The Tang Family's Seven Os

Chapter 120: CH 120

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It took three days for Tang Wu Yuan’s heat to pass, and because Song Xiao Bai had been so attentive to him and also because he was physically fit, his body was still alive and kicking after the heat, apart from being a little sore and weak.

He felt alive again after a nice hot bath, as he had been spending so much time glued with his nemesis lately that he didn’t feel like himself.

He casually wiped his hair a few times, walked out with a smile on his lips, straightened his collar, and said to Song Xiao Bai: “Thanks for the last few days, I’ll go back first then.”

Song Xiao Bai looked up at him. He had just finished taking a shower and his whole body was very refreshed. His eyelashes were very long, and his eyes were outlined by the black eyelashes as if he had drawn eyeliner. When he was not smiling, he looked cold and sharp, especially when he was holding a gun, his whole body was full of heroic spirit, but when he was in bed, his bright eyes looked like they were filled with water, soft and swirling, nothing like now.

Tang Wu Yuan saw that Song Xiao Bai was silent and thought that he was ‘exhausted’ and unable to speak because he had exerted too much energy over the past few days, so he leaned over slightly and patted Song Xiao Bai’s shoulder, “You’ve worked hard1LMFAO?!!.”

Song Xiao Bai smelled the familiar sweet scent, and before he could take a deep sniff, he had already straightened his body, stepped back and waved his hand to Song Xiao Bai Bai in a very understanding manner, “No need to send me off.”

Song Xiao: “……” Inexplicably, a feeling of having been prostituted for nothing was born.

The moment Tang Wu Yuan opened the door to his room, he looked up and saw Tang Bo Te running wildly from downstairs like a gust of wind, stopping in his tracks after seeing him. He burst into tears, walking over step by step with heavy steps, hugging his shoulders and crying, “Xiao Wu ah! Wu wu wu…… it’s Big Dad’s fault for not protecting you, it’s all Big Dad’s fault……what can I do about my Xiao Wu……”

Tang Wu Yuan looked at the heartbroken look on Big Dad’s face and hurriedly comforted, “Big Dad, I’m fine, don’t worry, I’ve been rescued, haven’t I? I just stayed with the pirates for two days, I didn’t suffer any injuries at all, and thanks to the necklace you gave me, I was able to be rescued so quickly.”

Tang Bo Te cried even louder, as if the sky was falling: “Xiao Wu, you don’t have to comfort me, I know all about it, it’s been hard on you……Xiao Wu, tell me which bastard marked you, I’ll kill him!”

He heard Song Xiao Bai’s subordinates report that day that there was nothing wrong with Xiao Wu Yuan, so he assumed that Xiao Wu was unharmed, so he stayed to finish the pirate’s matter before returning.

He did not expect to hear about Xiao Wu being marked by the pirates as soon as he arrived at the Golden Eagle Army today, it was like a thunderstorm, he hated that he couldn’t go and chop those pirates ten or eight times. His family’s children and his wife to him are more a precious existence than his life, the pirates bullying his family’s Xiao Wu as such was more painful than cutting his flesh.

“……” Tang Wu Yuan looked back with a bewildered expression of Song Xiao Bai who was again called ‘bastard’.

With a low cough Song Xiao Bai walked over and said to Tong Bo Te, “General Tang …… the person who marked Wu Yuan was me.”

“……En?” Tang Bo Te cried out, looking up in surprise, his red eyes straining at Song Xiao Bai.

He paused for a moment, wiped his tears, and asked in a deep voice: “What’s going on? Speak clearly.”

Tang Wu Yuan was too embarrassed to talk about the marking process, so he let Song Xiao Bai tell Tang Bo Te about the situation.

After listening to what Song Xiao Bai said, Tang Bo Te’s heart immediately raised a huge wave, his face was colourful, sometimes happy, sometimes sad, sometimes angry at Song Xiao Bai, “You marked my family’s Xiao Wu?”

Song Xiao Bai nodded his head, his attitude sincere, “Yes, General Tang.”

Tang Bo Te took a deep breath and tried hard to calm himself down, but unfortunately his efforts failed several times, he couldn’t hold back and shouted at Song Xiao Bai: “You come out with me, I want to fight you!”

Tang Bo Te thought angrily, even if Song Xiao Bai had no choice but to bully his cabbage, the cabbage couldn’t be arched for nothing! It was one of the seven most precious cabbages he had worked so hard to raise for so many years!

“Big Dad! Don’t be impulsive.” Tang Wu Yuan frowned and gave a word of advice.

Song Xiao Bai stopped him, shook his head and said in a deep voice: “This matter is my fault, it’s only right that I should accompany General Tang to practice a bit of boxing.”

“Consider you this brat to be sensible.” Tang Bo Te snorted coldly and took the lead.

“Then you guys don’t go too far.” Tang Wu Yuan shrugged his shoulders. Since Song Xiao Bai was willing, he didn’t say anything, anyway, he believed that Big Dad had a sense of proportion and shouldn’t really hurt Song Xiao Bai.

While Tang Bo Te and Song Xiao Bai went to the sports field to duel, Tang Wu Yuan went to see Marshal Xi Meng to deal with the issue of his identity.

In fact, Marshal Xi Meng knew that he was an Omega from the time he entered the Golden Eagle Army, which was why he had arranged for him to be a Commander. A Commander usually commanded from a warship and did not need to participate in combat, so there was no danger and it was the most suitable position for an Omega on the front line.

Although Marshal Xi Meng knew the truth, Omegas were still not allowed to enter the military according to interstellar rules, so he had agreed with the Marshal at the start that if he was marked, he would have to quit the Golden Eagle Army.

He had been prepared to be single for the rest of his life but unfortunately, he had not expected this accident to happen and all his plans had to be put on hold.

The first thing Marshal Simon asked when he saw him: “Are you well?”

“……En.” Tang Wu Yuan’s face flushed red, it was the first time talking to an officer about the heat, more or less there is some discomfort, he only nodded a little and said: “Thank you for your concern Marshal.”

Marshal Xi Meng put down the pen in his hand, looked up at him and asked, “What’s going on with you and Song Xiao Bai, are you getting married?”

Tang Wu Yuan saw a sense of achievement on the Marshal’s face, as if he had facilitated a great marriage, and he knew that for so many years, the Marshal had firmly believed that he and Song Xiao Bai were a perfect match, so if he did get together with Song Xiao Bai, the Marshal must have felt that it was thanks to his discerning eye back then that the two of them had been put to work together.

He was very helpless about this and did not agree, “You think too much, he and I were only forced into marking this time, I will go to the hospital afterwards to clean off the mark, we will not get married.”

The Marshal’s complexion darkened, his hands intertwined, the fingers of his left hand gently tapping the back of his right hand, saying in a warm voice, “Wu Yuan, you’ve never been an impulsive person, yet this time you didn’t hesitate to get off the warship for Song Xiao Bai, haven’t you ever thought about why?”

Tang Wu Yuan was not impressed, “I was only anxious for a moment to save the whole team.”

Marshal Xi Meng frowned disapprovingly, “You never considered finding a mate in order to stay in the army but now that your identity has been revealed, if you had to choose a mate, who would you choose? Or rather, who else besides Song Xiao Bai would you find convincing?”

Marshal Xi Meng thought he knew Tang Wu Yuan, who was always competitive and would never be with someone who cannot make him feel that they are stronger than him.

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Tang Wu Yuan pouted, although Song Xiao Bai was the only person he felt convinced by among his peers, but they were nemesis, how could nemesis be partners?

The Marshal shook his head and let out a low sigh of helplessness: “Let’s not talk about that first, now that your identity is exposed, according to military regulations, you will be punished by being imprisoned for two years and hypnotised to make you forget your memories of being in the army all these years, lest you uncontrollably tell your future Alpha army secrets, and only after two years will the army let you leave the army, you know all this right? ”

Tang Wu Yuan nodded, pursed his lips for a moment and said with downcast eyes: “I know, when I chose to enter the army, I was prepared that this day would come.”

Marshal Xi Meng sighed again and said regretfully, “If only you had been able to get that gold badge back then.”

The main prize of the escape competition that each graduate undertook was the gold medal, which was not only a medal but also served as a ‘get-out-of-jail-free’ card, although of course the crimes for which these pardons were granted could not include major offences such as betraying the country, harming the lives of others or violating major military discipline.

The purpose of this competition is not only to select outstanding people, but also to help the Omegas.

There are not a few Omegas who want to join the army like Tang Wu Yuan. If they can win the competition and win the gold medal, it means that the Omega is a match for the Betas or Alphas and that the Omega is capable enough to do the job in the army.

In this case, the army would acquiesce to the Omega’s entry into the army and with the gold medal, the Omega could use the medal to absolve himself of guilt when his identity is discovered.

Tang Wu Yuan tried desperately to win the competition back then to prepare for today and to get that gold medal, but unfortunately he failed in the end.

But the course of the competition had proven that he had the ability to win, which was why Marshal Xi Meng had acquiesced to his entry into the Golden Eagle Army in the first place.

“It’s me who is not as skilled as the others.” Although Tang Wu Yuan was annoyed that Song Xiao Bai had won the gold medal, he had to admit that Song Xiao Bai had indeed outsmarted him, and he was convinced of his defeat.

Marshal Xi Meng was a man who cherished talent and he had been friends with Tang Bo Te for many years, so naturally, he could not bear to see Tang Wu Yuan imprisoned for two years, or even have his memory wiped.

He wrinkled his brows in silence for a moment and said after some thought: “Wu Yuan, I must remind you that the gold medal can be used not only for yourself but also for your partner in the army. If you become mates with Song Xiao Bai and he is willing to give you his gold medal, then you can use his gold medal to absolve yourself of guilt.”

“And if you want to stay in the army and continue working, then Song Xiao Bai is also the best person for the job, according to interstellar military law, for an Omega to be able to work in the army, the mate Alpha must also be in the army.”

He paused for a moment, rubbed his brow and continued, “As a Commander, if you want to remain in the military, according to the rules, your partner would have to be a Major General to be able to do so, because the secrets you know, your Alpha must also know, so as to ensure that it doesn’t happen that you are pressured by pheromones to tell your Alpha military secrets. ”

Tang Wu Yuan frowned slightly and thought for a moment and said: “Marshal, I also know the situation you are talking about, but I can’t let Song Xiao Bai marry me for this reason, and I also can’t marry him for this reason.”

After he finished speaking, he rubbed his eyes. He was still a little sleepy after the heat period.

When General Xi Meng saw him rubbing his eyes, he thought he was sad and wanted to cry. After all, there was no Omega who did not want to marry an Alpha after being marked, so he softened his voice and said, “There are rules in Interstellar that an Alpha cannot refuse to marry an Omega after marking him for life, if you want to marry Xiao Bai, you can discuss it with him……maybe he will agree.”

Tang Wu Yuan still shook his head, “I was the one who asked Song Xiao Bai to mark me when the mark was made, I can’t use that as a reason to threaten him now.”

Marshal Xi Meng nodded and did not continue to persuade, he also understood that the marriage should be based on the two people’s willingness. Although in his opinion, these two children were not only very compatible, but they also treated each other differently than they did others, he always felt that the two of them had an unusual relationship.

He really hoped that he could set up Song Xiao Bai and Tang Wu Yuan. When Song Xiao Bai came to report on the capture of the pirates earlier, he had mentioned that he could smell Tang Wu Yuan’s pheromones and he called Dr. Tong as soon as he knew about it.

Marshal Song only left behind such a precious son and Song Xiao Bai’s loss of smell had always been a problem for them, these old men. When Dr. Tong found out about the situation, he was excited and said that if Song Xiao Bai and Tang Wu Yuan were combined together, there was a good chance that Song Xiao Bai’s loss of smell would be cured.

He was of course very happy to hear this, although he didn’t know the exact situation, Tang Wu Yuan and Song Xiao Bai together would definitely have a hundred advantages without any harm, and it could be said that it would be good for both of them, that’s why he desperately hoped that the two of them could be united together.

But since Tang Wu Yuan had said so, he could not persuade him any further and simply said, “Go back and think about it again, give me an answer in a two days.”

Tang Wu Yuan nodded, Marshal Xi Meng also had good intentions, and it would be somewhat bad for him to refuse again.


When he went back to the room, he happened to meet Song Xiao Bai. He stopped in his tracks and looked Song Xiao Bai up and down, Song Xiao Bai moved freely and there were no injuries on his face, so it looks like there should be nothing wrong.

He took out his keys and asked casually as he opened the door, “Where’s my Big Dad? How did you get back so quickly?”

Song Xiao Bai showed a hint of embarrassment and raised his eyes to look at him, “General Tang……”

Tang Wu Yuan heard the hesitation in his voice, the movement at opening the door paused and turned his head to look at him, “What’s wrong?”

“……General Tang has sprained his waist.”

Tang Wu Yuan was stunned, his eyes widened with a jaw-dropping smile, “Waist……sprained?”

Song Xiao Bai nodded, “After General Tang and I went to the sports field, he just started warming up and accidentally sprained his back, I had to send him to the hospital. After the doctor gave him a massage, he recovered somewhat. He has already gone home, the doctor said General Tang needs to pay attention to rest more, do not do strenuous exercises again, persist on going to the hospital for treatment, after a while he should be fine, you do not need to worry too much. ”

Tang Wu Yuan: “……”

Song Xiao Bai hesitated for a moment and said, “Just pretend you don’t know, I think General Tang shouldn’t want you to know.”

Tang Wu Yuan was silent for a long time before nodding, he felt that what Song Xiao Bai said made sense, Big Dad would have cried louder if he knew he knew ba.

melon: Tang Bo Te best Big Dad

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