The Tale of Some Random Shinobi (Naruto)

Chapter 97: Chapter 95: Untitled/ unedited

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- (All right can do this! If things stand this way I will become pretty much a pariah. Or too awkward for me to do anything about it.)


Homura was facing one of the worse crisis in his young life.


He had been pretty much ostracized from the classroom.


Not really, but it is how he felt.


He used to borrow a lot of supplies or anything he didn't have on hands, mainly from the girls in the classroom, who still helped him out once in a while.


But as things went, and most of them gave him the cold shoulder or avoided him...  he's has had a terrible week.


A week full of him being late and missing key supplies due to him splurging all the money he had on other endeavors.


He couldn't ask any of the guys because he wasn't friends with most of them.


And many seemed to have beef with him.


Some he understood why that was the case.


While some left him quite perplexed as to why their relationship was so bad.


Not even Naruto could help him because he was pretty much on the same boat.


- ( I guess I could always ask Gekkou guy he doesn't seem to care that people think I am some kind of bully or something...but he is weird... I don't want to have to talk to him more than I need.) Then I guess all I have left is...


Homura looked around to see who else he was friend with but could help him.


While looking around his eyes fell on the boy who he was definitely not friends with.


Uchiha Sasuke



- ! (Sasuke)


- !


Both boys looked at each other and soon became irritated at having to look at each other's face.

At this point they could barely handle having to be in the same area.


Let alone at each other.


Thus they soon looked away, seemingly got angry and looked away from each other.


-Tch!(As if I'd ever ask that b*stard anything...Who else?)


Homura looked around the classroom once more and this time his gaze fell on the young Hyuga heiress., huh? Are we even close?)


Homura tried to remember if they had talked to each other in the past but was coming short on all fronts.



But soon the young girl realized that Homura was staring at her.


- !!!? (Hinata)


The young girl soon became flustered and hid behind the book that was formerly on the table.


- ?! (Jeez, I didn't know she hated me this badly too!? So who else can I trick into letting me borrowing their supplies?)


Homura looked once again around, he could see his classmates with all sort of expressions.


Such as the usually bored Shikamaru; trying to not fall asleep


Or a seemingly pissed Shino, but that was mostly due to his shade that always had the effect of making him look rather serious.


Kiba, who immediately flipped him off, which he immediately retaliated by doing the same.


And finally his eyes landed on Saya.


- GEH! (S-saya, sure she will help me out...after getting up on my business and ending  by giving me a lesson or two about childish morals... I'd rather die or fail than having to go through that. )


- !? *Wave* (Saya)


Saya smiled and discreetly waved her hand towards Homura who pretended to smile as well while waving back at her.


-*Smile* (Yep. Nope...I will just have to pretend to be sick this time. My last two choices are Toshi and Uryuu. But Toshi low key hates and Uryuu really, really hates me or's hopeless.)







*Chime ringing* *Chime ringing*


As the students heard the last chime ringing everybody was ready to go home.


Though a lot of students all stay awhile later to get access to facilities, do remedial lessons or try to talk to some of the teachers for personal help in their studies.


And so instead of going home around this time a lot of the first year students decided on staying in class for a while before going to their next endeavors.


One of those students was Homura, who decided to stay a bit later due to having the need to go to the school archives and the library.


But he had decided to wait but to not wanting to bump against the students who were heading home at this time.



- (I have to do something fast...being on your own when you need something is terrible. I knew that but I can't believe it is this bad when you also know that is somewhat your own fault too).


Homura remembered what had happened earlier in the morning, nor could he just go to the infirmary to wait for things to "chill out" as he had planned.


Homura was unable to skip class and had to be embarrassed by not having the appropriate materials need for his next class.


For someone trying to pose as a genius.


As of late he was now seen more and more as a delinquent.


The same terrible reputation that he had at the orphanage.


That did not specifically sit well with him.


- (It seems the standing I tried so hard to create in class is about to crumble and worse...Even Naruto won't talk to me. Lately, he has been giving the cold shoulder because I refused to fight him or something...I don't know what to do these days.)


The image of a mysterious genius was a crumbling.


And the one of a delinquent was taking its place.


If his grades weren't among the top and he spending most of his time reading books, it would have been gone since the day he bit up a young Uchiha into unconsciousness.


Luckily no one has pressed charges or anything close due to no one truly getting hurt.


Nonetheless it painted a terrible look for Homura, who was already not a social person.


Homura may have a silly look on his face from time to time, but his expressionless face is quite unsettling to some people and scary too.


He looks like a bit like a possessed doll.


He has a bit of stoic appearance, similar to Itachi; which his character creation was based on.


Especially with his big dark eyes.


Not only seemed to be unveiling some sort of hidden maturity and mysteriousness.



Perhaps it was because it was due to his parentage or the fact that he basically artificially created his own look, but once one was aware of those traits they could never unseen.


Though, all that would usually go away with him just opening his mouth.


Homura's usually pissed off face and a variety of expressions he was always displaying made sure to remove all pretense of maturity and mysteriousness from the equation.


-(Hm... I think that I should work on getting close to Hinata. She is a nerd and meek. She'd never say no to me asking her to share something with me, plus I am fairly sure that she has no friends; but she is too damn shy! It would look like I am bullying her into giving me stuff, which would not be's just going to make me talking to her awkward...but I also need to collect her DNA in some form as soon as I can...Though it's going to be impossible for me to deny it if her family finds out...but it doesn't seem she is in constant surveillance.)

Though Homura was also never able to tell if someone was always spying he knew that in some way there should be a system in place, though from the manga and living in Konohagakure for a long time now...everything within his heart was yelling at him that he was dead wrong.


He just couldn't imagine an ANBU operative to be watching Naruto 24/7 over years.


Especially after what he had learned about shinobi in the academy.


Also, Homura believed that the village was simply too cheap for that.


Even Homura got the bare minimum to live his life and most of those funds were levied from taxes and a portion of the pension from dead shinobi; at least for those without relatives to pass on their fortune.


It was hardly a gift from the village.


But regardless of that, it was far too late for him to be thinking of none of these things.



Homura burned down too many bridges.


It even seemed that he and Naruto weren't friends anymore, which was a bit too soon for him.


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Him being Naruto's friend was a way to be in the limelight.


By being Naruto's friend he was certain that nobody could easily kill him or fake his death.


Thus not giving people like Danzo or foreign spies any ideas.


Homura seemed to have remembered that Danzo liked to recruit kids both from orphanages and from the academy.


Not that he believed that it could happen to him any time soon.


Since it hadn't been a full year as of yet.


However, this also meant that some of the teachers might be part of root or work for root, though he had no way to prove it.


But if Orochimaru had Mizuki infiltrate the academy as a spy while he was still being on a world wide manhunt, Danzo, who was comfortably sitting in his underground base, probably had one or more people on his payroll.


Not only that but by being infamous Homura, was now still in the spotlight.


It would be harder to have him to disappear.


But perhaps this bad reputation that now preceded him was what he needed to avoid ever be put in a position where he could be forced to join any cults or kidnapped.


So although he didn't like it, he could still play around with both the genius persona and the truant persona.


Though he could be both and still be friendly enough with his classmates, so that he could somehow use them at times of need.


This meant suck up to them to some degree, this meant getting slightly friendly with one of the people that could be seen as popular.


In other words, his most hated type of people.


- (come on Homura... think happy thoughts...happy thoughts... If I manage to strike down my biggest detractor and use him to prop myself up, It shouldn't be too hard...because at least that guy can be tamed...)


Homura stood up from his seat and went toward another student's desk.


The student in question was none other than Inuzuka Kiba.


The loudest student in the class after Naruto.


One of Homura's biggest detractors and annoyances.


- Yo! Do-Kiba! Everything shaking!


Kiba turned slightly his head around to look at who that voice belonged to, however as soon as he figured out his face immediately shifted to show his obvious displeasure.


-Huh!? You! What do you want?! Try to look for another guy to bully or something? (Kiba)


He immediately gave Homura the cold shoulder in front of everyone in the class who happened to pay attention to their exchange, especially two of the boys Kiba was previously talking before he was interrupted.


Even though Homura was already fuming on the inside, he still managed to put up a brave front and smile, because he couldn't back down this early.


- Come on K-kiba, I'd never do that. That was an accident. We're all friends here!


- I am not your friend!




Homura chose to ignore that last comment and veins started to pop up ever so slightly on his face.


-  Oh! Look at Akamaru, he looks pretty damn cool today as well.


Homura tried to change the subject and try to pet the little pup, but the pup in question instantly counterattacked!




- (Shit! Fucking mutt! I swear if I get the chance I will... no calm down! Dogs can smell fear and hatred. 2 things that I happen to have in abundance.)


But before he could say something someone else got close to the commotion.


- Are you ok? Since when did you ever try talking to Kiba first? You always call him dog boy and Akamaru a disease infested flee bag.(???)


The boy in question was Toshio.


Homura's long time friend? Former roommate?


Their relationship was always a strange one.


- What?! (Kiba)


- No, no, no, no! I'd never say those hurtful things for real! I always wanted to be friends with everyone! I always found Akamaru to be cool. (Toshi why the f*ck wont you just be a good background character and stay out of my business!!!)




Suddenly all of those presents let out a surprise voice unconsciously.


-!? (What is with all these stares I am getting?! Eh?! Even Naruto! Damn it! I was good to you! That damn brat is getting more cocky ever since school started!)


Seeing that even Naruto, who among most of his classmates he tried to be nice to, didn't seem to believe him either; Homura had any other choice but to try to spin the narrative in another way.


- Guys come on!... I am not the bad guy some people have made me out to be lately.


But as soon as he said that another boy quickly approached, seemingly finding the entire thing interesting since he was a slightly smiling before talking.


- if that is true the solution should be him apologizing...?!


Seeing Homura slight change in his face from anger, the boy started sweating a little and backed away.


- (!!!!!...I hate guy!!!)...*sigh* Sorry for hurting your feelings and Akamaru's okay? Can you forgive me?- he said in a tone that seemed too insincere when people try to force themselves to appear friendly.


- What? You never hurt me! Or Akamaru! So... No! (Kiba)


- (Well, I did what I came to do...whether or not he forgives is irrelevant to other people. Tomorrow when most hear about what happened, this should at least improve my rep a little...that I am not such a bad guy... so either way it is a small win)... I see...well can't be helped!- Said Homura in a slightly happy tone.


In fact, his tone was too happy for someone who was denied forgiveness.


Because for obvious reasons.


-...but... (Kiba)


- Hm?


- I can at least tolerate you, if you admit that I could have beaten you in the exam if we had face against each other.




Voices full of doubt escaped from most people within the classroom.


Seems that even everyone in the classroom does not believe he could do it.


They had all seen how badly he had lost to Sasuke in the last set of sparring matches, there was no way he could defeat Homura who was able to contend with him.



- Come on... I can't say that.( I think it would be embarrassing for both of us if I support your delusions....)


- W-why not!? (Kiba)




Kiba, slammed his fists against his desk in protest.


-... because that's clearly not true, everyone will think I am a liar or something.


- Damn you! I challenge you right now!- pointed Kiba at Homura, to show that he was ready to fight at this very moment.


But as soon as Homura started to step away Kiba grabbed him by his clothes.


- I came here to make peace with you not fight... and stop grabbing my clothes like that. (It is more like he is strangling me with them...if I wasn't trying to look in front of everyone, I'd be beating his ass...)


- Kiba let him go! He will fight me! (Naruto)


Naruto finally interjected.


It seemed that had seen this as opportunity to fight against Homura.


None of the people present understood where that rivalry came from.


They had believed Naruto and Homura to be more or less friends because he's among the few people he bothered talking who wasn't one of the girls.


- Shut up! You loser! You'd lose anyway! Aren't you tired of losing already?! (Kiba)


- W-what did you say?! Fight me! Right now!  (Naruto)


Kiba let go of homura's shirt collar and went on to face Naruto, who then started arguing.


Evolved into a messy fight.


To both Homura's relief and annoyance.


- Here I thought those guys were friends...but they are truly going at it. (Cr*p, I'm pretty sure that people are going to spin this story again to be somewhat my fault by tomorrow...perhaps this was a bad idea)


Chapter end

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