The Tears of a Prince

Chapter 147: When The Clock Strikes On His Birthday Pt.1

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He had left Philip by exchanging just a simple gaze while many thoughts traveled through his mind. In those few moments he was lost, hidden from the universe while Lun flashed him back into his room he realized that he was probably more than interested in the young werewolf. When his feet touched the ground of his room Kai shook his head, trying to get that disturbing thought out of his head. If his mother found out about it not only he would get whipped but also exiled, become the family laughingstock and it was very possible that Philip would surprisingly and up mysteriously murdered. 

That's why, even when his mother entered the room, barely a few seconds after he had arrived and checked everything he tried to seem cool. As if he didn't care about this very ugly invasion of his privacy, as if he had already learned his lesson. The truth was though that submitting to a power that only suppressed him was a lesson he would never learn. In his book he had no tormentors and every page was blank, ready to be filled with adventures.

Would Philip end up being one of those fascinating adventures? Kai told himself he didn't have to know, maybe it was one of those very few times he would have to step back, think about it and try to reject this pull that he felt. The werewolf shouldn't know anything, it was best for both of them, safer. Well, maybe he was paying too much attention to the matter. He just liked the guy, physically, there was no reason to be so worried about it. There were so many handsome men out there, he could get one of them.

"Why are you so quiet?" Lun asked him as he stared at him with a suspicious expression. He probably believed that his best friend was scheming something again. He wasn't though, he was simply trying to organize this utter mess he called his thoughts.

The blond prince took a deep breath, closing his eyes as his body landed on the very soft bed. He felt the coolness of the untouched sheets and smelled the herbs used for cleaning his linens. It was a comforting smell, one that emitted rest, discreet and fresh. Kai remained with his eyes closed as he parted his lips and started talking.

"Why did I take him there?" He mumbled and Lun frowned. "Why would I take that stranger to my secret place, what was I thinking?"

"Are you okay?" His best friend asked him, realizing he was mostly talking to himself. "What is going on?"

"How long have vampires and werewolves been enemies, Lun?" The young prince asked him, turning to his side and supporting head on his arm.

"Since we were created. Why are you asking me this, you already know it. Are you starting to lose your mind or something?"

"Maybe, it is quite possible that I have lost my mind, everyone in my family is crazy after all. Maybe madness can be inherited." The prince said, creating a mystery that Lun tried to solve with those bits of pieces he got from his weird words. He blinked, his dark eyes frustrated since his questions weren't being answered. He stood up from his chair and walked towards Kai's bed where he grabbed the man and raised him up, making him face him.

"What the hell is going on?" He asked him and Kai pouted, his face showing true concern.

"I think I am attracted to the werewolf." Kai cried and Lun's eyes widened in shock.

"Have you gone mental?" His friend asked, letting go of him and pushing him back on the bed. 

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"That's what I said a second ago!" Kai answered, "I don't know what had gotten into me I….I like looking at him, I want to touch him and…"

"I don't want to hear any more." The vampire interrupted him by raising his hand in a stopping sign. He sighed, rubbing hard his temples as he paced in front of Kai's bed. He was looking at his boots this whole time, the steady rhythm of his boots on the polished floor the only sound for a while. "Forget it. Forget about it, forget about him, don't even consider seeing him, you will get us into so much trouble. Life threatening trouble. If my father even hears about what happened in the palace I…" 

"Don't worry." Kai cut in. "I won't do anything. Believe it or not I am not as stupid as I seem. No matter how intriguing he is to me I know very well he is a walking death sentence. I love myself too much to do that." Kai answered. His eyes traveled outside at the red sun that was setting. Soon it would be Philip's birthday and with that he would find his mate, there was no reason for the vampire prince to think about him.

"Are you sure you're not lying?" Lun asked, staring at him as if he didn't believe any of his words. The beautiful man sighed, rolling his blue eyes, dissatisfied with the disbelief but still he nodded, wanting to offer his friend some comfort.

"Yes, I am not lying. I've thought about it. I will be fine." He said and Lun let out another sigh again. None of the two could believe how things got so complicated so fast. What began from a little prank caused by annoyance could turn into something much bigger, scarier for all of them.

"Want to go get a drink?" He asked him, wanting to erase the conversation. It was better to pretend it never happened.

Kai stood up, a lazy smile on his face. He would always want to get a drink. 

"Let's go" he told him and the two friends flashed away, getting to the town.

He had been thinking about Philip for hours, again and again, even during their little walk until they decided on a tavern. The sun had set by now and the whole village was finally starting to get alive. The lights of the houses were on, the doors of the taverns and shops we're opening one by one while the people were getting out on the streets. 

In the middle of the round square in the center of the main village there was a very old clock tower. The two friends stood before it for a while, Kai enjoyed looking at it, seeing how it moved and the enormous numbers on it. The clock would soon strike eight, just a few seconds.

The place was filled with the loud sound of eight rings, signaling what the time was. Once the clock stopped, turning mute again Kai's thoughts seemed to calm down. Confused, he blinked a few times, not really sure about why he had been so upset before. He looked at Lun who was still gazing at the tower before him and nudged his arm.

"Let's go drink." He stated with a sneaky grin and his best friend smiled.

It was as if all of his worries had disappeared.. Just like that.

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