The Tale of Some Random Shinobi (Naruto)

Chapter 32: Chapter 32

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A few days have passed by, ever since I fused Sasuke's DNA with my own.

I feel a bit stronger and movements that were previously harder to pull off, have become easier is truly unfair.

I am not really sure if that is thanks to Sasuke or not, but I know for sure that my chakra increase is definitely thanks to him.

Again...Life is truly unfair.

How do I know my chakra increased? Well for 2 reasons mainly. 

  1. I am far more energetic that I was in the past, which had to mean my body is stronger.
  2. I have a skill that monitors every aspect of my body. So any irregularities are easy detected. Plus I've been stealing blood for a while now, to know very well that it is working! Otherwise, I'd just be a creepy kid with a blood collecting fetish!

Although, I am a bit scared that I might have changed the canon too much by helping Sasuke train, I don't believe that this event will lead to a drastic change overall.

I have not tried to do any training with Naruto, because I don't want him to become too competent.

A cocky Naruto would be a problem...for me!

Naruto is already a very annoying kid, and someone hard to manage. So changing that guy's life from a loser to a competent guy this early, will undoubtly lead to sh*tty things.

At worst, you get a Menma...and all versions of that guy suck!

One is a weird edgelord and the other one, has a stick up his ass.

I don't need that kinda sh*t in my life or ruining my advantage over the canon for me...even though I doubt he could become smart like the Menma in the filler episode...I think that ship got derailed even before he was born...because that guy is Kushina's son through and through.

Regardless of my very complicated mixed feelings towards Naruto, I can't really help him's not like I am a genius. I am just lucky to be born with a hax ability, he has one too called Kurama. Let's just hope the story goes in accordance with the canon, for all our sakes.

Besides, I need to have an edge over all the characters; especially black Zetsu.

I have no idea what kind of 4D chess game he has been playing for over 1000 years, or how far his information network goes.

If I change the canon too much, who knows what kind of backup plans he has made over the millennia.

He has been peeping on everybody for so long, it is hard to say what exactly he knows or how much he truly interfered.

(Hmm?...Does that mean he knows about Jigen or Amado?...No! Better forget about them for now. That Jigen is a godd*mn monster and Amado will make me his little b*tch, if I give him an inch...They should both be killed as soon as I get all the power I can steal from Kaguya and her bloodlines...But I don't believe I could ever win against her. No matter how much I think about it...Yep! Gonna really need Naruto and Sasuke to get rid of her...I will need to protect them no matter the cost.)

...I should also be more careful in the future about interacting with Naruto or Sasuke; these 2 guys are too important for me to mess with them too is probably better to keep some distance between us.

...but, I did interfere with Sasuke' already.

However, a slightly stronger Sasuke than the original...should be fine...maybe...?

...But it was only shurikenjutsu.

At best, he will survive like five more minutes against Haku, and will still be utterly powerless against Gaara.

No way in hell, that Shisui's notebook is going to save him from Orochimaru or anyone at that power level.

I've read that book many times over, and nothing in it would be enough to take down a junchiriki or a sannin.

Besides, that shouldn't matter regardless. He was already pretty good at it, in the canon anyways.

I just hope things won't go too much off the rails because of me...

...but the biggest problem is still Orochimaru...everyone else should probably act the same even if interfere too much.

However, Orochimaru is too cunning and impossible to predict, if I decide to mess with him.

I...really want some of the forbidden jutsus that he stole...mainly edo tensei.

Actually, all the jutsu he has are pretty good.

He has such an incredible amount of them and the youth...but what I really need from him, is his knowledge in fuinjutsu.

If that Deus ex machina, with the shinigami death release mask is true; then he has Uzumaki knowledge in fuinjutsu...Or it is most likely that he started to look deeper into it, after Hiruzen trapped his hands in the belly of the reaper.

But still, that wouldn't explain as to why he was able to modify the kyuubi seal so, he must have some degree of knowledge regarding Uzumaki fuinjutsu; techniques but still hasn't found the Uzumaki shrine.

So, if I find the shrine first...I can still use that to my advantage to bargain for a deal.

-...Yes...that can work.

This is the only thing that I can make sense out of that mess that happened in the manga.

Jiraiya was probably only able to remove Orochimaru's seal on to Naruto, either due to Kushina, Minato, Tsunade and Hiruzen.

Relatively speaking, all of these 4 people have access to Uzumaki know how.

Naruto's Kyuubi seal is the top of the top when it comes to fuinjutsu. Most villages have nothing near that advanced for sealing techniques.

Gaara's seal and the one on the other Jinchuriki's, are leagues away from being that powerful.

(...Wait a sec?)

The kyuubi seal? that I think about it, even if I get Natuto's Uzumaki DNA I won't be that strong.

Sasuke DNA did clearly did something to me. Since I feel way better than I did before but I have no idea about just how strong I became overall.

And I am not even too sure, if that is all thanks to Sasuke's DNA.

I have incorporated the DNA of several other little demons, into myself and keep a steady regiment.

Even if  I am somehow feeling much better due chakra reserves increasing because of a boost due to their DNA, my chakra levels are always increasing because I keep growing up.

I have never had been the poster child for physical fitness, so my body feeling better now that I started to work out, should not be too outrageous, I think.

I also, remember hearing that one of the reasons that Naruto has so much chakra; was due to him naturally and passively converting some of the Kyuubi's chakra into his own...but I'm not even sure if that is true. But it is a known fact that Jinchuriki can gain kekkei genkais of their Naruto, getting stronger chakra reserves due to Kurama is probably true.

Nagato is an Uzumaki, and he is able to do outrageous stuff with the rinnegan; that Sasuke doesn't even attempt to do it. So maybe there's maybe some possibility for denial as well.

Regardless if it is true or not, it would be a problem for me.

The only way I know on how one goes on getting a piece of the kyuubi's chakra, is to eat its flesh or transfer a part of it into my body.

Both choices are...impossible!

Because one part of the Kyuubi is inside the reaper's belly; and the other one is inside Naruto.

So, I'd have to wait until Naruto matures enough so that I can extract as much chakra as I theoretically can...*Sigh* But I, can't do that. If I don't get Naruto's DNA before the Shippudden part of the plot, starts...I am f*cked if don't!

No matter how much I may want to scheme, If I don't have an exponential amount of chakra; then it doesn't really matter which kekkei genkai I end up stealing.

it's the same of having a gun and no bullets.

A tortilla with no beans.

Having Nachos with no cheese.

Or being a pimp with no w*es.

Or having an only fan accounts but no ******************************!

-...I guess, I have to find anot-! No!

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There is a way!

That filler arc!

That's right...

That stupid, edgy monk!

-YES!...W-what was his name again? was...was...oh?! Right! Goofy! No! I mean Sora!

YES! That's it!

He was able to enter like 4 or 5 tails mode.

It was even said that if he was not stopped before he reached a higher number of tails; he could have transformed into...the full kyuubi or something close to that.

But that's shippuden cr*p! And worst of all, it is filler at that!

-But the temple should still exist.

It was featured in the manga or something when that bald monk guy got destroyed by Kakuzu, and Asuma's backstory has to do with monks and sh* there is still a pretty good chance it is true.

Unlike mecha naruto and the stupid ostrich ninja, or those stupid cats the Uchihas kept around...maybe I should ask Takao about that last one...

And Why the hell would Orochimaru ever create Mecha Naruto! It seems like poor usage of his time! Maybe...Maybe that is why Sasuke killed him. He must have started showing signs of losing his mind!

That certainly would explain a lot.

-*sigh*...anyhow, it's a long ways from now.

Almost 10 years into the future or something.

I could probably get to him before that but, those shaolin monks looked kinda pretty tough... I watched enough Shaolin flicks to know to not f*ck with Shaolin monks, especially with magic powers...better get back up from Kakuzu or something...was it even the same temple?

But how will I seal the Kyuubi's chakra inside myself?...I am not too sure if am edgy enough as to eat that edgy monk's demon arm? I can do it, but I'm pretty sure the chakra inside will go out of control before I get a chance to do the deed...if Naruto has it inside himself...oh! I know!

(C, can you copy seals and replicate how to do them? )

(Replicate...processing...Uzumaki Naruto's seal...inconclusive...reproduction of pattern is...100 percent feasible...however, I cannot detect or observe chakra inside others' bodies other than host's.)(C)

( you can't do it...?)

(Hypothetical. However, if host obtains the ability to see chakra or gathers enough knowledge to cross-reference on similar techniques, it is should be feasible to deduce some of the sealing methods used to create that seal, but it is only theoretical. Even though Chakra is based on mystical energies, its practical usage is still based on rational thinking. )(C)

(Sh*t! that is a problem...)

My skill basically told me that I have to study those things on my own. It can help but only if I gather more data... *sigh* that is just one of the few weaknesses that my skill has.

And asking the 3rd hokage about impossible...the only person who has good knowledge on it besides him is Orochimaru...I guess Jiraiya too and maybe Tsunade, but these 2...Argh! I am such an idiot! Of course, she knows! She made that op sealing technique.

Plus her grandmother was Mito Uzumaki! She was like a princess of her clan!

She'd definitely pass her knowledge on to her descendants, especially after the Uzumaki were destroyed.

But I am not Sakura...and I don't want to be an old/angry/alcoholic woman's apprentice for years just so that she may, and I am being very liberal here, may decide one day to share her OP sealings jutsus with me....Me!

Most people I know hate me! Or at least hate my guts!

I'm not even sure if I have a talent for medical ninjutsu or fuinjutsu!

Just how much of that plan(?) depends on maybes!

...besides all those hypothetical scenarios, I have better sh*t to do!

Out of the 3 of them, only Orochimaru would be willing to bargain (pretty sure he'd  somehow f*ck with me); the other 2 not so much. They'd probably kill me on the spot for even implying anything of the sort or interrogate me with extreme prejudice and lock me up for years.

My other option is to try to steal those sealing techniques inside scrolls kept at the hokage office, like naruto did...or will do in the future.

...Could I break into the office during the invasion? Without a sharingan or swift would least, I think.

(C. Can never mind...)

...seeing the odds of failure or scenarios, will probably give me a heart attack...better not let it get even scarier...but one thing is certain. I need Orochimaru's help for my plans to work.

Worse is...that I just remembered the scars on Hibino Hibiki's head...Who knows what he will do to me if he somehow finds out that I tried to steal the village's secret scrolls while the hokage and the villagers were getting murdered by sand and sound shinobis, and giant snakes were destroying the village...I bet he will show no compassion at all...I will probably be subjected to like, extra special/painful torture reserved for the worst criminals.

I can only imagine how painful it will be.

Traitors in the shinobi world always meet a terrible fate, or are forced to hide themselves for the rest of their lives.

If that Hyuga half-blood or something decided to off himself when Itachi and Shisui came for him, because he was selling village secrets...which by the way he was an anbu black ops! What chance do I have?!

(...I can't become scar-faced or worse....bald!!!! I like my appearance way too much! If I play my cards right a harem is not too far of a stretch for me to achieve! If all fails, I can still become a plaything for lonely rich women like Terumi mei in the future, and with a cloning jutsu under my belt, I could do several jobs at once! I'd be wrecking a lot of cash no doubt! Or take control of a minor noble...)

Going back to Snake-face, he also has access to cloning technology; which could be useful...but what do I have, that he may want or need? body is the only thing that comes to mind...but rejected!...if I give Orochimaru my body forget anything about changing the canon, he would become as dangerous as madara or worse.

(C, can you synthesize my blood to resemble that of a normal person or make it, that it only includes one kekkei genkai?)

(Hypothesis. I could isolate a part of the host's body, and make it as if it contains only certain characteristics. Also, if I were to remove the host's specific DNA strands, known as kekkei genkai, from the host's entire body... Host would not only suffer from extreme duress but also severely decrease your life expectancy and body functions. )(C)

Hmm? So, it is possible...but which...kekkei genkai could I possibly exchange, swift release? No, If I give that to Orochimaru then nobody would be able to catch him...I may need to capture him in the future, so, no!

Then my uchiha DNA? But does that really matter? I am sure that he could have kidnapped plenty of Uchihas already or even harvested some of their corpses... well f*ck!

Not only that, but my only way to contact the guy would be through that b*stard Mizuki, and I am sure he'd try to kill me even before I get a chance to talk to Orochimaru.

Then my only choices are during the chunin Bad idea.

Wait a sec...kabuto?

But, just how much does kabuto actually know of Orochimaru jutsus and forbidden research?

-Argh!! This is getting me nowhere! Why is that f*cker so hard to understand!!!!!

I will try to kidnap kabuto when Orochimaru is at his weakest!

But he is Jonin level or something, right?

-I remember hearing that he was Kakashi level or something...but he was scared of time skip Sasuke...Is time skip Sasuke that strong? Was it the sharigan that made him act like a little b*tch? Hmmm.....

...I should be about the level of Sasuke or stronger if I get Naruto DNA and train a I have more or less an idea of when and where Orochimaru base will be located...getting to Kabuto should not be impossible, if I am able to map out the area.

I just have to be strong enough or master my Sharingan perfectly before is the only way for me to stand a chance against all the crazy stuff awaiting for me in the future.

...If I control kabuto...I will control the whole war!

Chapter end

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