and the latter, having lost his balance, could only fall face first and crawl on the floor.

With Oliver now lying on the floor, and temporarily unable to threaten him, Jay finally had enough time to catch his breath and check the situation around him.


That was the first thing Jay thought of as he turned his attention toward his surroundings. 

Barely a few seconds had passed since the voice’s message. However, in those few seconds, the arena had already turned into a slaughterhouse littered with corpses and painted red with blood.

Everywhere, people were running as they asked for help and desperately tried to escape the clutch of the zombies. 

Everywhere, people were screaming in pain as zombies feasted on their bodies. 

Everywhere sounded the maddening roar of the zombies, striking fear in the heart of anyone present. 

It was hard to imagine that a few moments ago, all those people were still chatting happily and looking forward to the future. However, it only took a few seconds and everything was gone.

Now, all that remained was madness, fear, pain, despair, and death. Now and for long, all that mattered was survival.

And Jay who was silently seeing all this couldn’t help but recall this morning.


“Bro, do you think this is going to turn into an apocalypse?” Jess asked.

“Don’t know, I don’t remember the Maya predicting anything for this period. Still, anything can happen, and that’s why we are getting ready,” Jay said.

“Umm, it’ll be cool if it does. I mean, it will certainly be fun to experience an apocalypse.”

“Maybe. Anyway, you’ll only know if you don’t die at the very beginning.”


“Fun? Sigh, let’s get out of here.” Jay said as he kicked away a zombie that was running toward him and started moving toward the tunnel.

A suivre..

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