The Tang Family's Seven Os

Chapter 166: CH 166

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Sheng Cen’s mouth moved, unconsciously chewing the rice ball twice, the taste of the rice ball made by Tang Qi Yuan was quite delicious, he took two more bites and then picked up an egg roll and brought it to his mouth.

Tang Qi Yuan stared intently at the fish hooks in the river, but unfortunately he waited for a long time, but the fish hooks did not move. He could not help but let out a small sigh of disappointment, and turned back to find that both insulated boxes were already empty, and Sheng Cen was sending the last egg roll into his mouth.

“……” Tang Qi Yuan looked at the empty insulated boxes, stunned, then looked up at Sheng Cen and complained: “I haven’t eaten yet.”

“Anyway there is still so much to eat, don’t worry, you won’t be hungry.” Sheng Cen threw the snack bag to him and said without blushing: “The rice balls and egg rolls you made taste pretty good, remember to make more next time.”

Tang Qi Yuan wasn’t hungry yet, so he put the snack bag next to him and nodded lightly. It seemed that Alphas can really eat, he had thought that there wouldn’t be much difference in the amount of food intake between the Alpha and the Omega, but he had obviously underestimated the amount of food his table mate could eat, but he was still happy that his table mate approved of his rice balls and egg rolls.

Having eaten and drank enough, Sheng Cen picked up his fishing rod again, lazily assuming a serious fishing stance, turned his head to look at Tang Qi Yuan’s rod and asked: “Is there any fish?”

“No.” Tang Qi Yuan shook his head, immediately distracted, and continued to stare at the fish hook with bated breath, “There are so few fish today ah.”

After staring for a while, his fishing rod did not move, but Sheng Cen’s fishing rod suddenly moved, his eyes followed and after confirming that it was really a fish biting the bait, he excitedly tugged at Sheng Cen and shouted in a small voice: “There’s a fish!”

Sheng Cen sat up straight and was surprised to see that there was really a fish. He slowly pulled the hook upwards and it surfaced, a big, fat fish was struggling on his hook.

Tang Qi Yuan sat on the side and looked at his table mate who was able to catch a fish so quickly on his first fishing trip and was envious.

Sheng Cen looked at the fish that kept struggling on the hook and suddenly burst into a smile, “You’re right, fishing is indeed quite interesting.”

He picked up the fish and put it into the bucket next to him, looking at the fish inside, his gaze sank, “As long as you put down the bait that the fish wants to eat and wait patiently, the fish will naturally take the hook on its own accord, and after the fish takes the hook and leaves the water, it will never be able to make any waves again.”

Tang Qi Yuan did not think as complicated as his table mate, he only thought that fishing could calm the mind and cultivate patience, but it was rare that his table mate was willing to understand the process and meaning of fishing in depth, which would be helpful for writing essays in the future, so he nodded encouragingly, “You are right, when writing essays, you can apply what you have just said to your essays, and it would be better to add some modifiers, so that you can depict it more vividly. That way you can paint a more vivid picture and deepen your understanding.”

Sheng Cen put the bait back on the hook, looked up at Tang Qi Yuan who could relate everything to his studies, smiled and said, “Don’t worry about it, your smart and wise table mate will definitely give you a good score of 10 points in each subject in the next exam.”

Sheng Cen felt that if his grandfather heard that he had such a ‘great’ goal, he would be so angry that he would jump up from his hospital bed and beat him up.

Tang Qi Yuan nodded earnestly with clear eyes, “It’s always good for you to have a goal, table mate.”

Hearing the little nerd’s tone, he didn’t really believe that he could get 10 points on the exam, Sheng Cen wanted to laugh with anger.

The two of them sat by the river all afternoon, until the sun was going down, then they collected their fish hooks and prepared to go back.

The fish that Sheng Cen had caught filled a bucket full, while Tang Qi Yuan’s bucket only had a pitiful three fish in it, all of which were small and thin, and not even close to the big and fat ones in Sheng Cen’s bucket.

He sighed repeatedly when he saw the fish in the bucket, thinking that the difference was really unscientific.

Sheng Cen rubbed a hand on Tang Qi Yuan’s head, he felt that his table mate was as soft as the egg roll he had just eaten, he smiled and carried the bucket forward, “Let’s go.”

“Do you think it could be that your bait tastes better than mine?” Tang Qi Yuan followed him numbly, walking forward while looking down to find the reason why he had failed so badly at fishing, just like when he looked for mistakes after every exam and wanted to correct them the next time.

“My bait and your bait are both prepared by you, whether there is a difference, don’t you know?” Sheng Cen said indifferently, he turned his head to glance at Tang Qi Yuan, thinking that the little nerd’s pitiful expression was more interesting than fishing.

Tang Qi Yuan frowned, still very unwilling, he thought for a moment and said: “……Maybe your hook is easier to hook.”

Sheng Cen hooked his lips and very handsomely reached out to ruffle the broken hair on his forehead and gave a derisive smile, “Instead of believing these reasons, you should believe that it’s because I’m so handsome that I make all these fish dizzy, that’s why they’re on my hook.”

Tang Qi Yuan raised his eyes to look at Sheng Cen’s face, he felt that his table mate’s cheekiness was even harder to correct than the error questions.

The two of them were talking as they walked forward, two rows of persimmon trees were planted on both sides of the road, one after another, golden persimmons were hanging on the branches. The sun was getting red and the light was mapped out through the persimmons, making them look even more attractive and red.

Sheng Cen stopped in his tracks, looked at the persimmons, licked his lips and said: “I want to eat persimmons.”

Tang Qi Yuan followed his line of sight and swallowed saliva unconsciously when he saw the trees full of ripe persimmons, which looked tempting and delicious. After a day sitting by the river being blown by the wind and basking in the sun, their mouth is dry and they really want to eat fruits.

They walked over and tilted their heads to look at the tree with a QR code on it and a sign saying that passersby could pick and pay by themselves.

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They put the bucket with the fish down and tried to find a tool for picking persimmons, but unfortunately, they searched the area but there was no tools for picking persimmons. Not sure if the tree owner had forgotten or if the tool had been taken by a passerby.

The persimmon trees had been growing here for many years and each one was so tall that they could not be picked from standing on the ground. Tang Qi Yuan looked up at the persimmon trees, stood on tiptoe, and tried to reach out to hook, but he didn’t even touch the bottom-most persimmon.

Sheng Cen looked at him, leaning against the tree and smiling with hooked lips, and said unhurriedly: “Table mate, since you are so good at studying, why don’t you think of a way you can pick this persimmon without tools?”

“En, ok.” Tang Qi Yuan nodded seriously and turned around under the tree, he looked down in thought, pondered for a moment, clapped his hands, rolled up his cuffs and started to climb the tree as Sheng Cen looked on in surprise.

“What are you doing?”

Tang Qi Yuan explained as he climbed the tree: “In this situation where there are no tools to rely on, the body is the best tool. In primitive times, humans had to climb the trees themselves to pick the fruits.”

Sheng Cen wrinkled his brow and walked to the tree, his eyes unconsciously tense as he said in a deep voice: “You come down.”

“I’ll try, maybe it’s possible.” Tang Qi Yuan was a little afraid of heights, so he didn’t look back at Sheng Cen as he struggled up the thickest trunk and tried to reach out to pick the persimmon that was not far away.

He had never climbed a tree since he was a child, so he was a bit clumsy. He tried several times but failed to reach the persimmon, instead his foot slipped and he almost fell from the tree when he stepped on the air accidentally.

He screamed in panic and leaned back involuntarily, but a pair of long, strong arms came under his armpits in time and lifted him off the tree like a child.

Tang Qi Yuan was stunned for a moment, then turned around, Sheng Cen looked down at him with a deep smile, the sunlight shining on Sheng Cen’s face was all soft light and shadows, the smell on Sheng Cen’s body was soaked in the sunlight, a very reassuring smell, his hanging heart fell unconsciously.

Sheng Cen put him down on the ground and patted the fallen leaves on his body, “Next time you encounter this kind of problem, remember that asking your table mate for help is the most correct way to solve the problem.”

He finished and climbed up the tree neatly with his hands and feet, so fast that Tang Qi Yuan didn’t even have time to blink before he was already sitting on the treetop.

“Catch.” Sheng Cen picked a persimmon and waved it in his hand.

Tang Qi Yuan came back to his senses and hurriedly went to find a bag, shouting in a panic: “Wait for me, don’t throw it yet, it will break.”

Sheng Cen sat on the tree with the persimmons in his hand, looking at Tang Qi Yuan who was busy under the tree, and couldn’t help but smile, it seemed like a good idea to take a health care trip once in a while.

By the time the two of them had picked a bag full of persimmons, paid and left, the sun had already set, staining the sky with red, and the clouds looked beautiful as they layered on top of each other.

“Let’s go to my house for dinner tonight and let my mum cook fish for us to eat.” Sheng Cen was carrying a bucket in one hand, the fish in the bucket bounced twice from time to time, and he was carrying a large backpack on his back, but he still walked smoothly and even looked relaxed and at ease.

Tang Qi Yuan was struggling to hold a bag of persimmons in his arms. He had to secretly admire the Alpha’s physical strength, and reached out to wipe the sweat from his forehead.

This is a dirt road with many small stones on the ground, he nodded as he avoided them and said: “Okay, but it’s best not to eat persimmons and fish together, it says in the book they are both cold foods and eating them together is bad for your health, so if we eat fish tonight, then don’t eat the persimmons.”

“Got it.” Sheng Cen put the fish in the trunk of the car and reached out to pick up the persimmons in Tang Qi Yuan’s arms, “Just how many books do you usually read?”

The weight in his arms suddenly left and Tang Qi Yuan let out a sigh of relief, gasping for breath and saying, “I haven’t counted, but I read when I have time.”

Sheng Cen put his things away and reached out to hand him a handkerchief, “Wipe your sweat.”

Tang Qi Yuan took the handkerchief, his eyes wavered and felt that this handkerchief was somewhat familiar, he flipped to the corner of the handkerchief and saw the familiar seven tang yuans, he couldn’t help but be stunned for a moment, his eyes rounded and he looked up to ask Sheng Cen, “Didn’t you say you had thrown it away?”

Sheng Cen touched his nose for a moment, stumbled and said, “Ah, this……I thought I had thrown away, and then I found it again.”

He snatched the handkerchief back and made a false show of strength to stare at Tang Qi Yuan, took the handkerchief and rudely wiped the sweat on Tang Qi Yuan’s forehead, and put the handkerchief back into his pocket, opened the door and sat in the car, saying gruffly: “Hurry up and get in, it’s time to go back.”

“……” Tang Qi Yuan felt that his table mate was robbing him of his handkerchief in broad daylight.

It’s really broad daylight and the world is getting worse day by day1世风日下 (shì fēng rì xià): an idiom, it means that the social atmosphere is getting worse day by day.!

melon: hehehe the handkerchief is back

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