The Tang Family's Seven Os

Chapter 70: CH 70

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At night, everyone finally dispersed and went back upstairs to rest. After breakfast tomorrow, the recording of this episode of the variety show will be over, the next recording will be in half a month.

Before going to bed, Gu An played a new song for Tang San Yuan, the song was still very good, his slightly magnetic voice sounded like he was born to sing, the horrible images that remained in Tang San Yuan’s mind seemed to dissipate with his song. Tang San Yuan thought he would lose sleep tonight but to his surprise, listening to Gu An’s guitar, his head just touched the pillow and he felt sleepy.

But he was still trying hard to not fall asleep. When Gu An laid down, he waited for a while to make sure that Gu An’s position had not moved for a long time and that he was really asleep, then Tang San Yuan slowly sat up and slowly reached out and pulled the little bunny on the head of the bed into the blanket nest.

He paused for a while and seeing that Gu An did not respond and was really asleep, he became bolder and reached out again, pulling the second, third and fourth bunny under the covers and cuddling them.

With the bunnies in his arms, he smiled contentedly.

In the silence, Gu An’s voice suddenly came with a smile, “I also want to sleep with a rabbit in my arms.”

Tang San Yuan’s movements froze for a moment as he cowered under the covers, he has been discovered……

He couldn’t help but feel a little chagrined, and after a moment he gave up struggling and said tentatively, “Then I’ll share one of the rabbits with you?”

Gu An’s voice seemed a little crisp in the night, “No need, I want a big rabbit, these are too small.”

“But the rabbits are all small ah.” Tang San Yuan blinked in the darkness and retorted.

Gu An did not reply again, he just gave a low laugh, then said in a gentle voice, “Go to sleep, good night……”

Tang San Yuan lay under the covers with a slight nod, reacting to the fact that Gu An could not see, and softly answered again, “Good night.”

His voice carried a hint of sleepy softness, Gu An couldn’t help but smile and close his eyes.

After a night without dreams, when Gu An opened his eyes again, it was already early morning. He rubbed his messy hair and sat up, raising his head to see Tang San Yuan in his rabbit pyjamas, lying in the middle of a group of rabbits, his fair cheeks looking a little childish in the morning light.

Gu An looked at him steadily for a moment, a gentle smile on his lips and a gleam in his eyes.

The sun shone on Tang San Yuan’s face and he frowned slightly and rolled over to avoid it, his white legs stretched out from the blanket, exposing them to Gu An’s sight. The movement of turning over exposed his neckline, revealing a delicate collarbone, but Tang San Yuan rubbed the pillow under his face unconsciously.

The smile at the corner of Gu An’s mouth gradually turned into a bitter smile as he let out a helpless sigh and got up to rush to the bathroom. Looks like today is also a day of taking a cold shower.

After Gu An finished his shower, he waited until his body heat had dispersed the coolness so that Tang San Yuan would not find out that he had taken another cold shower before he went over to wake Tang San Yuan up.

When the two of them went downstairs, the programme team had already prepared breakfast, and the other two groups had not yet come down.

They walked to the table and sat down, saying hello to the fans who had been waiting on air early in the morning.

The fans were happy to see them appearing together in front of the screen and went on a happy pop-up craze.

The Ji sisters came down from upstairs, the two of them, one sexy and one sweet, seeing them first thing in the morning puts people in a happy mood.

Tang San Yuan couldn’t help but smile at them, “Good morning……”

“Good morning.” Ji Li returned a sweet smile.

Ji Mei ruffled the curls around her ears and threw a wink at Tang San Yuan.

Tang San Yuan laughed a little, Gu An looked dark and raised his head to give Ji Mei an imperceptible glare.

Ji Mei didn’t hesitate to glare back, and their eyes ignited the air for a moment. At this time, Yue Le Feng and Cai Ke Ke also walked down, and the two of them faintly withdrew their gaze.

Yue Le Feng’s hand was holding both his and Cai Ke Ke’s suitcases as he stumbled down the stairs.

Cai Ke Ke said softly behind him, “Le Le, it’s really hard for you, thank you, it’s all my fault that I’m weak and can’t carry it, fortunately you are here……”

Yue Le Feng could not stand his whining anymore, so he tried to speed up his steps and carried the suitcase down with a lot of gusto. Cai Ke Ke’s suitcase had a lot of cosmetics and various bottles and jars in it, so even he found it a little heavy to carry, and when he finally got the suitcase to the ground floor, he couldn’t help but stop and wipe the sweat off his forehead.

Tang San Yuan silently handed Yue Le Feng a sympathetic look.

Yue Le Feng: “……” Why did he see a feeling of pity for the same fate in San Yuan Ge’s eyes.

The group ate breakfast, added each other as friends, said goodbye and then dispersed.

When Gu An and San Yuan walked out, Lin Da Tian and Tian Da Di were already standing at the door waiting for them.

When Lin Da Tian saw Tang San Yuan, he immediately rushed over, looked at him up and down, and then thanked Gu An from the bottom of his heart: “Mr. Gu, thanks to you, the two of you are gaining more and more CP fans every day, going on like this and you won’t be far from the strongest CP, it’s no problem to suppress the ‘Ke Yuan’ CP. I really thank you.”

Gu An said softly, “You’re welcome, this is what I should do.”

Tian Da Di took a look at Lin Da Tian and Tang San Yuan with a complicated1一言难尽 (yī yán nán jìn): an idiom, means complicated and cannot be explained clearly in one sentence. look. Finally, he took Gu An and Tang San Yuan’s suitcases in his hands and put them in their respective cars.

Lin Da Tian was moved and patted his shoulder, “Da Di, thank you too!”

Tian Da Di: “……” I’m ashamed to accept it.

When Tang San Yuan waved goodbye to Gu An, Gu An suddenly asked, “Do you have time recently?”

Tang San Yuan himself did not know his next schedule, so he turned his head to look at Lin Da Tian.

Lin Da Tian flipped through his schedule and said, “San Yuan doesn’t have anything on the day three days from now, his schedule is empty.”

Gu An nodded and said to Tang San Yuan, “Can you come with me to visit grandpa in three days time?”

This was something that had been agreed upon a long time ago and Tang San Yuan had been prepared for it, so he nodded and agreed without much hesitation, “Okay, see you then.”

Gu An stroked his hair with a smile and personally opened the door for him to get into the car before getting into his own car.

Tian Da Di sat in the driver’s seat and did not rush to start the car, but gave way to Tang San Yuan and Lin Da Tian’s car, letting them go first.

While driving, Lin Da Tian glanced at their car in the rear-view mirror and could not help but be moved, “Tian Da Di is really a good man.”

Tang San Yuan nodded, quite agreeing, “Gu An is also a good man.”


Tang San Yuan asked Lin Da Di to send him straight back to the Tang family’s home, where Tang Bo Te had gone out on business and was not at home, only Yuan Qiu was at home.

When Tang San Yuan returned to his room he found that there were many more books on the table, he took them out and looked at them, they were: “A Guide to Adolescent Love”, “Emotional Intelligence in Love: Preventing Being Cheated”, “On Intelligence in Love”, “The Answer to All Love Questions” ……and so on.

Tang San Yuan suspected that his brothers had misplaced the books in the wrong room, so he hurriedly went to Yuan Qiu and asked, “Daddy, the books on my desk, are they misplaced?”

“……” Yuan Qiu gave him a complicated look, “Those are the books I bought for you to read.”

Tang San Yuan was stunned, “En? Why do you buy me books all of a sudden?”

With a look of desire to say something, Yuan Qiu said to him with a loving gaze: “You should read them when you have time and study them properly.”

Study what?

Before Tang San Yuan could ask, Tang Bo Te walked in through the door, followed by Tang Er Yuan and Tang Si Yuan.

Seeing Tang San Yuan standing in the room, Tang Bo Te immediately ran over and took hold of Tang San Yuan’s shoulders, looked at him carefully and then asked, “San Yuan, is there anyone bullying you? If there is, you can tell father, father will help you find him to settle the score!”

“No ah…….” Tang San Yuan looked at his father in surprise, and then looked at Tang Er Yuan and Tang Si Yuan behind his father, with a face full of questions.

Tang Si Yuan shook his head and sighed, and Tang Er Yuan handed him a sympathetic look.

“……” Tang San Yuan felt that they looked very similar to the way he looked at Yue Le Feng today.

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When Tang Bo Te heard his words, he finally felt a little more at ease and did not forget to admonish, “Those books your daddy bought for you, you must take a good look at them and study them carefully, do you understand?”

Tang San Yuan nodded in a dazed manner.

Tang Bo Te looked at his own silly cabbage, his heart ached, so he had to go and make tea, only a few more cups of tea could calm the indignation in his heart.

Tang Bo Te went to make tea, Yuan Qiu went to keep an eye on him to keep him from getting the table dirty, the remaining three sat down on the sofa. Tang Er Yuan and Tang Si Yuan bumped Tang San Yuan’s shoulder left and right, “Tell me, what’s going on with you and that Gu An? After Big Dad watched the live broadcast, he was so worried that he didn’t sleep all night.”

Tang San Yuan finally understood that they had misunderstood something and hurriedly explained, “Gu An and I are just frying CP, it’s not real, you guys don’t misunderstand.”


“We don’t believe it.”

Tang San Yuan was helpless, “He and I just met on the show, it’s just that I decided to fry CP with him on the show before because of the scandalous rumours with Cai Ke Ke, that’s why we deliberately acted close.”

He couldn’t help but feel a little guilty as he said that, in fact, by the end of the broadcast, he had already forgotten about frying CP and was really getting close to Gu An.

Tang Er Yuan and Tang Si Yuan obviously still didn’t believe it, Tang Er Yuan said, “But from the live broadcast, you guys are very close, it doesn’t seem like you just met.”

Tang Si Yuan nodded, “You look like a real couple.”

Tang San Yuan looked at them and raised an eyebrow, and said to Tang Er Yuan, “You, you and Li Can are also very close, are you a couple?”

Tang Er Yuan snorted, “Of course not, we’re gun buddies.”

Tang San Yuan raised his eyebrows at Tang Si Yuan again and asked: “You, it was Yan Qin Ye who sent you over just now, right? Are you two a couple?”

Tang Si Yuan grunted, “It’s not like you don’t know, we’re in a nurturing relationship, he’s just an Alpha I’m nurturing.”

Tang San Yuan spread his hands and shrugged, “So just because you look like a couple, does not necessarily mean you’re couple.”

Tang Er Yuan: “……”

Tang Si Yuan: “……”

Alright, they had nothing to say.

After dinner, Tang Er Yuan was picked up by Li Can and went off on a date somewhere. Tang San Yuan and Tang Si Yuan stayed at home, they both had their own places to stay when they were busy now, but when they were not busy they would often come home to stay and spend more time with Tang Bo Te and Yuan Qiu, their respective rooms were well kept.

At night, Tang San Yuan and Tang Si Yuan hid under the covers together watching horror movies. Both of them were timid, but since young, they had enjoyed watching horror movies.

The two watched the horrific images on the television, screaming in terror and hugging each other for warmth, obviously too scared to watch any more, but still shivering and staring at the screen.

There was a sudden knock at the door, ringing out with a ‘dong dong’, and the two clung to each other at once, letting out a scream.

Standing helplessly at the door, Tang Bo Te knocked again, “It’s me, go to bed early!”

Hearing Tang Bo Te’s voice, the two were simultaneously relieved and hurriedly answered, turning off the lights and pretending to go to sleep, waiting for Tang Bo Te to leave and then huddling under the covers to continue watching.

When it was time to go to bed, the two were too frightened and neither of them dared to go to their rooms alone, let alone sleep alone, so they could only sleep together.

After lying down with the lights off for a while, Tang San Yuan tossed and turned but he couldn’t sleep, not because of the horror movie he had just watched, but because without Gu An’s singing voice, he kept feeling like something was missing, and he himself found it a little hard to believe that in just a short period of less than three days, he had already gotten used to everything Gu An had brought him.

“Can’t sleep?” Tang Si Yuan heard him tossing and turning and moving around, and couldn’t help but ask.

Tang San Yuan hesitated for a moment and asked, “Can you sing me a song?”

Tang Si Yuan couldn’t help but smile, sitting up and pinching Tang San Yuan’s white and tender face, “Ai ya, our baby San Yuan wants to listen to a lullaby.”

Tang San Yuan pushed his hand away and grunted, “I’m your Ge.”

“Yes, the Ge who was born only less than a minute before me, I’ll sing it to you.” Tang Si Yuan said as he lay back and sang softly.

The song he sang was a lullaby, but to Tang San Yuan’s ears, he was not sleepy at all, his voice was clear and bright, obviously very nice, but the more Tang San Yuan listened, the more his eyebrows furrowed, and finally he could not help but say, “That’s enough, no need to sing anymore.”

He rubbed his ears in depression, feeling that his ears had been spoilt2养叼 (yǎng diāo): This is usually used with the mouth, spoiling the mouth until the person becomes a picky eater. by Gu An.

Tang Si Yuan didn’t sing Tang San Yuan to sleep, but made himself sleepy, and immediately closed his mouth when he heard Tang San Yuan’s words, falling asleep after a short while on the pillow.

Tang San Yuan couldn’t sleep, so he hid to the side and played with his mobile phone. He opened the chat interface with Gu An, which was empty because he had only just added him as friends.Tang San Yuan wants to chat with him for a while, but does not know how to open his mouth, hesitating for half a day and not typing out a word.

The phone suddenly rang, and Gu An sent a message as if he was telepathically connected to him, “Are you asleep?”

Tang San Yuan was delighted and replied, “Not yet.”

Gu An: “Why are you still up so late?”

Tang San Yuan:”Can’t sleep……what are you doing?”

Gu An: “Just writing a song, just finished writing it and was about to rest.”

Tang San Yuan’s reply slowed down, “Then you sleep ba, good night.” He couldn’t sleep himself, but Gu An was so busy, he couldn’t delay Gu An’s rest.

When Gu An didn’t reply again, Tang San Yuan thought he had gone to sleep and put the phone down.

After a while his phone rang, it was a video chat from Gu An. Tang San Yuan hurriedly pressed mute and turned his head to make sure Tang Si Yuan was still sound asleep before he fumbled to find his headphones and put them on.

The video was connected, and Gu An was wearing a loose bathrobe and sitting in front of the screen with a guitar in his hand, his hair was still dripping with water, he must have just finished taking a shower.

Tang San Yuan looked at his exposed chest, his ears were a little hot and he whispered: “Didn’t you already sleep?”

Behind Tang San Yuan, Tang Si Yuan seemed to have heard the sound and unconsciously babbled, moving under the blanket.

Gu An looked behind Tang San Yuan and his brows knitted as he asked in a low voice: “There’s someone next to you?”

Tang San Yuan nodded, “I’m sleeping with my Di Di today.”

Gu An’s eyebrows relaxed slightly and he didn’t ask any more questions, only answering Tang San Yuan’s earlier question, “I’ll sleep later, you sleep ba, I’ll sing you a song.”

Tang San Yuan did not want to refuse, nodded in surprise and obediently lay down into the nest, putting the phone opposite, revealing only a small head, his eyes staring at the screen without blinking.

Gu An smiled at him, his fingers twitched, and Gu An’s singing voice reached his ears through the headphones, singing to him just as it had done the two days before.

He couldn’t help but yawn and struggled to look at Gu An in the video for a few moments before gradually closing his eyes and falling asleep without realising it.

Gu An stopped moving as he listened to the sound of even breathing in the video, he looked at Tang San Yuan in the camera with a faint smile and said softly, “Good night……Xiao San Ge.”

The next morning, Tang San Yuan woke up and found that he had slept through last night, not even having the time to say goodbye to Gu An, he couldn’t help but pound his head in frustration.

However, he had slept well last night and was refreshed by the fact that Tang Si Yuan, who slept next to him, had long since woken up and gone off somewhere.

Tang San Yuan stepped on his slippers and got off the bed, walked to the window and pulled open the curtains. The sun was shining outside the window, it was another sunny day.

As soon as he looked down, he saw Yan Qin Ye’s car parked in front of the door. He looked downstairs and found Yan Qin Ye dressed in a suit and walking towards the house with his head down.

Tang San Yuan took a look at the low-key but luxurious car that Yan Qin Ye was driving, then at the expensive watch that Yan Qin Ye was wearing on his wrist, and then thought about the little amount of money that Tang Si Yuan was paying to nurture him every month, and couldn’t help but be sceptical about Tang Si Yuan’s statement.

Yan Qin Ye is now the number one lawyer in the capital and many celebrities and aristocrats are clamouring for his help in lawsuits, so he really doesn’t think Yan Qin Ye needs to be taken care of by Tang Si Yuan.

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