The Tale of Some Random Shinobi (Naruto)

Chapter 56: Chapter 54: I’m not your nii-san! Where is my nii-san!?

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Today was just another day in the hidden leaf village.

It was simply another average afternoon with people going on about their days.

The grown-ups were on the streets or at work.

The children were running around the village playing with their friends.

Shinobi were patrolling or going about some mission that they were assigned.

And academy students or children trying to apply for a spot at the academy were either busy with studying or for the latter, training.

This was the case for Homura and Takao.

- Hya! Done! I'm done!- said Takao after throwing a shuriken at the target.

- Hn? Good...Just do everything one more time. (Where do I find explosive tags? Do I have to buy them or something? The notebook does not say anything about that... and if it is the case that I have to buy them...I am going to have a hard time since I am broke. After I got busted for gathering weapons from training grounds... now I can't sell shurikens and kunais' to kids anymore...What to do? ) (Homura) said and thought of Homura, while looking at Shisui's notebook, not even bothering to look in Takao's direction.

For Homura, Takao is just wide noise at this point.

He had grown used to it.

He was like just a kid that he had to babysit and pretend to listen to.

Even the threat of Takao exposing him was long gone.

Not because he didn't care about it any longer, but Takao knew pretty much who he was at this point. He had already seen his face and knew his voice, if they met outside the training ground, there simply would be no way to hide it.

It was a matter of time that he would discover his secret at this point, thankfully konoha is a pretty big place.

What mattered to Homura now was acing the exams.

The exams were only about a week away.

But since there was no way for him to practice to get any better in that timeframe or even realistically get to know what exactly he will have to face in the exams, all Homura could do was continue training as usual, but before he could train again, he had to get rid of Takao first.

The boy was simply, not a good enough training partner for Homura at this point.

- NO! (Takao)

- Wha?

With Takao's loud refusal, Homura, finally looked at him after the latter had a temper tantrum.

-I want to train taijutsu! Teach me taijutsu!(Takao)

- Taijutsu?

Taijutsu was not a topic that Homura delve into with Takao too often, because the boy was simply not very good at it, and Takao being an Uchiha...made matters a bit more complicated.

Since Uchihas have their own brand of taijutsu.

From what Homura gathered from shisui's notebook, it was a mix between Konoha taijutsu that Guy had shown him, but that was simply small parts of it.

The more progress one would advance in the Uchiha brand of taijutsu, the became more it became a fantasy style- type of combat with lots of jumping around.

Which was a very distinct type of taijutsu for anyone who was familiar with that type of fighting style.

Homura, trying to keep his identity a secret from others besides Takao, had no interest in doing as much.

So he really didn't bother to apply himself to learning their moves, especially since Might Guy was a superior martial artist anyway.

- YES! (Takao)


- I am tired of just working on shuriken jutsu, I have been doing nothing but train shurikenjutsu lately.(Takao)

-But...(You...You have no idea how hard it was for me to get those! And you're weak. Too weak... this guy is always lagging behind others. He can win if takes other by surprise, but if they train just a little bit... he is pretty much out of the game... Isn't that just a waste of time?)...You're better at long-range combat.

Homura, wasn't sure if what he had said was true or not.

However, most examples of weak shinobis he knew of tended to prefer long-range combat style or used jutsu to trick/overwhelm and corner their opponents.

Ten Ten, was Homura's only source of reference for this questionable theory but to him; it was enough to be true. 

So for Takao who was still young and didn't seem particularly gifted, it was just overall his best bet... and Homura could put his mind to something else.

- That's not true.(Takao)

-It is. (F*ck if I know, but at this point, I think the only way he is going to get stronger is if he activates his kekkei Genkai.)

Kekkei genkai or bloodline limits; are abilities that are only available to certain clans or a few individuals with a mutation that goes beyond the realm of what normal people could feasibly accomplish.

Homura has tried many times and failed to activate his.

Homura, has put Takao in several high-stress situations, to see if he would show somewhat of an inkling of his bloodline limit awakening but he got nothing from it.

He thought, since Sarada Uchiha, a member from the same clan as them was able to awaken her Sharingan due to high stress, and not specifically loss or a traumatic experience. That perhaps there was another way to awaken it.

But both he and Takao failed at every opportune situation that he had engineered, not that he could do something drastic or even create a scenario that would ultimately just bite him in the ass if discovered by anyone.

-(I don't have too much information on how hard it is for kids to learn to use or activate their Kekkei genkai... but I doubt I'm going to get anything from this guy... at least not from anything that I can do...Oh swift release, why did you only appear in a movie for like 2 seconds?)

- No! I don't want to!(Takao)

- Then you better come up with new ideas yourself...(Because I don't really care at this point.)

-Then, How about we hunt something big? (Takao)

-Hunt something big? (Hm? That's a stupid idea...why do I hang out with this moron?)

- Yes, Yuta and his older brother went hunting a wild boar!(Takao)

-... ( I can see his next sentence coming a mile away, and I already know my answer for it. It's painful to admit but we're kids...we're probably not going to get murdered... probably. If we play our cards right...we could get out of any kind of bad situation involving wild animals but I doubt we would be able to get out scot-free.)

- So how about we go do the same ourselves?(Takao)

- Hm...( There it is. Big words for someone who used to tear up at the first sight of a drop of blood... besides, I am not Itachi or your big brother to be doing something like that...Is it a sibling thing, to go on the hunt for wild boars? Or an uchiha thing?)... no.

- W-why not? (Takao)

Takao seemed really taken out by Homura's answer.

He had thought that Homura would agree since he hunts and fishes from time to time with him, little did he know that Homura did all of those things because his savings go towards something else and not food.

-...I don't have the equipment to hunt wild boars, we'd be putting ourselves in danger (I am not even sure if I will be able to survive a confrontation with a wild boar let alone, hunt it.)

Homura remembered a particular scene from within his memories, where Itachi and Sasuke went hunting a wild boar together in a weird flashback in the anime...

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It's not because it was heartwarming memory, because they were killing an animal while fighting a sage-empowered Kabuto in real-time.

But because the damn boar seemed to be bigger than the size of an adult man.

In this world, animal sizes can drastically change in proportion or even in intellect.

He is not sure why but believes that chakra is the main culprit for such an odd thing to happen.

- No! We can definitely do it! If you tell Obaa-chan about it I'm sure she will let us go, please?(Takao)

- No.


-No. ( What am I? Your chauffeur now?)

- Please!!!(Takao)

-*sigh* No. (Why is he so fixated on hunting boars? It's not going to make him any stronger. In the shinobi world, if you want to be the strongest just steal other people's abilities... results may vary.)

-Please!!!!!! (Takao)

-N-! (?)

Not wanting to let Homura be dissuaded, Takao grabbed Homura by the arms and started to shake him around.



- Sh*t up! Seriously, you don't seem to be getting better with age!

To stop Takao from annoying him any further, Homura hit Takao's head, right in the middle, with a well-placed hit.

At this point, it was just a normal occurrence.

If Takao was not busy pleading with Homura, he'd know or more likely sense it coming and manage to avoid it.

- *Cries internally* this one was just unfair! I hate you!(Takao)

-...Well, now you know how I feel. (...Why? Why am I always so pissed off at Takao? Sure...he gets on my nerves...but everyone gets on my nerves. Especially Naruto. And Takao is a shameless and dumber Naruto why him? Why do I fill like always want to give him a hit on the top of his head every time he opens his stupid, stupid mouth? Am I sadistic? Is that what's going on...? )- although Homura had turned away from Takao, he could not help himself from taking a discreet side glance at Takao.

But the boy's head seemed to still be hurting since he was still trying to put pressure on the spot Homura hit him with his hands.

- Ow...-(Takao)

- *sigh*... Just give me some time... and I will try to see if I can find arrows and 2 bows...

- R-really!? You promise!?(Takao)


- Alright!(Takao)

Homura watched Takao jumping around as if he had been told the best news of his life.

- Hm...(He sure heals fast... Maybe I should get his DNA just to be sure...Nah...I don't need more Uchiha DNA, I'm tired of Uchihas...)

-So, when are we going? (Takao)

-*sigh* I don't know, these things take time, but we're definitely not trying to hunt down some stinking boar! (I don't want to be run over to death...)

- Eh!? That's so unfair! Itsuki is a liar! Liar! Stupid! Baka! Stupid forehead!(Takao)

In Homura's disguise as Itsuki, not only his fake personality has fully dyed black hair, but he also wore his hair slick-backed in a long ponytail.

So his forehead was in full front view.

- You little...(I'm busy trying to think of ways to save you and Akane Oba-chan but I am always coming up with bad ends scenarios, I don't have time to be thinking about how to deal with giant ass monsters!...)

One of the reasons as to why Homura went on about stealing equipment, was for helping him work on some hypothetical scenarios in which he could help Takao and granny Akane survive.

However, the supercomputing skill is not exactly an easy skill to use let alone master.

Especially when it comes to problem-solving or coming over with hypothetical scenarios.

There is a lot that goes into making calculations, worse, it that just overwhelms Homura with a lot of unneeded information.

In one second, it can perform over 200 quadrillion calculations.

That's a 2 followed by 17 zeros.

Homura has had to laugh and despair at how high the odds are stacked against him at every single turn.

Just one wrong move and everything derails, so it isn't even that useful besides using it to make quick decisions but great to try problem-solving and pattern recognition.  

So going by what Homura knows about Akane and with the help of super-computing skills... it does not exactly go well... for everyone involved.

In fact, depending on the scenario it was outright catastrophic.

Not that it would turn out the same way, in reality. At the end of the day, they were ultimately just scenarios and were heavily based on Homura's memories and perspective.

The super-computing skill could not fully accurately depict her behavior or Takao's for a matter of fact, although Takao rarely factored in the outcome.

-(Why is everyone I meet always so damn stubborn!?... I hate my life... )

Chapter end



*Earlier this week, I did several Naruto quizzes and tried to go about it from Homura's perspective here's what I got:

For blood type :  AB

Type AB which means:

People with AB Blood can have characteristics on both ends, and can be confused as someone with two personalities. They will help with favours, but under their own terms. AB asks more from themselves than from others. Also, they often become sentimental, and tend to think too deeply about things. They are trustworthy, but don’t ask them too much at the same time. AB people have a lot of friends, but they need to be left alone at times. In Naruverse AB people hide their feelings, but they are hints of their sensibility and obvious prove of their tendency to turn merciless (more or less fitting...)

What type of Shinobi are you?

Your Result: ANsatsu Senjutsu Tokush BUtai (ANBU Black Ops)
You are as close to a true example of a realistic Shinobi as you can get in the Naruto universe without being considered evil. You will accomplish any goal in order to better serve your village. Even if this involves shady business such as murder. You work in the shadows and have a great degree of stealth. You gather intelligence and handle matters such as assassination and disposal of corpses.(hm...I'm not too sure about that one, since I answered that Homura saw himself as a rogue-ninja; and that he would betray the village in heartbeat if things went to shite.)

Those tests were fun but also far lacking. ;p*

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