The Tale Of Adamas

Chapter 3: It Is Imposibble, But Still Happen

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"C'mon, leader! You should be happy now the boy you raise is safe and sound!"
"Yeah, now isn't the time to sulk around like that!"
"It seems like your problem is more lighter than mine... You guys go ahead, i have some important matter to deal with." Corvan said with smile.
"Yes Sir, Roger!" As the young hunters exclaim and go to eat.

Corvan can only sigh seeing the hunters in front of him. Sure, they got the spirit. But what can that spirit outpower the fear they feel when faced with an unknown creature one day?

"They different from us, Corvan. What we seeing is basically demon, descending from the hell itself. It is different from the wild boar or the tiger they face." One man said behind the wall.

"True...But it doesn't mean one day it won't happen again." Corvan said as he put his hand on his chin. After raising his brow, Corvan grin. "What business you have here, Mont?" After hearing that, the man show himself infront of the Corvan. The man have a large build, which show his martial capabilities. Along with his beard in his face, he is really resemble warrior from the tales. When seeing Corvan face, Mont grin back. Corvan and Mont have been friend since long ago, and acknowledge each other from the skill they have.

"Those kids won't believe what we faced that time."
"Yeah, they will think we grow too old and start making fun of us if we tell that."

They continue to joke with each other and laugh. After some minutes, they finally stop laughing, despite still smiling because of the mood they have put themselves in. 

"What do you planning to do with him?" Mont ask Corvan.
"The knight?" Corvan ask back to confirm who is the man in question.
"Yeah, him."

Corvan and Mont then stop smiling, as they become serious about the conversation.

Before Corvan could said anything, Mont is the one who talk. "He is a bad news. I don't know why, but i know it."

Corvan take a look at Mont, before shaking his head. "I know what are you talking about. I feel it too, it's looks like there's something hidden inside of him. But i just can't told him to go away. He saved Clementine lives. If he wasn't there, i think Clementine will die. I know i have to keep the promise, but i can't send scout in small number to search for where Clementine went. Even if send scout to investigate to the 8 directions, it won't guarantee that he will be found or that the scout team won't have to fight against wild beast. That's why i let him stay here. Because he indirectly helping me to keep my promise."

After hearing that, Mont just stare at Corvan in the eyes. For a normal person, this amount of pressure will force them to look away from Mont eyes to avoid any conflict. But Corvan reply by staring back at Mont eyes,, not afraid of what would happen. Both of them stand their ground without talking, but from people point of view it will be seen as the moment before the fight break out. Mont, realizing that Corvan won't back away from the stare look away and sigh. Corvan then sigh too, matching Mont timing. "I guess if you think that then i can't do anything about it. Good luck with it, Leader." Mont said as he walk away while waving his right hands. Corvan just smile at Mont, knowing he will support his decision. Yes, before he was the village leader, Corvan was just another hunter in the village.

Long ago, before Corvan was elected as the leader, he was just a hunter. He enjoy his times hunting animal with his teammates, and competing about who can brought back the bigger catch to the village. His friends likes him, and some say their generation of hunters is the best for they resemble a family itself. Corvan lives for hunt, as he focusing himself on it. On his spare time, if he's not spending it with his friends or hunting then he would go training his skill to better himself and help him his hunting next time. Corvan spend his life like that on most of his youth and enjoy it. His parents can't argue with him as the options in the village is too little, so they support him. When Corvan age reach 20, he already become one of the most skilled and trusted hunter in his village. His village depend on him whenever they need to hunt, and some kids look upon him and start asking him to train them, which he gladly accept. Not long after that, the villager have been complained about the wolves inside the forest, and afraid it will eat the animal and even the people. So, Corvan and the other was sent out by the leader at the time to exterminate the wolves to ease the worry of the people on the village. Corvan and the other then go out to do the task quickly because they afraid that the wolves will multiply and it wil be too late to do it by then. They spend 2 hours to reach the forest by foot, equipped with weapon and supply enough to last for 2 days. They know this will be no easy mission, so they prepared themselves in advance for any possible situation and outcome. But when they reach the forest gate, they heard a faint scream. A scream of a man, accompanied by the bark and howl of the wolves. Corvan and the others eyes were widen, they are afraid there is someone who ignore the danger of the wolves then enter the forest. So they hurriedly run to the forest, hoping they will make it. As step by step closer, the scream become louder. The scream give off a feelings of a  fear of death, and desperatly clinging to life itself. But weird enough, the wolves start whimpering. The bark becomes faint, replaced by the whimper. The sound is getting smaller and smaller, as if the wolves is disappearing one by one. Corvan, confused by the situation and decide to take a peek while hiding behind a tree. What comes next, surprised him as he can't believe his own eyes.

There's stand a shark with two legs, three hands in it's side and in it's back is placed a giant wings that resemble bat. The creature is chewing on the wolves it's caught, and spitting the bones after it's done eating the flesh off the wolves. Corvan is scared, there's no way a creature like that exist. Fish can only live in the sea, not to mention this one have limbs and even wings to it. Humans can't stand a chance against the shark in the sea, and now they is walking on the lands. Corvan planned to retreat as he is scared beyond comprehible after seeing the creature, but unfortunately, one of his teammate scream out loud and thus make his plan on silenty retreat failed. "Ah!!! W-what is that!?" The person screamed as he point towards the shark with his wide eyes. The shark look at his direction and start walking towards him. Not one of the others hunter dare to move, as they is too afraid by the creature. The man that scream before panicked, and try to stab the shark abdomen with his sword. Unfortunately, the shark managed to catch the sword before it reaches the skin. After that the shark pull the sword out of the man grab and then raise it. The man know one thing, it's going to kill him with the sword. The man try to move his legs and run, but unfortunately the shark is much faster. It swing the sword at the man and manage to slice his head open. Blood spatter from the splitted head and it's brain is fell out from the inside of the skull. The body then drop to the ground, falling into it's own blood. The shark drop the sword, and mumble "ዓሻ." while looking at the corpse. It's then crouch down and a hand coming out of it's mouth. A human hand, is coming out of it's mouth and grabbing the corpse. After it's manage to grab the corpse leg, it's then drag it inside the mouth and the shark chew on it. There's silence over Corvan and his teammate, as they afraid they will be killed if they even make the slightest move. So they can only stand in fear of the monster. The monster done eating, then spitting the bones on the ground. Then the shark look at Corvan. Corvan is scared, does he is the next to die? As he thinking that, the shark spit something into Corvan chest. At first Corvan is confused, but when he look at the ground, he fell on his knees. The shark spit his teammate heart on him. The shark then grab Corvan head, and lift him up. Corvan can't resist the strength of the monster, and now he is hanging like a clothlesline being dried. He helplessy kicking the air as an attempt to break free, but unfortunately the shark grip is much more stronger than his. The shark then moving it's head closer to Corvan, and open it's mouth. Corvan eyes wide in terror, as his teammate head is till there, covering the mouth from both right and left side. Corvan can't scream, as if there is no air left inside his lung. He can't even breathe like normally, because the terror he was in. His teammate didn't dare to help him either, and it makes him know what is it like to die without anyone even helping him in the last moment.

The shark then slowly closes it's mouth and throw Corvan into the tree. Corvan shriek in pain as he can feel the branches is stabbing his back in the impact. The shark stood there and say "ንስኻ ኖ ፍርሒ ኣለካ። ንስኻ ጥዑም የለን።". Corvan can only thank his luck for he is not being eaten yet, but then realizes he was wrong. The monster only didn't want to kill him, but it doesn't mean it's don't want to kill him. He was right, the shark then open it's mouth wide and charge at Corvan. Corvan quickly jump to the side, avoiding the attack. The shark then end up biting the tree, and Corvan didn't waste any single moment to escape. He scream at the others to run, and they immediately run almost if they were waiting for the chance for it since the beginning. Corvan take a look behind him, and there's a man holding a baby behind the monster. Corvan curse himself and start running toward the man, and then grab him. The man is not surprised, as he is intending to escape too. The shark, seeing all of the humans escape, start chewing on the tree violenty. After a mere seconds, the tree fall on the ground and thus making the shark is free. It's then look at Corvan, and once again scream, "ርገሙኻ! ክቐትለካ እየ ድሕሪኡ ባዕለይ ናብ መዓሙቕ ሲኦል ክጎትተካ እየ!" with it's eyes seems like they about to explode. It's then start to flick it's wings. Corvan realize the monster intention and then he say, "Lie on the ground, now!" while pushing the man too. Then the monster flying towards them, just as Corvan thought. Some of his teammates manage to lie down before it attack, but some were unlucky. The upper half their body disappear as the shark eat them while flying, leaving only the lower body on the ground. As if it's doesn't realize what happening, the lower body still stand there even without their upper half. Then it's slowly fall to the ground, after confirming their own death.

Corvan gritted his teeth. It wasn't supposed to go like this. They were supposed to only deal with the wolves, not dealing with this monster. They thinking about bringing glory with them on the way home, but it seems like they can't even bring their own body back to the village.


Corvan think as he didn't want to die. The others must been the same too, there's nobody who would want to die a horrible death.

Corvan then grab his bag, and try to find some sort of weapon to use before the monster come flying again. Sword wouldn't work, so what does he need to use?

Then, he grab a little ball from his bag. With size enough to being hidden in one hand and it's color can make it being unseen from the enemy on the dark, this will manage to buy them times. The ball is none other than a bomb, used to fight against multiple enemies at once or used as a trap to thin out the enemy number. If this manage to explode and destroy the monster legs and wings, then they can survive. Luckily, Corvan carry two of this bomb with him. But, there's some drawback for the bomb. It is supposed to work like landmines, where if the enemy step on it, then it will be activated. But against the current enemy, that won't work as the shark can fly and it is imposibble to place the bomb in an exact point where the monster will step on. The only way to enact this plan is by sacrificing one more lives so save the rest. His teammate wouldn,t do it, then how...

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"Is that a bomb?" The man that Corvan save before ask him while looking at the ball. Corvan is surprised as the man voice suddenly interrupt his thinking. The man then look at the baby, and caress the baby head. After that, the man look at Corvan with determination filled in his eyes. Determination to throw one own life to save other. Corvan is surprised by this sudden change in the man. When Corvan still deep in his thought, the man only said "His name is Clementine Duval, and promise me that you won't let him die." before grabbing the bomb. The man then get up and start running to the opposite direction. The shark notice it, and fly off towards the man. Sure enough, when it's come down the shark is already biting the man torso, ready to tear it apart. But to it's surprise, the man squezee the bombs in his both hand, hoping that the force will activate the bomb. The shark tried to throw the man off, but instead now the man is biting it's nose in order to not fall. "ወ-ጽናሕ!" the monster scream, probably as a mean to stop the explosion from happening, but the man can't hear anything, as he focus to place the bomb close to the legs and the wings. Corvan and his teammates cover their eyes as to not let explosion blow the dust to their eyes, and Corvan is holding the baby tightly to protect it's from the explosion. Then, the explosion happen. The sound is loud enough to surprise the inside of the forest, as the birds is flying away and there's an animal noise can be heard everywhere. Corvan and his teammates also hear ringing in their ears because of it. As they slowly open their eyes, they realize something. As the result of the explosion , fire start to spread around the forest, moving from one tree to the others. Corvan turn his head and look at the shark which look terrifying before, but now is reduced to a being that can only helplessly lie on the ground and keep repeating "ሓግዙኒ... ሓግዙኒ... ንሱ እዩ... ይጎድእ..." over and over again, just like a person. Seeing that the monster is now crippled, Corvan start to pick the baby up and order his teammates to run. Not wasting their times, they start to get up and run as fast as they can. Corvan can't take anymore risk which will make his teammates or even his own life in danger again, not after losing this many injury and loss. 

They must be glad. They have to. It is such a cheap price to pay. In exchange of the forest, now it's mean they didn't have to face that monster again and no more people will die. Even if the whole villagers united against the monster, it is hard to think of a winning possibilites in Corvan head. After running for some times, the rains start to pour. Corvan cover the baby with his clothes, leaving him topless. They can't stop now, because of the fear that something resemble or the same as that monster come again for a second time. But despite cannot stop, Corvan still feel bad if he leave the baby as he be without extra warmth to prevent the baby from getting cold. Corvan think that if he is the one that caught the cold, then it will only need 3 days to recover and back to healthy again, as he is an adult man. But for a baby this young, it may die from it's sickness if cold were to happen to him. Wrapping his clothes on the baby, Corvan remember the man last word and he decide that he will keep this baby alive in honor to the man sacrifice. By his sacrifice, Corvan and his teammate is alive. But now, there's no time to waste. Corvan still need to return to his village and report this event to the village.

Time passes, and now Corvan manage to keep his promise to the man. And that is to keep a boy named Clementine Duval alive.

~The man POV~

The man, survive the explosion and is now can only lies on the ground. His legs are gone, his face suffered from burn, and his right arm is gone. Trying his best to move, he start to drag his body across the ground by using his chin. No, it is true that he is determined to save his baby no matter what it takes. But now suffering injury and being hurt, he is faced by reality.

He doesn't want to die, he want to live just like any person would.  

But maybe it is by the kindness of the Gods that he can remain breathing to this point. And if he was given a chance, he want to use it. He want to live with his son, teaching him just like how any parents would. His son already lost his mother, and now he doesn't want him to lose his father too. It would be too cruel for him, to be alone without parents love and guidance at such a young age. Thinking about how they could spend time together, the man smile. Despite the pain on his injury and the loss of his body parts, he smile because of what would the future brings. With such hope, he continue to move. Until a hand start grabbing his left arm.

He is terrified. After that, how could it still move?

It shouldn't even be alive by now, but how?

"N-No! G-get away! Stay away!" The man try to push the hand away with everything he had left. But it's all meaningless. The monster, with it's eyes shut and tears of blood, start pulling him as he start to try to run away.

"ኩሉ ናትካ ጌጋ እዩ...ብሰንኪ እዩ...ስለዚ እየ...በሊዐካ...ክሳብ ዘይተረፈካ ክበልዓካ እየ!" the monster scream as the hand from it's mouth pulling me closer.

No! No! No! I won't die! I can't die!

"S-somebody, help-" As he try to scream, he suddenly stop his voice. 

Is there even anybody left?

Everybody already gone, ensuring their own safety. He is left on his own, after how he died giving them chance by sacrificing his own. At first, he is glad to be doing something great for his son, but now he regret it. He wish that his son still here and they would die together. He knows it is foolish for a parents to think like that, but he is a human. He don't want to die all alone, in a place of nowhere and suffer a horrible fate in his last moment.

"N-no! Save me, no, get away, no, agh!" He scream his last words before his head eventually crushed inside the monster mouth.  The monster chew and chew, while muttering something.

"ኣነ እየ ዝቐትለካ። ደቅኻ እዕምጾም፡ ቆርበትካ ድማ ካብ ኣካላትካ ይቐንጥጦም።" is the monster last words, before the flames cover the image of the monster.

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