The Systemic Lands

Chapter 302: Day 676 (3) – These Eyes Can’t See Mount Tai

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“The Astrologer uses a refraction null index of various layers of energy. By inverting the type and harmonics of certain energy types, he is able to align his movements and senses. My research into counter refractions combined with the various types of energy has yielded interesting results.”

“That is why the Astrologer trusts me. He is focused on getting another chunk of divinity as you call it, but he wants me to unlock the processes behind it, to create a new type of energy. This energy is based on the opposite type principles initially pioneered and that the Astrologer explained to me.”

“It is quite complex, but let me break down the nuances of what he taught me. He focused on using his knowledge of type energy and the inverse of type energy to work out the energy pathways the Almighty System made. We are quite close to working out the knowledge needed to reverse engineer a fraction of what we have learned. For energy is intrinsically linked to thought as you know.”

“By using this refraction index-“

“Enough.” I closed my mouth at that single word. “You think I am an idiot? You dare to think?” The Divine Empress’s hand lashed forward, but I wasn’t expecting it and my leg was injured. I stumbled backwards on my good leg, trying not to collapse as she held my left eye in her fingers. She flicked her hand and it splattered onto the ground.

Pain radiated from my face offsetting the pain in my leg. “I am more than happy to pluck pieces off you. It will make you lighter to carry back. Now the Astrologer. Speak.”

“I am dead anyways. Do your worst you old hag.” Even the screaming in the distance from injured people seemed to quiet at my words. The smile on the Divine Empress’s face faded for the first time. Her lips were pressed into a thin line.

“So be it.” She moved forward. Her right hand aimed right for my heart in the shape of an outstretched talon, like a bird of prey. Air Burst! I shifted up and to the side. She adjusted her trajectory. Her hand struck the center of my chest.

For one brief moment, I stared at her just a breath away. Her hand went through my armor like paper. Not even paper, rice paper, even thinner and more fragile than regular paper. Her fingers touched my chest.

The weight of the world impacted me. Up became down and down became up. I felt my chest and ribcage cave inwards and my back explode outwards, through my spine, and my armor that was already weakened by her earlier.

I was launched into the sky. I couldn’t feel my lower body. My vision grew blurry. I saw silver stars. “Shatter. Shatter Imbue Life. Save me Michael, you owe me for this. Remember your training. Shatter.” The world vanished in a kaleidoscope of colors.

I spun and tumbled about, barely able to keep one eye open. I couldn’t make out anything. I couldn’t breathe. I couldn’t breathe!

Everything stretched and bent once more. The kaleidoscope went away. I was in the air. I could breathe. I thought I saw Purgatory far below me as the landscape rushed past. I had some feeling in my arms and legs but they were hard to control. My face and chest both felt like they had been ripped and put back together, which they probably were.

My stomach continued to spin as I tumbled through the air. I small smile grew on my face. I was alive! I had survived the Divine Empress. The landing would suck, but I had enough energy for a couple of Air Bursts to manage it.

My thoughts immediately went to the Astrologer. Damn him and praise him. He saved me. I owed him one. I didn’t want to owe that sus bastard a thing. But he had saved my life and was now fighting the Divine Empress if I had to guess. I mentally sighed.

I slowly tried to turn and angle my body to stop my tumble. Thankfully air resistance helped with that. I looked at the landscape below and the light source. I was flying to the South. I turned to look at Purgatory in the distance. Its walls were almost out of sight due to the obscuring effect.

A pillar of golden light erupted from the center of Purgatory. It quickly swept outwards, shattering everything before it. The walls exploded outwards as massive chunks of rubble were engulfed by the light. What had happened?! Air Burst! Air Burst! I sped up my flight through the air. Air Burst! Air Burst!

The pillar was more like a wall or wave now and had not dissipated in the slightest. The ground was being torn to shreds as the wave of golden light swept forward. Air Burst! The Astrologer had said remember my training.

I took a deep breath and focused. Adjusting my mindset to think of the space just above my body as me. It was me. There was no difference. Energy leaked spread out around me in a shell.

The golden wall hit me for a brief instant. The energy was around me was stripped away. The light was blinding and it burned. It then stopped. My eye was burned shut. I couldn’t see, everything hurt. I couldn’t focus. I went into a tumble again as I blacked out.

The Astrologer

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I could only hope he managed to save my body, since it would greatly reduce the time needed until I was free. But this was a chance I was not about to miss. A chance to kill the Divine Empress. Both myself and the original knew this day would come. Beating her in a direct fight was impossible. The trick was finding a work around. There was only one trick we considered having a high chance of success.

The first plan had been for my original and I to swap places in a fight and then kill her that way while he escaped. Unfortunately, he was trapped, and I was left to clean up this mess without him and hope Michael would save my original body from where it was trapped.

I had misled Michael about so much. But it was necessary. The calamity had forced me to do extreme things to even survive. Things that I hated doing, but there was no other option. For I refused to die. After all my struggles, battles, and climbing to the top, I was not going to be brought down by anything or anyone.

I had healed Michael enough so he would live and could hopefully drag his body to get a restoration. Those potions the city had developed were quite intriguing. I had left a brief note along with many other of my observations at the pickup point for the original for him to read if I perished in the line of duty.

I had transported Michael high into the sky and then shot him out. A large expense of energy on my part, but a small price to pay for the eventual payoff. Hopefully he would get enough distance for what was to come.

Doing what I was about to do would have major repercussions. Only a single joint test had been carried out between the Empire and the United City States. It had been the only type of cooperation we had ever engaged in. The results had insured we would never repeat the experiment. It would also put my original in some jeopardy. Even way out here. One did not poke the System lightly or at all and expect to remain unscathed.

The one thing the System, or the Almighty System as Michael called it, did not like was people trying to poke it. It truly was a God and almighty in every way that mattered. But it was not infallible and could be worked around or through.

My very existence was a contradiction that should not be allowed, but I was here and carried my creator’s will. Our insight into the System was second to none. The subtle nuances. The impressive planning. The massive amounts of energy it used constantly to keep this place running. The intelligence behind it.

Now it was time to put that knowledge on the line against an opponent who had gone the opposite direction. A brute of the highest order. But that did not mean she was unintelligent, but rather her source of power came from her fists and unrelenting will to dive into danger.

Another subtle nuance that I had carefully picked apart over the years here. The System did not award recklessness, but it awarded triumph over adversity. Punching higher than one was supposed to and coming out of it intact in a way that the System recognized and understood. For while its gaze was everywhere, it was a speed reader, a skimmer. One needed to capture its attention and then triumph in a way it approved of to earn a meta-point.

I floated towards the Divine Empress who had settled into a martial arts stance and was eyeing me wearily while scanning her surroundings. “Homunculus,” she said with a slight sneer.

“Divine Empress,” I replied while floating above her and at a healthy distance. Thankfully she had yeeted Michael in a good direction for my intervention and placement for this fight.

“Finally revealing yourself, but not your original. What is your plan? You know, you will not escape me once I have set my gaze upon you.” I smiled under my hood.

“An excellent question. I plan to kill you. You underestimate this body, since I have never truly gone all out,” I replied.

It was true. For my entire existence I had never pushed myself. The Ritualist had just been some playing around at best. I would not survive fully exerting myself. I was a construct of energy at the core. Each use of a skill slowly drained my life. Each correct prediction had returned a windfall to allow me to continue my work.

But this fight. Against the Divine Empress, there would be no holding back. This was the end for me. It was always going to be my end, fighting her. It was the original purpose behind the concept of my creation. There was other stuff added in when I was formed in the emergency the calamity had caused, but it never replaced this overriding goal.

Once the Divine Empress was dead, my original would have nothing to worry about. In time, someone would eventually climb the tower and he would be free. Still, Michael climbing would be far better. I had gambled on 250 people and one of them managed to pay off. A long shot, but hopefully he could make it to the finish so I could cash in.

The Divine Empress drew forth a needle. “So be it,” she said and flicked her wrist. It was time to fight. It was time to end her once and for all!

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