The Tang Family's Seven Os

Chapter 75: CH 75

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Time flew by and soon, it was time to record the variety show again and Lin Da Tian personally drove him to the recording site.

Tang San Yuan was sitting in the nanny car leaning against the window, staring out at the scenery, with a white rabbit milk candy in his mouth, gently biting into it.

Lin Da Tian smiled while driving: “The news of you appearing in Gu An’s latest MV was released yesterday and immediately caused a big stir in the fan circle, everyone was surprised, after all, your two fan circles used to be rivals. Some people thought you two were acting out your relationship on purpose in the variety show, not willing to admit that your relationship was really good, but this time they had to admit it. If the fans knew that you kissed in the music video, they would probably be even more shocked.”

When Tang San Yuan remembered the kiss he and Gu An had during the shooting that day, he couldn’t help his heart speeding up, and his face couldn’t help but blush at the thought of seeing Gu An again.

If their first kiss was for the MV, but in that place where no one could see, the gentle kiss Gu An planted on the top of his head carried an answer that about to come out.

Lin Da Tian took a look at his red cheeks and strangely reached out to adjust the air conditioning in the car, saying with some surprise, “Is it hot in the car?” He thought it was quite cool, was it because he is cold?

Tang San Yuan lowered his head and replied vaguely, “It’s fine……”

Lin Da Tian did not think much about it and continued to say with a smile, “You and Gu An should work harder to get your CP heat up completely during this recording, preferably to directly overpower your CP heat with Cai Ke Ke, so that we can also count this big problem completely solved.”

Tang San Yuan responded haphazardly, still panicking in his mind about meeting Gu An later.

Lin Da Tian added, “You don’t have to have any concerns when you fry CP. When the CP demolished in future, Tian Da Di and I will figure it out, you don’t have to worry.”

Demolish CP……

Tang San Yuan heard what he said, there was a small sting in his heart, his mood instantly fell, and whispered in a voice that only he could hear: “Must we demolish the CP……”

“Hmm? Did you just speak?” Lin Da Tian didn’t hear him clearly and turned his head to look at him.

Tang San Yuan shook his head and said with some loss, “It’s nothing……”


Gu An is also sitting in the nanny car, Tian Da Di is driving in front, and his assistant is reporting on the work next to him.

“……Once the promotional teaser for this MV came out, the response was great, everyone was curious about the content of what you and Tang San Yuan were shooting, but the reaction from fans was also intense, some felt anticipation and some were scolding Tang San Yuan, but the anticipation for your new song was all good, it shouldn’t have any effect on the release of the new song, instead it can increase the heat of the topic……”

Gu An frowned slightly and interrupted him to ask: “What did they scold Xiao San Ge?”

The assistant was stunned for a moment, looked down and flipped through the comments: “Some scolded Tang San Yuan for making things upside down1倒贴 (dào tiē): Those who should have received money and things but end up giving. to others instead., some scolded him for frying for heat, and some scolded him for his acting skills not being worthy of your song, saying he was not worthy of starring in your MV……”

Gu An’s face sank and his voice was like it contained ice, “You immediately find a water army and tell them to suppress these comments.”

The assistant’s voice paused, and after a moment of silence, he asked incredulously,:”You mean, you’re asking me to buy water army for the opposing family and suppress the comments?”

He simply doubted that his ears had heard wrong, Gu An had always ignored his bad reviews and had never bought water army to control the reviews, yet he had just said that he wanted to buy water army for the opposing family?

“En……” Gu An breezily responded.

The assistant glanced at Tian Da Di who remained calm in front of him and couldn’t help but say: “These water armies is aiming for Tang San Yuan, and will not affect you, nor will it affect the release and results of the new song.”

Gu An nodded indifferently, “I know, you do as I say.”

“……Why are you still protecting Tang San Yuan?” The assistant had been working with him for a long time, so he couldn’t help but ask straightforwardly.

Gu An said as a matter of course: “My CP, of course I have to protect.”

The assistant was silent for a moment and reminded, “That CP of yours is fried.”

Gu An: “Heh heh2呵呵 (hē hē): this laugh actually appeared before but this time I can’t resist and need to say it’s not like the hee hee laugh but think of her without the r. It has a connotation of being perfunctory, indifferent or even not wanting to continue a conversation. I couldn’t find a video example so you can put try putting it into google translate and make it read it out ……”

Tian Da Di who was driving in front: “……” Assistant, you are still too young.

Assistant: “???” He just missed a variety show shoot, how come he seems to have missed the whole world?


When Tang San Yuan arrived at the programme crew, the live broadcast had already started, Yue Le Feng and Cai Ke Ke had arrived long ago. Tang San Yuan heard from the show’s assistant director that Cai Ke Ke had been scolded somewhat by fans because he had arrived the latest last time, this time he had enquired in advance about the time the show starts and was the earliest to arrive.

Cai Ke Ke was holding a bamboo basket and wanted to go to the nearby field to pick grapes for everyone in order to perform well.

When Yue Le Feng saw Tang San Yuan walk in, he rushed even faster than Cai Ke Ke, at one point making Cai Ke Ke suspect that someone was trying to steal the CP from him again.

Yue Le Feng’s eyes glowed as he looked at Tang San Yuan and asked, “San Yuan Ge, is the news true? You really shot a MV for An Ge’s new song? How’s the new song? Is it really good? But thinking about it, with An Ge’s standard, there’s no song he makes that doesn’t sound good.”

Cai Ke Ke: “……” It seems that Yue Le Feng can’t stop for a while, so he’d better go pick grapes first.

Tang San Yuan waited for Yue Le Feng to finish his string of words before nodding and answering him, “It’s true, I acted in Gu An’s MV, his new song is very good, you must listen to it when it’s officially released .”

Yue Le Feng’s eyes brightened even more and he ingratiatingly took Tang San Yuan’s luggage and said with a smile: “San Yuan Ge, let me help you take your luggage upstairs.”

Tang San Yuan raised his eyebrows, “Why are you suddenly so nice to me?”

Yue Le Feng scratched his head while carrying the luggage, “You could be my idol’s future partner, of course I have to be nice to you, maybe this way my idol will give me fan benefits in the future.”

When Tang San Yuan heard his words, his cheeks flushed and he was just about to retort when he heard Gu An’s voice come through.

“Performing pretty well.” Gu An walked in with his long legs, took off his sunglasses and hooked his lips into a smile.

Yue Le Feng rushed over in excitement at the sight of him and kept wailing, “Idol! Let me listen to your new song, okay? I’ll definitely buy a hundred copies of the new album for your sales volume, you sign a TO3TO as in To (name) for me ba, my outstanding and handsome An Ge, you must not be able to refuse your lovely fans, right?”

“That depends on your performance.” Gu Anchor smiled a little and looked towards Tang San Yuan, gently lifting his chin, “Send your San Yuan Ge’s luggage up first.”

“Ok lei!” Yue Le Feng carried Tang San Yuan’s stairs up the stairs with ease.

When the fans saw that only Tang San Yuan and Gu An were left in the house, they all excitedly and furiously brushed the pop-ups:

[Is it time for sugar? Let the sugar come a bit fiercer ba!]

[Wu wu wu…when these two interact alone, the air is ambiguous. I’m sour, I’m sour.]

[Is this a love show, can you pay attention to a single dog’s heart?]

[Our Ke Ke only went to pluck grapes, you guys don’t try to take advantage that he’s not around to do something, as long as the main palace4implying that Ke Ke is the empress is not dead, others can only be concubines, Ke Yuan is the main palace and true love]

[San Gu, San Gu! Invincible! Ke Yuan, Ke Yuan! The world’s cheapest!]


The pop-ups were tearing each other apart, but Tang San Yuan surprised everyone by throwing down the words “I’m going up to unpack” and fled without saying a word to Gu An.

Everyone could not help but be a little surprised, and all of Cai Ke Ke’s fans gloated:

[Hahahahaha what are you San Gu fans just being arrogant about, did you see how fast Tang San Yuan ran? This is naked disgust.]

[Shut up upstairs, didn’t you see that San Yuan’s face was red? Something must have happened that we don’t know.]

[Can upstairs stop quibbling and look at the lonely back of your idol being left behind, I feel sorry for him on your behalf.]

[Passerby weakly says a word, why do I feel that Gu An is not lonely at all, but rather smiling very happily, you look at the corners of his mouth.]

[Although I don’t want to say this as an An fan, but An An’s smile is really……spring breeze……]

[Always feeling like we’re missing something.]

The answer to everyone’s doubts soon came when Gu An’s studio coincidentally released a promotional photo for the MV, a photo of Gu An and Tang San Yuan kissing under the night scene of the sky filled with Kong Ming lanterns. Everyone was amazed, this promotional photo quickly topped the trending search list, followed by the word ‘boil’.

The fans in the pop-ups were once again buzzing with excitement.

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[So when they weren’t live broadcasting, they were secretly kissing! Oh my god! No wonder San Yuan is blushing, please release the music video, I can’t wait to see it.]

[This is the first on-screen kiss between Tang San Yuan and Gu An, what kind of sweet love is this, I thought Tang San Yuan would never do intimate scenes in his life.]

[Tang San Yuan is compromising for love, it must be for Gu An, the sacrifice is so big, An An, you must love him well ah.]

[Where is the Ke Yuan CP who just came out to pick on things? Before you blow your CP next time, please ask your soul three questions, have your idol and San Yuan held hands? Have they ever slept in the same room? Have they ever kissed? If not, please shut up!]

……Ke Yuan CP has nothing to say.

Only when all the guests of the show had arrived did Tang San Yuan dilly-dally down the stairs and greet everyone, not daring to look at Gu An’s face the whole time.

The Ji sisters were still beautiful and elegant, and after a few jokes during the greeting, the atmosphere immediately returned to the lively atmosphere of the last shooting.

Cai Ke Ke brought back the grapes he had picked and everyone was sitting around on the sofa eating them.

When Cai Ke Ke saw Tang San Yuan, he immediately stood up at the first opportunity, holding the grapes he had just picked and walked over to Tang San Yuan. After the last recording session, because he had his limelight stolen by Gu An, the status of ‘Ke Yuan’ CP was in danger and he was reprimanded by his manager without mercy, so this time he was determined that no matter what, he would defeat the ‘San Gu’ CP!

“San Yuan Ge, have some grapes, they’re all fresh, I went and picked them myself just now.”

Tang San Yuan looked at the grapes on the plate, they were all watery and delicious at first glance, he couldn’t help but swallow, but he naturally couldn’t eat what Cai Ke Ke brought to him, he could only refuse, “No thanks.”

Cai Ke Ke didn’t give up yet: “San Yuan Ge, try it, it’s delicious.”

Gu An smiled faintly and reached out to snatch the grapes from Cai Ke Ke’s hand, saying: “You want to give Xiao San Ge grapes to eat, but you don’t even know to peel the skin, you really aren’t careful at all. Come, Xiao San Ge, come sit here, I’ll personally peel it for you to eat.”

Cai Ke Ke was caught off guard by him snatching the grapes and was even reprimanded. He was so angry that he couldn’t attack, so he angrily went to the sofa next to him and sat down to play with his mobile phone. As a result, when he opened the hot search, he saw a photo of two people kissing.

……Frying what CP frying CP!

This pair of dog men already kissed, how can he still catch up with the CP heat! Does he have to forcefully kiss Tang San Yuan!

So angry ah!

The pop-ups were already amused to the point of laughing:

[Every time I watch Gu An deliberately aggravate Cai Ke Ke, it’s so funny! Look at Cai Ke Ke’s defeated expression.]

[How come I didn’t find that An An’s acting skills are so good before, it’s a pity not to act.]

[An An really pretends to be a white lotus for love, it’s really a big sacrifice. 】

[Your family’s fans are really as annoying your idols. Our Ke Ke and Tang San Yuan show off their affection, what has it got to do with Gu An, he has to press a foot every time, I don’t know what is in his mind.]

[Your family is the one who’s annoying, like a fly that you can’t get rid of, so hurry up and automatically stay away.]

[An An is going to feed Yuan Yuan to eat grapes, you should pay attention to it, you still have time for some pop-ups, don’t block me from watching the two of them show their affection. 】


Gu An took a grape and peeled it carefully, revealing the tender flesh inside, feeding it to Tang San Yuan’s mouth, “Xiao San Ge, how do you like the taste?”

Tang San Yuan didn’t dare to look up at him, opened his mouth with a red face and ate the grape, then without waiting for Gu An to reach out and feed the second to his mouth, he hurriedly stood up, “I’m going to the bathroom……”

Gu An watched him run away quickly, hooked his lips and smiled, ate the grapes in his hand, then wiped his hands and slowly stood up.

Tang San Yuan did not go to the bathroom, but hid on the balcony on the first floor, when he saw Gu An now, he would remember that day’s kiss, his heart was beating uncontrollably and he could only hide here so that his heartbeat could calm down a little and his mind could clear up a little.

He had only stayed for a while when he heard footsteps behind him and thought it was Cai Ke Ke following him, only to turn around and see Gu An walking towards him, he panicked for a moment and hurriedly whispered, “I, I just forgot to go to the bathroom, I’ll go now……”

He said and tried to lift his feet to leave, but Gu An blocked his way, stepped closer, reached out and blocked him in the corner, then looked down at him.

The overly close distance allowed Tang San Yuan to smell the refreshing smell of Gu An’s body again, and the heartbeat that had just calmed down rang out violently again, he lowered his head unnaturally and asked in a small voice, “What are you doing?”

Gu An shore looked straight at him and his voice was a little low: “Xiao San Ge, are you hiding from me?”

“……No……” Tang San Yuan eyes looked around sheepishly, just not falling on Gu An’s face.

Gu An picked the corners of his lips and leaned over to whisper in his ear: “Then look up at me.”

Tang San Yuan hesitated for a moment and raised his head slightly, he first saw Gu An’s perfect jawline and then saw the lips he had kissed that day, his eyes paused slightly and moved up in a hurry to meet Gu An’s brilliant star-like eyes.

Gu An was looking at him intently, his black and white eyes held emotions he couldn’t see clearly, deep and bright, they attracted him like a magnetic field, his heart thumped again and he tried to withdraw his gaze after just one look.

“Why are you hiding from me?” Gu An reached out and lifted his chin, forcing him to look up at him, his fingers gently rubbing the soft skin on his chin, his body leaning closer and closer, the corners of his mouth lifting in a nice and dangerous curve.

“I……” Tang San Yuan still wanted to open his mouth to deny it, but looking into Gu An’s eyes like this, he couldn’t tell a lie, he clutched the corner of his coat, his palms slightly sweating, his eyes staring nervously at Gu An, his pupils twitching imperceptibly.

“……Is it because of this?” Gu An finished in a deep voice, lowered his head and blocked his lips, took his bright red lips into his mouth and kissed deeply.

Tang San Yuan was startled, his eyes widened for a moment, but the moist touch on his lips was too sweet, and before he could resist, he was kissed by Gu An to the point of losing his strength to resist.

Because this location was a balcony, the fans watching the live broadcast could only faintly see the two standing in the corner of the balcony. Although they didn’t know what they were doing and couldn’t hear what they were saying, the pop-ups couldn’t help but boil over:

[Ahhhhhhhh! What is Gu An doing blocking my baby in the corner?]

[Although I can’t see what they are doing, but it is somehow exciting! Am I thinking too much? What if I can’t help my imagination running wild!]

[What kind of immortal love is this? I want to have it too. It’s so exciting to be blocked in the corner by the person you like, can’t help imagining what they are doing.]

[Heh heh, our An An’s legs are really long and straight, I can’t see anything else.]

[Upstairs is poisonous, the relationship between the two is so good, do you have to stay here and ky5ky: internet slang, comes from the Japanese 空気が読めない (kuuki ga yomenai) which means unable to read the atmosphere/room?]

[There is a live broadcast here, what can they do, could be just looking at the scenery, CP fans don’t think too much.]


Gu An and Tang San Yuan didn’t know how long they kissed before their lips and tongues gradually separated. Tang San Yuan helplessly sprawled on Gu An’s shoulder, slowly calming his breathing, open mouth softly panting, mouth unconsciously whispered murmuring: “Too fast……”

Although Tang San Yuan did not say it clearly, Gu An understood what he meant by too fast, Gu An embraced him in his arms, raised his eyebrows and deliberately teased him, “You’re saying I’m fast6快 (kuài): can mean fast or soon?”

Tang San Yuan blushed and couldn’t help but give him a gentle whack on the back, retorting in a small voice, “You obviously know that’s not what I meant.”

Gu An laughed lightly and hugged him tighter, asking close to his ear, “What do you think I meant by that?”

Tang San Yuan’s face turned red at his teasing and he shrank into his arms without speaking.

Gu An reached out and stroked his hair, laughed lowly twice, and his voice finally got serious with a gentle kiss, “How long do you think is considered not too soon?”

“We’ve only known each other for less than a month……” Tang San Yuan whispered, he felt it had only been a short month, he and Gu An shouldn’t be developing so fast, but he couldn’t control his heart. Every time he saw Gu An, his heart beats violently, like Gu An secretly put a little bunny bouncing up and down in his heart.

He felt that he liked Gu An so much that his heart swelled to the brim, as sweet as a pile of honey.

Gu An lowered his head and kissed his cheek, saying softly, “Then wait until a month then we’ll get together, okay?”

Tang San Yuan’s cheeks grew redder and redder, and finally, unable to resist the temptation, he gave a soft, weak ‘en’.

The corners of Gu An’s mouth couldn’t help but curve up, his looked at him with burning eyes and asked in a low voice, “Then is it okay to kiss occasionally? Consider it as advance payment.”

Tang San Yuan was quiet for a moment, lifted his head and kissed Gu An on the lips quickly, then before his lips could leave, he was pressed on the back of his neck by Gu An, deepening the kiss, different from Gu An’s previous gentleness, this kiss was intense and fiery, like he had been waiting for a long time and wanted to press him into his body.

melon: Our rabbit has been caught

And omg I spent like 30 mins proofreading this chapter only to get an error when I saved it and all the changes was lost ‍️‍️‍️ Luckily I remembered most of what I changed just a small rant

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