The Tale of Some Random Shinobi (Naruto)

Chapter 95: Chapter 93: D*mn! Ki is overpowered! (Unedited)

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*Final round, start*


As soon the two foes facing each other heard their cue to commence the fight both men, who were currently facing each other, ran towards their opponent.


The clash was immediately with both opponents, trying to size each other as soon as they entered their foe's immediate range.


A series of punches were exchanged between both opponents.


With both fighters avoiding and blocking each incoming attacks coming their way.


Both opponents were already quite familiar with the other party's fighting style, so much so that both of them could predict the next move before they had finished swinging their arms.


But soon, the younger of the two started acting more aggressively.


His swings became more and more fierce.


Breaking their comfortable exchange.


So much so that the older-looking man wearing a white tank-top almost was hit in his nose and eyes, only to avoid at the very last moment due to their speed and senses going on high alert with each strike they could barely see coming towards them.


Resulting in them, taking more and more steps back, in order to put more distance between the two and have a better chance at countering.


But his foe was just as relentless in their attack, with each step back the man in the tank top and leather jacket would try to put more distance between them he would immediately go for several kicks aiming for their retreating foes legs with a vicious fervor.


So much so that his adversary chose to renounce any hope of blocking with his fists and arms in order to counter his foe.


And just avoid any contact altogether, and choosing to retaliate with an attack when there was no hope of avoiding it.


Fortunately for him, his opponent's stamina was starting to weaver as they attacked with everything they had in the hopes of hitting their opponent with a strike strong enough that could disorient their foe but besides making their foes arms and legs sore, they had failed to inflict any true damage on their foe.


And soon enough, he became the one that had to defend.


But his failing stamina made him make a mistake they would never have made if they had their full stamina.


Seeing a chance to deliver a fatal blow as their opponent had just missed to deliver a punch to their solar plexus, they moved to the side at fast speed and raised their right leg high, only to drop at high speed at their opponent's head; by performing a deadly axe kick.


Only for their opponent to avoid it by turning around, by twisting their body so fast to the left only to then perform a back spinning wheel kick by jumping a feet high and managing to deliver a kick that was so fast and sharp, that it almost seemed that a sharp blade had been swung instead of kick being unleashed.


But this time no defense or defensive posture could stop such a complete reversal of the roles.


The younger man was sent crashing against the wall of the room, without any hope of a comeback from such an attack that had absolutely destroyed their defenses.


Moreover, soon enough a disembodied voice announced the conclusion of the match.


- Loser, Homura. 100 match set over! 46 wins and 54 loses. (Announcing voice)


Hearing the result of the match, Homura, now getting back up. Could not help but curse his failure to win the series of matches he had himself set.


- Tch! Yeah, Yeah, sh*t up! (My body is just too heavy in this setting.)

Soon the program he was fighting stopped and remained immobile as if all life had left it.


The man Homura was fighting against became nothing more than a hyper realistic statue.


With a soulless gaze as it stood back in its original position.


Something that Homura could never truly get used to...but the reverse would be just as unsettling.


And as if on command, all the fatigue and injuries he had experienced went away as well.


As a blueish white light enveloped Homura's body.


His right arm that felt sluggish went back to normal.


Not that it was truly hurt or anything.


The wall Homura crashed into, due to his foe's attack was padded.


It was needless to say that Homura was once again experiencing one of his lucid dreams.


This time he was not fighting in any local in konoha he had been there prior.


But a normal boxing gym, with a ring and padded furniture to avoid any sort of heavy injury.


It was overall a normal gym that could be found anywhere in his previous world.


In fact this gym was one he used to attend when he used to study martial arts in his previous life.


Sadly, for Homura he now had used the fake gym from his memories more times than he did actually did with the real one.


The previous version of himself was quite athletic.


Though such a statement wasn't quite right, or at the very least not the right way to express such a statement.


Perhaps it would be more correct to say, that Homura, was born with quite an athletic in his previous life.


A body which he ruined by not using any of his natural gifts.


Even the martial art gym he used to go to was basically just a place he liked to hang out and watch old movies with the elderly coach.


Who loved playing Y*kuza franchise video games with Homura because he was also an avid fan of the games belonging to that franchise.


A game series of games full of awkward moments and insane characters that were simply beyond rationale; even for a fictional world that more or less prided itself on taking place in a semi-hyper realistic version of reality.


With issues that could be more or less understood by anyone.


But because of their batsh*t, insane stories and overly dramatic plots, it was from anything that could realistically be called reality.


The insane stories presented within the game, made Homura and his former master laugh and tear up at the many manly moments that moved their cynical souls.



Though Homura couldn't remember his favorite coach.


Nor did he really care about it as of late and had already accepted that his former life and his current life to be separated.


Nonetheless, he was able to remember the gym and one of the characters he was fighting.


It was none other than one of the protagonists of the franchise.


Rather, it was one of the protagonists from the many spin-offs the franchise.


A man with un-kept hair and wore a leather jacket, white tank-top and pair of blue jeans.


Everything about him screamed guy with a hard past or guy from an old action movie from an era before he was born.


Nevertheless, the man's appearance mattered little, but his fighting skills were the real deal.


Though he had a thin frame, he punched furiously and had an incredibly agile body.


Which complemented well with his type of martial art.


That although Homura wasn't able to totally recognize it, he was still able to recognize that it was some type of modern kempo.


And a new style of fighting was exactly what he needed.


Homura was now again having a match against the said individual.


But it was far harder than he previously thought.


Learning a type of martial art by fighting an opponent is something only someone with an innate gift for martial arts could feasibly accomplish.


All Homura could hope, was to copy the moves  he'd see as many times as possible and try to integrate them in his repertoire. But that was a feat easier said than done.


Especially when the entire setting for this series of matches had to be performed with a body that was much heavier than the one Homura was used to.


He had grown accustomed to being the size of a teenager.


However, in real life Homura is just a kid.


He's simply not used to being so heavy.


Not only that but he had to fight while feeling like he was experiencing a different type of gravity all together due to the character he was fighting was a man from a world with seemingly tighter psychics or enhancements.


So in order to reflect that, Homura was also under the same effects.


In the world he was now living, it was not abnormal for kids like Homura who had little knowledge or even knew how to use chakra to be able to jump higher or move far faster than the ones in his former world.


Anyone with a degree of martial art training in the ninja world, would be considered a top athlete in his former world.


In fact they'd be considered superhuman to some degree.


This disconnect between realities was making Homura quite confused even if he had already spent what felt like a month inside his mind.


But the truth was that his opponent was just a better fighter than himself and had an A.I. guiding him to be more acute to Homura's fighting style.


He did it this way, in order to get used to changing his mind frame between and during fights.


It was also his way to prepare for how to deal with Sasuke.


Since fighting an A.I generated version of Sasuke was useless, due to him being very good at adapting to his foe's strategies during fights, it was better to fight an opponent who had a more basic and normal fighting style of combat instead.


So that he could use it to refine his own techniques and short comings.



Especially now, that he had to fight another Uchiha boy from his school who had challenged him to a fight, and if he backed off he would be seen as a coward and perhaps lose his reputation as a young talented ninja in training.


Not only that but if his style of fighting was quite similar to the ones the Uchihas knew, he'd have less of a chance of winning.


Perhaps even less or lose to this upperclassman; if he didn't take the fight seriously.


That's why he  needed to go back to basics and refine his taijutsu by fighting an opponent that could not use chakra.



But before Homura could ponder any longer on his chances of winning his fight with the upperclassman who challenged him, a blue window popped up in front of him.


The word *Retry?* was at the very top and had the largest font of all the things written on the window.


- Cancel and send in the next opponent.


And soon enough the window dissapeared as well as the foe Homura previously faced, only for a new foe to show up instead.


But this one... this one left Homura very surprised.


- Whoa...who the f*ck is that?...


All the man in front of him was part of his memories, Homura's old memories were fragmented nor did he remember everything at 100 percent.


If he did, he felt that he'd go insane.


But the man in front of him made him wish he remembered.


Not because it was love at first sight, but the man in front of him was tall and imposing.


Homura did not expect someone like him to be in this specific training roster.


Homura current training roster were composed of characters that were classified to not be from worlds of magic or anything similar to that  but characters who were fighters from an urban setting.


But the man in front of him was 2 steps away from being a character from a Dr*gon B*ll.


-...(He looks like a fusion between S*perman and Br*ly...but closer to S*pes...If S*pes was anime hot! Look at those pecks! Torso, biceps, triceps and shoulders...They look absolutely angry!...I'm starting to get cold feet... and self-conscious.)


The spiky green-haired man, wearing black tight sports clothes was not only tall, but he was absolutely ripped to shred.


It was as if his body had been trained to be a weapon.


Just one look at him, and although he had an elegant posture that seemed to have been sculpted by years of atrocious and arduous training...the amount of muscles that were clearly defined by his long sleeve shirt was obvious that the man was a hardcore fighter.


Homura had just never seen anyone with such a physique. period.


- No, that can't be possible. This guy has to be some kind of S*per s*iyan..(Let me check...His name is M*tsuomi...martial arts not the kind of Ki...that destroys planets... or something. Still, I need to make more modifications to this damn program...from a detective...from some sort of ki user; this cr*p is just ridiculous.  )


Once again a window appeared in front of Homura asking if he would like to commence the match.


- Agreed.(I guess it is fine. In a lot of media, ki is just air attacks or something. There are probably much bigger threats than ones that can blow a bit of air here and there...I need to get used to fighting stronger foes.)


And almost as soon as Homura agreed to the match, the count down started and when it reached zero, Homura immediately went on the offensive.

He ran towards his opponent with all he had but his opponent remained perfectly still.


- ( He must be one of those overly confident in their strength type of guys.)

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A lot of Homura's sparring partners in this simulation had weird quirks, due to them being recreated from Homura's memories of the characters, to give them personalities and thought patterns similar to their original counterparts.


So as they can be as close as real people fighting and not just be the same machine all over again, just wearing a skin suit with different techniques.


Thus giving them a somewhat of an ego would be more or less beneficial.


- (Whatever! Take this you, long/wild eyebrows! )


With all the strength he could muster, Homura, raised his left arm and used it to throw a punch aimed at his opponent's guts.


Surprisingly enough it had hit its target.


But the sound of a hard object being hit by an impact reverberated into the small gym.


-( What!?)


Although Homura's fist hurt slightly.


He was more surprised by the fact his opponent hadn't even moved a single inch and did not even look at him; as if the hit Homura had struck him with did not happen.


- (You will pay for this pretty boy!) Haaa!


Homura then unleashed a series of fist barrage against his opponent.


He punched his opponent everywhere he could think of.


In his joints, chest, arms, legs and even delivering several hits to the man's face but he remained still.


When he saw that nothing had an effect he switched from punching his opponent to kicking him everywhere he could think of but only managed his opponent move less than an inch.


He then retreated to catch his breath but to his surprise his opponent did not pursue and remained perfectly still.


-(What the hell? What is this man made of? C, are you sure this character is human? )


-(Affirmative. It seemed that it is due to the effects of Ki and breathing techniques his natural body has been heightened beyond normal levels.) (C)


- ( Eh~~  Could have fooled me...and here I thought chakra was a stretch but breathing?! On Earth!? I don't remember earthlings being made of titanium through breathing techniques (sounds made up)... I thought he was the t-1000's cousin or something. How the f*ck am I supposed to fight this guy?...Oh, I see if he is human...he has to have human weaknesses. )


Homura once again rushed at full speed towards his opponent aiming for the most critical area that any man has.



-  BALLS CRUSHER FIST!!!! (This is for making light of me!! You piece of sh*-! )Urgh!!!!!

Homura instead of attacking his opponent was looking at the ceiling.


- (Who...Who am I?...That's some clean ceiling...)


Homura's floating body was now in a state of pure relaxation. 


So much so that he had completely forgotten what he was even doing.

But memories would soon be jolted back in place

 -(!!!! Wait, wh-what!? What happened?)


Going back in time before Homura attacked his opponent, Homura rushed at his target thinking that he would win the match but before could even hit his desired target, he was assaulted by an uppercut and sent flying.

It all happened so fast and the hit was so strong that he was unable to realize what had transpired.



So much so that Homura had a gap in his memories.


he remembered being on the floor but now he was looking his opponent from above.


Having no idea how he had gotten above his foe.


It was as if a key frame from a movie was missing.


Leaving a gap on how he had moved places without even realizing.


He could not even feel any sort of feeling from his body and was as light as a feather.


However, those feelings would soon come to an end as the man below him soon grabbed him by his face, and somehow still managed to keep him from falling to the ground and was instead stuck in the air.


- (This! This is impossible! I've studied enough physics that to know that people's weight can be supported by-)Guargh!!!!!!!!


But before he could finish his thought process, the man slammed Homura to the ground with enough force to create a hole in the supposedly reinforced ring.


Immediately Homura lost conscience.


But due to it being a dream inside his mind he almost instantly was brought back to full conscience only to be greeted by the announcer's voice.


- You lose. (Announcing voice)


And almost by magic, he and his foe were brought back to their original positions in perfect condition.


- (Did I just experience death? I-It felt like death.)


Homura remember for a brief moment all thoughts inside his mind had stopped.


The total silence he experienced at that time was beyond frightening, but he was soon interrupted by a blue see-through window.


Asking him if he wanted to continue the set of planned matches.


- Yes!?  Huh?


In his brief moment of stupor Homura replied to the question,  only for the next moment his opponent to close the gap between before he was even unaware.

And strike him once again. 









- You lose. - Replied the game announcer's voice.

While Homura was still on the floor, face down along side his entire body that seemed to have been through quite the challenge.


- Total score of 100 hundred matches, 0 wins and 100 loses. Would you like to retry? (Announcing voice)


- ....No. End of simulation.


Having lost badly Homura had no other choice but end the entire program.


Not because his feelings were hurt, there was that but it was because as he was now, not even 1000 matches would be enough for him to realistically win.


He would soon be waking up, according to his internal clock.


He had other matters to attend to.


So he soon ended the simulation and moved to the next thing.



Homura clicked on the box inside the panel that contained the word "no".


- (If push comes to shove, I can always give up or have C help me during the fight...but losing would make my reputation as a genius deteriorate...I've been getting weird stares lately... Don't want to make them any worse.)


As the program was being terminated, Homura was brought back in an empty blue zone.


It was the program waiting area.


- C, start the archive dumb genius, from where we left off.


- Understood.(C)


The recently named archive dumb genius, was just a collection of a previous version of Homura; when he failed at trying to have lucid dreams.


That version with C's help had become very well versed in technology and slightly insane from not having memories.


Only science kept him going, but as he started to remember his life events it was almost as if he and his original self were almost different people, so he more or less sealed his memories inside Homura's mind through the skill the skill they were born with.


The super-computing skill, made it seem that the real Homura and the Homura that he had become was nothing than a sub account which was destroyed, but just like data can never truly be erased. Remains or traces are almost always left to linger in one way or another.


That version of Homura had imparted all of his findings in a way that seemed like a tutorial game, in which Homura was trying to through each level to get better understanding at his former self thought process and knowledge.


At least it was the way it was intended to work, which didn't really make it a reality.



Homura was learning at a rate far more slowly than his former self was able to.


If his former self was like a sponge that absorbed everything at first glance. Without being bound by any bias or personal beliefs. Closer to a machine than a person, though regaining his memories ever so slightly did throw a monkey wrench into things and he ultimately became weirder as time went on and just wanted to create bombs. As if he was trying to feel something after he realized he wasn't his real self nor did he live in the real world.



The real Homura in the other hand, was like a brick with holes in it. He absorbed information in chunks and could see the picture of it but if he tried to describe what he got from it, it would be about 80 percent wrong.  


He was more of a practice first kind of guy, or hands on type of type of guy. Who could only understand things by making mistakes and think back on them.


Though he did not posses any strong beliefs, he was nonetheless very head strong and very emotional.




- I see....that could work. C resume the builder program and implant the technique I just saw.


- Implementing. (C)


The scene quickly changed to a large green field with a weird contraption made out of wood.


Which soon was being assembled as if by magic but quickly fell apart.


- *sigh* Diagnostics?


- 85.37 percent completed. The quality of the materials used are not adequate for the desired size. However, adjustment to weight and increase proportions of selected these materials, would correct current failure diagnostics by 6 percent. (C)


Homura looked at a list of materials proposed by c to correct his project schematics.


-(Zinc...iron, tungsten?! How am I going to find that?! Or process it!? I am not made out of gold! I have to eat basically everyday white rice and wild berries! So much so that my sh*t comes out like paste and blood...but I can't lose my pride now, as a master and a genius I can't cry in front of a matter how virtual they may be. I have to always try to maintain the appearance of having power and control. Like a great man once said...and not because I am broke and tired.)


Homura nodded his head and started scratching his chin to appear that he was in deep thought before answering the proposed new specifics for his on going contraption.


-...Is that so? Hm... I see. Those are indeed good choices and would alleviate the pressure put on most of the essential key parts, but I have already built it this far in real life...try to decrease the scales as much as you can.


- affirmative. (C)


The objects started being rearranged once again as if they were being controlled by telekinesis.


Although Homura knew that C, could make the whole process instantaneously.


He wanted to see every piece being fitted tightly together so that he could adjust for any possible errors or missing something when he finished building it in real life.


-...If things progress this far...this project should be finished by next week...all I now need is to finish that...


Homura looked back and saw the parts of a puppet lying on the grass field ground.


Although it couldn't really be called a puppet but a disjointed pile of joints and body parts.


It was far from being completed since Homura wanted to make the joints being able to move as humanly possible.


Although C was able to easily dissect the process perfectly for it be as close as humanly possible, Homura lacked the parts he needed for accomplishing what he wanted.


Some he had to build, while some he had to order from someone.


He was still a bit off from finishing it.


But Homura knew that once he had obtained the parts he desired he only needed to assemble it together.


But as it stood the project was a bit far off and was not even 50 percent completed in real life even if it was already completed inside his mind.


- I may have to learn how to do metallurgy myself in the future but for that to work, I will need a base and go to the junkyard...this will be a pain in the ass...If only I knew how to perform the shadow clone jutsu.*sigh*


Even though he was not even done with his current projects, Homura was already planning far ahead, but how could he not?


When he had something he desired above all else, in this new world.


So much so that for the first time in his life, he was willing to even put his own neck on the line.


All for the sake of a promise.


Chapter end

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