The Tale of Some Random Shinobi (Naruto)

Chapter 28: Chapter 28

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A few months have passed, ever since I went around collecting blood from a few Uchiha kids that were easy targets.

During that time, I became six years old.

This also meant, that I had to attend another of Naruto's birthday party.

Ugh, it was quite the thing.

Just thinking about it, is giving me PTSD!

Ramen...It was ramen. We had ramen at Ichiraku's... I am truly getting sick of ramen.

Just remembering it, is enough to make my stomach turn.

Ever since I've met Naruto, ramen is now part of my diet...

... stuff like that is what makes me hate  him... hate might be too strong...but makes want to beat his ass. 

The little b*stard even made me pay 3 bowl of ramen for him,  it is quite cheap but there's a limit to my tolerance!

Well at least I won't have to worry about till next year...but I'm afraid that his appetite will only get bigger from now...*sigh*

Thankfully, the 3rd didn't come this time.

Maybe he gave up on trying to analyze me, or  he was busy with the Uchihas or some other thing.

(But what exactly could have made him miss the birthday party this time... Has left the job of having to put with Naruto to me? ...I don't think so...this is the perfect time to brainwash the kid...What did happen in the story around this

Now that I think of it Hinata's kidnapping was...when exactly?


I will get to her one day and...her little sister too.

Even if she was almost kidnapped around this time there's nothing I can do about it...

I am still not strong enough to get involved in that mess.

I'm thinking of the chunin exams or during the invasion. But if I choose to do it during the chunin exams, I have to watch out for Shino...he is an Aburame.

Those guys are actually quite dangerous and their jutsus are quite the mystery to most and a pain to deal with.

A lot of them don't need hand seals, making it hard to tell when they started casting their jutsu.

They truly are the definition of the perfect shinobi or assassins.

As for Kiba...nah, he is pretty weak.

He is a one trick pony. 

But I'd have to take him down quickly because of his sharp sense of smell and his dog's.

But really, I should try to get to Hinata when she is alone or unguarded otherwise, I will fail.

... sadly, the only time that I am positive...that no external force will during the forest of death.

However, 3 against 1 is not a good match up and Shino is too smart to let himself be taken off guard and Hinata's byakugan has a large range of view making it impossible to get too close...

*sigh* My second choice is truly the best one to go with...

Getting her during the invasion is the only way...but how do I get to her without, arousing suspicions and her being fully on guard...I'd have to be on good terms...or use one of my cheats to do so.

Just hope by then, I will be able to use my sharingan or swift release.

I have tried to use them many times but got no way to make either work.

I know that the sharingan has to do with trauma or something...I don't want to give myself traumas.

I'm just not that brave or too lazy to try, also it sounds pretty stupid when you hear it out loud.

- Let's get traumatized!....Yep! Stupid indeed.

So....there's little progress on that front.


To be honest the older I get the more insecure I feel.

I feel that these days of my life will be replaced with fighting and danger but I like living more...besides in some ways the fighting already started.

I have been fighting against Sasuke.

Well not "me" exactly but "Itsuki Uchiha".

Does a Uchiha Itsuki actually exist?

Dunno, The Uchiha clan's site is very big place.

There might be an Itsuki over there but I don't know him.

I actually chose a name that name because of an other Uchiha brat I fought against in the past, it was when I was going around and hunting for fresh blood.

The name is close enough to that brat's and since he was a loner, there's a chance for adults to think that the kids misheard or misspoke the name when referring to myself.

It's actually the same orphan that I got the shirt that I wear when I pretend to be an Uchiha.

He was also pretty weak when compared to most but stronger than Takao was originally, to be fair Takao's about 2 years younger but still he was the weakest person I have met so far.

Regardless of all that, the kid was the same size as me and think that if I didn't train I'd been just like him *shudder*.

But thankfully Sasuke didn't know him at all, so he wasn't confused or asked any questions...I don't think he actually knows almost any of the other kids from his clan... or other kids in general.

So he was not an easy target to find in the usual spots.

But I managed to find him anyway.

All I had to do is dig deeper in the mind of a born introvert.

I looked for Sasuke trails everywhere but not in the Uchiha compound.

I'm not that crazy! 

Thankfully my knowledge of the anime saved me a bunch.

It was actually quite easy to find Sasuke.

He trains in one of the Uchiha training grounds alone, pretty sad if you think about it.(Weird how in this world kids are always training)

That guy never had any wonder he turned out like how he did in the anime.

His family and a few other others that he is on friendly terms with, like Shisui are basically his whole world.

Even among all the Uchihas I've met, he might be biggest loner of them all.

Not that Sasuke's sad existence gave me a change of heart.

No, sir.

After I found him I immediately went to full stalker and disguise mode. 

I dyed my hair black fully, slicked it back and put on my shirt with the Uchiha Crest logo that I got from the brat I beat up (this sounds messed up in so many levels). And lastly, put on a pair of goggles to hide my eyes.

Everything was done to make myself less and less recognizable to others as much as possible (any more than that, I'd go past the uchiha starter kit and go full Aburame), I even changed my voice to resemble the guy that I am trying to impersonate. It was possible, thanks to supercomputing is truly a terrifying skill, really glad I chose it...but it hurts my throat a little bit... I think I could have chosen better skill, sadly it is too late now.

This is all the preparations that I have to make when dealing with Sasuke, but honestly it's a pain in the ass to have to go through all that.

However, Sasuke is a main cast member and he will undoubtedly become linked to Naruto one way or the this point I still need to keep my friendship with Naruto.

I am not even sure how long I need to pretend...but at worse I will have to do it till I meet Temujin (if he is even real) or after the Sasuke retrieval arc...

I'd rather be included in the list of people Naruto trusts enough to have his back so not only I have to be strong but his friend at the same the words of Shikamaru...What a drag!

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Besides I have to take all these precautions seriously, because if Sasuke somehow finds out that I used to pretend to be an Uchiha it will open an entire can of worms that I am not sure how to deal with.

Which is quite possible that he may figure out, since I've spent a lot of time with him as of late.

At first, I tried to challenge him and be done with it but after a few minutes, it was clear that I was outmatched.

If not for the super computing skill, I would have lost immediately.

... the guy hates to lose and adapts quickly to things quite easily when he has to fight.(It feels like I am his practice dummy)

Leaving at a loss on how to keep up with him, and his motor skills are too good.

Even though I have better stamina, getting hit so many times is bound to pile up a lot of stress on my body and fatigue.

Which supercomputing can do nothing about it.

No matter how much you anticipate a punch to the face... if you can't move in time, you're still getting punched in the face.

In the end I lost. I lost badly.

The guy seems to actually know a bit how to fight and was faster than me.

....this was good experience for me too, because turns out I don't know jack sh*t about fighting!

This world fight*ng style is totally different from what I was used to!

Because of this world's humans, being physically stronger than the last; small discrepancies like that, are hard to fully comprehend or notice till you've experienced it first hand.*t!

Damn you Guy!

If you'd teach me for real, I wouldn't have been so humiliated! (Sorry Takao. I took your money away for nothing but I'm not giving you a refund, because I've already used up most of your money. )

Seems like all the fights that I was ever in before... were nothing more than little kids squabbles.

Not worth much against a prodigy.

There's so much exercising can help you in a fight!

Otherwise all the guys that went to the gym would be first rate fighters... which is not the case.

Realizing my mistake... I had to think hard and put some real care, about how I would have deal with Sasuke; since simply fighting him was out of the question.

That is when I came to an epiphany.

How do you win a fight?

Good genes, I guess?

In this world of shinobis, genetics are everything!

...unless you are Might Guy, which I am not.

So I tried using tactics to get his hair samples instead.

But that didn't go so well. I fought him 3 times after that.

Got beat up.

And got almost nothing!

 I can't even try to beat him up with all I've got...because he is itachi's precious little brother.

A scar or any visible injury would be putting the guy on my trail.

Life can be so harsh sometimes, but the little f*cker will pay soon enough... when I become stronger.

So regardless of my feelings, I had to be creative.

Actually, I've had an idea that could work a longtime ago... but couldn't use it due to reasons.

I remembered that from watching the anime, that Sasuke around this age, likes to practice shurikenjutsu.

I trained myself in shurikenjutsu with the support of my super computing skill and got way better at it.

I also used super computing to decipher and write Shisui's technical nonsense, wrote it in an easier manner to understand and made a bet with Sasuke.

Every time he beats me, he gets more pages, I have lost about 6 times now.

At first he beat me fair and square, but after the second time; I only pretend to wanting to defeat him and... unceremoniously lost. However, after I let him beat me without putting too much of a resistance, in order to let him gain more and more confidence and easily accept my challenges.

He began to look down upon me...Which made me rage but...I held it in... because I will surely have the last laugh.

But, today I intend to go full out.

It is time to let him taste some of my famous humble pie.

When I am done with him, he will be too ashamed to even look himself in a mirror... He has self-esteem issues... He is very different person from his adult version.

- So you came to lose again, huh?! (Sasuke)

- it's going to be different this time Saucesuke!

-...hmph, whatever! A loser like you could never better beat me! I've got itachi-nii san to train me.(Sasuke)

- Sure...whatever you say. And just, where is your precious Itachi-nii san? Because to me. you seem to always be alone...Oh no! Saucesuke! D-did you...did you make him up? So, so sad...hahaha!

- Bastard! I-I!! Y-you just don't know him because you are just too stupid and a nobody. Everyone in the clan knows how great Itachi-niisan is!(Sasuke)

-I know of an Itachi. But I just don' t think you two are related, since I heard he was a super genius. The same 1 that graduated after a single year at the academy. That itachi?...Never heard of him having a brother though. You must not be all that great, since I never heard of you.

- What! Y-you! big words from a loser! And I am as talented as my brother!!! (Sasuke)-Answered Sasuke with rage within his eyes.

It was clear that this outburst came from a source somewhere far deeper in his psyche than me taunting him.

He clearly both loved and felt an immense jealousy towards his brother...but his love was much stronger.

Thus, he had chosen to both use his brother as a standard for greatness and a point of comparison. 

- Take it easy Saucesuke-kun, let's say we make a final bet. If you win, you get it all the pages I have left. How does that sound to you?

-Deal! I am tired of a loser like you always pestering me, anyways. This time, at least I will have you stay away from me for good!(Sasuke)

- Don't you want to hear what I want, if I win?

-No need! As if you'd ever beat me!(Sasuke)

- sure...

Boy! I really must have touched a nerve.

(Good. He took the easy to manipulate. No wonder he got played by almost everyone in the original canon. His anger has made him blind and a tool to control him...even though he was almost fully aware of the severity of the things he had committed. )

The way he glanced back at me reminded me a bit of the adult Sasuke from the manga...but sort of also funny, because he is a kid and doesn't know how to try to scare people.

After that little debacle, we started our little shurikenjutsu matchup.

This time it was a 5 rounds match.

In which we would take turns in order to hit different targets all over the forest.

Nice and easy.

Sasuke... this time you're going to taste the filthy foot of defeat the goddess of defeat.

Prepare to have your pride shattered in pieces!!!


Chapter end

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