The Tears of a Prince

Chapter 186: 185

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It was about four hundred years ago, maybe even more, Mika's memories were not that good anymore, the pain was like a paintbrush, dipped in pitch black paint and painting over the beautiful art of his mind. Now only a few clear parts remained, a few spots filled with color while the rest was black, anything underneath the thick layer of paint was hard to see, hard to understand. 
The time he grew up back then was not the best, hunted down by the witches and the church life seemed to be quite pointless. Being born as a werewolf was only a curse and most of the time his pack was running away, hiding from one danger or the other. 
Werewolves and witches never got along, they were the ones who cursed them after all but there seemed to be moments in their long history when they were the least of their problems. Mika's life was during that period. He was a young man, approaching his twentieth birthday with anticipation, wanting finally to have a companion to spend this misery with. He was tall with flaming red hair, long all the way to his back and even though his clothes sometimes were dirty from working in stables he made sure that his face was always clean, showing an honest and hard working expression. 
He wasn't anyone special, no wolf warrior, no Beta and definitely not even close to being an Alpha. He was just normal, as normal a werewolf could be. Mika was content though, with a life that simply  moved forward, waking up at dawn, hard work and then returning home with a warm bowl of soup cooked by him. His legs would hurt from standing too much and he never chose to wear his only good pair of shoes because he was scared to damage them but he didn't mind. He wasn't the only one that lived this way, many wolves in his pack did, many humans also. Dark times, when people used to be hungry all the time, he was thankful for having at least enough not to starve to death. 
The only thing that he wanted was someone by his side. This romantic idea the werewolves had grown up with that their other half was out there, waiting for them was stuck in his head, the only comfort in this endless misery. As the days went by and the time reached nearer he would feel his heart race faster at the thought. He would imagine her in his head, her figure. A small girl with brown hair and dark eyes, an honest smile. She would be his world and he didn't even mind. Poverty was nothing if he had her. 
So the night of his twentieth birthday he had laid down in his hay mattress, hearing the small fire in his room burn and he had fallen asleep with a smile lingering on his lips, waiting to finally see her face.
To Mika's disbelief though the girl in his dreams was nothing alike to the one he had pictured in his head, nothing close to what you would call a werewolf. He stood in his dream, seeing his hands dirty and he raised his face, meeting eyes with the woman that without even doing anything had stolen his heart. She was tall and pale, her complexion almost reminding him of the moon his people worshiped. She stood elegantly before him, her eyes a bright green while her hair was like gold. As if she knew she was in his dream she smiled, an expression filled with mischief in the most charming way and Mika for the first time felt his whole world spin. 
He had woken up in the middle of the night, feeling the chill of the breeze going through his half opened window. He was drenched in sweat, his dark eyes still looking for her as he got up and wore his shoes. There was an urge, a driving force he knew would appear, one that would lead him straight to her. 

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Fate, he loved that word. The force that would bring him finally to her. He didn't mind that she didn't look the way he had pictured her, beautiful like a moon goddess she thought of her as something almost divine and he could clearly remember a small beauty mark underneath her left eye, he had thought of it as adorable. 
He stormed out of his house, following only the steps of his heart as the beast inside of him searched for her. His feet didn't take him to the small center of the village though, nor to some kind of house. Mika found himself getting deeper and deeper into the thick forest, losing sight of the way out. He was not scared, he was worried. He couldn't understand why she would be there, in such a place. He looked around, seeing only the dark leaves on the trees, hearing the branches break underneath his feet and sighed when a sound reached his ears. 
Mika's eyes widened, his senses heightened when he heard it again,  this time louder, it was a groan coming from somewhere close. He turned towards the source and warily followed the pained sounds until he found himself in a small clearing. The moon was right above it, one single ray of light landing on top of her body as she cried. 
The werewolf blinked, wanting to make sure he wasn't still in his dream. No, this was real, he realized and he took a step closer, wanting desperately to help her. The woman heard him and her head snapped, her tear stained face turning expressionless as she hissed at him, showing a pair of fangs and Mika froze.
A vampire, she was a vampire.
Hello everyone! Do you like the story so far? I hope so. Here is the first look on Mika's story but I won't really focus on it for now, I just had this image in my head of the vampire girl in the forest, injured and how he found her and I wanted to write about it. 
If you like the story this far please help a girl out with a nice review, a vote and a good comment. Thank you!

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