The Tang Family's Seven Os

Chapter 22: CH 22

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The old man, who was still old and strong and carrying a hoe just now, took two steps hunched over on his walking stick and turned back to give Lu Cheng an unsatisfied look, “Hmph, not as filial as Yi Yuan, Yi Yuan helps me pick grapes when he comes.”

“Yi Yuan?”

“Didn’t you and Yi Yuan make an appointment to come together?” Elder Lu glanced down towards the grapevine.

Lu Cheng followed his line of sight and noticed that Tang Yi Yuan was picking grapes under the vine not far away, carrying a small basket in his hand and wearing a straw hat on his head.

Tang Yi Yuan glanced at him lightly when he heard the sound. His skin was like snow white, lips were soft red, the corners of his eyes were slightly raised when looking at people and a small face that looks very good amongst the green melon and red fruits. Lu Cheng couldn’t help but be stunned, his eyes became obsessed, and his chest was hot.

Lu Cheng decided to retract the idea just now, who said that planting flowers is good? It is also very good to grow vegetables, melons and fruits.

Old master Lu looked at his indomitable son and shook his head helplessly. After so many years of marriage, he was still so enamoured by his Omega.

Lu Cheng didn’t see the expression in his old father’s eyes, he was already running towards his own Omega happily. He took Tang Yi Yuan’s small basket and put it in his own hand, with a flattering smile, “I’ll carry it for you, you pluck it.”

Tang Yi Yuan looked at him and curled his red lips. He looked down and picked the biggest grape in the basket, peeling the skin carefully to reveal the watery flesh inside.

The flesh was full and large, but Lu Cheng’s eyes fell on Tang Yi Yuan’s long, round fingers, which was really beautiful. There was not a single place on his Omega that was not good-looking.

Tang Yi Yuan fed the grape flesh into his mouth, the grapes were sweet and juicy, Lu Cheng couldn’t resist giving Tang Yi Yuan’s fingers a quick lick.

Tang Yi Yuan withdrew his hand at once, his face blushed red, even the fingertips that had been kissed by Lu Cheng glowed hot, and he softly glared at Lu Cheng.

Wu! How had he not noticed before that his nemesis was milk fierce1, Lu Cheng’s heart melted.

The sweet juice of the grapes stained Lu Cheng’s lips and tongue. He looked at Tang Yi Yuan’s flushed face and thought he was drunk from eating grapes, otherwise he would have been dizzy and light, even walking was like stepping on cotton.

Tang Yi Yuan continued to pick grapes with his mouth curved, and Lu Cheng followed him lightly with the small basket.

Cheng Cheng was dizzy and did not want to wake up.

Xiao Huang followed his young master, whom he hadn’t seen for a long time, jumping around and wagging his tail, but the young master kept staring at his mate and didn’t even share a look with him, so poor Xiao Huang had to run back to his old master.

Wagging his tail and begging for comfort.

Old master Lu was sitting at a table not far away drinking tea, when he saw Xiao Huang darting over, he smilingly reached out and stroked Xiao Huang’s head, Xiao Huang acted coquettishly next to him and rubbed his trouser leg, happily squatting down to continue wagging his tail.

From time to time, Old master Lu looked at his silly son, and then at the field that had not been weeded. Although he wanted to get up and continue carrying the hoe, he could only sit there and pretend to be weak, and he could not help but sigh quietly, “Ay, I am a poor old man.”

The housekeeper stood behind him holding back a laugh and respectfully gave him a cup of tea, “Old master, why don’t you just listen to the young master and go back to work for another two years?”

Old master Lu raised his eyes to look at him and smiled, “Then you’ll return to the company with me?”

I’ll let you stand and talk without waist pain!

The housekeeper’s back tensed and his eyes darted around, “……Where is my walking stick?”

He put down his teacup and hurriedly turned around to go to the storehouse to look for his walking stick.

Old master Lu grunted and laughed, continuing to sigh and pretend to be frail.

It was impossible to go back to the company, ever.

Lu Cheng ate the grapes and followed right behind Tang Yi Yuan, bewitched by Tang Yi Yuan, blushing and forgetting all about the purpose of coming here long ago.

What is lending money? Who is Ruan Fei? Is it as good looking as the little baby eating?

After picking the grapes, Tang Yi Yuan took the small basket to the sink and washed them one by one.

Lu Cheng ran to the watermelon field and walked around twice, squatting down from time to time, knocking left and right, finally picking a round and big watermelon, holding it up and shaking it at Tang Yi Yuan.

Tang Yi Yuan turned around and smiled at him, his eyebrows arched and his whole body was wrapped in the sunlight, glowing with a warm light.

Lu Cheng’s stared straight at him and he immediately carried the watermelon to the kitchen, taking a knife and cutting out the sweetest and reddest part of the middle of the watermelon bit by bit.

When the housekeeper saw it in between looking for a walking stick, he very kindly sent over a heart-shaped mould.

Lu Cheng’s eyes lit up with a smile of satisfaction, but he hastily curbed the corners of his mouth, pursed his lips and accepted the mould with reserve, whispering his thanks. Then, he turned his back to the housekeeper, quickly took out the mould and happily cut the watermelon into a red heart, and carefully picked out all the seeds.

The housekeeper, who had watched him grow up, naturally understood him. He held back his laughter, pretended not to see anything and went out to continue looking for his walking stick.

Lu Cheng put each heart-shaped watermelon on a plate, stuck a small fork in it and happily took it to Tang Yi Yuan to eat.

As he passed by old master Lu, old master Lu took a look at the watermelon on the plate and couldn’t help but snort coldly, “Don’t you even know to give me some?”

Lu Cheng hugged the watermelon and didn’t want to let go, the best part of the watermelon was was only this much, and these watermelons were all heart shaped, he wanted to give them to Yi Yuan to eat.

Anyway his dad could have fresh ones every day if he wanted but it was rare for his Yi Yuan to have such fresh ones.

Old master Lu waved his hand and let him get lost!

Lu Cheng very happily rolled2 to Tang Yi Yuan’s side and held the watermelon out to him like a treasure.

When Tang Yi Yuan looked at the little red hearts, he couldn’t help but burst out laughing.

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Lu Cheng smilingly picked up a piece of watermelon and fed it to Tang Yi Yuan, his mouth unconsciously saying love words, “Give you my heart.”

Tang Yi Yuan bit into the watermelon and chewed it, “Your heart is really easy to break.”

Lu Cheng: “……”

Cheng Cheng didn’t want to talk.

He was quiet for a second, staring at Tang Yi Yuan’s lips, which had become even redder after eating the watermelon, and wanted to speak again.

It was so pretty, his.

He smiled a big smile and if he had a tail, he would have wagged it faster than Xiao Huang, “Is it good?”

Tang Yi Yuan was actually already a little full, but still nodded happily and picked up a slice of watermelon to feed him.

Lu Cheng exaggeratedly ate it into his mouth as if he had eaten some delicacy, boasting repeatedly, “Yummy, yummy……”

The ones that are hand-fed by the little baby are the most delicious.

He ate two bites of watermelon with satisfaction and looked up to find another peach tree not far away, with pink and juicy peach after peach hanging on it, fresh and juicy peach, as sweet as his Omega, Omega must like it.

Lu Cheng ran to pick the peaches with great enthusiasm, picking a red one with nimble hands and feet, picked it off washed it and ran to give it to Tang Yi Yuan to eat.

Tang Yi Yuan looked at the peach in front of him and frowned in embarrassment. His stomach was full and he couldn’t eat anymore, but he couldn’t bear to refuse Lu Cheng who was full of expectation.

Old master Lu saw that his son-in-law’s3 stomach was bursting from being fed, but he was still reluctant to refuse his silly son. Heartbroken, he put the walking stick on the ground and knocked, yelling at Lu Cheng who was about to feed Tang Yi Yuan with peaches in his hand: “Come and accompany me for fishing!” ”

How is fishing with the old man more fun than accompanying his Omega, Lu Cheng does not want to go.

Old master Lu glared at him, “Boil fish soup for Yi Yuan tonight!”

If he remembered correctly, when Tang Yi Yuan was his nemesis, he liked fish the most. When he went to the canteen to eat, he could often see Tang Yi Yuan with his head down meticulously picking out the fish bones.

Lu Cheng happily thought, fish soup can also supplement the body. Omegas has always been weak, just nice he can be nourished. Nourished till he is white and fat, it must be very soft to touch, the originally soft Omega will become softer……Lu Cheng felt that there was a sign of his head at a particular place raising and quickly interrupted his thoughts.

Little Cheng Cheng, I’m sorry for you! You have to withstand the test!

Lu Cheng peeled off the skin of the peach bit by bit and then brought the peach towards Tang Yi Yuan’s eyes.

After the skin of the peach was peeled off, the watery flesh of the peach was revealed and looked very tempting. Tang Yi Yuan swallowed his saliva and could not help but take a bite. The flesh is tender and juicy and the taste is excellent.

He rubbed his full belly. Although the peach was delicious, it was a pity that he couldn’t eat any more.

Lu Cheng waited until he had eaten the sweetest and juiciest part of the peach tip and did not force him to eat it again, taking it over and wiping out the rest of the peach in two or three bites himself, happily going to look for a fishing rod, “I’ll go catch a fish for you!

Lu Cheng went to accompany the old man on his fishing trip, and Tang Yi Yuan was so full from his feeding that he took Xiao Huang for a walk to digest his food.

On the summer evening, the breeze was so pleasant that Tang Yi Yuan regretted not bringing Lu Tang Tang with him today, for if he had known that Lu Cheng was also coming, he would have brought Tang Tang with him.

At this moment, Lu Tang Tang was sitting in the living room of the house, grunting and pouting, picking up his mobile phone and shouting in his uncles’ group chat, “Big dad and daddy have abandoned baby to play on their own again.”

His voice was so milky with aggression that the uncles were immediately distressed and came out to coax the little baby.

Two dollars4: 2nd uncle will come and pick up baby later and take baby to eat fried chicken, as much as baby wants.

Three dollars: Does the baby want to go with 3rd uncle to join ‘Where do uncles go’5?

Four dollars: 4th uncle will buy a new toy for baby.

Five dollars: 5th uncle will buy new clothes for baby.

Six dollars: 6th uncle will accompany baby to play with water guns, boys should play with guns.

Seven dollars: Little uncle can go and guide baby in learning.

Lu Tang Tang automatically ignored Little uncle’s reply and wiggled his legs happily, it was still a wonderful life when big dad and daddy were not at home.

A child who has an uncle to pamper him is like a treasure~ Lu Tang Tang sipped on Shuang Wai Wai6 and felt that life was really cool7.

T/n: I’m getting a bit busier with work but I’ll still keep to posting daily, it’s just that I don’t really have time to proofread and only skim through the chapters so if y’all notice any mistakes/typos or something that can be improved, please do let me either in the comments or on discord! 

奶凶 (nǎi xiōng): an internet buzzword, describes the look of a soft puppy getting angry and usually used to describe the look of some childish-looking, soft and milky people who get angry, usually such an angry look is not intimidating, but will make people feel very cute and adorable.

滚 (gǔn): roll but also translates to scram/get lost

The raws actually said daughter-in-law but I felt it wasn’t appropriate so I changed it to son-in-law

二元钱 (èr yuán qián): This is his handle in the chat, it is homonymous with his name and same goes for the other brother’s handles

Probably the name of a TV variety show

爽歪歪 (shuǎng wāi wāi): A children’s probiotic fermented yoghurt drink, the name is also a slang that means that you are in a good mood and feel good.

Here he says 爽歪歪 which is the name of the drink, 爽 translates to cool.

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