The Tang Family's Seven Os

Chapter 39: CH 39

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After hanging up the phone, Tang Er Yuan thought about it and called Tang San Yuan.

“Hello, Yuan Yuan.” Tang San Yuan’s voice sounded very pleasant.

“Don’t call me Yuan Yuan!”

Tang San Yuan said slowly, “Oh……only Li Can can call.”

Tang Er Yuan got even more angry, “He can’t either!”

Tang San Yuan couldn’t hold back and laughed twice while hugging his phone.

Tang Er Yuan’s cheeks flushed red from his brother’s laughter and he wrinkled his brow dejectedly, “I’m calling because there’s something I want to talk to you about.”

“What is it?” Tang San Yuan’s voice still had a smile in it, and he asked the question carelessly.

Tang Er Yuan pursed his lips, “Do you have an opening in your schedule lately?”

“Yes, I haven’t picked a suitable script lately, if there’s no good script, I can take a break, or go to a few variety shows for fun.”

He’s a singer by trade and has acted in TV dramas, so his fan base is huge and he doesn’t need to keep appearing on TV to consolidate his popularity. Therefore, he now chooses scripts, and only chooses some challenging or meaningful good ones to appear in.

Tang Er Yuan gave a soft en and then said with a straight face, “Li Can has a friend called Li Xin Ran, he wants to make a movie and wants to cast you in the lead role, when the time comes……”

When Tang San Yuan heard Li Xin Ran’s name, he immediately interrupted him and asked, “Li Xin Ran? The one that Li Can used to chase? He’s back in China?”

“En.” Tang Er Yuan hesitated for a moment, his fingers unconsciously wrapped around the pendant on his mobile phone, softly speaking good words for Li Can, “When Li Can brings you the script, take a look at the script, if it’s well written, you should agree to it. Li Xin Ran has studied directing for many years and the work he produces should be quite good.”

Tang Er Yuan felt that Li Can had been chasing Li Xin Ran for so long. Thinking about it, it was not easy. Now that the opportunity was right in front of him, Tang Er Yuan wanted to help Li Can. After all, he had already reached the stage of marriage with Zhou Ze so soon, while Li Can was still standing still, it was really pitiful.

After so many years of being gun buddies, although no feelings have arisen, it is still possible to help out.

Tang San Yuan froze, simply finding it unbelievable, “No way? Are you so great, Tang Er Yuan? Aren’t you afraid that Li Can will fall in love with Li Xin Ran again?”

Tang Er Yuan’s voice was a bit muffled, “Li Can has always liked Li Xin Ran, I don’t like him, he can like whoever he likes.”

“You don’t care?”

“What is there for me to care about……” Tang Er Yuan tried to make his voice sound pleasant for a few moments, reaching the level of pleasure that should be expected when a wish comes true, and then said excitedly, “Today Zhou Ze proposed to me, maybe I’m going to get married to him.”

Tang San Yuan was shocked and almost speechless, “Who are you talking about? The Zhou Ze that you liked three years ago? He’s back too?”

Tang Er Yuan nodded, “Well, he came back with Li Xin Ran.”

“They broke up?” Tang San Yuan was still in shock, if he remembered correctly, Zhou Ze was dating Li Xin Ran when he left.



“I don’t know, I didn’t ask.”

Tang Er Yuan remembered the way he bumped into Zhou Ze and Li Xin Ran arguing earlier and silently thought to himself, maybe it was because of the money.

“Oh……” Tang San Yuan said bluntly, “So you and Li Can see a seam and insert a needle1见缝插针 (jiàn fèng chā zhēn): A metaphor for making the best use of all available space, time or opportunity. to each hold a beauty back2抱得美人归 (Bào dé měirén guī): lit. hold a beauty back, A metaphor for having a lot of luck and finally gaining the favour of a beautiful woman and living on with her.?”

Although what Tang San Yuan said was true, what Tang San Yuan said was so hard to hear that Tang Er Yuan decided to correct it, “We were pursuing them after they broke up, openly and honestly.”

Tang San Yuan was amused by him for a while and managed to stop laughing before he finally got serious and asked, “So you and Li Can, are really just gun buddies?”

“Of course.” Tang Er Yuan said very matter-of-factly.

What was there to doubt about that? This was how he had always introduced Li Can to his brothers over the years, they were proper gun buddies, nothing else.

“Oh……” Tang San Yuan stretched his tone meaningfully, “I got it, if the script is good enough, I will star in it.”

After hanging up the phone, Tang Er Yuan poked Li Can’s name on his phone and muttered to himself, “I’m really a great intergalactic gun buddy, you should thank me if you can get married to Li Xin Ran in the future.”

He put the phone down, stretched his arms and lay back on the bed, suddenly a little empty. If it was before, he would have made a phone call and asked Li Can out, but now……forget it, it’s time to change this habit.

The next morning, Yuan Qiu came knocking on Tang Er Yuan’s door, “Er Yuan, wake up.”

Tang Er Yuan rubbed his eyes and barely got up to open the door for Yuan Qiu, with the characteristic morning hoarseness in his voice, “Daddy, what’s up?”

Yuan Qiu helped him tidy up his messy hair and smiled gently, “Someone has come to deliver something to you, quickly clean up and go downstairs to greet them.”

Tang Er Yuan rubbed against Yuan Qiu’s hand petulantly, then blinked in confusion, who would come to deliver something to him?

He washed up briefly and went downstairs in his home clothes.

When he walked to the last step, Tang Er Yuan saw Li Can’s secretary sitting on the sofa drinking tea.

The secretary stood up when he saw Tang Er Yuan, he first smiled and then handed something in his hand to Tang Er Yuan, “Young Master Tang, this is something that President Li asked me to bring you.”

Tang Er Yuan greeted him, then took the things and opened them suspiciously and looked at them. There were a lot of things in the bag, they were the new watch from Brand A, this year’s main cufflinks from Brand B, and the rich fragrant chocolate from Planet C……Of the things he mentioned yesterday, all of them were here except the cherry blossom ice cream.

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Tang Er Yuan’s eyes widened slightly in surprise: “……Did you give them to the wrong person?”

Weren’t these the things he asked Li Can to give to Li Xin Ran?

“No, President Li personally instructed me to send them over.” The secretary finished, not forgetting to put in a good word for his own president, “These were all bought by President Li himself, it’s just that he had an important meeting to attend today, so he couldn’t come over in person, that’s why he asked me to send them over. President Li also said that now that the weather is hot, the cherry blossom ice cream will melt when it’s delivered, so he will personally pick up Young Master Tang to eat it another day.”

Tang Er Yuan nodded as he listened and thanked him softly, “I’ve troubled you to make this trip.”

The secretary quickly waved his hand, “It’s no trouble, then I’ll leave first.”

Tang Er Yuan personally sent him out, then took out his phone and sent a message to Li Can, “These things, I asked you to buy them for Li Xin Ran, not for me.”

Li Can’s message came back quickly, “Aren’t these the things you wanted recently?”

Fine, gun buddy knew him really damn well and all those things he mentioned yesterday were indeed what he wanted.

“……Thanks.” Tang Er Yuan returned and took the things without much pretence.

“So boring, in a meeting.”

“Bear with it.”

Without the slightest sympathy, Tang Er Yuan put away his phone and opened the chocolate and ate it.

Wu……As expected of Planet C’s fragrant chocolate, it is really delicious.

In the evening, Tang Er Yuan received a call from Tang San Yuan.

Tang San Yuan seemed to be eating fruit, from time to time there was the crisp sound of biting fruit coming from him, him voice was slurred, “Li Can had someone give me the script today, I’ve read through the script in general, it’s very good, the plot is very appealing, it just so happens that I haven’t acted in this genre, so I’ve decided to star in it.”

“En.” Tang Er Yuan wasn’t too surprised, as long as the script was good enough, Tang San Yuan wouldn’t miss it.

Tang San Yuan took a sip of water, his voice finally clearing up a bit and asked playfully: “When I go to the set, do you need me to keep an eye on Li Can for you?”

“Of course not!” Tang Er Yuan expressed his contempt for Tang San Yuan for always thinking that he and Li Can had some kind of feelings on top of being gun buddies.

“Fine, then come visit the set for me sometime.” Tang San Yuan’s voice carried a bit of pleasure and he very much looked forward to Tang Er Yuan’s visit.

“I would go if I had the time, but I’m very busy these days, so I might not have the time.”

Tang San Yuan’s voice was a little teasing, “Maybe you’ll have time in a few days.”

Tang Er Yuan didn’t say anything and after hanging up the phone, he changed into comfortable and loose clothes and went to bed in peace.

For the next week, Tang Er Yuan didn’t even see Li Can, only occasionally exchanging a few words with each other on the phone.

After all, they were both very busy, busy pursuing the people they liked.

Tang Er Yuan and Zhou Ze had several dates but he just never gave Zhou Ze an answer. He wanted to say yes to Zhou Ze’s proposal, but for some reason, every time they met, he couldn’t say anything. Luckily Zhou Ze was very sweet and didn’t ask anything, he just became more and more considerate and gentle to him, he could simply be called the perfect lover, but Tang Er Yuan just felt that something was missing.

Li Xin Ran’s film has already started shooting, he has been preparing for this script for a long time, so other work has been in place for a long time, just waiting for Tang San Yuan to agree. After Tang San Yuan agreed, taking opportunity of the opening in his schedule recently, he immediately started shooting. Fortunately it is a modern drama and does not need much rigorous set up.

It was the weekend and Tang Er Yuan had nothing to do so he slept until nine o’clock. He opened his eyes in a daze and was still a bit lazy, lying in bed and not wanting to get up.

He was bored and casually picked up his mobile phone next to his bed and refreshed it, and Tang San Yuan had sent a photo to him at some point.

Tang Er Yuan clicked on it and saw that it was Li Xin Ran and Li Can sitting together eating. Looking at their movements and demeanour, they were quite intimate and their relationship should have improved.

Tang Er Yuan stared at the picture for a while and indifferently brushed off the picture and closed it.

Tang San Yuan also sent a message.

”If you don’t come, Li Can will be abducted.”

Tang Er Yuan snorted and put down his phone with full concern, he didn’t care.

After a while, Tang Er Yuan came downstairs dressed up glamorously.

Outside the house, the sun was shining and the sun shone into the house. Yuan Qiu was arranging flowers, and Tang Bo Te was helping beside him, being reprimanded by Yuan Qiu from time to time for being disruptive.

Tang Er Yuan walked over and gave them each a loud kiss on the cheek, “Good morning, both dads!”

Yuan Qiu looked at his second son’s spirited little face and couldn’t help but smile dotingly, “Breakfast is on the table, come and eat it.”

“I’m not eating, I have to go out for something.” Tang Er Yuan shook his head and kept walking without stopping.

Tang Bo Te hurriedly asked, “Where are you going?”

Without looking back, Tang Er Yuan replied, “To visit San Yuan’s set.”

Yuan Qiu hurriedly shouted, “Just nice, help me bring a pot of soup for San Yuan……”

Unfortunately, Tang Er Yuan walked too fast and was long gone and did not hear.

Tang Bo Te looked at his hurriedly departing back and shook his head helplessly, “Just going to visit a set, why the rush……”

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