The Tea Girl’s Gambit

Chapter 13: Chapter Thirteen

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Two weeks into the new term, the first blizzard hit. Huge, wet flakes of snow fell so thick they muted the light and made the whole world quiet. Mila and Roxa lit candles and dragged the couch to face the floor-to-ceiling windows and watched the swirling, silent depths, taking slow sips from steaming mugs of tea.

The blanket of silence was so profound that they both spoke softly.

“Your snows are like this, too?”

Roxa nodded, and blew on her tea to cool it. “The mountain we call the Lady makes her own weather, calling in the snows to mantle herself. The snows feed the glacier and the glacier feeds the waterfalls, even in summer.” She smiled wistfully. “In the winter, her slopes are covered in a misty, green snow forest. In summer, the creeks are still icy enough to take your breath away. There’s nothing better than swimming naked, then lying on a big, hot, smooth rock in the sun—unless it’s soaking in the secret hot spring pools under the stars.”

Mila sighed dreamily. “That sounds wonderful.” She looked slyly sideways at Roxa. “Almost as good as swimming with dolphins in Opali harbor.”

Roxa grinned and flicked her ear.

“Ah!” Mila scowled in mock disapproval and set down her mug. “That’s it. You too. Put it down.”

Roxa raised her eyebrows, smirking, and put down her own mug. Mila pounced on her. What followed was a very, very short tussle that ended with Mila squirming over Roxa’s lap, face-down, cheek pressed into the cushion, arms stretched out in front of her, wrists pinioned by Roxa’s strong hands. She tensed one more time then went limp, panting.

“Mm. Giving up, feisty girl?” Roxa was clearly enjoying herself.

A tinging wave of pleasure broke over Mila at these words, and she squirmed reflexively, then flushed scarlet. Roxa began combing her fingers through Mila’s hair close to the scalp—one of her favorite ways of being touched—and Mila’s eyes hooded at the delicious sensation. She murmured soft, pleased sounds. Roxa released her wrists, but Mila didn’t move her arms or make any move to get up.

“That’s a good girl.” There was a definite gleam in Roxa’s eye. “Sure you want to stay down there?” There was no reply. “Mila?”

Mila squirmed again and didn’t make any coherent reply. Roxa stopped her combing and withdrew her hand. At this, Mila’s cooing stopped and she made a displeased noise.

“I said, sure you don’t want to get up?”

Mila raised her head to look back and up at Roxa. She was blushing hard and breathing quick and shallow. Her eyes looked a little out of focus. Roxa noticed her thighs were squeezing together.

“Mila?” A smile curved Roxa’s voice.


“Is it possible,” mused Roxa playfully, “that you have an advanced case,” she paused, “of incredible horniness?”

Mila thought she would die from blushing. Her mouth opened but her mind had utterly blanked of any possible thing to say in response.

Roxa grinned like a fox in the henhouse. “Mila.”

“...Yes?” Her face was so hot.

“Do you want me to help you with that?” asked Roxa lightly.

Mila’s mouth opened and closed but no sound came out.

Roxa’s smile was full of teeth. “What’s that, horny girl?”

To hell with this, Mila thought.

“Please,” she muttered.

Roxa looked exceedingly smug. “What’s that? I can’t hear you.”

Mila moaned in utter humiliation and arousal. “Pleease, Roxa.”

“Do you like having your hair pulled?” Roxa asked throatily.

Mila nodded, panting.

Roxa ran her fingers into Mila’s hair again and suddenly made a tight fist, and yanked. Mila’s head jerked back and she trembled and moaned.

“Do you like that?”

“Oh, oh, yesss.”

“Young miss,” said Roxa thoughtfully, “I am starting to suspect that you like it rough.”

“Y-yes,” Mila choked, shuddering in anticipation.

Roxa let go of her hair and flipped her over so Mila was lying on her back, arched and trembling, over her friend’s lap.

Roxa grinned down at her. “Do you like being told what to do?”

“Y-yes,” gasped Mila, “But—

Roxa stopped. “Yes?”

“I just have to—I have to tell you something. I—I.”

Roxa waited.

“Oh gods, I’m sorry, I’m just—Okay. I’m a tea girl. Like, I’m kuffa.”

Roxa kissed her ferociously. “Who gives a fuck,” she whispered. “So then. Do you want me to tell you what to do?”

“Oh gods,” gasped Mila. “Yes, please.”

Roxa kissed her again, longer, then pulled her up to sitting. “Take off your top.”

Mila met Roxa’s hungry stare, unbuttoning her shirt with shaking fingers, and shrugged out of it, then shucked off her bra. Roxa drank in the swell of her small, pert breasts, each capped with a stiff, brown nipple.

“Arch your back for me. That’s a good girl.” Roxa grinned as Mila moaned at her words. Her moan was followed by a sharp inhale as Roxa seized both nipples and gently twisted. Lightning leapt from Mila’s nipples directly to her clit.

“Too much, or not enough?”

“N-not enou—ah!” Mila whimpered and writhed as Roxa twisted more.

“And now?”

“M-more, please.”

“You slut,” marveled Roxa, twisting so hard that Mila’s eyes rolled back and she shook like a leaf in a storm. Colored lights exploded in her vision. Her hips lifted and jerked, again and again.

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When Mila fuzzed back in, she was lying limp in Roxa’s lap as her roommate ran gentle fingertips up and down her bare skin, concern in her vivid green eyes.


“Hi,” mumbled Mila.

“Did you just, uh, come? From me...doing that?”

“Oh, umm...yes,” squeaked Mila, color rushing back into her cheeks. Her underwear was soaked through under her skirt. She’d never come that quickly. Or from just nipple play.

Roxa whistled low. “Well, young miss. I never. That was so incredibly hot.”

Mila blushed in pleasure at the praise. They were both quiet for a long moment.

“Um, Roxa?”


“I really liked it when you, um, called me a slut.” Mila’s cheeks reddened even more.

“Oho, so you could stand a little more of that, hm?”

“Yes,” whispered Mila.

“Right now?”

She nodded.

Roxa made a fist in her hair again and Mila gasped. “On your knees, slut.”

The tall redhead pushed Mila off her lap and she slid to the floor with a squeak. Obediently, she scrambled to her knees and Roxa took a moment to savor the sight. Her slender roommate, face flushed dark red, perky tits out, biting her lower lip, looking up at her with wide eyes.

“Now tell me this, horny girl—and I’ll need you to really convince me that you’re telling the truth. Would you like to eat?”

“Y-yes, please,” Mila choked, squeezing her thighs together.

“Mmmm, you’ll need to beg a lot harder than that, my squirmy little slut.”

Mila’s breath hitched. She couldn’t look away from Roxa’s hungry green gaze. She was intoxicated with this sensation of utter yielding. She felt exultant in the submissiveness of it. It was as if there were bottomless vaults of space inside her, and she was sinking further each time she gave way to Roxa, each layer containing such delicious freedom.

She swallowed and released herself deeper, her cheeks flaming. “Oh gods, Roxa, can I lick your pussy? Please?”

Roxa slid one hand inside her jodhpurs and groaned at how wet she was. She smiled, smug as the cat that had got the cream, as she took in the sight of her mostly naked, kneeling roommate. “Mm, I just can’t get enough of watching you grovel like this.”

“Roxaaa,” whined Mila, her face hotter than ever. “Please, oh gods, I-I want to—let me have a taste, please, I’m begging you.”

Roxa pulled two glistening fingers free but held them teasingly out of reach. “Now, now, Mila. I didn’t say you could stop.”

Mila’s eyes were fixed on those fingers as they got slowly closer and closer. “Roxa, pleeease. I-I’ve been wanting to taste you for so long, a-and I’ve been waiting and I’ve been so good—mmph!” Mila’s whole body shuddered with pleasure as Roxa slipped first one, then two fingers into her roommate’s hungry mouth.

“So the truth comes out,” gloated Roxa as she slowly finger-fucked Mila’s flushed, glazed face. “You’ve been wanting me to do this to you for a while now, hm?”

Mila moaned eagerly as her tongue lapped the fingers clean. Roxa’s juices tasted amazing—slightly musky, with a tantalizing, floral flavor she couldn’t quite place. She desperately wanted more.

Roxa withdrew her fingers and held her open hand just in front of Mila’s mouth. She watched as her best friend leaned forward and began lapping it submissively with the flat of her tongue. Roxa chuckled knowingly and Mila’s cheeks heated again, but she redoubled her efforts.

“She’s got something to prove,” smirked Roxa. “But just what is it, I wonder? Maybe,” she leaned forward and whispered hotly into Mila’s ear, “she’s trying to show how much she deserves to be used.”

Mila choked.

“That’s it,” Roxa growled, standing up and stripping off her jodhpurs. Mila drank in the sight of her delicate lower lips, gleaming with wetness. Little droplets clung to the fine red-gold hairs. “I’m going to ride your cute little face, Mila. Get on your back.”

Mila shivered. She loved the new way Roxa was saying her name, loved the emphasis she was putting into it, loved hearing her name embedded in this lewd talk. She leaned back, but not fast enough. Roxa stepped over her, grabbed her by the hair, and in one smooth motion sank herself down and pulled Mila’s face up between her powerful thighs.

Mila moaned with elation as she nuzzled and lapped eagerly. She was in heaven. Roxa gasped from somewhere above her as she licked up and down the redhead’s gushing cleft with steady, sweeping strokes.

Mila swirled her tongue over Roxa’s clit, and was rewarded with a broken cry. Mischievously, she did it again, savoring her friend’s uncontrollable whimper. Before she could feel too powerful, however, Roxa used her handhold and thighs to guide Mila’s head to a gentle landing on the floor.

Roxa hovered her pussy over Mila’s face. “Are you ready, slut?”

In response, Mila stiffened her tongue and stabbed as deep as she could reach into her friend’s hot, wet hole.

“Ahh,” Roxa gasped. “Okay, you bitch. Tap my knee if you want to stop.”

One hand fisted in her roommate’s dark curls, Roxa lowered her pussy the rest of the way and began to rut her friend’s face.

Mila was deliriously turned on. Her own hips jerked and humped helplessly at the air. Her entire world was hot, dark, sliding, drenched cunt. She could breathe, but only just. She tried to keep her tongue stiff enough for Roxa to fuck, but it was quickly growing sore. Her tongue stamina had certainly lapsed in the last year...

“Oh, oh, oh, oh,” Roxa moaned. Mila’s cute mouth, firm and serious, those cheeks flushed dark red as Roxa mercilessly teased and toyed with her, riding that same face while that mouth—

Roxa ground herself hard onto Mila’s face, then her entire body stiffened, her thighs clenching, as her pussy spasmed around Mila’s tongue and gushed into her mouth. Giddily, Mila sucked and swallowed the hot, fragrant nectar, trying to keep up. Roxa’s eyes half-closed and her breath hissed, as a great wave carried her up and up and up, and finally washed out from under her and receded, leaving her limp and wrung out. She slumped down next to her roommate and Mila wiggled closer, pillowing her head on Roxa’s shoulder.

With some effort, Roxa lolled her head sideways and they quietly shared a soft look into each other’s eyes.

“That was good?”


Mila deliberately licked her lips and as much of her face as she could reach. She winked.

“You...minx. Lady help me. Girls and their...clever tongues will be...the end of me.”

“Heh, ‘the end of you’ sounds fun,” Mila teased. “In at least two ways I can think of.”

Roxa waggled her eyebrows. “Next time we play…maybe I’ll get to show you my clever tongue?”

Mila’s heart sped up, and she nodded, biting her lower lip. “I...think I’d like that,” she said shyly. Clear green eyes watched hers.

“Well,” Roxa said carefully, “We can talk more about what you like, before then. And dislike. For now, though, I need a hot shower. And then food. As do you, I imagine?”

Mila stuck out her tongue. “Your hot shower is drying all over my fac-ee!” She squealed and writhed as Roxa tickled her.

Together they staggered up and went, giggling, to the washrooms.

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