The Tale of Some Random Shinobi (Naruto)

Chapter 78: Chapter 76: Storm training?

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-??? What the!? Hyaaa!!!!!

Homura looked in front of him and saw a landscape that defied comprehension.

Immediately after he started falling from the sky, plummeting toward what seemed to be some sort of huge patch of a shining chunk of ice.

- (This is how I die? I don't want to die! Not again! Not like this!!!!)

Waiting to be impaled to death or break every bone inside his body until he became a stain on the glowing ground. Homura embraced himself for the inevitable death, by trying to fall on his side while trying to protect himself by crossing both his arms and legs in a vain attempt at survival.

Even if he knew it was close to pointless and not the right way to survive a fall.

Not that any mortal would survive a fall as high as the one he was about to be subjected to by simply protecting themselves in any fashion.

Sadly, as all things must come to an end, so did Homura's fall.


Homura crashed on the ground with extreme prejudice and remained completely still.

It was as if he was a rock.

Just the idea of the impact he would be submitted to from the fall, made his mind go blank as he was about to hit the ground.

So he remained completely still for almost 10 minutes, not even uttering a word.

However, what was truly surprising was that the ground where he had crashed onto, remained exactly the same as it was, prior to Homura crashing into it.

Nothing was amiss from the time Homura landed on it, nor was anything around it affected by what had transpired.

After a few more seconds of pure nothingness, Homura finally opened his eyes trying to make sense of what had happened, but nothing was truly out of place... at least on the surface

It was with a panicked set of movements and actions that Homura tried to see if anything was out of place with his body as well.

But he soon realized perfectly fine... which shouldn't be possible if his current reasoning included basic the laws of physics into consideration.

Which was easier said than done, since he was currently not in a sound mind state.

- I-I'm alive!?...

Homura quickly got back up to see if it wasn't just his imagination, but after jumping a couple of times, he realized that he was truly safe and sound.

- I'm alive...I'm a-!....*shudder*

Though, sound or safe might have been too hasty for him to have believed because as soon as he looked in behind him, he couldn't rationalize what he was seeing with his own 2 eyes.

The sky was the color of some shade of orange and yellow spiraling pattern with seeming an endless amount of landmasses made of not ice, but rather some sort of crystal-like matter. Homura came to such a realization since it was far too brilliant for those floating chunks of matter to be made of simple ice, it would be better described as some sort of crystalline substance that was everywhere to be seen... at the very least as far he could see.

Not only that but soon after the white/chrome-like color of those floating crystal-like islands changed to become of some kind shade of blue.

It seemed that they changed color every time a strong ray of light from the spiraling sky seemed to hit them slightly.

It was truly a sight to behold.

But why was the sky spiraling?

That would be due to the cosmic event he was witnessing.

At the horizon, there was a huge ball of complete darkness absorbing everything in its wake.

Two words.



There was a black hole the size of a planet seemingly a few hundred miles in front of him.

Homura would have run away as soon as he had witnessed something on that level of a world-shattering event happening, but the sheer level of despair and futility simply made him give up all hope of surviving instead.

But no matter how long he waited for it to kill him, nothing happened.

It was then that he realized something was truly amiss.

Besides himself, there was no one else.

No insects, animals, or even people around as far as he could see.

It was completely devoid of life.

It was as if he was witnessing the end of some apocalyptic event...but with floating crystal islands and a massive black hole.

- Is that what happens after the sun goes supernova? I thought it would be more...fiery?... and dead bodies.

Nonetheless, it was clear from Homura's perspective that he had somehow fallen into some crazy realm somehow.

He couldn't even understand how he had gotten stuck in this crazy world, that seemed to be wrong and frightening on so many levels, but he couldn't completely understand as to why that was the case.

Was the sky not always this way? Or the world itself?

He wasn't able to fully grasp the meaning behind those questions.

He couldn't understand... because he could barely remember anything.

In fact, almost all memories of himself or about the world, in general, were gone.

He felt that he was almost a completely blank slate.

He said and thought things without an ounce of a deeper meaning behind them, it just felt natural.

Things did not make much sense to his sensibilities, but he could not understand why only he was bogged down by an eerie feeling; that things were wrong with what he was currently witnessing and experiencing.

A feeling that made him deny the reality in front of him.

He felt both conscious and at the same time not quite there.

As if he could almost feel or could almost recall something he had simply forgotten, but as soon as he was close to remembering it, all thoughts and feelings that were attached to this weird sensation would soon slip through his mind.

As if he never had them in the first place.

Leaving him more confused than ever before.

But that soon would go away with the appearance of a holographic window that managed to simply appear in front of him.

The window displayed an unfamiliar face within it, yet, also quite familiar. However, Homura did not know who it was that he was witnessing.

- Huh?! What the?!... Who is that?!

Homura saw the figure of some boy...or perhaps a young man? With piercing black eyes and a head full of patches of white and black hair.

Not knowing what he was witnessing.

He tries to grab the panel to only have his hand go through the incorporeal object, which shocked him but he was soon more shocked when the boy inside opened his mouth.

- My name is Homura...(Homura?)

- (Hamura? No... Nothing.)

-...and so is your name. (Homura?)

- ?! My name is Hamura?... No, that doesn't sound right... (To begin with, who is this kid? But more importantly, why do we have the same name?)

But Homura would not have to wait long to get his answer.

- In other words... I'm you.(Homura?)

- Really?...( I don't buy it. I can't be a kid or have stupid hair. He also has a stupid but also confident look plastered on his face... am I some sort of goofy guy? )

Before he had time for his skepticism to die out, Homura, the one that was in the recorded message started to speak once again.

- Try to remember the last thing you remember and your thoughts will start to align themselves. (Homura?)

- My last thoughts?!....My last thoughts...argh!!!!

Suddenly an image of a wooden craft started appearing inside his mind.

- A that's a...weapon... K-kunai!...that's right that was the first weapon I tried to craft for myself since I couldn't buy any...!!!!

Suddenly a jolt of memories surged inside Homura.

- I-I remember now... *Phew* It worked this time.

Over a week ago when Homura discovered that he could somehow lucidly recall events within his mind as if they were a movie while he was almost in between consciousness and unconsciousness.

Because of his super-computing skill, Homura has been trying to find a way to remain somewhat lucid while he would dream.

He had tried to meditate, in order to try to remain conscious and achieve a higher level of awareness even while his body remained relaxed and perfectly motionless but it would often end in failure.

Meditation was so much harder than Homura had thought.

Removing all distracting thoughts from his mind just made him fall asleep.

Also, it was far more boring than Homura had thought.

But then he remembered that if one could try to train their brain to attach it subconsciously to some sort of cue or image to which the mind could attach itself while dreaming, he could theoretically have lucid dreams.

It was more of a key that would cement that what he was experiencing was not real.

Such as something out of place, or a signal that would take him out of his stupor while sleeping.

The one cue that often makes people realize what they are experiencing cannot happen such as seeing a dead relative in a dream or being back to reliving a memory of their childhood.

In other words, it was a reminder that would force the one dreaming to use logic in order to realize that the events they were experiencing could not logically transpire.

After, 3 days of failure and trying but then failing once again, C proposed an idea to attach a strong memory to a physical impairment.

It soon became clear what C meant when he gave Homura such an option, but Homura could not fully understand what it meant when it said to attach a memory meant to a physical impairment.

But after a couple of asinine ideas, they came to a possible solution.

Homura had kept on himself a keepsake of the first Kunai he ever tried to craft on his own.

It was a poorly made craft that barely took the shape of kunai.

He had hurt himself by making the object more times than he cared to admit.

He also had so many bruises by the end of the whole ordeal that he wanted to break his shoddy piece of craftsmanship.

Not only everything was wrong, starting from its overall shape and its weight being completely uneven, making it a failure. But Homura kept it as a reminder and caution as to what not to do for his next attempt.

After several attempts, far more than he cared to admit; he managed to succeed.

Homura didn't want to admit but even with supercomputing guiding him throughout all the steps in his craftsmanship; Homura's motor skills were just too poor at the time; nor did he have first-hand knowledge or the proper tools to undergo such a task.

It would require money and time.

However, Homura is very dedicated to anything that could in theory make his life better in the future or make him easy money.

So he decided to train his craftsmanship harder than ever before.

Even though, he was still far off from his said goals he kept the kunai as a memento of that time and a reminder to not get overly confident due to such a broken skill as super-computing.

Having a supercomputer inside one's mind could make anyone become overconfident. Especially one such as Homura, who believed he has an advantage over everybody due to having a body compatible with any transplant and having read the manga this world was based on or vice-versa.

Still, the true potential of such a skill was frightening in any world and the only reason he didn't use it more often, was due to Homura not being able to use it properly, nor having the imagination to do so.

What Homura wished for were strength and power to accomplish his goals; calculations were nice and good but if they couldn't help him survive the wrath of his enemies what good would it be?

He was still weak and need to keep up his intense training regiment so that the village would not send him to his doom, or far worse could be waiting for him in the future.

He could die much sooner than he anticipated or during the chunin exam. In 7 years or in 10 years when the village would be destroyed.

But he still knew that his skill was a gold mine, for him to exploit.

Sadly, in the shinobi world, science pales in comparison to the fantastical power known as chakra.

So he couldn't put anything else above his training.

He had a goal in mind that he needed to put his entire being into accomplishing it.

However, he also needed money and resources to keep on training.

A paradox that reminded him that life was not as simple as one would wish.

He had to make sacrifices to accomplish his goals, and for him to get more weapons than he could afford he needed to get good at crafting as a cost-effective alternative.

No choice but to compromise a bit of his training.

From now on, if he wanted to get good at something else he would have to try harder. So, Homura from time to time keeps crafting things on the weekend or when he has some free time.

He even has watched several craftsmen in action and read several books on the art itself.

Not because he believed it to be of any use for himself in the future, but if he wanted to make or build his own set of apparel, he'd need to start somewhere.

In Konohagakure, woodcraft is rather common; after all one of the nicknames of Konohagakure was the village within trees, because there was just so much vegetation within the land of fire. So much so, that the crafting industry mostly builds everything out of wood because it is the cheapest alternative and it being quite sturdy overall.

But for Homura, crafting was just a precursor to him finding out if he could use his  Super-computing skill to learn other forms of arts than just making him learn martial arts moves easier.

It would have been stupid and a total waste for him to only use such a busted skill for the sake of fighting only, especially when it depended so much on his own physical abilities.

Homura was already able to pretty much memorize things at a glance or be shown inside of his head the precise steps and motions on how to do certain things or resolve problems.

He wanted to see if he could use the skill for something else and if it would work as well for him, crafting was simply a good alternative that he wouldn't have to buy expensive books for something that might not work.

After all, Konoha was not facing a tree shortage, he could craft things out of wood as many times as he'd like or at least as many times as he needed to succeed.

But so far it has worked pretty well for Homura.

He was no master craftsman but reading about it and watching pros at their work gave Homura a good understanding of how to apply some of his gained knowledge over the art.

Sadly an apprenticeship was completely out of the question, even if it would allow him to become much better at a faster rate.

His training was keeping him too busy to have to dedicate hours to the pursuit of something that he would never truly dive too deep and he would soon enter the academy.

Thus, he couldn't commit to such a large endeavor.

Besides, no one would give an apprenticeship or waste time teaching someone who was clearly not going to follow them in their line of work.

Helping sometimes as some sort of part-time job was the most he could get, but he'd have to first know his schedule at the academy before making any future plans.

Not that craftsmanship truly mattered to Homura at the time, but he tried to learn to lucid dream in order to have more free time during the day.

There are several ways one could lucid dream.

Homura recalled it since he remembered several media franchises he knew about from his previous life and used it as a plot point.

He never truly believed in the science behind them, but it was something he believed to be true since he experienced very vivid dreams prior.

Though he never took them too seriously.

But since the world, he was currently in was a world full of mysticism and their world's power system relies heavily on spiritual energy it was worth trying even if ultimately it didn't work.

And as someone of Uchiha descent, Homura hoped that his chakra would allow him to do so since he was predisposed to have yin release from birth, which was deeply connected to one's spiritual strength.

It was just the best method for him at the moment, and if it didn't work in the long run, this could be some sort of spiritual training.

That he could do at night to try to make his chakra stronger. It was a win-win situation, regardless.

All he had to do was use the kunai made of wood, injure himself with it slightly before falling asleep and focus on that memory before losing consciousness.

It was the 8th method that C came up with, and surprisingly this one worked a lot better than the previous ones.

Cause he doesn't remember anything from trying them out.

- Remember it well...My name is Homura... and so is your name. (Homura?)

As Homura was recalling what had transpired, he unexpectedly finished listening to the message he had recorded for himself.

- ? The now looping? (Still, it's weird...why does he look so different?... And I don't remember recording this message... hm...)

A perplexed Homura looked at the panel of himself talking once more, trying to figure out what was transpiring in front of him.

- In other words... I'm you. (Homura?)

- ...(Yep. There's no doubt about that, it's on a loop... I wonder if there's a timer or anything of the genre because it is starting to become annoying. Still, I can't believe this guy in front of me is so dramatic.)

The Homura inside the floating panel repeated so many times as to how dangerous and careful he should be around this space, which the current Homura had no idea why that was.

It was a space inside his own mind.

What or who could possibly hurt him?

There was literally no one around him, not even a fly or a speck of dust.

What was the point of himself being so scared?

The huge black hole at the horizon didn't seem to be sucking him in, and he didn't get hurt even though he got dropped by several dozens of floors high from his drop into this weird dimension or astral plane.

Given more credence that he is simply dreaming. As long as he would wake up and avoid falling over the abyss that surrounded him everywhere, this would be fine.

All he had to do was wait until he would wake up or someone else would wake him up.

According to his recorded message, it said that the first couple of times he achieved to come here he remained stuck for what felt like hours or days.

Time in this place seemed hazy, overall.

But it passed or was in motion like everything else; for the most part. It wasn't just a static void, devoid of all motion.

He would always forget mostly everything that transpired here prior to him waking up but more and more times he tried to come here he would become more and more self-aware.

Just having more memories to recall himself upon or will himself into doing something.

-!? Memories...but if he didn't remember then... that means.

Suddenly, something clicked inside Homura's mind.

If he could never remember anything after he got out of this dream....then how did he record this message.

It could only mean one thing!

- C!

Homura immediately heard some noise in his mind as if it was being booted.

- Yes host. (C)

-(Sh*t, it worked!?)  *Cough* *Cough* C,  can you stop this message?

- Understood. (C)

Finally, the never-ending voice of the recorded Homura went away.

Although Homura was quite self-centered, the high-pitched voice of children or a guy going through puberty did annoy him a lot; but he never felt that way about his voice prior to this.

-(It's over...thank Haguromo. I guess it's true that we can never truly hear how different our voices are from inside our heads to what others perceive. Well it doesn't matter now.)...

Homura tried to put his thoughts back in order, but he couldn't really recall everything or even when he managed to fall asleep.

- The last thing I remember was... Looking for a brat named Moegi or something... Oh! I think I met a woman that was probably Anko...but I don't really have any use for trying to get on her good side. Actually, she is on my bad side since she felt offended by me leaving I think... I think she was drunk too. It was about noon or before noon... adults like her are scary. Hope I don't become like that in the future.

Homura tried to recount his most recent set of vivid memories that he could muster, till he finally remembered something that mattered to him.

-... And the second thing, I found was Shisui-san was alive... Yes, that's right...but perhaps nothing has changed after all.

After digging through his memories with the help of C, Homura was able to realize that he was wrong about a lot of things, mainly about the timeline in itself.

He remembered things he had read in a light novel, that described events about this time period.

You are reading story The Tale of Some Random Shinobi (Naruto) at

It was not entirely accurate information since a lot of it was due to him not finishing the light novel himself but also from hearsay from others he talked about the book to.

But in that book events that transpired were about Itachi trying to join the ANBU black ops.

He had to assassinate a man by the name of Mukai Kohinata.

Mukai Kohinata was a man with ties to the Hyuga clan, and could awaken the byakugan in one of his eyes.

However, that wasn't why he was deemed to be assassinated by Danzo.

It turns out he was selling village secrets in order to help his family, but Homura wasn't entirely sure why an ANBU of all people was selling village secrets to help his family.

However, he could easily guess that either he needed money to save them from something that the village was unwilling to do or could not.

Or perhaps one of his relatives was sick, and he needed the money as soon as possible.

Those were the only reasons that would make sense.

For a member of the ANBU who carries the dirty work of the village decides to sell its secret instead, when he painfully knew what fate would inevitably await him.

He wasn't similar to Orochimaru who joined the ANBU for more power and to attain village secrets.

But neither of that truly mattered to Homura, since he could ultimately do nothing about it or help the man or his family.

Selling village secrets is a death warrant or for one to be subjected to long years of imprisonment.

If the ANBU or more specifically Danzo was aware of his crimes, he was as good as dead.

No doubt about it.

However, what Homura remembered about this specific story, was not about Mukai's crime or death but about who was sent to kill him off.

It was none other than Uchiha Itachi's test to join the ANBU Black Ops as a new member.

And the person whom Itachi chose to help him carry out the job, was none other than Uchiha Shisui.

If the events of the light novel transpired the same way in this reality it would mean that the Uchiha clan massacre and Uchiha Shisui's death occurred much closer to what Homura initially believed.

Making Homura not entirely sure when events would ultimately occur, but above all else, he was just glad to know that the man he owed a lot was still alive...even if it was just for a short while longer.

Ultimately, Homura believed that he still had time left, that much he believed.

However, something in the recording he saw made him a bit confused.

- C, how much time do i have left between the entrance ceremony?

- 5 days left. (C)

- 5 days!?

- Affirmative.(C)

-(It wasn't really a question...but I remember just meeting Anko about 4 days ago...about 2 weeks passed by? If that is true...I'm missing some short-term memories. Perhaps even a few key memories, Meaning, I am in a semi-conscious state...that could explain some things...)*sigh* I don't understand any of this...

Homura looked slightly down because he would soon go to the academy and there were things he wanted to take care of prior to it, but he soon realized that he may have overlooked something else.

- ... C... how many times have I been here?

- 156 times.(C)

- What!? (So it was true! I am missing some memories.)

- 156 times, you have been inside this personal mindscape in a semi-lucid to lucid form. (C)

- I see. ( Not what I was asking... it is still too rigid for a supercomputer? After all this time I thought it would be smarter but...I wonder if I can make it somehow smarter, or at the very least more aware of human intricacies...but it is better to be careful about it for now.) C, If I fail to do something, tell me the solutions the previous me came up with.

- Understood.  (C)

-...(I have been here 156 times? How many times have I fallen unconscious, is my body alright? Or it is over exhausted from the training I have undergone and now that I have other things to do besides training?) C, how many video recordings similar to the last one have I made?

- 14 records in total. (C)

-hm...(14? So, I've experienced the same feeling of loss for so many times, that I made 14 recordings to remind me of those things. I guess I now understand why I was talking so bizarrely in the recording I saw, and making long pauses all the time as if I were a baby... then me not remembering what happens after I leave this space makes sense.)

- C, show me all the videos in chronological order.

- Understood. (C)

Homura started watching each video.

Each contained very shocking revelations as well as some stupid content inside.

-... Boy, that's a lot to take in...*sigh* (If I didn't doubt my own sanity before, now it is completely shattered.)

What Homura heard from each video was more shocking than the next.

-( 6 months, huh?... I'm not staying that long here ever again.)

A version of Homura got stuck inside this space for 6 months.

That version of himself had no memories whatsoever of who he was in the past and thought this world was the only version of reality.

Which allowed him to deform his perception of time, to its utmost proportion, or more likely until he found out this world wasn't real and that he was not dead.

That version of himself liked to talk out loud a lot.

So much so that he once managed to activate C without his knowledge, which made him believe that C; was the black hole on the horizon, and started to worship it as a deity.

Until he became a complete religious zealot and servant of both.

Fortunately, nothing serious happened.

-...(Good thing I don't get to keep most of my memories here. This was just embarrassing...and so many levels. But at least the 9th and 10th recordings were the most interesting ones. I have learned a lot and now see the true potential of this place.)

The 9th video was of a smarter version of Homura, so much so that he doubted that it was even himself. In fact, that was the weird version of Homura who showed up in the first recording he had to watch.

Homura wasn't sure they were the same person, because he was just overall too different.

First major difference was his overall appearance and style.

He had a completely different haircut and set of clothes from Homura... and a pair of thick glasses.

But above all, he was a teenager wearing a lab coat and sucking on a lollipop... Homura doesn't really like the taste of sugar, much less candy.

Candy and thick glasses...

Why was there such a difference?

His vision was perfect.

For someone with the bloodline of a clan with eye powers, having terrible eyesight is just stupid.

That one lived in this metaphysical world for about 5 months in total.

He discovered that C existed after 3 hours and went around studying every bit of literature Homura had ever read or remembered from his past life and studied with C and conducted experiment after experiment for 2 months on end; about the principles of chemistry and sciences of all that Homura knew and much more.

Since he didn't bother with sleeping, he pretty much spend his time studying non-stop for 10 months.

Put everything in order for another version of himself to read through later.

It was obviously all recorded by C.

It said it saw Homura's memories and knew that if he had regained his memories at the time he first got into this space he wouldn't have done wouldn't do any of that if he had regained his memories far earlier.

-(I can't believe that the best version of me... is a version of me that until the very end refused to become me and only watched everything I've done in order to criticize me for hours on end...)

After watching Homura's 9th version of himself recording, it became obvious he only had bad things to say about the current Homura, still, Homura accepted without much of a fight because those words were still coming out of his mouth... in some way.

- ( at the very least I learned that C uses my brain and connects it to key points in my body to stimulate actions, perhaps it could become better if I develop better reflexes or something similar to that. If I develop my reflexes and abilities, perhaps it could allow for my muscle tissues to become more responsive since C is connected to me on a cellular level...*Sigh* Why didn't I know that? It is so obvious but I never even thought of understanding it. Why couldn't he stay as a double personality? Be my Yami? My pharaoh? )

According to the Homura that wore glasses, it is dangerous for him or any divergent personality to stay too long disconnected from their original selves.

Having different experiences and memories and could cause a fracture in Homura's psyche.

It wasn't set in stone per-say but it was a likely outcome that would be better left unexplored.

He also added that Homura was overall lucky that only a few versions of himself managed to put their consciousness back in order.

If more versions of themselves had managed to develop their own ego, he saw irreparable damage and advised and made a method of keywords to be played for each Homura that would come after him onto this space; and prevent the same thing from happening again.

-(So... I'm not dumb. I just don't know how to use my priorities must be wack or something not being properly arranged... I have never been so hurt in my entire life...) *Sigh* Losing to a 5-month-old version of myself is simply... sad.

However, this wasn't everything he had said.

He taught Homura that this entire landscape and the several floating crystals were a simple/ metaphorical conceptual idea or representation of his memories by his brain.

Since Homura was so deep inside his own mind he was subconsciously trying to create some sort of order or balance to be visualized by him.

If he had all his memories from the very beginning; it was likely that he would have created a far more normal setting.

But as it stood, the crystals he saw were memories, ideas, or concepts tied to Homura's being.

And the black hole at the end of the horizon is oblivion, death, or his idea of finality.

It seems to absorb things or attract them towards itself but ultimately doesn't absorb anything; the only reason as to why it seems to do that is because new memories are always being created and expanding the space itself.

Even if that version particular version of himself disappeared the memory and idea of that version of himself must be somewhere nearby.

All Homura would have to do is connect to one of the crystals located in the area he found himself in and search each memory to see if he can find that separate version of himself once again.

But there were so many of those floating masses of crystal.

It would take years for Homura to navigate through each crystal and new memories were always being formed, it would take a very long time to pinpoint a specific hidden memory.

- Truly a smart guy...I would never have guessed that was the case.( Floating crystals there actually memories that were the size of a small island and other huge rocks... the entire thing is too sci-fi for me.)

Homura leaned on and touched a crystal edge protruding from the ground.

Just by glancing at it, he saw a recording...of himself watching a recording.

-...*sigh* It's pointless. The right crystal must be a different floating crystal altogether from the crystal I am currently on.

The crystals in this landscape are separated once they become too big.

Even the crystal that Homura is currently on will separate once more and make a new island up above.

Although Homura learned that he was close to a god in this landscape and could make anything happen or create anything his mind could think of, that would require training and time to explore all the islands.

He could even make people but they were just caricatures of themselves or how Homura perceived them.

But he also learned from smart Homura, that he could reflect his own personality on them and use the memories he has of them to create more realistic simulations of themselves.

But due to that, they are ultimately different beings at that point.

They no longer reflected the beings Homura knew of.

-...Wait a minute... What's that? C, what was that box thingy for, that he was making? ( He was making a lot of those all throughout the recording.)

A perplexed Homura pointed towards a small box-like device with several wires attached to it.

He didn't know what exactly it was but several times a box like that would pop up in the recording, however this time the version of himself on the screen was actually working on it and seemed quite stressed about it.

- That was a detonation device.(C)

- A detonation device? For what?

- Host's previous version or other self was interested in chemical reactions that could cause sudden changes in thermodynamics as well as different configurations to activate a strand of chain reactions for creating activation energy and the release of potential energy. He was also trying to configure ways of harnessing it into different bodies or devices through running previous experiments and knowledge available from former memories. (C)

- ... That's a nice way of saying all that but... Do you mean bombs? Was he making bombs or trying to recreate explosives all throughout his entire time here?

- Not the entirety of his stay, but 62 percent of his entire time spent, went to the aforementioned pursuits. Thus the previous statement is deemed to be correct.  Affirmative.(C)

-...Oh, I see... that checks out. (I guess he was also weird... and dangerous too.)

No man was an island or in other words, perfect.

For a man, with very few emotions such as that version of Homura, the best way he sought to find amusement in his life was to create and destroy anything he had built.

He rationalized that by saying it was only prudent to always have systems implemented to destroy something he had built to self-destroy itself, in order to avoid being used against him.

He may have been a smarter version of Homura but at the end of the day, he was still just as paranoid and selfish as his original self.

- C, activate the S.T.O.R.M. program.

Storm program was what version 9 Homura started but failed to finish due to time constraints and not really being interested in fighting whatsoever.

So he made sure to have the next few versions of Homura to complete it.

And if they didn't, they would simply be reminded who they were and be sent back.

Since all of those versions of Homura who came into existence after version 9, were all indoctrinated to be just like himself.

It was ultimately still a huge gamble.

Most of them also had no desire to finish what version 9 had left behind.

And since most of them regained their memories at a faster rate than version 9, they started to deviate more and more and become other versions of themselves, who shared basic similarities.

After more than 20 trials, things were finally put into motion, and finally one of them managed to complete it. 

That version was nicknamed version 10; he was the one who managed to accomplish it.

Although he was from being the 10th version of Homura that had found himself trapped in this world, he was just the 10th version of himself that left a recording and actually had something interesting to say. 

Many had left recordings that were erased by the next version of Homura who came after them since they were overall just morons with loud opinions.

Most of them failed the tasks asked of them or never truly remembered who they were, and didn't really care about following the orders of someone who couldn't do anything to them.

Since at the end of the day, they would all probably forget everything that happened while they were trapped in this dimension and had a very short time limit to do their jobs anyway.

So most only use several programs developed by version 9.

Such as the H.O.M.E. program which allowed Homura to revisit his past world to the best of his knowledge but in the end it was just a hollow recreation.

Food, taste, or sound was just as hollow. Certain things would stop working or didn't work properly at all.

None of the people present were the real versions of people Homura knew, since he didn't remember anyone, instead, they were either the faces of other characters from different franchises or automatically generated.

Thus a few people several Homura met were people with features rather strange and features that were inhuman.

Such as a kid looking like a P*kemon, or x*nomorph as a waiter at a restaurant.

This obviously surprised many versions of Homura, which stopped using the program altogether after several scares.

It was a house of horrors rather than a place where they could relax.

It bares repeating but, version 9 may have been a smarter and overall more serious version of Homura, but at the end of the day, he was still Homura.

He didn't care to make right, what didn't interest him.

All he cared about was putting the most accurate machinery or system underneath every engine or construction as close to their original.

And all those who followed after him did the very same.

As for those versions of himself that just wanted to enjoy life in a more advanced world, just spent their days making a room where they spend their time eating food and lazing around.

However the extremely lazy ones or in the case of version 10 Homura.

Made game stages based on the games he remembered with the help of C or made another program called H.U.B. which contained a huge mansion, with a pool, cars, food, and everything they could want.

Since that version wanted to be a programmer; for some odd reason.

However, one room was still locked and every Homura who wondered upon it was perplexed since they were locked out and a recording promising them a very special present inside.

All the Homuras who stumbled upon this little mystery immediately asked C to tell them what it was or to open the door but C needed a password.

Since none of them knew what it was, most gave up anyway.

Although some brave or stupid versions of Homura, once they got bored with the lavish but fake lifestyle, decided to go on the hunt for the memory where the key lay.

Though all who tried failed one way or another.

But it was finally for the latest incarnation of Homura, one who had most of his memories intact to try the program so many versions of him failed to do so.

It was normal, since this incarnation was the most similar to the true Homura, and understood that he had no choice but to become a shinobi.

Although some things were still missing inside his mind, this incarnation of Homura had the will, and behavior but more importantly the urgency of the original Homura.

Thus he was not really interested in revisiting a past that he couldn't properly remember or living a fake life of debauchery inside his head.

He found it rather pathetic.

Unlike the others, this one remembers very well the shinobi world and the consequences of a lazy lifestyle or the arduous training from Might Guy.

He couldn't care less about a fake vacation inside his head of fake opulence.

It seemed that only version 9 understood, and dissected the mind of his current self; and understood the deep desire for self-preservation of his real self.

While version 10 had the intelligence of version 9 but possessed the creativity that number 9 lacked but only cared to satisfy his own craving for building and crafting.

The other versions that came after were smart but none of them understood the real Homura but were closer in their thought process to the real Homura, anyway but went to pursue their own interests in other fields.

So the current version of Homura was the only one that chose to activate the STORM program.

Which was by far the most impressive program of all, and the one that two talented versions of Homura decided to put their mind into creating from the ground up.

- I-incredible!

As Homura activated the STORM program everything that surrounded him went away and a blue sky, with several houses, buildings, trees, and roads started to pop up.

Until finally it was finalized.

The blue particles of data That surrounded Homura disappeared completely.

- This is...- Said Homura as he tried to contain his own mind from being completely blown away by what he witnessed and started running around to confirm what he was seeing with his own eyes.

How could he not stop himself from being mind blown, what Homura was seeing all around him was and felt like home.

It was an entire recreation of Konohagakure from the ground up.

Everything he saw was an exact replica.

From a bird's nest, he saw on top of a pole every time he saw on his way home, to the swing set attached to a large tree next to the riverside, everything was the same.

Though it lacked the abundance of distinct fragrances each area of the village had. 

- !

As the virtual recreation of the entirety of the village finished activating, a pop window appeared in front of Homura.

Several options presented themselves.

They mostly had to do with fighting, training, creating new challenges, or adding new characters but the very option available made Homura cringe a bit.

-!... Of course. *sigh*- Homura face palmed so hard he finished reading the last option available.

The last option available was to delete the entire program.

It reminded Homura that this entire program was indeed something created by that lunatic whom the current Homura referred to as version 9. 

Chapter end



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