The Tears of a Prince

Chapter 143: Secret Little Meetings Pt. 2

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"How are you feeling?" Lun asked his friend. 

A whole day had passed, extremely slow since Kai was stuck on his bed, forbidden from having any visitors. How did he know that? No one even dared to knock on his door to check up on him and his food had been served in the hallway. He actually had to get up, his muscles tense and in pain to get it. All of that had obviously been a very nice gesture of his mother, to remind him that if she wanted she could have him locked in his room forever. 

The younger prince did not put up a fight. He actually took this time to relax and let his wounds heal. If he was going to return to his usual devilish self he had to replenish his energy. That and the fact he had accepted to meet Philip, the werewolf on a whim and now in a few hours he would have to meet him. 

He did feel a lot better though after some rest. His healing powers had seemed to kick off once all the anxiety slowly left him but he was sure the scars would remain. Another little gift of his mother's. Kai was surprised, the woman that was barely paying him any attention usually had gifted him so many things in just one day. Trauma, physical and emotional, seclusion and above all a very strongly growing hate for his family. The good thing was that by the evening he would have been left with just a sore body and nothing else. He hadn't taken the bandages off though, if he did he would be tempted to look at his back and the sight would definitely depress him. 

Lun on the other hand was perfectly fine, dressed in his usual expensive tailor made clothing while his hair had been carefully styled. His best friend stood at his door frame, his shoulder touching the cold wood while he supported himself. 

"I am feeling….sore" he said as he tilted his head side to side, hearing his bones crack. Unfortunately he had to sleep in a specific position for the whole night just to avoid making his wounds worse and slowing down the healing process. 

He threw off the sheets and his bare feet touched the floor, his hair a mess, falling in his eyes and he blew on them, making the rebellious hairs fly before they landed back in their initial spot. Lun stepped in, closing the door behind him and sat on the armchair in Kai's room, observing his friend as he stood back on his feet. 

"That's good, if you're not in pain." he said and the blond vampire nodded. He moved over to his little silver bowl, filled with fruit just like usual and grabbed an apple, biting hard into it and feeling the juice of the ripe fruit fill his mouth. It tasted good, refreshing. 

"You look perfectly fine." The prince stated as he chewed on his apple and Lun scoffed with a smirk. 

"I drink human blood, in comparison to you." he said with an arched eyebrow, signaling him that this was a very passive aggressive comment. 

Kai was sick of this kind of talk. Lun was the kind of person who wouldn't leave a matter alone if he considered it important. Kai finally choosing a human was one of these important matters and he would bring it up anytime he could. In this situation though Lun was right. If Kai had actually a human and drank blood he would have been perfectly fine too. The fact that he was a pureblood was only a cushion for now. If he was any kind of vampire other than himself he would be bedridden for days. 

"Let's not talk about this." The prince mumbled as he walked slowly towards his wardrobe. He opened the doors of the heavy furniture, finding himself in front of a few pieces of clothing. Obviously not all of his stuff would fit in just one little closet. They had rooms filled to the brim with clothes, shoes and jewelry but he liked to keep a few in his room, for situations like today where he would have to sneak out. Strolling the palace with a bunch of clothing in his arms, not choosing a servant to bring them to him and dress him would draw some unwanted attention after all. 

"Alright then, I will let it go but can we agree that I am right? I do want this satisfaction, the sweet expression of defeat in your face it's…it's addicting." Lun joked and Kai threw a silk shirt at him before he shot him a deadly glare. His friend laughed, resting back on his chair. "Say it."

"You're right." Kai whispered with his head buried into the closet. 

"A little bit louder, I can't hear it." he repeated with a smirk on his face. Kai turned around, getting closer to him and screaming into his sensitive ears. 

"You were right, you big prick." He shouted and then punched him in the shoulder. The vampire frowned, not just from the strong punch but also from the loud noise and shook his head. 

Kai after looking around for a while grabbed a pair of pants, his purpose to look as plain as possible, even though it would be hard with a face like his. 

"What are you doing?" Lun asked him as he watched him unbutton his old shirt and change into new clothes. A simple white shirt with golden string on the front and a black pair of light pants. He also grabbed a cape, planning to wear it and use its hood as a disguise. He didn't want any roaming guards to see him in the city. 

"I have somewhere to be." Kai answered and Lun squeezed his eyes, examining him carefully.

"Dressed like that? And with who? You have no friends."

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"I have friend, thank you very much."

"Do you?" 

"No, but that is not the point here. I just have to meet someone." he answered and his blue eyes traveled outside, through the balcony glass doors. The sun was almost in the middle of the sky, meaning that the time of their meeting was approaching. Kai smiled to himself, instantly concealing it, surprised with his own self. You are going there out of curiosity, he reminded his royal self, nothing more. 

"Why are you smiling? Are you going to do anything stupid again?" Lun asked him. "Kai, I am talking to you." his friend tried to get his attention. 

The blond was fixing his sleeves, biting his bottom lip as he tried to straighten a crease that seemed to annoy him. Once he was finally done with it he turned to Lun.

"I will meet the werewolf." He announced as if it was nothing.

"You are insane." his best friend mumbled. "The whipping did something to your brain, it can't be explained." 

"Shut up." Kai swore. "He came here yesterday, in secret. As it seems he was moved by what my gracious self did and he wants to form a truce. He offered me to spend a day with him. Formalities, you know."

"No, I don't know. I definitely don't know why you would accept to actually meet a werewolf and not just any werewolf but that werewolf one day after your mother humiliated you in the whole palace because you decided to be nice to him. Really, what are you thinking?" Lun asked him, confused. 

"Nothing." Kai answered plainly. He wasn't lying. The truth was he hadn't thought of anything about this meeting. His acceptance was during a fleeting moment and he hadn't put much meaning into it. Philip offered him and that man was different, he was the first werewolf he had ever met so he was slightly intrigued so he accepted. It was really very simple. He was a curious person. 

"Kai…you will get into serious trouble if you're found out." Lun warned him. 

"That's why, you will sit here and pretend you're me for the day. If anything goes wrong, think of me and flash, you will find me and bring me back instantly. It's going to be fine, no one will know." Kai told him and Lun released a long sigh. 

"So I will have to spend my day here, in your room doing nothing." he said and his best friend smiled, cheerfully. 

"Just for a little bit." 

"You have two hours. If it takes more than that I will come and drag you away. I have things to do too, you know." the brown haired vampire warned him and Kai's smile grew, showing how grateful he was. 

"Thank you, yes I will be back in two hours. I swear." he promised, wearing his black cape and heading towards the balcony. He opened the doors, letting the warmth of the midday in and stepped outside, placing his hands on the railings and jumping off skillfully. 

His landing was a bit sloppy, he slipped slightly and he almost fell into the bushes but thankfully no one was around to notice. He looked around, scanning the place for guards or servants and wore the hood of his cape, his face towards the ground as he walked to the exit. 

Kai noticed him easily. He was tall and actually dressed a bit neater than what he usually saw him wear. Black leather pants and a matching black shirt made of silk, a sword resting on his belt, while it's case had a silver wolf painted on it. His eyes were innocently traveling, getting in the scenery until they fell on the black mass of fabric that was Kai. He scoffed, his lips turning into a thin line as he tried to keep in his giggling. The prince looked quite comedic like that. 

"Let's go." Kai whispered as he rushed towards him and grabbed his arm. 

Their day, had just began and no one knew how it would end.

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