The Tears of a Prince

Chapter 22: 21

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It was just a hunch at first. A weird feeling that someone kept watching him. He couldn't pinpoint though if he was right or not. From the moment he woke up to when he exercised and after lunch the red haired werewolf felt a pair of eyes staring right at the back of his head. Even when he was confined in the peace of his room the feeling remained, making him feel very uncomfortable. He sighed and dropped the magazine he was lazily reading on the coffee table and stood up. His footsteps were heavy as he opened the door of his room and headed outside, facing the long corridor. He lived close to Philip so he ran over to his room, knocking at his door impatiently.

The wolf was not the one that answered him though. It was a girl, a member from their pack dressed in a white sheet. Mika locked eyes with her and another sigh escaped his thin lips. 

"Where is he?" He asked her, not even bothering to say hello. The girl moved to the side, allowing him to enter Philip's personal space and Mika walked inside. 

The tall man was sprawled on his bed, looking like a starfish as he slept soundly. His friend grabbed the sheets and revealed his half naked body, exposing him to the cold of the early winter and he groaned, turning to his side and hugging his pillow.

"Wake up you bastard." He said.

"Get out of my room." Philip said and raised his arm, shooing him away. Mika didn't say anything. He grabbed the clothes that belonged to the girl that had been thrown in various spots on the floor and handed them to her. 

"Sorry but we are busy. Goodbye now" he told her, pushing her outside before he loudly closed the door. "Every day…." Mika said as he grabbed Philip's ankles and pulled him off the bed "...I see a different person leave your room. Wasn't that guy yesterday? The one from the reception?" 

"Wish that were you?" Philip teased him and sat up, knowing that he couldn't avoid Mika any longer. 

"Thanks but I don't want any STDs" the red haired man said with a cocky smile. "Also, it will be night soon. Why the heck are you sleeping?" 

"Helps calm my nerves." Philip told him and stretched his arms in the air. His muscles flexed, the lines obvious on his ripped body and he groaned. He looked like a statue, handsome, undeniably resembling a Greek god and Mika scoffed. 

"Nerves about what?"

"You don't have to know." Philip answered and stood up. He picked up his jeans from the floor and wore them, hopping slightly to get his foot through. "Why are you here?" 

"I have a weird feeling"

"Well, there is a full moon tomorrow. It might be that. Did they bring the cars? I heard we're all traveling to the forest."

"I have no idea. But that's not it. It's something else. I feel like someone's watching me." Mika said. 

"Who would be watching you? This floor and the three below are all ours. Maybe a fangirl?" He teased him.

"I am serious." 

"It's just the full moon Mika. Chill. Now go downstairs at the bar and wait for me. A drink will make you relax." His friend said. Mika shook his head, disappointed but didn't say anything. The reason was Philip was probably right. He opened the door without a word and left, deciding that he did need a drink. He entered the elevator, another man was in with him.

"Sir." The stranger said and Mika looked at him with a frown. He was human, he realized. The man took a piece of paper from his pocket and while the elevator traveled down he handed it to him. Mika opened it and read the message, his eyes widening more and more as he read the well written lines. Once he was done he crumpled the paper and smacked the wall, leaving a bump on the strong metal. 

"Fucking idiots. Us and them both" he mumbled and bit his lip, trying to think what he should do next.

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"There is a car waiting for you downstairs. Please follow me. I do believe you're at fault too. Your pack that is." The man told him, phrasing exactly what he was thinking. How could that idiot turn a human like that? Especially a human who was close to vampires. And not just any vampires. The son of the royal family and one of the richest merchants. Of course he would have to deal with it. There was no one else who knew them after all. 

He heard the familiar blink of the elevator and the doors opened, revealing the spacious reception. People were rushing around and Philip was already there, waiting for him at the entrance of the bar. He had taken the stairs, lucky Mika, he thought and cursed. 

"Let's go. But be careful, we can't be seen" the red haired wolf warned the unknown man. Mika was right after all, someone did watch him. That prick Lun didn't even have the guts to come and find him. He had sent a human because he knew he couldn't kill him. 

He wanted to lay low. Philip couldn't know of this. Especially since Kai was involved. He would try to keep them apart. Especially with the situation right now at their pack no one could know that he was helping vampires. He would be screwed. 

Mika walked behind unknown people, discreetly hiding his tall figure as he reached close to the entrance. The moment he stepped outside he exhaled, relieved that he had succeeded and found himself standing right in front of a black luxurious car. The human opened the back door for him and Mika entered sitting at the other side. 

He looked at the front and waited for the man to round the car and enter when the back door next to him opened and someone jumped in. He turned his head, his dark eyes widening as he faced him.

"Where are we going?" Philip asked him as he closed the door behind him. "Also, your attempt at running away? Horrible." He teased him.

"Get off." Mika told him angrily but Philip had no intention of moving.

"No." He simply said. "So tell me. What secret thing will we be doing?" He asked again. Mika's head landed roughly on the seat, his eyes closed as he tried to hide his frustration.

"Listen well, this has to stay between us. That idiot. He turned the human that was here. He is a werewolf now. That vampire who was with him, his friend. He is the youngest son of the vampire king. So we will go there, help the wolf through the full moon and come back because if the Alpha finds out the mess we've created we're screwed. So be civil"

"Where do you know him from? The vampire".

"Another life." Mika simply stated. "Now shut up and let me think." He said the moment the driver entered the car. He didn't question Philip's presence nor did he say anything. He simply started the engine and drove off.

Mika remained quiet for the whole way there. The truth was he didn't want Philip along but he knew he would simply become more suspicious if he tried to leave him out. He was worried about the way he would react around Kai. Last time a few minutes were enough for him, some simple gazes and Philip almost looked bewitched.

Kai's beauty was known, the whole supernatural world spoke once about it. He was dangerous. Just his eyes alone could have a king burning down his kingdom for him. Mika did not want Philip to suffer again, not like last time. he didn't deserve it and he hated Kai for it. For everything that had happened. For the doom that he brought upon them, the pain that he caused.

"When we get there." he said after a while, gaining Philip's attention. "Don't try to be their friends. We just need to help the wolf. That's it." he stated and Philip laughed.

"Why would I ever want to be friends with Vampires. Are you insane? There is no being that I hate more than them. Last time, it was just a mistake." he told him and Mika nodded. This way of thinking was good. It suited him and made things easier.

"No killing though" Mika warned him.

"Bummer" Philip said with a devilish grin.


hello everyone! hope you liked the chapter and the book this far. if you did please give it a vote and a nice comment. what do you think will be happening between Kai and Philip in the next chapters? I am pretty excited to be honest.. thank you for reading! See you next time and have a nice day.

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